Angels in Turquoise Skies

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Angels in Turquoise Skies Page 2

by Debbie R. Cummings

  Torr made a tsking noise. "No can do. The woman is fair game until she chooses. You are aware of that as well I am. And you goody-goody angels can't break the rules."

  Zach's patience with his old foe was wearing thin. "Get out!"

  Torr laughed. "You have no power here. We're on neutral ground." He cocked his head. "This is a public place in the mortal realm."

  Why couldn't she be an organ player in church? At least a church is forbidden for demons to enter. He'd find a way to get to her no matter where she worked.

  Leah came around the corner. He felt the weight of her gaze. Both men straightened up. She raised an eyebrow. This wasn't how I wanted her to get to know me.

  Torr walked away from Zach. His fists were clenched at his sides. He couldn't stop the demon from approaching her, not without causing a scene or destroying the store. A sigh escaped his lips as he returned to the table in the café. I should've been less subtle in my first approach. I didn't want to scare her.

  Chapter Three

  Leah stared at the two men. What was going on there? She could hear the arguing from the storage room and came to make sure there wasn't any trouble.

  The blond-haired man strutted over to her. His hair was cut short to the nape of his neck. A five o'clock shadow was on his face. He removed his black gloves and shoved them into the pockets of his black motorcycle jacket. The boots and jeans were also black. A glint of silver and black peeked out from the partly unzipped jacket. She couldn't tell what it was. Her gaze went back to his face. The man was too handsome to be real. He could easily be a model. So could the other man in the trench coat. Leah couldn't believe this clueless rebel was standing in front of her and smiling. Two good looking men in one day. I couldn't be that lucky. Clearing her throat, she asked, "May I help you?"

  He flashed a killer smile at her. "I'm looking for a book on motorcycles."

  Oh really. She was tempted to ask him if he ever saw The Wild One, starring Marlon Brando, but didn't. He doesn't seem like he sat around and watched movies from the fifties. He would be the kind of guy to go to a movie only to make out with his girlfriend. "This way." She forced herself to turn away from him and walked towards the back of the store. There was a force about this man that she only felt from the other handsome man. "Here's motorcycle repair and above it are some books on the history of motorcycles."

  He nodded as he leaned closer to her. "Ever been on a motorcycle?"

  She shook her head. His blue eyes mesmerized her.

  He grabbed her hand and pulled her to him. "It's slow in here. Why don't you and I go to the restaurant down the street? Maybe take a ride on my bike."

  His touch burned her hand. It jolting her back to reality and out of a daydream, one she wasn't aware she was having. Pushy, isn't he? No, "hi, how are you, what's your name?" She jerked her hand away and backed up. Something didn't seem right about him. It wasn't his lack of manners, but something else she couldn't put her finger on. "No, thank you." She glanced at the clock on the wall. It was ten-forty. "The lunch crowd will be coming in soon. I can't leave." Even if I wanted to. That was a truth that made a nice excuse.

  "We're only going down the street."

  "No." Leah began to walk away.

  He moved in front of her and flashed a smile. "Why not?"

  She looked down at the tiled floor. "I don't know you." It wasn't his black clothes or his motorcycle jacket that made her nervous. There was something about him that bothered her. Bikers had come in the store before. Some even called her "ma'am." None had ever treated her like this.

  He extended his hand. "I'm Torr Fausto." He stared at her. "And you are?"

  She rolled her eyes. Now, he introduces himself. It's a little late for that. "Busy." She strode across the bookstore, hoping he would get the hint.

  "Give a guy a break," Torr whined as he followed.

  The man in the trench coat came to her side. "Is there a problem?"

  Leah grabbed three books out of the box. "Your friend won't leave."

  He snorted. "He's no friend of mine."

  Torr scowled. "I agree."

  They looked like they wanted to kill each other. Leah could see it in their eyes. She didn't want to call the police on something as trivial as this. She also didn't want it to turn into something more dangerous either. The bell jingled over the door. More customers entered the store.

  Maybe a threat would do the trick. "I don't want any trouble." She stood up straight with the books in her hands. "Mr. Fausto, will you please leave before I have to call the police?"

  Torr bowed with a sweeping gesture. "If that is what the lady wishes."

  "I do." She walked away, relieved that he fell for her bluff. She wasn't sure what she would've done if he didn't agree.


  Torr's eyes followed Leah as she walked away.

  "You heard the woman," Zachariah growled at him.

  The demon stared the angel down. "This has only just begun. I will win."

  Zachariah moved forward a pace. "Don't bet on it."

  Arrogant angel. He exited the store. I should've known he was there when I smelled that sickening sweet odor. They wouldn't give up one of their own easily. But she's not one of them yet. Not if I have anything to do about it. He stood beside his motorcycle and turned around to look into the window of the bookstore. He laughed. I can't believe the woman thought Aurelius and I were friends. That's a joke. If only she knew the truth. At least, he's at the same starting level as me. She wasn't friendly with him. What was her problem? I thought I had her there for a moment. What happened? She should've been putty in my hands. I should be taking her to lunch and seducing her. Maybe she's stressed. Mortals get like that. I'll come back later. He climbed onto his bike and started it up. Let's see what this town has to offer. The motorcycle roared down the street.


  Tabitha came rushing over from behind the counter. "Who were those two hot men? They looked like they were going to fight over you."

  Leah waved a dismissive hand. "Oh please. That never happens to me." So, she was watching. Somehow Tabitha always knew what went on in the store, even when it was her day off. Gossip always traveled fast. "Stay away from the blond one. He seems like trouble."

  Tabitha grinned and rubbed her hands together. "I like trouble."

  "I know you do." She always had a weakness for bad boys. I learned long ago, they only break your heart. Leah met her gleeful gaze and hoped she was giving her younger sister a stern look. "I mean it, Tabitha. You should stay away from him."

  She pointed at the man in the café. "What about him?"

  Leah studied him as he sat back down at the table with his books and coffee. "I'm not sure yet." He seemed calm, but watchful, as he read his book.

  "He just ordered lunch."

  "That's nice. I've got other things to worry about." Leah tried to play it cool. In truth, she was curious about the handsome man in the trench coat. His clothes looked well tailored. There was an alertness to his handsome face. He seemed to be ready for trouble. What was the deal with him and that biker? They couldn't stand each other. Was he a police officer? She didn't see a badge. After he finished his lunch, he left without another word to her.


  Zach returned to the house. He had eaten lunch at the café to make sure Torr didn't come back. He knew he couldn't stay there all day without rousing Leah's suspicion. She was a smart woman. The way she handled Torr impressed him. He took the communication mirror out of the wooden dresser. "Saffron, are you there?"

  His sister's image appeared in the mirror. "What happened?"

  "Torr Fausto is here."

  Her eyebrows rose. "Already? That's quick."

  "He's trying to make a move on Leah. She was leery of him."

  "That's good. Sometimes angels fall under his spell."

  "I believe she can sense he's not good. But she isn't sure what he is." He rubbed his chin and it reminded him that he needed to shave while he was on earth. "I thi
nk her emerging powers might be warning her or protecting her. We can't depend on that."

  She nodded. "We can't depend on anything until she makes her official choice."

  "I hope she finds out what he truly is, before it's too late for her."

  "I think she will. Do you have a plan?"

  "Sort of." He shook his head. "It's not like I can walk up to her and say, 'I'm an angel, your father was an angel and you're coming into your powers soon.' She'll call the police and they would try to have me locked in a loony bin." He felt bad about Saffron getting another earth assignment so soon. He was trying to give her a bit of a rest. Now he understood why his sister was assigned to this mission. "Can you pop down and keep an eye out for Torr?" He'd rather not ask her that. He'd rather have done it himself.

  "Of course." Saffron appeared at his side. "I'm ready."

  He handed her a business card from the bookstore.

  She nodded and disappeared.


  The bar a few blocks away provided the diversion Torr needed. Now that I won money from a game of pool, I can see about that mortal woman. It was fun beating the mortals. He parked his motorcycle a few spaces down from the bookstore window. Good, I sense Aurelius is gone for the moment. He caught the smell of cherry blossoms as the wind gently blew. Crap! Somebody tell me this is a cruel joke.

  A woman with golden brown hair appeared in front of him. A sharp pain went to his gut for a few seconds as she waved her finger in his face. "You're not going in there," she said in singsong voice.

  "Yes, I am." He tried to move around her, but was blocked time and again. Why me? He threw up his hands in frustration. "Would you go away?"

  She laughed. "Nope."

  "First, your brother. Now you. Who else is going to show up?"

  Her hazel eyes were full of amusement. "Maybe Timon McCloud himself."

  At least, she has a sense of humor. This would be funny if this were happening to someone else. "Go back to the City of Clouds, little girl. Earth is no place for you."

  "Not until the mission is complete, little boy."

  People passed by on the street stopped and looked at Torr like he was crazy.

  "You're using your invisible power aren't you?"

  She laughed. "You've got it." Her expression turned serious. "You shouldn't swear."

  "Don't tell me what to do!" Torr scowled. That woman made a fool of me again. How I hate that! He knew from past dealings with the Aurelius family, some of them had the same powers. Then they had a few extra powers the others didn't have. Zachariah couldn't make himself invisible all of the time, only when he flew. Torr couldn't decide which Aurelius was more annoying. He'd be interested in Saffron, if she wasn't an angel.

  "Do you give up?" she asked.

  "No! You may have won today. Like I told your brother, this has just started." He stomped off to his bike.

  I should've known. More than one angel would've been assigned to her. All because her daddy was a VIP among the angels, a big hero. They wouldn't want his precious daughter to turn into a demon. He grinned. That would make turning her all the sweeter. I could have a lot of fun with her.

  Chapter Four

  Saffron entered Darlington Books in her invisible mode. She spotted Leah's guardian angel, an elegant woman with dark hair. She wore a white, floor-length dress from the fifties, with elbow-length white gloves to match. Her makeup was also done in the style of that era.

  "What's going on?" the guardian angel asked. "What's the interest in Leah? I saw another angel in here earlier."

  "Why didn't you talk to him?" Saffron asked.

  The guardian angel shrugged. "You're avoiding my questions."

  "I'm Saffron Aurelius and you are?"

  "Rosemarie. I hate to admit this, I was a little intimidated by his presence. I don't see angels of his or your rank around. When you guys do show up, it usually means big trouble is near. Now, what's the story?"

  "Her true father was a powerful angel. She'll be coming into her powers soon. We're going to help teach Leah about those powers."

  The woman frowned. "Then she won't need me. I liked working with her. She'll be a good angel though."

  "Don't worry. They'll assign you to someone else."

  "That's what I'm afraid of. I've been her guardian angel since she was born." She walked a few paces behind Leah. "She hasn't been much trouble. Unlike that sister of hers." She jerked a thumb in Tabitha's direction. "Poor Anton. This is his first assignment and he gets stuck with her. He's only been with her a few years. Tabitha's previous guardian angels went on to a promotion. She's rough on her angels."

  Saffron shrugged. "You know some assignments are harder than others." She was relieved she didn't have to do that. Usually guardian angels were once mortals. Saffron and her brother were born to a Nephilim angel family. They lived between Heaven and Earth.

  The guardian angel's eyes widened. "I can't image Leah using her powers for evil."

  "A time like this is when a person's true character is tested."

  "You can say that again." She patted her shoulder. "Don't worry. I'll keep an eye out for that demon creep."

  "Thank you." Saffron walked over to Anton.

  He leaned up against the wall. "Keep that demon away from Tabitha. I'm having a hard enough time keeping her safe without demons in here."

  "I'm trying. This isn't about Tabitha, but her sister. Please, work with me, my brother, and Rosemarie."

  He nodded. "For Tabitha's sake."

  There was a protective fierceness in his eyes that she never seen before in a guardian angel. Saffron had the feeling he'd go beyond the call of duty for Tabitha. It wasn't her place to comment or judge.


  Through the window, the sun began to set. Torr stretched his body on the bed in a luxury suite of a hotel. Next to him was a tray of fried chicken. This is the life. Room service is great here. All I'm missing is some babes. Getting a room was no trouble for a demon with powers like his. The bosses would prefer for demons to keep a low profile and get a regular room. I might as well enjoy myself while I'm here. He was perplexed on what to do about Leah. I shouldn't be in this bed alone. She should be with me. Why couldn't I charm her?

  A short male demon appeared at the foot of the bed. It was one of Enzo's lackeys, a demon much lower in rank; Torr never bothered learning his name or that of any of the other messenger demons. "Isn't this room too nice for you?"

  Torr stared at him. "You jerk! Warn me before you do that." He almost choked. "Now, what do you want?"

  "Your progress report."

  He sneered. "I don't have to give progress reports." I thought they only cared about if the job got done, not how. Guess I'm wrong again, or they're making up new rules. He wasn't about to ask this lower demon.

  The television in the room gave the lackey an eerie glow. An evil cackle filled the room. "You do this time. Your report, Fausto."

  Torr rolled his eyes. He's trying to look like a higher ranking demon. I'm so tempted to fire him into next week. I don't want to anger Enzo if he really sent him. He's not the demon you tick off. Plus, I don't want to make a mess in this nice room. Contrary to popular belief, my mama did teach me some manners. "I've only been here less than a day." He grumbled as he sat up. "I made contact with the woman."

  The lackey loomed over him. He seemed to grow in height and mass. "And?"

  "I'm working on it." Torr moved the tray aside. "Don't try intimidation tactics with me." He formed a fireball in his hand.

  The lackey backed down. His eyebrows arched in a sinister way. He reminded Torr of a character from a bad horror movie. "Have you showed her the possibilities of using her powers for evil?"

  Torr resisted laughing at this clown's bad acting. What is this guy trying for, torturer? You don't impress me. "She hasn't gained her powers yet." What a lie. Precious Leah was starting to get powers. They weren't strong enough to notice unless you were standing in front of her. She didn't know it yet. "She hasn't offici
ally turned thirty."

  "Enzo wants her on our side as soon as possible."

  He wrinkled his nose. "I know." This guy is really starting to stink up the place.

  "He said, 'you better not fail.'"

  "I already got that speech before I left the Underworld." I don't need it from some lackey.

  "He wanted me to remind you."

  Torr shrugged. "You can leave, now that you reminded me."

  "A world of hurt, and pain and suffering await you if you fail."

  "I'm aware of it. Now go away." Torr knew the punishments firsthand.

  With fire and smoke, the lackey was gone.

  Torr pressed his hands together, extinguishing the fireball. "Big deal. I can do that too," he called out. "So can every other demon." He lay back down and stared at the white stucco ceiling. I have to get on Leah's good side. It'll be harder since I made her mad this morning. I still can't believe how hot she is. He laughed. That goody-goody angel Aurelius noticed too. Maybe I can use that to my advantage.

  His eyes closed. Traveling between the Underworld and Earth made him tired. Plus, he used his powers when he first got here. Sleep soon claimed him.


  "Zach!" His sister's voice rang through the house.

  He jumped up. "What?" He put the hockey game on mute.

  "Why didn't you talk to Leah's guardian's angel?" Her hands were on her hips. "She could help us. The poor woman was confused as to what was going on."

  "I didn't know which one she was."

  "She was wearing a white dress and looked like she stepped out of the fifties."


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