Love in Catalina Cove

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Love in Catalina Cove Page 31

by Brenda Jackson

  “Why?” he asked her, pulling her back into his arms.

  “Because no one knew we were even seeing each other. Julius and I were young and sneaking around. We were in love.” Vashti knew she could say that now, especially after what Reid Lacroix had shared with her. Julius had loved her—he’d just been too weak to take a stand.

  “But Reid knew?”

  Vashti shook her head. “Not at first. He only found out at the hospital when Julius was dying. I guess you can say it was Julius’s death-bed confession and request.” She paused a moment and then said, “He wanted his dad to tell me if he ever saw me again that he was sorry, and that he did love me but lacked a backbone to claim me or his baby. He hadn’t wanted to cause a scandal in his family.”

  Over the next twenty or so minutes, Vashti found herself telling Sawyer everything, including how Mr. Lacroix had paid her a visit in New York and everything he had shared with her, including his proposal that had brought her back to Catalina Cove and that he had made her his heir. “Now he won’t have to because a legitimate Lacroix heir is out there somewhere.”

  “Do you think now is a good time to tell him that?” Sawyer asked her.

  Vashti’s eyebrows lifted in question. “Why not?”

  “Think about it for a minute. I heard what you told Banks. You don’t want to disrupt your daughter’s life if she’s happy and content with the couple who adopted her, right?”


  “Do you think Reid will feel that same way? He’s a very lonely man right now. A man without any blood connections to a family. From what you’ve just told me, he’s a man who desperately wants to continue the Lacroix legacy. Based on that, I think he will move heaven and earth to make sure he’s a part of his granddaughter’s life. I’m not saying you should not tell him, I just think you might want to wait and hear the next report Banks gives you before deciding that you do.”

  Vashti nodded. Sawyer did have a point. She could see Mr. Lacroix demanding a relationship with his granddaughter, regardless of the situation. Even if the adoptive parents refused to allow the courts to unseal the records, he would find a way to do so anyway. He had the money and means. He would feel he had that right.

  “You’re right. I need to wait.”


  HOLDING VASHTI’S HAND firmly in his, Sawyer entered the high school gymnasium where the majorette try-outs were being held. The place was already packed, which meant a lot of the townsfolk were in attendance. He’d been told by Trudy that the reason a lot of the people of Catalina Cove thought the baton-twirling try-outs were such a big deal was because for years, thanks to Vashti, the cove had been put on the map and everyone was curious to see if perhaps there was another Vashti Alcindor out there who could reclaim the cove’s national title.

  “Evening, Sheriff, Vashti.”


  “Hello, Sheriff and Vashti.”


  Several people spoke, calling out to them as they climbed the bleachers to find a good place to sit. They passed Rachel Libby and a group of others. Everyone had spoken to them; however, Rachel stared straight ahead and ignored them, which was fine with Sawyer.

  “This spot will work?” he asked Vashti, releasing her hand.

  “Yes. We have a really good view from here.”

  Sitting down he glanced around. It was obvious the townsfolk were getting used to seeing them together. Not that it mattered to him one way or the other.

  It had been close to three weeks since Vashti had flown to Florida to meet with her parents. So far, they hadn’t tried contacting her and she hadn’t contacted them. He knew her goal was to stay busy so the inn would be opened as planned. Bryce Witherspoon had signed on as assistant manager at the inn and so far that arrangement was working out nicely. He knew it was important to Vashti to have someone working closely with her who she could trust.

  “They’re getting started,” Vashti leaned over and said when the school’s band began performing.

  The majorette try-outs started with everyone standing to recite the pledge of allegiance and sing the school’s song. Of course, he didn’t know it and refused to pretend that he did. It seemed however that Vashti remembered it and was singing at the top of her lungs.

  The principal came up to the microphone and said, “Before we get started I’m proud to say we have Catalina Cove’s reigning national baton-twirling champion here with us tonight. I want to ask Vashti Alcindor to stand and be recognized.”

  Sawyer could tell by Vashti’s expression that she hadn’t expected to be acknowledged this way. She stood and everyone gave her a loud and rowdy round of applause and cheers. The town was letting her know whatever happened in the past could stay there and they had moved on.

  When Vashti took her seat, the principal announced the majorette twirling try-outs were about to begin. There were twelve girls trying out and only five would be selected. Sawyer was well aware that Vashti and Jade had been keeping long hours in the evenings and on the weekends to get Jade ready for this day.

  A sense of pride filled Sawyer when the opening performance included all twelve girls. His heart swelled when Jade marched out, holding her body and stepping in precision just like Vashti has taught her to do. And the way she was twirling her baton was just short of perfect. He didn’t want to brag but she looked like a natural.

  Our baby is out there looking good, Johanna, he thought to himself and in his heart he believed Johanna had heard him.

  * * *

  WHEN JADE HAD gotten selected as a majorette, Vashti cheered so much she was certain she would lose her voice. Sawyer, she noticed, was on his feet cheering as well, along with others.

  “Thanks for helping her reach this goal,” Sawyer whispered close to her ear, wrapping his arms around her shoulders. “She could not have done it without you. Her dance routine was awesome.”

  Vashti beamed. “No need to thank me, Sawyer. Jade was a darling to work with. I am so happy for her.”

  “We need to celebrate,” he said. “I bet the Witherspoon Café will be packed with most of everyone headed over there from here. What do you think about me, you and Jade driving over to New Orleans to eat at Spencer’s? That’s her favorite restaurant there.”

  A smile touched Vashti’s lips. Spencer’s was one of her favorite restaurants as well. It was a fast-food place that served the best hamburgers, french fries and milkshakes. There weren’t any Spencer’s in New York and she hadn’t been to Spencer’s since moving back to the cove. “I think it’s a wonderful idea.”

  * * *

  LATER THAT NIGHT dressed in her pj’s, Vashti left her bedroom to open the door for Sawyer. After what she could only think of as a wonderful evening at Spencer’s, Jade had fallen asleep on the ride back to the cove. That was understandable, considering the number of hours she’d spent over the past weeks practicing for tonight.

  Sawyer had dropped Vashti at home and then taken Jade home to tuck her in. He had called an hour ago to see if she was still up because he wanted to tuck her in as well. Passing through the living room she paused a minute and glanced around. It was hard to believe that in a couple of months this place would be open for business and she was excited about it.

  Opening the door, she smiled up at Sawyer. “How’s Jade?”

  “She woke up long enough to shower and get into her jammies and then she was out again.” After closing the door behind him, he leaned against it and his gaze roamed all over her. “Nice jammies.”

  She glanced down at her blue silk cami-top and shorty-shorts sleepwear and then back at him. “I’m glad you like them.”

  “I like them a lot. Too much,” he said, leaning down to place a kiss on her lips. He had just deepened the kiss when her cell phone rang. Pulling back, he whispered against her moist lips, “You might want to get that so we can finish what
we’re starting.”

  Vashti smiled and thought those were her sentiments as well. “It’s probably Bryce. I’ll be right back,” she said, before rushing off to her bedroom.

  She picked her phone off the nightstand. “Hello?”

  “Ms. Alcindor, this is Jeremy Banks.”

  Air nearly rushed from her lungs. She hadn’t expected to hear from him for another three weeks, possibly more. “Yes, Mr. Banks?”

  “Sorry to be calling so late, but I need to meet with you. Immediately.”

  Her heart began pounding. It sounded urgent. “You have information for me?”

  “Yes, and like before, I’d rather not discuss it over the phone. If it’s okay, I’m flying in tomorrow.”

  “Yes, it’s okay.”

  “Good. I will text you my flight itinerary to let you know when to expect me.”


  After clicking off the phone she left her bedroom and saw that Sawyer was no longer in the living room parlor. “Sawyer?”

  “I’m in the kitchen.”

  She walked to the kitchen and caught her breath when she saw him. He had removed his shirt and was standing in the kitchen by the huge island wearing only a pair of low-hanging jeans. He glanced up at her and smiled. “I thought I’d pour us a glass a wine.”

  “Thanks. I’m going to need it. That was Jeremy Banks.”

  Sawyer’s hand stilled from pouring the wine. “What did he say?”

  “He has information for me and is flying in to see me tomorrow. I wonder what it is.”

  Sawyer finished pouring the wine and crossed the floor to hand her a glass. “You’ll know tomorrow and let’s believe whatever he has to tell you is good.”

  Vashti took a sip of her wine while thinking that more than anything, she wanted to believe that.


  “SO, MR. BANKS, what information do you have for me?” Vashti asked in a nervous tone. When she felt the hand that was holding hers tighten, she glanced at Sawyer. Like before, he was there, sitting beside her on the sofa and giving her his support. Again, she appreciated him being there.

  Jeremy Banks had texted that morning he would be arriving around five. It had taken everything for Vashti to keep busy until then. She had met Bryce for breakfast and had told her best friend the entire story, promising to call her after Banks left.

  The man in question stared at her, his expression unreadable. Then he spoke. “I know I told you that you probably wouldn’t be hearing from me for at least six weeks and it’s been half that time. Mainly because while I was working with the courts for permission to unseal the adoption records, the couple who had adopted your daughter was doing the same thing. They were seeking permission from the courts to open the records as well. It was imperative that they locate you.”

  Vashti’s heart began pounding and the hand holding hers tightened even more. “Why?” she asked, almost too afraid to do so.

  “Because their daughter, your daughter, has a life-threatening condition.”

  Vashti’s heart jumped in her chest and leaned forward. “What kind of life-threatening condition?”

  “A kidney disease. It developed recently, in fact no more than a few months ago. She’s on dialysis and is on a transplant list awaiting a kidney donor. But that could take a while. They were reaching out to see if you would agree to be tested as an eligible donor.”

  “Yes. Of course I will,” Vashti said immediately, standing to her feet. “Oh, my God,” she said, drawing in quick breaths of air. “Where are they? When do I need to leave? When do—”

  “Calm down, baby,” Sawyer said, standing to his feet as well, and pulling her into his arms. “Let Banks finished. I think there’s more.”

  She studied the man and then asked. “Is there more?”


  Vashti frowned as she sat back down. Sawyer sat down beside her. “What additional information do you have?”

  “The last time I was here I alluded to the fact that one of the girls who had delivered that night had given birth to twins.”

  Vashti nodded her head. “Yes, I recall you saying that.”

  “Well, my investigation has concluded that you are the one who delivered the twins.”

  Vashti shook her head. “No, that’s not possible. There’s no way I could have given birth to twins. The last time you were here I went to see my parents. I confronted them and they admitted to giving my daughter away. But they said nothing about a second baby. There’s no way they would not have told me. They had every opportunity to do so if that was true. At that point, they had nothing to hide.”

  She looked from Banks to Sawyer when neither man said anything. It was obvious these two former FBI agents doubted her words and with good reason. They were probably thinking once a liar always a liar. And a lie of omission was still a lie. However, she wanted to believe her parents could not be that heartless, cruel and merciless to not only deny her one baby but two. But the more she thought about it, the more she knew that yes, they could be, and the sad thing was that they truly believed they had done the right thing.

  Tears she couldn’t control began streaming down her face and she swiped them away. Sawyer’s arms went around her shoulders and he gently pulled her into his side. Too overwhelmed with the emotions to speak, she was grateful when Sawyer took over and began asking the questions.

  “How did you discover this?”

  “One of the staff members I tracked down returned my call and was willing to talk. She confirmed there were two baby girls born to Ms. Alcindor that night. Identical twins that were born ten minutes apart.”

  “So my babies were separated,” Vashti said quietly, tears shining in her eyes at how hard-hearted her parents truly were.

  “Yes, that’s my understanding. I found out after the adopted couple contacted me, and I came straight here. I didn’t tell them, and I don’t believe they know about the twin. I figured that’s your call to make.”

  Sawyer nodded. “What’s next, Banks? What does Vashti need to do?”

  “Get to Sacramento, California, immediately to be tested. And if there is some way she could contact the babies’ father, then—”

  “No, he died a few years ago,” Sawyer said.

  “Okay. Grandparents on both sides would be a long shot, but it might be a consideration if they are still living,” Banks said. “In the meantime, I’m going to work to get a decision about unsealing the other baby’s records soon.”

  Banks handed her a business card. “Here is the name of the adoptive father. He would like you to call him and his wife as soon as you can, if you agree to the test.”

  * * *

  “I CAN’T BELIEVE your parents, Vash. How could they do something like that to you?” Bryce asked when Jeremy Banks had left, and Vashti had immediately called her.

  “I don’t know and right now I don’t care. I am so through with them. I’m not even going to call to let them know what I found out. When I visited them a few weeks ago, they could have told me the truth then, all of it, and they chose not to do so.”

  “When do you leave for Sacramento?”

  “I’m trying to get a flight out first thing in the morning. I hate to be deserting you when there’s so much to be done for the grand opening.”

  “Hey, don’t worry about it. I’ll take care of everything. I just hope you’re a perfect donor match for your daughter.”

  Happiness flowed through Vashti and she felt like she was actually floating on a cloud at the thought she had given birth to twins. Identical twins. Daughters. “I feel like none of this is real. I can’t believe I had twins, Bryce. Twins.”

  “When are you going to tell Reid Lacroix?”

  Vashti drew in a deep breath. “I’m calling him after lunch to meet with me. Sawyer’s in the kitchen preparing sandwiches and iced
tea for us.”

  “Sawyer’s really been there for you a lot during all this time. That must mean something to you, Vash.”

  “It means everything. After Julius and Scott, I didn’t want to fall in love with him or any man, but I have. I love him so much, Bryce.”

  “I was wondering how long it was going to take you to realize that.”

  “But I’m afraid he will let me down like the others.”

  “I don’t think he will. Look how he’s been lifting you up so far.”

  “You’re right. Then there is this other fear I have.”

  “What other fear?”

  “I’m not sure if he will ever love me back. He adored his wife,” Vashti said softly.

  “I’m sure she will always have a place in his heart, but that doesn’t mean he can’t make room in that same heart for someone else. I’ve seen the two of you together, even with Jade. The three of you would make a beautiful family and I know for a fact that Jade thinks the world of you.”

  “I think the world of her, too.” Vashti paused, then said, “Sawyer’s rearranging his schedule to join me in Sacramento. He can’t fly in until the day after me, though.”

  “I think that’s wonderful, Vash.”

  “It means a lot that he wants to be there with me.”

  “And it should. Let me know how Mr. Lacroix takes the news.”

  “I will.”

  * * *

  A COUPLE OF hours later Vashti sat on the plush sofa in the living room at the Lacroix estate. She had tried reaching Reid Lacroix by his cell phone number and when that had failed, she had tried contacting him at his office, thinking perhaps he’d gone into work on the weekend. When she hadn’t gotten in touch with him there either, she decided to take a chance and just go to his home.

  She had driven up his long, winding driveway that led to the antebellum-style mansion just moments after he had. It was obvious he had spent the day playing golf. She recalled that Julius had told her that his parents had been members of the New Orleans Country Club and were avid golfers.


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