Falling for the Chieftain: A Time Travel Romance (Enchanted Falls Trilogy, Book 3)

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Falling for the Chieftain: A Time Travel Romance (Enchanted Falls Trilogy, Book 3) Page 6

by Keira Montclair

  He swore he’d died and gone to heaven.

  There was something about this lass that wouldn’t let go.

  Chapter Eight

  Allie gripped his hair, wanting to finish this so badly she didn’t care what he did to her. When his mouth found her nipple, she nearly screamed with pleasure, but she contained herself, moving against him and urging him to go faster.

  He pounded into her and he whispered, “Am I hurting ye, lass?”

  “Noooo,” was all she could get out. “More, please. Harder.”

  She was nearly there when he managed to move one hand around and touch her clit, massaging her until she climaxed with a shout, opening wider for him. He buried himself inside her with a shout of his own, finishing immediately after her.

  When they finished, she clung to him, unable to believe how she’d just acted. “Oh my God, I can’t believe…”

  His forehead touched hers. “I dinnae plan that. It just…yer bottom against me, yer lips, I couldnae help myself. Allison, ‘twas unbelievable. Dinnae blush so. I’ve never had a woman like that. I…” He lowered her to the ground as though she were a fine piece of china about to break, after he’d pounded her hard enough to knock her halfway to China.

  Allie couldn’t stop the deep scarlet from crossing her face, her chest, everywhere. Her feet found the ground and her knees buckled, but he caught her.

  “Easy, lass.”

  She was mortified that she’d acted so brazenly. She felt like a slut, but he’d made her feel gorgeous, special, more so than any of the other men she’d taken into her bed. Straightening her clothing, she stilled his hand when he tried to help her. “I don’t normally… I’ve never been that fast…”

  How could she explain to a medieval Highlander that she wasn’t usually like this? They’d known each other for all of a day, and she’d spread her legs like a wanton and begged for more.

  Without a condom.

  “Oh my god, we didn’t use anything. We didn’t…” She paused, trying to remember when she’d last had her period, whether or not she would be fertile. No, probably not. She should get it shortly.

  Then she chuckled, a nervous titter, but a laugh nonetheless.

  Maybe this was a dream after all. How else could she explain this bit of wish fulfillment?

  “Are ye all right? ‘Twas most spectacular to me, but ye seem upset.” He brushed his thumb down her cheek and across her jaw.

  “No, never mind. You know, even if this is a dream, I’ll remember that. I’ll remember it for the rest of my life.” He looked at her strangely, so she continued to ramble. When had she ever been handled so expertly? No man had ever massaged her clit as expertly as he had. She patted his shoulder and said, “Well done. You do know how to please a woman. Now, how far away is that faerie pool? Time for me to jump in so I can find my way home.”

  She stepped away from him and headed toward the faerie pool.

  “Dinnae go.” This was a man capable of a most alarming bellow, but the words came out in a quiet, almost subdued tone.

  “What?” She turned around to see him standing not a foot away from her. His broad shoulders looked absolutely beautiful. The man was one hell of a specimen, all testosterone and muscle, grit and bravery. Braw, wasn’t that how they said it in Scotland? Aye, he was one braw man, handsome as the devil with his one dimple and his ridiculous muscles.

  “Dinnae leave me. Stay a few more days. Please.” The stubble on his jaw called to her, begging her to run her hand across his face.

  Stunned, she found herself verbalizing the first thought that popped into her mind. “Why?”

  “Because I like ye. I care for ye, more than I’ve cared for any other lass in a verra long time.”

  She furrowed her brow. “Lachie told me you didn’t love Shona, but didn’t you have any feelings for her at all? You were supposed to marry her?”

  Those delicious shoulders slumped. “Aye, but ‘twas a match made by my sire with our allies. ‘Twas no’ our choice. Her choice was to leave me. Just like my sire and my mother, my betrothed left me and my brother chose another over me. Stay until Lachie returns. Please. I’d like to know more about ye.”

  Something throbbed deep inside her. She knew exactly how he felt. Everyone he’d cared for had deserted him. Her parents were gone, too, and she’d lost her sisters. No, they hadn’t left her on purpose, but they’d still left.

  She whispered, “I’m sorry, but I can’t. I have to go back.”

  He nodded, his face turning to stone, the small bit of vulnerability disappearing from his expression. “Do as ye must. ‘Tis through those trees there.”

  She nodded, then grabbed him and gave him a quick kiss that was not returned. She said, “Thank you for everything. Will you wait until I’m gone so the pigs don’t attack me again?”

  “They’re boars, not pigs. But aye, I’ll give ye half the hour.” He didn’t look at her as he said it, but perhaps that was as it should be. No regrets.

  She took the bundle of her things, then ran through the trees and into the clearing around the faerie pool. The grass had turned into a fine moss, with flowers climbing up the rocks toward the back of the pool. The water was as still as could be.

  She changed into her old clothing, leaving the borrowed gown on one of the rocks, then climbed into the water, surprised to find it so warm. On her last visit, she’d been too out of sorts to notice anything other than that her surroundings had changed dramatically.

  The bottom of the pool was all rock, a bit slippery, so she found her way to the middle, turning around to see if he’d followed her.

  He wasn’t there.

  Stepping into the water hadn’t caused her to disappear, but why she thought it would work, she didn’t know. She’d gotten here through a waterfall, and this was simply a pool. Maybe she’d have to submerge herself. She dropped to her knees and the water rose to shoulder level. Holding her breath, she attempted to dip her head underneath the surface.

  She couldn’t do it.

  He’d asked her to stay. A fine, honorable, sinfully hot Highlander had asked her to stay because he liked her.

  What was wrong with her? Even her sisters would call her foolish if they knew the full situation. After all the cheating boyfriends she’d endured, she knew they would approve of Brann. Despite the centuries that should have stood between them, she felt she could be herself around him—more so than with anyone she’d ever dated before.

  She dipped back down, but she stood up again before the water could rise over her chin.

  Her mind was playing games with her.

  He’d asked her to stay until Lachie returned. What would it hurt if she stayed for a few more days?

  She could make sure Smoky was not tossed away as the runt of the litter. They could have hot sex three more times because she had those condoms in the keep.

  Allie kneaded her forehead as she stood in the pool, basking in the warmth of the water, nearly moaning at how good it felt, or was she moaning from the memory of how good it had felt to be held in such strong arms? To be pleasured by a man who was as close to a god as anyone she’d ever met.

  Tipping her head back, she sighed as a surge of heat warmed her insides again, much like that brusque Highlander had heated every inch of her.

  She climbed out of the pool, reached for the dry gown, then jumped when the man she’d just been fantasizing about stepped into the clearing.

  “It didn’t work, lass?”

  She smiled. “I don’t know. I changed my mind. Decided I could wait a few days, if the offer is still open.”

  He ambled over to stand in front of her, the slight upturn of his lips spreading into a warm smile. “It is.” His hand reached up to cup her cheek, his thumb rubbing the skin near her mouth, a sensuous caress that nearly caused her to moan.

  “Will you come back with me when I’m ready to try again?” Suddenly lost in the depth of his green eyes, she was powerless to turn him down, even if he refused to return with her.

  Maybe it wasn’t just him. Maybe she wanted to explore the area—or rather, era—a bit more. If she returned, she may never be able to get back to this time period again. This could be her only chance.

  “I will,” he said.

  She let out a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding, then briefly touched her tongue to his thumb. “There’s only one other condition.”


  “You have to use a condom the next time we have sex. Three times—that’s all you get. And please turn your back so I can dress.”

  “But I’ve already tasted ye…”

  She gave his shoulder a shove. “Please?”

  He chuckled but gave her his back. “I agree to yer terms, but what the hell is a condom?”

  Even though he couldn’t see her, she had to smile.

  “I’ll show you later what a condom does,” she whispered.

  Chapter Nine

  Brann turned his head toward the sound of horses. “Lass, ye best hurry. My men are nearly here.”

  She squealed and tossed her wet clothes into a heap, throwing the gown over her shoulders in mere seconds.

  And not a moment too soon. The urgency of his men’s approach told him something was amiss, an impression that was confirmed when they came into view. These were not the men he’d sent on patrol. “What is it?”

  His second, Angus, replied, “The Sinclair is almost on our land.”

  He spun around to see if Allison was fully covered. “‘Tis nae time to be shy, lass. Sinclair is our rival. I must see what he wants, and I ne’er trust him.”

  “I’m dressed,” she said in a whisper, casting a pointed look toward Angus.

  Later he’d explain to her that Angus would never betray him or say anything about finding them together. He took her hand and moved closer to Angus. “What does he want? Have ye heard anything?”

  “Naught. No clue.”

  “How many are there?”

  “Two dozen. No’ a fighting number. He carries his banner, so he appears to be here in peace, but ye’re right no’ to trust him. Mayhap ye should send her back to the castle with some of the men. Ye know how ruthless Clan Sinclair can be with lasses.”

  “Nay. She’ll stay with me for that verra reason. I’ll meet him with ye. Find our men. The ones patrolling the area. We shall catch up with Clan Sinclair by the time they reach our land.”

  He released Allison’s hand, then lowered his hand to the small of her back and ushered her toward his horse just as several more of his men joined them. He let Angus give instructions to the men while he devoted his full attention to Allison. She had to understand the potential danger of the situation they were about to enter. He didn’t know for sure what the Sinclair had in mind, but he was certain he did not trust him.

  “We need to mount and get moving,” he said. “Ye’d be wise no’ to speak to anyone from Clan Sinclair. Angus speaks the truth. They’re no’ to be trusted.” When they reached his mount, he lifted her up onto his horse’s back, stifling a groan as Allison’s scent wafted past him. Their interlude had been sweet, but he needed to focus. Her life could depend on it. Clan Sinclair stole women all the time. It was their favorite pastime.

  Angus led the way while his men surrounded him, as they were trained to do for their chieftain. Brann had moved to the front when they were certain it was safe. As soon as they caught sight of the Sinclair group, he slowed his horse so he could repeat his warning, wanting to be certain she understood the danger. “Please remember what I said about them. And do no’ stare at any of them. They’ll think it gives them the right to take ye.”

  “Take me? You are kidding, right?”

  “I dinnae understand…”

  “Jesting. You’re jesting about one of them taking me, right?” The doubt in her eyes turned to fear when he didn’t answer her right away.

  “Sometimes ‘tis the way of the Highlands. Warriors steal their brides. But dinnae worry yerself—‘tis my job to protect ye.” He rubbed his hand along the side of her hip, wishing he could take the time to know every part of her body.

  He would before she went back.

  He whistled and the Sinclair group stopped their horses. Angus and several of his own men rode up on either side and behind him as protection, if necessary, but he doubted Sinclair was here to cause trouble. He didn’t have enough men.

  The two groups faced off. “Sinclair, what brings ye to MacKay land?”

  The laird of Clan Sinclair, Wallas Sinclair, grinned, a look Brann did not trust. “We’ve come in peace. I’ve brought some of our best wine to share with ye. A gift from our clan to yers.”

  “Why?” Brann wasn’t fooled. Sinclair had an ulterior motive for certain. He always did.

  “I have a proposal for ye, but I’d like to speak in private. May we meet in yer solar, Laird?” He tipped his head, but then his gaze found Allison. He ran his eyes down the length of her and back up again in a way that made Brann want to run him through with his sword.

  “We’ll meet in my solar,” he said out of gritted teeth. “Ye have one hour to tell me what ye wish. Then I’ll send ye on yer way.”

  “Is this the lass who bested ye at the corners? I heard she dropped ye to yer knees. I wish I’d been there myself, but alas, I was no’,” Wallas Sinclair said, snickering. A couple of his men behind him chuckled and waggled their brows at her.

  “Dinnae look at them. I’m warning ye,” he whispered in her ear. He could feel her bristling behind him, but this was no time for her sauciness, as much as he loved that part of her.

  “Is she taken?” Sinclair asked. “If not, I’ll take her.”

  Brann set his hand on her hip, staking his claim, before he said, “She’s taken.”

  “By whom?”

  “By me. And ye’ll stop staring at her.”

  “I’ll buy her from ye. She looks like a wee wildcat.”

  “She’s no’ for sale.”

  Brann could almost feel the fury rise from her toes up to her chest before it burst from her mouth. He squeezed her hip in another attempt to silence her, but it did no good.

  “You want to buy me? Who the hell buys women, you pig? I’m not for sale and no one owns me.”

  “Allison, keep quiet.”

  “Don’t tell me what to do, either of you. I know you all have a strange view of women, but I’ll not be owned or bought by anyone. Do you hear me?”

  Brann closed his eyes briefly as the entire group of Sinclair warriors burst into laughter.

  Wallas Sinclair held his hand up to quiet them, and they stilled instantly. He moved his horse a few steps closer. “A strong woman. A strong, feisty woman. Where are ye from, lass? Ye talk strange, even for an English.” His gaze bore into hers. “I want her. Name yer price, MacKay.”

  For some strange reason, Allison closed her mouth this time. She leaned back against him, but he could tell she was on the verge of screaming or bursting into tears. He hoped she’d scream.

  “She’s no’ for sale. She’s mine. If ye wish to talk, ye’ve cut yer time to a quarter hour. Follow me to my keep. Ye’re to come in quickly and only with yer second.”

  Sinclair finally pulled his gaze from Allison and nodded. “Understood.”

  Brann hoped he wouldn’t regret this move. He had a bad feeling about this.

  A really bad feeling.

  Chapter Ten

  Brann brought his horse to a canter as they headed back toward his keep. His warriors stayed behind them as protection, the Sinclair warriors behind them. No words were bantered about between the two groups—Scottish clan warriors weren’t normally friendly with one another unless they were at the corners competing. Then the banter was mostly boasting and taunting.

  Allison said, “I’m sorry, but I couldn’t help myself.”

  “I warned ye that if ye looked at them, they’d try to steal ye.”

  “How can he steal a woman? Is that really allowed in this time? People are arrested and imprisoned for
kidnapping where I’m from.”

  “‘Tis done frequently. Men steal women for wives. However, he willnae try to steal ye since I’ve spoken for ye. But please, lass, mind yer tongue. Lasses are nae so bold in this time. I admire it in ye, but ye must tread with care.”

  “I should have gone back. Nothing will keep me here.” The tears in her voice vexed him more than the kick she’d delivered to his bollocks the day before.

  He leaned closer to whisper in her ear. “Ye promised me a few days. Please dinnae change yer mind. I promise ye better times once I send them off. I need ye by my side.” How could he convince her to stay? “Mind ye, we dinnae even know if ye will be able to go back for certes. I hate to see ye get yer hopes up for something that willnae work.”

  “Well, it should work,” she mumbled under her breath.

  “Aye, but it may no’. Other people swim in the pool. Ye arenae the only one. They dinnae disappear.”

  She turned around to stare at him, those blasted tears misting her eyes again.

  “I promise to help ye. If nae that way, there may be another.” He gave her a soft squeeze, something he enjoyed way too much.

  She leaned back against him, and he kissed her neck ever so briefly. He thought he heard her sniffle. He’d rather bear the brunt of her sharp tongue than hear her cry.

  They arrived at the gate, and he instructed his guards to allow only Wallas Sinclair and his second inside the gate. The rest would wait outside. After he dismounted and helped Allison do the same, he waited for Sinclair and his second to arrive.

  Rather than offer any sort of greeting, he simply nodded to them and led the way into the keep, his hand on the small of Allison’s back.

  Brann motioned to Jinty as soon as they stepped through the door and she hurried over. “Aye, my lord?”

  “Have the serving lasses bring a platter of cheeses and meat pies to the solar, Jinty. We’ll no’ be long.” He did not request wine because Sinclair had brought his bottle. The maid nodded and left. He motioned for Allison to precede him into the solar, and the unwelcome visitors followed her in before he and Angus did the same.


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