Caress The Dark God [Scions of the Ankh 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Caress The Dark God [Scions of the Ankh 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 7

by Toni L. Meilleur

  She kissed him passionately and it was Anubis’s turn to feel her backside. That glorious, firm, round backside that had been taunting him. She gripped his cock tighter as he deepened the kiss. Using what little room they had between them, she stroked him, her small hands heaven on his well-endowed arousal. Under his command, the bed rolled forward until it was behind Tessa. He walked her backwards as he kissed her until they both tumbled into the bed.

  Anubis broke the kiss and looked down at Tessa. Her hair was wild and her brown eyes were dark with desire. He brought one finger to her lips and her tongue snaked out, wetting the tip. He kept eye contact with her as he brought his moist fingers to one of her nipples and rubbed it between his thumb and finger. Her back arched slightly and she moaned. Again he brought his finger to her mouth and repeated the process, this time on the other nipple. With both nipples hard, he clamped his mouth over one and suckled hard. Her hands immediately went to his head, keeping him in place and pulling him even closer.

  Between then, his manhood seemed to pulse with anticipation. A storm began to brew outside the windows. Thunder rumbled as the first large raindrops slammed against the glass panes. I love a good storm, she said on a small, kittenish growl, not realizing that the storm was merely the manifestation of his desire being unleashed. Harder, she directed him. Anubis responded with a playful bite on her nipple, then the fleshy part of her breast. He began to trail kisses down the length of her body, but Tessa stopped him.

  This is my dream, rebel, she chastised him, I want to have my way with you. He hadn’t thought it was possible, but he became even more aroused at her demands. Reluctantly, he stopped what he was doing and rolled over onto the bed. He propped himself up on one of the many black silk pillows and put his hands behind his head as he studied her next to him.

  Have at it.

  I plan to.

  Tessa then stood rather gracefully on the bed in the red pumps. She planted a foot on either side of his thighs and looked down at him expectantly. It took Anubis a moment to understand what she wanted, but soon a raunchy, slow beat began to flow out of the speakers built into the walls of the room. She began to slowly gyrate her hips to the music and Anubis was lost as he followed the movement of her hips. Her patch of hair just above the apex of her thighs was neatly trimmed. He didn’t know where to look first.

  Her long, curly hair swayed side to side and she began to lift her hair, only to let it cascade softly around her shoulders and down her back. Her hands traveled over her breasts as she squeezed them and played with them. How am I doing? she asked playfully.

  You’re killing me. I want to be inside of you.

  Good. She then squatted down suddenly so that her bottom just grazed his penis then she was back up again. She grinned. I learned that in my Strip To Get In Shape DVD. One red-pumped foot was in the middle of his chest, light enough so that the heel wouldn’t dig into his skin. Her hips then began an oval gyration that made him salivate. Tessa then removed the foot from his chest and turned so that her backside was to him as she continued to dance for him. Anubis was mesmerized watching that toned bottom bounce and sway madly to the beat of the music.

  Then his heart almost stopped when she bent totally over and grabbed her ankles. Her hair spiraled down to the bed as she looked at him upside down from between her legs. Aroused yet?

  Not only was he aroused, he could smell she was as well. Given her present position, he could see the wet glossiness of her vaginal lips. He’d had enough. She’d more than had her way with him. He reached up and grabbed her about the waist, causing her to tumble. She giggled as she landed on top of him. Her sweet-smelling soft hair spilled around them and he quickly changed positions so that she was on the bottom and he was solidly between her thighs.

  He looked into her face and could see the raw desire and the years of pent-up passion that she denied herself. Only here, when she believed herself to be in a dream, did she let her passions run free. More than that, she had included him as the object of her desire. To him, there was no greater honor. I want you, Tessa. Her naked skin against his soothed him. It filled his desire for a closeness he had not wanted with anyone else. He didn’t know why this human affected him, but she did.

  I want you too, Torian.

  What if this isn’t a dream, Tessa? Would you still have me?

  Her expression turned thoughtful. You know what they say, Torian. If this is a dream, don’t wake me up. She ran her fingers across his lips. Do you know how sexy you are? Of course you do. She giggled. Make love to me, Torian.

  The desire to tell her it wasn’t a dream was strong. Her desire for him was real. Even if he were to tell her, she wouldn’t believe him. She would assume it was just another aspect of her dream. He paused, not sure if he should stop and attempt to tell her or just lose himself in the moment. While in the midst of his pondering, she grabbed his cock and pushed her hips up, effectively pulling him halfway inside of her. The shock of the feel of her stunned him. She was so hot and wet for him. He swallowed, and looked down at her. Her eyes begged him not to stop. With a growl, his hips surged forth and he buried himself deep within her.

  Chapter Nine

  The blissful sensation of him inside her almost made Tessa choke on a cry of pleasure. Tessa’s eyes rolled as Torian thrust into her slowly and forcefully. His beautiful but strange eyes entranced her as their bodies connected. He felt as thick and long as she’d imagined he would be. His body was nothing but muscle and sinew. She ran her fingers along his upper arms, wallowing in every aspect of pleasure where their bodies touched.

  She wrapped her legs about his torso as he slid sensually in and out of her. Tessa sighed in unmitigated pleasure. His lightly scented hair cascaded about his face, making him seem even more primal. Electricity crackled in the air as her pleasure built. Like a machine, he pistoned in and out of her, relentless and powerful. With a grunt he stopped and pulled out of her. Tessa found herself being repositioned on her side, her legs pushed up until she was in a half-fetal position. Then he was entering her with one hand on her hip the other on her thighs as he pushed himself in to the base of his root.

  She gasped at the sensation. Being entered from this position was wonderful. She reached up her left arm and ran her hand down his chest. Her nails lightly scored his darkly bronzed chest. She closed her eyes, feeling nothing but the sensation of being thoroughly pleasured. Vaguely, she could hear the storm raging outside. Thunder boomed and the windows shook from the vibrations. Rain pummeled the windows and lightning cracked close; there was a wildness in the air that catapulted her senses into overdrive. It seemed as if she were being literally ridden by a storm.

  Open your eyes. She heard the command in her head. In this dream neither she nor Torian actually spoke. It was as if they could hear one another without saying the words. Tessa opened her eyes and looked into Torian’s. Shock went through her as she stared into eyes that were no longer even remotely human. They no longer held the dark funnels of before. With the briefest of glances she looked to the window and saw that his eyes matched the clouds exactly. Different shades of gray swirled like living marble. It was frightening and exciting at the same time.

  Your eyes…

  You are seeing me as I am.

  Tessa couldn’t think. She felt the pressure building and knew she would climax soon. She opened her mouth to speak and only a stunted cry escaped. He surged forward faster and faster and seemed to swell even thicker. Tessa gripped the sheets in an attempt to hold on to her consciousness. She was drowning in a pleasure she had never known before. Then it hit her with unrivaled intensity. Her whole body shook as the waves of her orgasm possessed her. Torian showed her no mercy, but kept pumping into her, dragging out the orgasm and taking it to a height that left her breathless. Colors swirled before her as she tried to focus. She went under the crushing waves of bliss, crying out a single word. Torian!

  He stilled at the sound of his name. His head went back and a roar sliced through the air and s
hook the windows more than the thunder. Tessa could feel his hot seed as it poured inside of her. As she struggled to breath, she could see Torian was having just as much trouble trying to regain focus. His eyes were heavy and hooded as he looked down at her. A thin sheen of sweat covered his body, causing another wave of desire to flow through her. Tessa couldn’t ever recall having a dream as vivid and real as this one. He slowly pulled out of her, still somewhat hard. He lay behind her and molded his body to hers. Her head lay on his arm; the other was thrown almost possessively around her waist. At the same time, they took a deep breath and released it.

  I do not think I’ve ever climaxed so hard, Torian confided.

  I know I haven’t.

  I do not know what you do to me, Tessa. My body is drawn to yours.

  Tessa paused. His words bothered her. It was just her body? In all fairness she had not known him long. But suddenly she found herself, wanting to know more about this man. She wanted him to want all of her. Then Tessa chided herself. What exactly was she thinking? First of all, this was just a dream. A sex dream. What did it matter if he knew her or not? In reality she would never sleep with him so wantonly. She kicked off the red pumps. She’d sworn off men. But here in this dream she could let herself go, do whatever she wanted without getting hurt. She changed her position until she could look him straight in the eyes. Eyes that were now simply dark. No dark tornado funnels, no swirling storm clouds.

  You are the first lover I’ve had in a very long time.

  Why? Will you tell me about him, Tessa?

  Tessa breathed deeply. Again, what did it matter? His name was Roarden. I met him the night I graduated from medical school. You know that old saying, never expect a long relationship from someone you pick up in a bar? It’s a damn good one. We seemed to mesh. Had all the same interests, even knew a few of the same people. It turns out we knew a lot more of the same people that I realized.

  He was not faithful?

  He was never faithful, apparently. For two years, we dated. He got to know my family, as I got closer to his. Of course, as fate would have it he had known my cousin in high school. Apparently he knew her well beyond high school, because he fathered a child by her while she was still married to someone else.

  Ah, that can be a bit awkward.

  Not as awkward as finding out he fathered another child by her while we were engaged. I didn’t know this at the time, none of it, in fact. You want to know when I found out? Tessa didn’t wait for him to answer. When she crashed my wedding, saying she had left her husband for him and now it was time he owned up. Needless to say, I was devastated and embarrassed.

  Is he the reason you do not like to be called beautiful?

  He called me that all the time. Said I was the most beautiful and only woman he desired. Tessa snorted. I fell for that hook, line and sinker.

  Tessa could feel the bed shift and Torian gently tugged at her until she lay on her back. His dark eyes looked deeply into hers. It is too bad this Roarden could not appreciate the woman that you are, Tessa. But you are beautiful, in that he was accurate.

  It is all men see.

  I am not like the men you have known.

  They all say that.

  What can I do to prove it?

  Can you give me the sun and the moon? Tessa asked jokingly.

  A serious expression came over Torian’s face. In a way, yes. He turned towards the window and Tessa followed his line of sight. Almost immediately the rain stopped and the thunder quieted. The clouds began to roll away and in a matter of seconds, sunlight burst through the window. Tessa sat up in bed and looked from Torian to the window. She had to keep in mind this was just a dream. Even so, it was a damn good one.

  That’s remarkable. How did you do that?

  I control this plane. Though the sun is not real, I can make it real enough.

  Where are we exactly, Torian? I know this is just a dream, but I do not think I’ve ever seen this place to dream it.

  If you believe this to be a dream, then it should matter little where we are. Come.

  Torian rose from the bed and held his hand out to Tessa. She grinned and took it. Where are we going? Torian said nothing as he led her towards the back of the house and then outside. The dirt from the garden under her feet was rich and smelled good. Huge flowers swayed gently as drops of the fallen rain dripped slowly from the petals. She followed his long steps until they came to a round wooden structure. Tessa squealed when she realized what it was. You have a shower outdoors?

  Now I do. He smiled at her. For a second all she could do was look at this handsome man who insisted on invading her dreams. Come. He opened the door and there was nothing but mirrors everywhere. The floor looked to be made of Italian marble. Her nose picked up the scent of sandalwood incense. Various vines crept over the walls of the structure, giving it an almost jungle feel. Some of the plants even sprouted large blossoms that Tessa couldn’t even began to identify.

  This is beautiful.

  I hoped you would like it.

  Tessa watched as he closed the door behind them and automatically the water switched on. The huge, plate-sized showerhead let loose a light, massaging torrent of warm water. Torian turned her around and began to gently stroke her hair, allowing the water to penetrate the thick tresses. His fingers felt so good in her hair. He stopped for a moment and through the mirrors Tessa watched as he plucked a blossom from one of the vines and crushed it in his hands. A beautiful scent began to permeate the air and he began to rub the crushed blossom into her hair. Tessa was astounded to see the blossom produced a thick lather. This had to be the oddest dream she’d ever had.

  As he worked the lather, he massaged her scalp, sending Tessa into a trancelike state. A girl could get used to this. As the lather snaked its way down her body, so did his hands as he rubbed it into her skin, first her shoulders, then his hands cupped her breasts. He began to knead her breasts. The slickness of the lather plus the abundance of Torian’s skill made it a heady experience. Tessa leaned back against his hard body as he alternated between squeezing and kneading her breast. His hands traveled even lower until he could work the soapy substance between her legs. Her core instantly reacted and she pushed her hips forward.

  A deep chuckle vibrated in his chest and he began to pay special attention to her clitoris. While one hand still attended her breast, the other slipped further between her thighs. Tessa widened her stance a bit more to give him better access. Rhythmically his fingers began to slide in and out of her and Tessa couldn’t believe she was ready to have sex again so soon. She could feel his hardened cock nestled between them and she wanted it inside of her again.

  Tessa reached behind her, pulling the thick member between her legs. Slowly he began to slide it between her folds, causing such delicious friction she was soon on the cusp of another orgasm. He picked up the pace of his fondling and Tessa could feel herself getting wetter and wetter. Open your eyes. Watch as we make love, Tessa.

  Tessa opened her eyes and looked into the mirrors. In them, two slick, water-soaked bodies rubbed against each other. The picture was so erotic she couldn’t stop watching. As the water poured down their bodies, the tempo of their desire rose. Torian’s strokes became stronger and more intense. His fingers worked her clitoris so vigorously that soon Tessa was crying out as the climax slammed into her. As the effects worked their way through her body, Torian entered her, stealing her breath for a moment.

  I love the way your body grips mine, Tessa. I can feel you orgasm on my cock. It is the most wonderful sensation. His words coupled with the image of him pumping into her sent her over the edge again, and this time she wasn’t alone. He almost growled as he came, tweaking her nipples and still rubbing her clit.

  Tessa didn’t know how long it was before she was able to stand on her own. Somewhere between her first and second orgasm, her knees had buckled and she felt Torian catch her against his hard body. He stayed inside her as he rinsed the blossom lather from her hair. Reluctantly,
he had to end the connection between them. Time for bed, Tessa. You’ve had a long day. She wasn’t about to argue with him. Her strength now eluded her. Not one iota of protest slipped from her mouth when he picked her up and carried her out of the shower. She didn’t even remember going back through the gardens. It was as if one second they were in the shower and the next, they were back in his bedroom.

  This time a fire roared in the fireplace. He settled her against the pillows, and somehow she was completely dry. All dry except for her hair, which she knew was just a tangled mess. He sat on one side and gathered a small mass of her hair and began to gently comb out the tangles. Where did you get a comb?

  He said nothing as he tended to her hair. His touch was so gentle Tessa found herself getting sleepy. Section by section he combed the tangles from her hair. She could smell the sweet scent of the blossom in her hair. It was now her favorite scent. Well, at least in this dream it was. He combed her hair until it was tangle free. When she reached up to touch it she was at a loss as to how it could be completely dry so soon. Not only that — it held beautiful, thick, shiny curls. I have to get me some of those flowers, she mused.

  Torian nudged her until she was completely lying down. He spread her hair around the pillow before he nestled next to her. Tessa found herself curling against him, her hand against his chest. Tessa thought it odd that she was falling asleep while she was in the middle of a dream. Sleep, beautiful one. She heard his words, and yet this time they didn’t bother her. Her eyes grew too heavy to keep open. She opened them one last time to see Torian looking at her with a tender expression. There was no lust, no teasing, just an expression so soft that Tessa immediately recognized it. It was the expression of one who had been lonely for a long time and finally found contentment.


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