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The Trouble With Two Alpha's

Page 5

by Brenda Westfall

  I watched as she got up and walked out of the room. If she thought she could hide from me that easily, she had another thing coming.

  Every time I thought I was out of his sight he moved. Finally, I got up and went outside. Wanda was out under the tree across the yard where we had been cooking on their grill.

  I saw her head outside and followed. If she tried to leave, I would just go after her. We needed to spend time together, whether she liked it or not. I had a good feeling about her.

  I hadn’t been outside five minutes till I saw him standing on the porch watching me. He just stood there staring at me. I tried turning my back to him, but I could still feel his eyes watching me. It was as if they were burning a hole in my back.

  “Wanda can I ask you something? Who is that man that showed up today? He said he was the men’s boss. I thought Elliot was.”

  “He is our Alpha. I mean he is like a father to us all. I know he doesn’t look old enough to be, but he watches out for us. Why do you ask, you like him?”

  “Not exactly. Something about him scares the living crap out of me. When I bumped into him at the gas station it was like he burnt my skin. Then where we had touched kept tingling like I had been shocked. It was weird.”

  “Oh really.”

  She turned to look at me with a knowing smile on her face. She thought I liked him. That I was trying to find out more about him because I liked him. Boy was she wrong.

  When Wanda had all the meat cooked, she whistled letting them know the food was ready. Everyone came running like always. One would think they never saw food before.

  I watched them fix their plates and find a place to sit. Then, instead of digging in like they normally did, they sat still and waited for the new man to get his food and sit down. None of them touched a bite of food before he did.

  “Aren’t you going to eat Miss Cross?”

  “I’m not really that hungry. You all go ahead. I think I might go see how much you have gotten done inside today.”

  Before I could stand up, he was moving over to sit beside me. He pulled his chair so close we were almost touching. He looked at me and told Wanda to fix me a plate.

  “I’m not hungry, I said. Wanda don’t bother I am not going to eat. I don’t know who you think you are, but I make up my own mind when I want to eat or not.”

  “I think you’re trying to get away from me. What’s the matter, afraid of the big bad wolf?”

  I wanted to scream. I went to get up and he put his arm out to block me. He told me to sit and visit with him. I didn’t want to.

  “No, thank you. Now either move your arm or lose it.”

  He laughed so hard I thought he was going to fall out of his chair. I don’t know what he found to be so funny, but it really pissed me off. Without thinking I kicked him in the shin as hard as I could.

  He stopped laughing for all of two seconds. That made me even madder. I pushed his arm out of my way and stormed off.

  “Sir, I think you get under her skin.”

  “Yes, I think I do too. She is such a lovely creature. I like that she has spunk. She would make an excellent member to the pack.”

  I know they were all looking at me as if I had lost my mind, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that this woman was my mate. If only I could get closer to her, I could find out.

  If only I could be alone with her. I would make love to her and let my wolf out, so we could decide if she was our mate. The way I felt and the way my wolf acted every time she was around, had me believing that she was the one I would be spending the rest of my life with.

  All I had to do was convince her of it!

  “That man has a lot of nerve. What does he think he is doing here anyway? He wasn’t the one I hired to work for me. How dare he just show up here. Why I should go out there and fire the whole damn bunch of them.”

  I had a bad habit of talking to myself. I should have known he would follow me into the house. I didn’t hear him, I felt him. He was standing in the kitchen doorway, staring at me.

  “You always talk to yourself?”

  “What if I do? It isn’t any of your business. Why don’t you leave. I didn’t hire you. I hired Elliot. Next thing I know I have a dozen or so people working for me.”

  “Don’t you like the work they’re doing?”

  “I liked it just fine before you showed up. I don’t know you or want to. I don’t need to pay more people to work for me. I won’t pay you. I can’t afford to use all my money up before I find a job.”

  Before I knew it, he was across the floor and standing in front of me. He reached up and gently touched my cheek. I shivered at his touch. It tingled and burnt at the same time. It made me feel things I didn’t want to feel.

  “I didn’t ask you to pay me. In fact, I don’t expect you to pay any of them for working for you. They needed something to do and this is keeping them out of trouble. As for who I am, I am sorry I didn’t introduce myself when we first bumped into one another in town the other day. I am Jack Blackwood. You may call me Jack if you like.”

  “No, thank you. Mr. Blackwood will work just fine. Tell me why would I not pay the men who have been invited here? I hired them to work for me. I expect to pay them for a job well done. They have been working long hard hours and I appreciate it.”

  “They don’t need the money. We do all right without you paying them. Like I said, it is helping keep them out of trouble. I didn’t mean to upset you so much by showing up here. I didn’t know whose house they were working on till I got here. (Liar). I only wanted to come see what kind of job they were doing. I make sure they do things right the first time. It is better for people to talk about a job well done, rather than one not done right.”

  “That is true. However, I wouldn’t have hired them if I didn’t expect to pay them. Now if you would excuse me, I have things to do.”

  I waited for him to leave and eventually he did. After he got tired of staring daggers at me. I got the feeling he wasn’t used to people telling him what to do.

  How dare she think she could order me around. I stepped outside before I lost it. The little vixen has spunk. I can’t wait till I have made her mine.

  By the end of the day the insulation was up. The sheet rock was all up. We were ready to start painting. We would have to paint ceilings and walls.

  I still hadn’t thought about what we were going to do with the floors. They had replaced most of the boards that had seen better days. I had to decide if I wanted to go with hardwood floors or carpet.

  I thought about that for a minute, then thought about what it would be like to keep carpet clean if I got a dog. A dog would track mud in all the time. Not good for carpet. Hardwood I think would work best out in the country.

  Elliot came into find me. He said they were getting ready to call it a day. It was earlier than usual, but I didn’t mind since they had been working twelve to sixteen-hour days so far.

  “Ok. I will see you tomorrow. Do you think you can leave the man who came today behind tomorrow? He makes me nervous.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that. He is the big boss. I will talk to him and see, but I don’t really know if he will stay behind. Tomorrow we will get the sheetrock taped up and start painting. Then we need to hang all the light fixtures and put the covers on the switches. What are you planning to do about the floors?”

  “I was just sitting here thinking about that very thing. I am leaning toward hardwood floors. I think they would be easier to keep clean and look nice.”

  “Then we need to see how much we need, and I will have someone go with you to pick it up. I am sure you will want to pick it out. There are several different shades of hardwood.”

  “Yes, I know. I will go tomorrow sometime and pick it out. Why don’t you let me know in the morning how much flooring I will need, and I will run into town. If we need anything else just let me know.”

  “Will do. Goodnight, Miss Cross.”

  “Goodnight, Elliot.”

  Mr. Bla
ckwood made sure he was the last one to come in and tell me bye. I think he knew he made me nervous and it made him feel good.

  “Gabi, I wanted to tell you Goodnight. I hope you have sweet dreams tonight. Leaving you is hard to do. Till tomorrow.”

  He took my hand and kissed it, then bowed as he turned to leave. What an odd man I thought.

  Chapter 7

  The next morning as soon as Elliot and the men showed up, they measured the floors to decide how many boxes of hardwood flooring she would need. Then Elliot made a list of what else they needed.

  “I think that is all we need. By the time you get back with the flooring we should be ready to start laying it. With us all working inside today we will get the wallboard finished and painted in no time.”

  “Sounds good. All right, I will go on into town and pick up the supplies. On my way back, I will pick up some pizzas. I guess we probably need some more ice and drinks too.”

  “I will go with you to help. Come, I’ll drive.” Jack smiled and headed for the front door expecting her to follow. He should have known it wouldn’t be that easy.

  “No, thank you. I will go alone. You should stay here Mr. Blackwood and help out. I can take care of town myself. I wouldn’t want to keep you from your work.”

  “I insist.”

  Jack grabbed her hand and started leading her out to the truck. She tried to pull her hand out of his several times, but Jack never let go. She was fuming mad.

  “I said I would go by myself. Let go of me, damn it!”

  My hand burned where he touched me. The burning ran up my arm and down deep inside of me. It was such a weird feeling. It was also the best damn feeling ever. I could feel it all the way to my inner core. I instantly felt wet. I wanted nothing more than to rip his clothes off and make love.

  I could smell her arousal. It was driving me mad. My wolf paced and howled inside of me. My wolf was ready to claim his mate. If only she knew what I was. Why is she fighting it? Can’t she feel it?

  That feeling is what scared her. It made her angry with herself. How could she think such thoughts about a man who acted like a Neanderthal? A man who thought he could tell her what to do.

  No, sir, not happening!

  All the way to town they argued.

  “I hired Elliot, not you Mr. Blackwood. I don’t want you on my property. I don’t want you anywhere near me. You don’t own me, and I won’t be forced into anything.”

  “I never said I owned you and I do work for you. It doesn’t hurt to let me help you out in town. Why, I might have to load the flooring myself. You don’t need to be lifting that kind of weight.”

  “Are you saying I am not capable of lifting boxes of wood flooring? You don’t know me too well. I might not look it, but I am very strong. I have dealt with people a lot stronger than you and came out on top.”

  “I would like that.” The thought of her on top of him made him hard.

  “Excuse me?”

  “You on top. Of course, I am not set on doing things any one way. Me on top, you on top, it all works for me. Me standing up behind you. Me laying behind you. Yes, it would work for me anyway, we did it.”

  She made a gasping sound and I laughed. I knew I had caught her off guard. She never expected me to talk sex with her.

  “I am not talking about sex with you!”

  I was smiling like I knew exactly what she was thinking about. I knew she was picturing every position I mentioned.

  Damn it, I wasn’t going there with him.

  We pulled up to the lumber company and parked. I got out and waited for her in front of my truck. Thinking to himself, if she really wanted to get rid of me, she would take off now that she is out of my truck. She does like me even if she won’t admit it.

  We made it into the store and placed her order for the flooring. While we waited for it to be brought out to the truck, we walked around picking up the other supplies Elliot said they needed.

  Gabi called the pizza place and place an order for a dozen large pizzas. The lady who took her order about choked when she told her how many she needed.

  Once they had everything loaded, we headed over to pick up the pizzas. Gabi and Jack both went in. He said he would carry them. She got out her money to pay for them and he told the lady he was paying.

  “Now wait just a minute, it was my idea and I ordered them. I won’t have you paying for my food.”

  He handed the woman his credit card and told her to take his money or none at all. She took his card and ran it through the machine before handing it back and having him sign the slip.

  I picked up the pizzas and headed out to the truck with Gabi standing there staring at my retreating back.

  What had just happened? How had he beaten me to pay for my pizzas?

  I honked the horn to hurry her up. I knew it would make her mad. It put a smile on my face. Then I thought about her face as I forced the lady to take my credit card instead of her money. I laughed.

  Gabi wanted to scream. She had to find a way to get rid of him before she attacked him. Whether it be to kill him or strip him and have sex with him. One way or another, they were about to come to a full out war.

  Jack smiled as she climbed into the truck and slammed his door. He didn’t say anything but wanted to. He wanted to tell her how he could taste her anger. How he could smell her arousal. How he wanted her more than anything. How he wanted to slowly take her clothes off one piece at a time. How he wanted to kiss every inch of her body. How he wanted to taste her juices. He moaned.

  Gabi heard him moan and shifted uneasily in her seat. What was he thinking of? Did he feel like she did? Was he wanting her as much as she wanted him? No, she wouldn’t think about what he might or might not want.

  The drive back to the house seemed to take forever. Was he deliberately driving slower than normal? She looked over to see he was actually going the speed limit.

  I was just anxious to get away from him. I would too. As soon as we got to the house, I would leave without a word. Elliot knew what needed done. I would go pick up things for the bedroom. Maybe start furniture shopping. Once they got the walls done, I could start deciding where I wanted furniture to go. Once the floor was done, I would be ready to have the furniture delivered. I could go ahead and order it today.

  She was so quiet, I had to wondered what was going through that pretty little head of hers. Was she thinking of ways to get rid of me or ways to make love to me? I could only hope it was the latter.

  We pulled up and parked in front of my house. I waited for him to grab the pizzas, then I rushed to my truck and got in. I would be gone before he could stop me.

  I saw the look in her eyes, she was up to something. I grabbed the pizzas and started handing them to one of the men. Before I had passed them off, she was in her truck and peeling out of the drive. Damn it, she had gotten away. I would just follow her.

  I didn’t think he would follow me. What did it matter to him where I went? When I looked in my rearview mirror a minute later, there he was following me. Damn that man, what was it with him? Why was he following me now?

  I had no idea where we were going. I didn’t want her out alone, it wasn’t safe. Since we had moved here, my pack had found tracks from another wolf pack. Sure, the tracks were on the outside of our claimed territory but still close.

  For her own good I would protect her. I would have a wolf guarding her house at night. I would watch over her too. No, she wouldn’t be alone. She was my mate. I was surer of it every day we spent together.

  I was so pissed that he was following me, I thought about going to the police station and taking out a restraining order. That would keep him away from me. But what could I tell the police he had done to get the protection order?

  After fuming all the way to town, I decided to just ignore him. I went to the furniture store and went inside. It wasn’t two minutes till he was standing beside me.

  “You’re going to buy some furniture?”

  “Why the he
ll can’t you leave me alone? Just stay away from me. I don’t want your help. I don’t want you to be anywhere I am. I thought my leaving would have made that clear. I guess you don’t understand anything.”

  “I don’t think you should be alone. Especially when you’re so upset. You really need to find a way to relax more. I think once the house is done, you and I need to have a long talk. I have a lot to tell you.”

  “You have nothing to say to me that I want to hear. I am not interested in spending time with you now or ever. Mr. Blackwood. I don’t know how to get it through your thick skull, but I am not interested. Not. Interested!” I yelled at him.

  “You say that, yet I can smell your arousal every time I am near you. I can feel the heat every time I touch you. I can hear your heart racing as we speak. You do have feelings for me that you don’t understand. I will explain them to you very soon.” I had to smile, knowing she was possibly my mate.

  Just as I was about to yell at him a salesperson came up to us. The woman asks if she could help us, staring at Jack the entire time she spoke.

  “He is not here for anything. I am the one who needs help. Mr. Blackwood was just causing trouble. If he doesn’t leave, I insist you call the police. He is stalking me.”

  The sales lady looked at me like I had lost my mind. Then looked at him and mumbled, thinking he couldn’t hear her. He can stalk me anytime. He laughed, and the sales lady turned bright red.

  “What were you looking for Miss?”

  “I tell you what, why don’t you two keep each other company while I do a little shopping for myself some furniture. That way you can keep him out of jail. Because I swear if he keeps following me, I am going to call the police and take out a restraining order.”

  I stomped off and he laughed a little louder than necessary. He smiled at the sales lady and said that his girlfriend was just having a bad day. Then they proceeded to follow me around the store.

  Gabi wasn’t having any luck picking out furniture with them following her around the store. If only she could get away from him. Then she got her chance. A man who seemed to know Jack started talking to him and she slipped out a side door. She was gone before he noticed.


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