Lovers & Players

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Lovers & Players Page 24

by Jackie Collins

  When she’d first moved in he’d assured her she was well taken care of in his will. What exactly did that mean? And now that he was telling her to get out, how did that affect her position?

  It was imperative that she find his will so that she could see for herself exactly what it said.

  Since he had failed to return home on Saturday night she had had plenty of time to conduct an even more thorough search of his personal papers.

  At six o’clock on Sunday night she had discovered the entry code to his personal safe written on a packet of book matches hidden in the inside pocket of one of his suits. It was a satisfying moment for she knew she had discovered the gateway to all his secrets.

  Lulu was the only child at the rehearsal dinner so everyone was oohing and aahing about how adorable she was. Everyone except Nancy Scott-Simon, who was not happy that her future son-in-law already had a child with some dreadful foreign woman who was known in New York society to be a relentless social-climber. Nancy would have preferred her only daughter to be marrying a man without baggage. But at least Maxwell Diamond was rich, and could support Amy without expecting her to contribute. Young, pretty heiresses had to be extremely careful: fortune-hunters lurked round every corner. And Amy wasn’t the most stable girl: she needed a man who would assume control.

  Amy led Grandma Poppy over to Max. ‘You remember Grams,’ she said, holding onto her grandmother’s frail arm.

  Checking out his bride-to-be, Max couldn’t get over what a lucky man he was. Amy was a vision of perfection in her pale lilac dress, with her natural blonde hair half up, half down, wearing exactly the right amount of jewellery. Amy Scott-Simon was a class act. A world apart from Mariska. ‘Of course I do,’ he said, bending down to kiss the old lady’s cheek. ‘How are you, Grandma?’

  ‘I’m not your grandma, young man,’ Grandma Poppy said, giving him a withering look. ‘You may call me Poppy.’

  ‘I’ll be happy to,’ Max said, suitably deflated.

  ‘I’d like Grams to meet Lulu,’ Amy said quickly. ‘Where is she?’

  ‘Over there in the middle of an admiring crowd,’ Max said, waving across the room.

  ‘I do hope she has a nice time tonight,’ Amy said, thinking it wouldn’t be pleasant if Max’s little girl threw one of her tantrums.

  ‘I’m sure she’ll behave,’ Max assured her, ‘and if she doesn’t, too bad. This is our night, sweetheart. Nobody can spoil it.’

  ‘It certainly is,’ she answered warmly. ‘Oh, there’s Tina. I should run over and say hello. Grams, would you like to come with me?’

  ‘No, thank you,’ Grandma Poppy said grandly. ‘Lead me to my seat and I will allow people to come to me. I won’t trail behind you all night as if I am an ancient appendage!’

  Amy glanced around, searching for her mother. As soon as she saw her, she took Grandma Poppy over and settled her at the main table, with Hueng in attendance, then made her way over to Tina and Brad’s table where they were about to sit down with a group of her friends from work. Yolanda, Dana and Carolee had all brought dates, while Nigel was with his significant other, the languid Marcello, who–much to Nigel’s annoyance–seemed quite taken with Yolanda’s date, a barely legal toy-boy.

  Amy wished she was sitting at their table: she knew they were all set to have a great time. Rehearsal dinners were far less formal than actual weddings, and now that she was over her mystery man, she was determined to enjoy herself. She wanted Max to do the same. He had to stop worrying and let himself go for once.

  ‘You okay?’ Tina asked, her stomach bulging out of a blue satin dress that appeared to be bursting at the seams.

  ‘You’re the one about to give birth,’ Amy replied.

  ‘Not tonight, I hope,’ Tina responded, patting her huge belly.

  ‘Let us pray,’ said Brad, Tina’s stockbroker husband, rolling his eyes.

  ‘Soon as I can, I’ll be back to sit with you,’ Amy promised. ‘Your table is definitely the most fun.’

  ‘That’s if I don’t give birth,’ Tina joked.

  ‘What, and ruin my party?’ Amy quipped.

  Everyone laughed.

  ‘Very stylish,’ Carolee said admiringly, fingering the material of Amy’s dress.

  ‘Vera Wang,’ Nigel said. ‘Made especially for little missy.’

  ‘Yeah, well, little missy better not let big missy Courtenelli find out,’ Yolanda said. ‘Lucky she’s not here tonight.’

  Amy was already hurrying back across the room to Max.

  ‘Good job I brought the nanny,’ Max said. ‘Otherwise I’d be stuck worrying about the kid all night. You know how she can get.’

  ‘Not stuck with her, Max,’ Amy corrected gently. ‘She’s your daughter.’

  ‘She’ll be our daughter soon.’

  ‘No,’ Amy said. ‘I’ll be her step-mom. She already has a mother.’

  ‘You’re sure that taking on a ready-made family is okay with you?’ he asked, scratching his chin.

  ‘One little girl is hardly a ready-made family,’ Amy said, smiling softly. ‘Besides, we’ll have our own children one day.’

  ‘That’s right,’ he said. ‘I was thinking a boy and a girl.’

  ‘You can’t order what you want, Max,’ she teased.

  ‘Oh, no? ’Cause I read there are ways of deciding.’

  ‘Where did you read that?’

  ‘Apparently you stand on your head for a girl, or hang out of the window for a boy.’

  Amy began to laugh. ‘You’re funny when you talk like that.’

  ‘I am?’

  ‘Yes, and you’re usually so serious.’

  ‘Guess I’ve been mixing with my brothers too much,’ he said wryly. ‘I hope you like them.’

  ‘I can’t wait to meet them. Where are they?’

  ‘Chris is coming straight from the airport and, big surprise, Jett’s late.’

  ‘Is that his reputation?’

  ‘Excuse me?’

  ‘Always late.’

  ‘Jett has a far bigger reputation than that.’

  ‘He does?’

  ‘I should warn you, he seems to have cleaned himself up, but a few years ago he was heavily into drugs.’

  ‘That’s a shame.’

  ‘Yes, it is, but in a way it’s understandable. Red was a hard taskmaster, and none of us had it easy, but Jett, being the youngest, got the brunt.’

  ‘So, once again, it’s all your father’s fault?’

  ‘You could say that.’

  ‘He sounds like a dreadful man.’

  ‘Believe me, he is.’

  ‘What’s Chris like?’

  ‘Smart, easy-going. You’ll enjoy his company.’

  Impulsively Amy leaned over and kissed her future husband’s cheek.

  ‘What’s that for?’ Max asked.

  ‘Just for nothing,’ she said, once more smiling softly.

  As the guests began finding their appointed tables and sitting down for dinner, Jett arrived, Gianna at his side. They didn’t so much arrive as make an entrance. A big entrance.

  Reactions were mixed.

  ‘Who on earth is that?’ Nancy Scott-Simon demanded of Lynda Colefax, who had no idea. She turned to Amy to find out, but Amy had gone to the ladies’ room.

  ‘What a divine creature,’ Grandma Poppy murmured, observing Gianna. ‘I can see she is a free spirit–exactly like I used to be when I was a young girl.’

  Across the room Brad nudged Tina. ‘Who’s the babe?’ he asked.

  ‘Stop looking!’ Tina said crossly, slapping his wrist. ‘You have a pregnant wife! Keep your lecherous eyes to yourself.’

  ‘It’s the Italian supermodel, Gianna,’ Nigel said, totally in awe. ‘She’s in town to appear in our new ad campaign.’

  ‘Never mind the girl,’ Yolanda said, fanning herself with a napkin. ‘Feast your eyes on the hottie she’s with. Now he can join me in my bed anytime.’

  ‘Very sexy,’ murmured Marcello, causing Nigel to fix him wi
th a jealous glare.

  ‘He looks sort of familiar,’ Tina said, peering across the room. ‘Wasn’t he—’

  ‘I think he’s a model too,’ Nigel said, always a fount of information. ‘I’m sure I’ve seen his picture in Italian Vogue.’

  ‘I wonder what they’re doing here?’ Tina said.

  ‘Perhaps they’re friends of Max’s,’ Nigel suggested.

  While everyone stared, Max stood up and went over to greet his brother and girlfriend.

  ‘Max,’ Jett said, loosening his collar. ‘Meet Gianna. Gianna, this is my big brother, Max.’

  Before Max could say a word, Gianna flung her arms round him, kissing him on both cheeks. ‘Soon you be married,’ she gushed. ‘Molto bene. Salutations.’

  ‘Thank you,’ Max said, taking a step back, her rich, musky perfume overwhelming him.

  ‘Where is your bride? I must say ciao,’ Gianna said, the ivory and silver bracelets jangling half-way up her tanned bare arms.

  ‘Here she comes now,’ Max said, relieved to see Amy approaching.

  Gianna turned around, so did Jett.

  And there she was. Amy. Cool and pretty. Walking towards them. A smile on her face until she spotted Jett standing with the beautiful woman from outside his apartment.

  Her smile froze. What was going on? Why were they here? Had Max found out and was this his revenge?

  Oh, God! She wished she could close her eyes, open them, and find this was all an out-of-control nightmare.

  But she couldn’t. This was real, and she was totally helpless.

  ‘Sweetheart,’ Max said, seemingly unperturbed. ‘This is my brother Jett, and his girlfriend Gianna. Jett, say hello to Amy, my fiancée.’

  Amy felt faint. Was this some kind of sick joke? His brother. Max’s brother.

  No. It wasn’t possible.

  And how could he be called Jett? His name was Scott or Sonny or Simon. S. Lucas, that was who he was.

  This couldn’t be happening!

  Before she could think straight, the woman was enveloping her in a hug, offering congratulations in a mixture of broken English and fluent Italian.

  Then it was Jett’s turn. She could read the shock in his eyes. Obviously this was a surprise to him also.

  He proffered his hand, acting as if they’d never met–which, of course, was the only sane way to play it.

  She took his hand, shook it, and a jolt of pure electricity coursed through her body.

  ‘You Americans!’ Gianna exclaimed, with a husky laugh. ‘So uptight. Kiss the girl, carino. Soon she will be part of your family.’

  Stunned, Jett withdrew his hand, and at that exact moment Lulu raced over, throwing herself into his arms. ‘Lulu’s uncle,’ she chanted. ‘Uncle! Uncle! Uncle!’

  He swung the little girl round, grateful for the diversion because he, too, was in deep shock.

  ‘So dolce!’ Gianna said, smiling agreeably at Max. ‘Is yours?’

  ‘Yes, she’s mine,’ he answered proudly. ‘My little Lulu.’

  ‘You are very lucky man,’ Gianna said, and turned to include Amy. ‘You will find much amore and happiness together.’

  What is she–a witch? Amy thought. A witch with the best body I’ve ever seen.

  I hate her.

  No, I don’t. It’s not her fault. She probably has no clue that her boyfriend is a cheat.

  ‘Let’s all sit down,’ Max suggested. ‘I can see your mother is getting agitated.’

  Lulu was still clinging to Jett. He carried the little girl to the table. ‘Me sit next to you,’ Lulu said, fluttering her long eyelashes at him.

  ‘Sure, honey,’ he said, shooting a covert glance at Amy, who looked even more lovely than he remembered. That gorgeous face. Those wide, innocent eyes. Her silky hair and glowing skin.

  I’m in love, he thought. I’m in love with my brother’s fiancée. And what the hell am I supposed to do about that?

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  By the time Chris arrived at the rehearsal dinner things were in full swing. Harold was in the middle of making a heartfelt speech about his step-daughter, of whom he was very fond, while the main course of steak and lobster had just been served.

  ‘Over here,’ Max called out, waving him to the table.

  Chris slid quietly into the seat between Nancy’s best friend–a true Tom Wolfe type social X-ray, and Gianna, who turned to him with an animated expression and exclaimed in a loud whisper, ‘I love your brother. You and I be bene bene friends, capisce?’

  So this was the fabulous Gianna, she of the famous blow-jobs and proud Lamborghini owner. ‘Sure,’ Chris said, thinking that Jett was one lucky baby brother.

  On the way in from the airport he’d called Jonathan and told him everything was taken care of. ‘It’ll cost you seventy-five grand and he’ll sign a non-disclosure contract, which is being couriered to him now.’

  ‘You’re the best!’ Jonathan had exclaimed, sounding suitably grateful. ‘Anything I can do for you, Chris, anything at all, never hesitate to ask.’

  Harold finished his speech to much applause. Max immediately leaned across the table and introduced Chris to Amy. Chris was impressed: it seemed that both of his brothers had done well for themselves in the girlfriend department.

  ‘I gotta hit the head,’ Jett said, standing up. ‘Come with, Chris.’

  ‘That’s okay, I don’t—’

  ‘I need to talk to you,’ Jett said, throwing him a meaningful look.

  ‘Sure,’ Chris said, pushing his chair away from the table. ‘What’s up?’ he asked, as they headed for the men’s room.

  ‘What’s up?’ Jett repeated, groping for a cigarette in his jacket pocket. ‘What’s freaking up? That girl in there, that gorgeous incredible girl—’

  ‘Gianna?’ Chris interrupted.

  ‘No, not freaking Gianna,’ Jett snapped, confused and frustrated. ‘Amy, Max’s fiancée.’

  ‘What about her?’ Chris asked, wondering what he was missing.

  ‘She’s my girl, the girl,’ Jett said, his hand shaking slightly as he lit his cigarette. ‘The one I’ve been trying to find.’

  ‘You’re not telling me—’

  ‘Yeah,’ Jett said grimly. ‘That’s exactly what I’m telling you.’

  ‘Jesus Christ!’ Chris exclaimed. ‘You screwed Max’s fiancée? She’s the one?’

  ‘What the fuck am I gonna do?’ Jett demanded, exhaling smoke.

  Chris had no idea what Jett expected him to say. ‘Are you sure it’s her?’ he asked.

  ‘C’mon, Chris,’ Jett said, shooting his brother a dirty look. ‘I’m not crazy. Of course it’s her.’

  ‘Has she said anything to you?’

  ‘How can she? She’s sitting right next to Max and she’s surrounded by her family.’

  ‘Jeez–do you think she knew you were Max’s brother when she went home with you?’

  ‘No way. I mean, why the hell would she sleep with her fiancé’s brother? What kind of a fucked-up deal is that?’

  ‘Here’s my question. Why would she sleep with anyone when she’s about to get married?’

  ‘Yeah,’ Jett said, ‘that’s exactly what I keep asking myself.’

  ‘There’s no way you can tell him,’ Chris said, imagining the consequences of Max finding out. ‘Don’t even consider it.’

  ‘Like I’d do that.’

  ‘Here’s what you’ve got to do. Suck it up, forget it ever happened. Move on.’

  ‘Easy for you to say,’ Jett said miserably. ‘Only it did happen, and she’s not a girl I can forget.’

  ‘Then, little bro’, you’d better start trying. And my suggestion is that you do not mention this to anyone else. Keep it between us and we’ll figure something out.’

  ‘I need a drink,’ Jett muttered.

  ‘No,’ Chris said, knowing how impossible it would be if Jett were to get drunk. ‘That’s exactly what you don’t need.’

  ‘I can handle it.’

  ‘Getting s
hit-faced is a dumb move, Jett.’

  ‘So what? You think I can go back in there stone-cold sober?’

  ‘If you plan on making it through the night–yes.’

  ‘You’re a big fucking help,’ Jett muttered.

  ‘Just watching out for you, surfer kid.’

  ‘Yeah,’ Jett said wryly. ‘I guess you’re getting good at that.’

  Back at the party they were showing a slide show of Amy and Max’s childhood photos. There was Amy aged two, naked and curly-haired, lying on a fur rug–Max aged four, all dressed up in a grown up suit, solemnly saluting–Amy, five and adorable–Max, ten and stern–Amy at her junior prom–Max at his. And so on…

  Amy could barely concentrate, her mind was racing in a hundred different directions. She kept glancing at Max, making sure he hadn’t set this up to punish and humiliate her.

  No. It was just one of those things. An error of judgement. Her error.

  Gianna was busy charming everyone, speaking non-stop to anyone who would listen. She’d already bonded with Grandma Poppy, who pronounced her an absolute delight.

  Finally Chris and Jett returned to the table.

  Amy wondered if Jett had confided in his brother. Had he revealed the horrible truth? And would his next move be to tell Max?

  Oh, God! Maybe she should get to Max before he did and confess everything.

  For a fleeting second her eyes met Jett’s. Quickly she looked away. What must he think of her?

  As soon as she felt she could, she made a mad dash across the room to Tina’s table, ready to divulge everything to her best friend, and beg for her counsel, because there was no way she could handle this by herself. Her stomach was churning, she felt totally shaky–what was she going to do?

  When she reached Tina’s table some sort of commotion was taking place.

  ‘Thank God!’ Brad exclaimed, grabbing her by the shoulders. ‘For Crissakes, Tina’s gone into labour!’

  ‘What?’ Amy cried out.

  And from there it was all one big blur as Amy elected to go with Tina and Brad to the hospital.


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