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The Diary of Bink Cummings: Vol 4 (MC Chronicles #4)

Page 6

by Bink Cummings

  “Harley’s her name, and her nickname is Leech. That’s the end of the discussion.” Big is firm.

  The hell it is. I pinch the top of his hand, and he tips his head back to give me a what-do-you-think-you’re-doing look.

  “Her nickname is still negotiable,” I mutter harshly, my eyes delving into his.

  Smugly, he shakes his head. “Nope.”

  Gah! When is he gonna let this go? As soon as he introduced Harley, he also announced her nickname. I scowled at him when he did while everyone else laughed. Now he’s got half of the brothers already using it, even Gunz and Deke, who are supposed to be on my side—traitors.

  Harley cries in her grandpa’s arms, and my eyes instantly lock on them. He lifts her, resting her chest on his while his fingers gently pat her back. The sight is beautiful, ain’t it? Badass Gunz wearing a black t-shirt and holding his grandbaby to his chest. His gray beard’s nearly tickling the top of her head. Next to him, Beth reaches out to tap Harley’s bottom to calm her as well. She quiets down.

  Hey, now that I think of it, Gunz and Beth have pretty much been inseparable all day. Constantly chatting, in each other’s space, even sucking on suckers at the same time. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say something fishy was going on behind my back. But Mr. Kinky-Fucker and Ms. Virgin definitely aren’t doing the nasty. If anything, I bet he’s taken her under his wing to give Big more family time.

  Hell, since the crowd has thinned out and most of the brothers have siphoned to the clubhouse for a birthing celebration, it’s as good a time as ever to catch up with them. And I’d also like to know a little more about this sudden cord cutting agreement that I wasn’t privy to. I’m not a fan of being kept in the dark.

  Running my fingers through Big’s hair, I open my mouth to talk. “So Big and Gunz, would either of you care to fill me in on the cord cutting arrangement?”

  Gunz and Beth take a couple steps closer. Jizz, knowing he’s said enough, gets up and waves his silent goodbye. Viper does the same, joining him. That leaves only the five of us and Deb, who’s busy cleaning. We’ve sent her home three times already, but she’s refusing to budge. Even Dallas tried to drag her away, which didn’t do much except make us listen to them fucking in the bathroom for ten minutes. Then Dallas, Bulk, Tripper, Jez, Pix, Axel, and a few more of the crew said their goodbyes and went to party. You can hear the tail end of the loud music from here, and the scent of bonfire wafts in whenever the front door is opened. Big told me he’d asked Niki to bring extra club whores tonight as his thank you to the brothers for stickin’ it out all day. From the sounds of it, they seem to be appreciating the new pussy. I’m shocked Gunz hasn’t gone up there yet to join in. I know him and Niki are as thick as thieves.

  Bouncing Harley on his chest, Gunz is the first to reply. “We were talkin’ about her birth and preparin’ if something were to go wrong. Big and I got to talkin’ about some shit, and he told me he’d like for me to cut the cord.” He’s being vague.

  I knew they had an ambulance on standby just in case something happened. Big has told me as much. Thankfully, we didn’t need to use it.

  “That’s it?” I ask, and Big’s hand that never left my knee, squeezes it with an unspoken request. In other words, he wants me to drop it. Not sure how I can tell from his touch, but I can. And because I’m not feeling up to a debate, I give in, not mentioning it again.

  With normal ease, we lapse into casual conversation. Beth takes a seat on the chair Jizz vacated while Gunz leisurely ambles around the room with a sleeping Harley propped on his chest. Time passes, and Deb finally disembarks. I grow more tired, yawning behind my hand numerous times. Big remains on the floor, in front of me, his presence an impenetrable comfort. Just because I adore it, I continue combing my fingers through my lover’s hair. Dark, silky strands cascade through my digits. An intoxicating whiff of Big’s scent envelopes my senses as it delves deep into the recesses of my soul to burrow itself there, along with all of my fond memories of him. A content peace floods the room, spreading a serene warmth. Emotions surface that I’ve not been able to embrace due to the day’s beautiful chaos. Appreciation, love, joy, admiration, and so many words that I can’t seem to express all crawl out of the woodwork, filling me fuller than I’ve ever felt before. My family is complete now. I never knew what that felt like until this very moment as Big is talking with Beth and Gunz, who’s is in utter rapture, unwilling to let his grandbaby down. Using his phone, he continues to snap pictures of her, and my sense of fulfillment rises.

  Is this what true love and happiness feels like? I thought I knew what it meant when people speak about it. Now, I live it. Encompass it. And I damn well sure appreciate it. I’m beyond blessed.

  To keep myself from crying, I dial back into Beth and Big’s conversation. “So what’s your plans when Jonesy finally goes into a home?” Big asks her.

  Lifting her shoulder, she drops it in a severe shrug. “I don’t know. Gunz and I’ve discussed it, and I think I’d like to apply for a job at your auto shop. I think it would be a good move for me. Get me away from caretaking and into something new.”

  Big’s hair slides through my fingers as he nods. “I’m sure we can work something out.”

  Unable to contain myself, the words just slip out. “Why are you all buddy-buddy with Gunz all of a sudden? I thought you liked Runner. Now, Runner’s an asshole, so you’re what? Becoming best friends with Gunz? I’m confused here.” Not only am I confused, but I'm also too damn nosy and a little hurt, if I had to be honest. She’s talking to Gunz about what to do after Jonesy goes into an assisted living? What am I? Chopped liver? I’m here for her, too.

  Blushing something fierce, Beth drops her head, playing with her damn hands in her lap. Gunz roughly clears his throat. “We’ve come to an understanding,” he replies for her.

  A what? He's vague again.

  “A what? You have a what, exactly?” There goes that hand on my knee, squeezing it again. Big wants me to shut up. Well, I’m not shutting up this time. Beth is my sister, and I take care of my sisters. I don’t care if I just gave birth, or that I’ve been through a lot in the past months. That doesn’t matter. She’s my sister and I’m here for her no matter what.

  “I think someone needs their diaper changed.” Gunz ignores my words, and Big stands up, moving to take our daughter from his arms.

  “I’ll be back in a few, and then we’re going to bed, Sugar Tits,” Big says on his way down the hall.

  Guess I better talk fast.

  “So, fill me in,” I look to Gunz, who appears a little sheepish. If anyone will give me answers, it’s him. Beth is busy over here acting too awkward to respond.

  Gunz drops onto the couch with a sigh. Dragging his cut off the arm, he sets it on his lap. “When Runner pulled his shit, I got pissed. I feel bad about what he’s been doin’ to Beth. It’s twisted shit. So we discussed it and decided that we’d become friends.” He holds up his hands to stop me interrupting. He knows me way too well, because I’ve got a thousand questions. “Now, don’t worry; we’re not fucking. And she was gonna tell you, but I told her to wait until you gave birth.” Glad to know they were eventually going to enlighten me. That does make me feel a lot better. My nerves drop from a boil to a simmer.

  He keeps on. “After the fucking in the clubhouse incident.”

  “Which one?”

  “The one where you almost broke his nose and Big had to manhandle you out of the room.”

  See, I told ya I saw red.

  I gesture with my hand for him to carry on.

  Before speaking, Gunz kicks his booted foot onto his knee. “After that incident, I told Beth to stick with me. Tried to explain to her not all of the brothers are that big of assholes. What makes matters worse is that he’s been textin’ her continuously. I’m bettin’ he’ll get drunk enough tonight and send more.”

  Oh, hell no.

  “What kinda texts has he been sending?” Keeping my tone smooth, I swap my gaze betw
een Beth and Gunz. Face ashen, she squirms in her seat, her breath coming out in short spurts. Yep, I’m gonna murder that fucker. I can’t believe he’s been doing this to her!

  “They haven’t been very nice,” Gunz replies through a clenched jaw, his shoulders tense, nostrils flaring. If he’s that pissed about it, they’ve gotta be bad.

  “Does Big know?”

  Gunz nods. “Yeah, I showed him. But you two have had enough to deal with between your relationship and havin’ my grandbaby.” A ghost of a grin crosses his features. “Beth and I didn’t wanna get ya worked up over nothin’ I can’t handle. And today is not the day, Baby Doll. You just had Leech, and you need to settle into motherhood, just as Big needs to settle into bein’ a dad. You’ve both been through too fucking much. You just need to worry about yourselves and let me take care of this. I’ve got your girl.” His eyes flick over to Beth, who looks like she’s about to pass out. “I’m not gonna let him fuck with her. She’s glued to mine or your hip at all of our functions. So when we go up to the party in a bit, I’ve got her covered.”

  My word vomit keeps on coming. “Not if you’re plannin’ on gettin’ laid, she’s not.” It’s true. How is he gonna watch her when he’s balls deep in slutty pussy?

  Gunz frowns at me. “I’m not gettin’ laid,” he grumbles.

  “Does Niki know that?” God, I can’t shut up.

  “If I don’t want her pussy, I don’t use it. She knows that.” He sounds so sure, but I’m not convinced. They fuck at nearly every party. I don’t see her taking too kindly to being ignored.

  “Are you sure she knows that? Because I’m willing to bet, she doesn’t.”

  Gunz points to his face. It’s stern. “Does it look like I give a damn what she knows or likes? I fuck her. She’s a fantastic lay. But Runner bein’ a complete dickhead takes precedence over my own cock.” To cement his statement, he grabs said cock over his jeans.

  Jesus, he doesn’t have to get all pissy with me.

  “Lose the attitude, gramps. She’s just lookin’ out for her sister.” Big re-enters the room, a fresh, wide-eyed baby in his arms. Those lips of hers are now sucking on his pinky finger and he’s floating in daddy heaven.

  Gunz nods, knowing Big is right. His apologetic eyes meet mine. “Sorry, Baby Doll. This Runner situation has me wired as hell.”

  I can understand that. I’m not even dealing with it and it’s got me wired, too. “I get it. But Beth…” I glance at her, and she finally looks up to meet my gaze. She’s hesitant. “…if you need me for anything, ever, I’m here. If Runner fucks with you, he’s fucking with me, and I’ll break his nose this time.”

  She offers me a timid smile. “I know. I just feel bad. I didn’t know dating him would do this. He’s not a kind person.”

  “No,” I nod my agreement before slicing my eyes to Gunz, “but he is.”

  “Alright. That’s enough gettin’ my old lady worked up tonight, on a night I can’t fuck her to calm down.” Big winks at me, then bows his head toward Harley. “I think she needs to eat, babe.”

  Finally, that’s my cue to be a mommy again.

  Unfolding my legs, then pushing myself to stand, I try to ignore the ache that seems to consume my entire body. Beth moves my way and gives me a tight hug. Gunz kisses me goodnight before kissing Harley, too. Then I follow my family to our upstairs bedroom as the rest of my family sees themselves out. I’ll be getting to the bottom of this Runner disaster later. Like Gunz said, tonight is not the night.

  Removing my clothes then crawling into bed isn’t without discomfort, but I fight through it until I’m on my side and Big lays Harley next to me. Gripping my breast, I feed my nipple into her mouth and, without hesitation, she latches on like she’s an expert. Sweet, round eyes encircled in long black lashes look up at me as she drinks. I run my free hand over her head, savoring in the texture of her soft pillowy hair—hair that I helped create. I still can’t believe she’s mine. That I’m a mom…

  Stretching out on his side, Big props himself so his front is flush with Harley, arm holding up his head. Glancing up from our little bundle, I catch him staring at me.

  “What?” I mumble, feeling a bit weird, my cheeks heating on their own accord.

  “You’re beautiful.” He leans forward, brushing his lips against mine with a grumble of satisfaction. A rush of goosebumps break free, descending my frame. I suppress a shiver.

  “Big,” I breathe.

  Heavy laden breaths fan across my lips and cheeks. “You can’t talk like that, Sugar Tits. Your lips are already makin’ me hard,” he rasps, his voice like gravel.

  Damn, he’s delicious.

  “Then maybe you shouldn’t compliment your woman,” I half-tease on a throaty whisper.

  His lips brush mine again. “I’m gonna compliment what I see fit. And you feedin’ our daughter is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”

  Shit. Why does he have to get all sweet sometimes? Those emotions I wanna keep at bay are startin’ to rise when I don’t want them to. My nose burns with the itch to cry. Not now.

  “Big, please stop,” I plead.

  “No,” he continues to speak to my lips. “What do you want me to stop? Stop tellin’ ya how fuckin’ sexy you are? Not gonna happen. Stop tellin’ ya how much my dick wants you twenty-four fuckin’ seven? Nope. Think again. Stop tellin’ ya that this was one of the best days of my life? Keep dreamin’, Sugar Tits. I’m gonna tell ya what I want, because I’m proud of you. ‘Cause I’m proud of havin’ a daughter with ya. And mostly ‘cause I’m a sick motherfucker who gets pleasure outta tellin’ ya how hard my cock is right now because you’re naked in bed with me. Do you realize I’ve dreamt about this? That I’ve wished like hell I’d deserve you. Now, I’ve got ya naked in my bed, and our little Leech suckin’ on that tit. I—.” He clears his throat a few times. “I’m the luckiest bastard that’s ever lived. And I can’t stop tellin’ ya that. Ya got me?” His voice cracks.

  My emotional dam breaks, and my throat clogs as my heart expands from his words.

  “I got ya.”

  Unable to bear another second without his lips covering mine, I lean the last few inches and press my mouth to his. On contact, he groans erotically, before teasing the seam of my lips with his tongue, seeking entrance. Powerless to make him wait, I accept him inside and our tongues clash with abandon. Hot and heavy, we battle and groan to each other’s mouths like we’re starved and the only thing that can quench our thirst is each other. Possessively, his hand cups the back of my neck, holding me in place as his tongue plunders my mouth in toe curling ecstasy. I moan as he sucks on my tongue, then moves to nibble my bottom lip. A haze of need consumes my every cell as the mounting urge to ride him burns deep.

  A tiny whine breaks through my mental fog and I jerk away from Big with a gasp. Not liking that I pulled away, he expels an unhappy grunt as he tries to tug my mouth to his once more.

  “Big, our daughter,” I pant, attempting to convince him to stop. It works.

  Simultaneously looking down, our daughter stares up at us as content as can be. My lips throb from his touch. I brush my fingers across them with a smile, then lift my gaze to his. The ice-blue of his eyes are gleaming as he stares at me with a predatory grin. Both of our chests heave for oxygen.

  He’s the first to speak. “I’m sorry. I couldn’t help myself.”

  I keep trying to catch my breath. “It’s okay … I love it when you kiss me like that.”

  The grin grows to reach his eyes. “I love you so fuckin’ much.”

  “I know, and I love you, too.”

  Dropping his head, Big kisses Lee—Harley’s forehead. “And I love you, too, little one. I just wish your mama wasn’t so sexy sometimes. It fucks with Daddy’s head.”

  A chuckle bubbles out of me, and I shake my head at how adorable Big is.

  Lifting Harley, he moves her lips back to my nipple and helps her latch on. Then he comes back to my lips to peck them one more time. “I ca
n’t wait to spend the rest of my life with the two of you. Now let’s get you some more rest.”

  That sounds good to me. Only six more weeks and I can fulfill that hunger for Big. Until then, I’m gonna sleep and take care of my daughter as much as possible. I’m the luckiest bitch in the world. Now, let’s see if I can get some shuteye. Why don’t ya join me? You could probably use a nap, too.


  My baby peacefully asleep in my arms, I continue to rock her, unable to pry myself away. I’ve only been a mom for a short time, but it’s been life changing. I don’t know what I’d do without my little babes.

  Pretzel lifts his head off the floor, ears perking just before the sounds of footsteps near. In warning, he growls lowly in his throat.

  “It’s just me, Bud,” Big calls right outside the door, and Pretzel ceases the noise.

  Since Harley was introduced to our pups, we have been quick to realize his over-protection of me has rubbed off on her. Now he sleeps wherever she is. Goes wherever she goes. And if she cries, he whines along with her, those mismatched eyes pleading with me to make her better. It’s cute in its own way, and a pain in the ass in another. I guess I’m just happy he likes her as much as he does. I was kinda worried about jealousy. Thankfully, there hasn’t been any.

  Slowly, Big cracks open the door, swinging it wide. There’s a vase in his hand; a couple bright pink roses poke through the white baby’s breath.

  “What are those?” I tip my head toward them.

  It’s not like we don’t already have a house full of fragrant flowers. Let’s just say that when the Sacred Sinner’s national Prez has a baby, it’s customary to send congratulations. A simple card, email, or phone call would have sufficed for respect purposes. However, we’ve suddenly been flooded with so much more. Delivery after delivery of flowers—so many that we’ve had to give them away to my Sacred Sisters. The gifts and cards are also just as abundant. So much beer and baby biker shit, it’s wild. Not that I’m ungrateful for the outpouring of love. I’m not. I’m just overwhelmed by it. It definitely hits ya straight in the heart. Deb and Jez have been busy organizing it for me. Pixie would help, too, but with her tat shop, she doesn’t have the time. Beth and Jo do their fair share, as well. I dunno what I’d do without them incredible bitches.


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