The Diary of Bink Cummings: Vol 4 (MC Chronicles #4)

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The Diary of Bink Cummings: Vol 4 (MC Chronicles #4) Page 2

by Bink Cummings

  A finger slid down my slick heat and I moaned in shameless anticipation, pushing my hips back to gain better friction. The finger disappeared and I expelled a tiny whimper of frustration.

  Suddenly, a satisfied sucking sound thundered in my ears, mingling with Big humming in his throat. “Mmmm … Sugar Tits, you taste fuckin’ good.” His voice was gravel.

  My hips continued their assault of air humping, hoping that my movements would entice Big to touch me further; to stop teasing and give me what I wanted—what I desperately needed.

  “Now taste it with your mouth,” I begged.

  “Tell me what ya want, Sugar Tits.”

  “I want your mouth on me,” I whimpered, my thighs shaking harder, pussy throbbing. My nipples hardened to sharp points, also demanding attention.

  “Where?” he tormented.

  “My pussy.”

  “Now why would I do that?” Big groaned from behind me, his breath picking up speed. The scent of sex hung in the air.

  “Stop teasing me!” My hips went wild; more wetness trickled down the inside of my thigh. I was losing control.

  “I suppose, beautiful.” The lash of a tongue stroked my pussy, parting my swollen lips and dipping into the wetness inside. I wailed a pleasured—

  Oh, fuck! Not another one. Curling my arms around my belly, I breathe in through my nose as the pain in my lower back increases. Damn, these contractions, and they’re only gonna get worse. My belly turns to stone under thin skin, and I close my eyes to practice my breathing. With considerable effort, I try to relax and allow the wave of contraction to wash through me. Taking myself far away from the present, I focus on something else.

  Sorry, I tore ya from the sexiness I was telling ya, but these damned contractions come whenever they want to. They’re not that predictable at this point. Either that or I’m a terrible counter. Probably a little bit of both. Should have grabbed my phone so I could use that contraction app. Gunz loaded it to my cell a while back. Many times, it’s helped me determine if it’s false labor or not. As of right now, I’m certain this…


  Christ almighty!

  This shit hurts! So much for focusing on something else. That’s not gonna happen right now. Not my when my back … Ouch! Shit! ... hurts like it does. I’ve read that some people have back labor. Apparently, I’m gonna be one of them. Joy!

  As the last of the contraction fades into oblivion, I release a steady breath of air and revel in the break. Reaching backward, I grab the body wash off the shelf and squirt some into my palm to cleanse my body. Yes, I know I should use a washcloth, but I forgot to grab one, so my hand is just going to have to do the trick.

  Once my body is clean, I move to my hair and spend extra time massaging my scalp. My hair has grown longer than I can remember it being. It’s almost touching my shoulders. Thankfully, it can now go back into a ponytail, which should help when I go into full labor.

  There’s a scratch at the bathroom door, so I peel back the edge of the curtain to hear a nose audibly sniffing underneath.

  “Go back to bed, boy,” I whisper to my pup.

  He whines, and I cringe at the sound, hoping that he doesn’t wake Big.

  “What’s wrong, bud?” I hear Big’s groggy voice ask.

  Too late.

  The door opens, and Pretzel, the traitor, marches in front of Big as they both make their way into the steamy bathroom.

  Big waves his hand in front of his face like he’s trying to bat away the dense smoke, then he flicks on the fan, making me internally groan. I like steamy bathrooms. He doesn’t.

  Big’s eyes catch mine staring at him, still in those same boxers, his feet bare. Draping down his back, his hair’s a tousled, sexy mess. “Sugar Tits, whatcha doin’ in the tub so early?” His eyes grow round as understanding settles like a thick blanket over the room. “You’re in labor, aren’t ya?”

  Nodding, I flash him a forced smile. “I think I am. I just didn’t wanna wake ya.”

  A growl of frustration trails my words. “You didn’t wanna wake me? How long have ya been in here?”

  My shoulders lift and drop in an exaggerated shrug. “Dunno.”

  “It’s after four in the morning.” He takes a step closer to the tub and haunches down. “Let me see your hand.” I push one through the curtain to show him. “They’re wrinkled. You’ve been in here a long damn time.” He takes my hand into his to kiss my fingertips, one by one. “You’re in labor, babe. We gotta call the doc,” he says, his lips lingering on my thumb as his hot breath fans over my damp flesh. I shiver.

  “You know she doesn’t like it when ya call her Doc.” His fingers fold through mine as he sits on the tiled floor beside the tub.

  “Too fuckin’ bad. She’s helpin’ ya give birth to our daughter. She’s better than most docs I know.”

  I guess he thinks calling her that is a compliment, even though our midwife loathes it. I’m not in the mood to argue with him.

  “I don’t want to wake her if this—” My words are severed as another contraction takes hold. Squeezing my eyes shut, I move through it as smoothly as possible, trying not to clench my jaw. Having Big here seems to lessen the pain.

  “You can do it, Sugar Tits. I’m right here.” His voice is strained.

  Pulling my hand from his, I use it to cup my belly and drop my chin to my chest. The heat of his palm connects with my slick back, rubbing it in slow, soothing strokes. “You’ve got this. I’m here.”

  “I know … you’re fucking here.” I grit through the pain, my toes curling as the spike of my contraction punches through before gradually easing away, leaving me to breathe easy once more.

  “Do ya wanna stay in the shower?” His hand continues its ministration. “Or do ya want me to help ya out?”

  The sweetness in his tone isn’t lost on me, and has my heart warming something fierce. Sometimes he can be the nicest and most caring damn man to ever walk this earth. Right now, he’s being that. If he doesn’t stop it, he’s gonna get me all teary eyed. Damn hormones.

  “Out. Please.” I offer my hand to him, and he squeezes it with love before helping me to stand. Releasing a stiff groan, I pull my hand from his and step under the water to rinse. Closing my eyes and tipping my head back, the water runs over my face. A heat touches my stomach and I nearly jump outta my skin as my eyes burst open to see a nude Big joining me. Stepping forward, he wraps his arms around me in a hug and I lean my head against his chest, my hands curling around him in return.

  “I was gonna get out.” I run my nose along his pec, luxuriating in his comforting scent. God, he’s delicious.

  “I know, but I figured we could relax in here a little while longer. It’s not like we’ll run out of hot water anytime soon.” His palms run the curve of my back in sweet, wet strokes. A sudden thickness prods my belly, and I stifle a giggle, choosing to ignore Big’s dick.

  “If you insist.” I snuggle deeper, my belly preventing me from getting as close as I’d like as it forces my ass to awkwardly stick out.

  Big gives me a tight squeeze. “You’re gonna do just fine today, babe.”

  I chuckle against his chest. “I have no other choice.”

  “True. But I’ve got your back, and Doc will be here to make sure you’re good. You’re gonna be alright.” The sheet of worry hidden under the surface of his words is palpable, so I kiss his pec to offer a smidgen of silent reassurance.

  “I’ll be fine.”

  “Right. Fine…”

  I can tell he’s not convinced as his brusque voice trails off in deep thought. The birth at home was not something he wanted. But he went along with it for me. I know that it plagues him with worry. We’ve discussed it in great detail. Although, he’s been a lot more accommodating than I ever thought possible. He purchased the pool to use in the upstairs living room, took some classes with me, and even bought himself a set of swim trunks so he can be in the water with me, should I want him there. A warmth of happiness unfurls in my
belly at the thought. Of course I’d want him there.

  Contently, we stand in each other’s arms under the hot spray until another contraction makes its appearance and my knees nearly buckle. “I’ve got ya.” Big doesn’t miss a beat when his massive arms pick me up and carry me from the bathroom. Depositing my dripping body on the end of the bed, I haunch forward to ride out the pain. Fuck.

  A towel is draped over my shoulders and Big fits himself behind me, my back to his front, legs on either side of my hips. “Just breathe,” he coaches, and I find myself complying with his calm voice. “That’s it. You’re doin’ great.” Little by little, the pain dissipates and I lean into him, melting into his strong, naked heat. My back curves to his chest as Big’s strong hands slide across my sides until they reach the front of my belly to caress our daughter. She moves on contact, as if she knows he’s there. “You’re gonna be beautiful, just like your mama.” Big speaks to her, kissing the back of my head. I smile softly at his words, then stifle an exhausted yawn by cupping my palm over my mouth. This is gonna be a very long day.

  “Why don’t ya rest for a while and I’ll take care of everything else. K, Sugar Tits?” Big moves out from behind me, but not before he gives the back of my head another peck. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too,” I reply while he helps me higher on the bed, tucking me under the covers. I push my body pillow between my thighs.

  Leaning down, he lays a gentle kiss on my temple, as his palm runs over my blanket draped belly. “I’m gonna get some stuff done. If there’s any change, call me. You need to rest as much as ya can. Don’t worry about a thing. I’ve got ya, sexy,” he whispers at my temple, then kisses it once more.

  Sighing contentedly, I nod my agreement and wrap my arms around my pillow so I can try to rest, even if it’s for a few minutes. “Okay. Thank you.”

  He doesn’t move away. Instead, an affectionate finger runs down the side of my face. “Don’t thank me. I should be thankin’ you.” It swirls on the apple of my cheek before sliding down to brush over my lips. I kiss the tip.

  Ferociously, Big growls his yearning. “You get me hard, even when ya shouldn’t, Sugar Tits.”

  His finger runs across the bow of my lips, and I smile devilishly on the inside for the fraction of a second, then I suck his fingertip into my awaiting mouth. A gasp of elation bursts from his lungs, feeding my sureness. I suck it deeper, swirling my tongue around his finger like I would his delicious cock. It bobs in my mouth as he starts to fuck it, plunging it into the back of my throat. Expelling a hardened groan, he tries to stop himself. I’m having none of that. I move my head to force his digit into the back of my throat once again. Cavernous moans of tethered hunger fall arduously from his lips as he attempts to reel in his arousal. Heavy staccato breaths reverberate in-between. My mouth continues its ministrations sucking, swirling, bobbing, making love to his finger like it’s the only thing I want to do. Right now, it is.

  “No more!” Big grinds out, yanking his finger from my mouth with a pop.

  Fuck, he’s not the only one breathing heavily. I am, too. Even my nipples are hard. This isn’t the time for that. If only my body would listen. “I wanted to do it,” I blurt, so he doesn’t feel guilty.

  “And I wanted ya to do it even more than you wanted to. You’re in labor. I gotta stop thinkin’ with my dick for one fuckin’ second. Even if you’re too damn tempting for your own good.”

  Yes, he’s starting to beat himself up. I knew he would do this. For whatever stupid reason, he has this thought in his mind that he wants me when he shouldn’t, and that he might be forcing himself on me. It makes no damn sense. Not when I lust after him just as much, if not more so, than he does me. Once Harley’s born, I hope that whatever set him on that fucked up path cools down. I’ve got a feeling someone put that ridiculous notion in his head. When my midwife had given us the go-ahead to resume sex, he was like a damn kid in a candy store. A few days later, after we’d humped like rabbits and my pussy was too sore to do more, he changed his tune. Sure, we’ve had sex since then, but it’s mostly been him pleasuring me and then pleasuring himself. Like I said, I think someone fucked with his head. And it’s getting on my damn nerves. I’ll set that shit straight if he doesn’t stop this soon.

  With a brief kiss on the side of my head, Big starts for the closet. I turn my head to watch his hard cock swinging in all its glory before he turns the corner and I get a quick glimpse of that tight, yummy, ass. “I know you’re lookin’ this way, Bink. Stop,” he groans in apparent frustration.

  “If you come back in here, I’ll give ya a blow job.” It wouldn’t take long, and I’m sure I won’t be up to it after our daughter is born. Better late than never. Right?

  “Not happening.” I hear him putting clothes on. A zipper is secured. “You’re my old lady, and it’s my fuckin’ job to give you pleasure. I like havin’ my dick down that sexy throat. But I’m not that big of an asshole that I’d want ya to do it when you’re probably in labor. That’s some sick shit. And I’d kick anyone’s ass who’d do that to the love of their life.”

  Awe, him and those damn words again. Makes me wanna melt. Are ya right there with me?

  “Get some rest, sexy.” He exits the closet and walks over to my side of the bed in a pair of jeans and a black Harley t-shirt. He kneels down to give my lips a soft, lingering kiss. “I love you and what ya do to me.” A peck. “But I’m old enough to know what’s right and wrong, even if my cock doesn’t.” Another kiss. “Rest.” Kiss. “You’re gonna need it, and I’ve got shit to do. I’ll make sure one of the sisters are down here soon.” Another kiss, lingering this time until his breath fans over my cheeks and I’m threading my fingers behind his head, pulling him closer. His hand slides over my belly as he rumbles a guttural moan in his throat. My tongue pokes his lips, begging for entrance, and he acquiesces. Banishing a satisfied groan, my tongue swirls with his in a slow, tender cadence, until we’re both left slightly breathless and full of a deep, all-consuming bliss.

  Our lips part like magnets that can’t seem to release. “I love you, too,” I whisper to his mouth.

  “The wild fuckin’ things you do to me,” he states in awe, moving to stand, and adjusts his erection in his jeans to run down the inside of his pant leg where his pre-come stains the denim.

  “Now, rest.” One more kiss to the forehead and Big is nearly sprinting from the room like he’s on fire.

  “That sexy fuckin’ bitch,” I hear him grumble as he shuts the door in his wake. “I can’t believe she offered to…” His words trail off as he walks down the hall, leaving me in peace.

  Snuggling down into the mattress, I rest easy with a smile on my face.

  Glancing at the clock, I realize it’s been twelve minutes since my last contraction. Maybe I’m not in labor. Not sure how I feel about that. I want Harley to come today. I can’t wait to be a mom, even if I’m nervous about it.

  Two minutes later, my resting is short lived as I’m gripped with another painful tightening of my stomach. Fuck … I’ll see you … later … when I’m … in full labor. Maybe later today, maybe not. But for now, go rest. I know you need it, too.


  “Just lie back and open your legs. It’s going to be a little uncomfortable, but I’ve got to check your progress,” my midwife instructs as she kneels at the end of the bed. I grab my knees, pulling them to my chest to open myself up to this godawful inspection. A little discomfort, my ass. The last time she checked me was in her office, and I nearly kicked her.

  “Can you please grab her leg?” My midwife looks to Pixie, who’s glued to the far wall, her eyes cast on the ceiling, trying to give me an ounce of privacy. I think that’s pretty much flown out the damn window when she’s seen me naked plenty of times. We’re girls. We’ve all got the same parts, so I don’t really see the need to cover up.

  “Sure,” Pixie’s meek voice responds on her way to the bed. Her fingers wrap around my knee to keep it in place.

/>   Jezebel struts into the room, her sexy hips swaying in her tight jeans.

  “Can you take her other leg, please?” my midwife requests.

  “Since when do you secure a woman’s legs when she’s getting a vaginal exam?” Awaiting her answer, Jezebel slides onto the mattress to secure my other leg with her warm hands.

  “Bink didn’t care for this too much the last time. I had to have Big…” She coughs a little clearing her throat. “…Dick, secure her legs.”

  Internally, I laugh at her discomfort with his name. As much as she hates to be called Doc, she hates to call him Big Dick even more. And because he’s an asshole, he’s pretty much demanded she call him that at all times. I’ve told her to just call him Big, but she’s too professional to go against his wishes. They have a serious love/hate relationship going between them. Although, I think his is stemmed from a whole lot of respect while hers is from irritation. Not that I blame her. He’s the one blowing up her phone all the time, asking some of the dumbest questions.

  Speaking of him…

  “Where’s Big?” I ask Jez, helping them hold my legs back as my pussy is out in all of its full glory for anyone who might pass by the bedroom door.

  “He’s downstairs setting up the room.”

  “Setting up the room?” I don’t really know what’s to be set up. Weird.

  “The brothers are piling in for a long day of labor, and Big is making sure the fridge is fully stocked so they don’t come up and get an eyeful of your sexy bits.” Her eyebrows waggle.

  You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me.

  “Seriously?” I ask, briefly making a disgruntled face.

  Fingers breach my opening, and I growl in my throat as my sensitive flesh is parted and King Kong digits are shoved up my cooch. My head smashes into the pillow under my head as I breathe through the mild discomfort, trying not to whine like a weak bitch.

  “Yes. It was Steel’s request that we set it up.” Jez keeps talking to distract me, her finger drawing circles on my knees, her eyes on my face. Pixie is too busy staring at the ceiling to pay much attention to what’s happening.


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