Beneath the Skin (de La Vega Cats)

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Beneath the Skin (de La Vega Cats) Page 11

by Lauren Dane

  “Stop that.” She slapped his hand but he was undeterred. Probably because she didn’t slap him hard enough. Easily remedied.

  “What I didn’t say was that I like you not dead. I like you safe. Because I like you, Mia Porter. I like you in my bed. I like you eating all the Oreos in the package in one go. It’s already hard enough knowing I wasn’t there for you yet again, but now you’re more to me than one of my cats.”

  Well, it wasn’t a declaration of love and she wasn’t expecting that anyway. But it was a genuine apology. And for a male like him to be so sincere and open meant a lot.

  “How am I doing?”

  She snorted. “Keep going.”

  He sighed. “Please stay with me. Or with someone else if you don’t want to be with me. This place is exposed on three sides. Dario found a nest across the street on the roof. They’ve been watching you. Which means they know where you are. My place is fortified and well guarded.”


  “I’m forgiven?”

  “You have a lot to learn about females.” She walked past him to get dressed.

  “I do.”

  “My suitcase is in the closet at the end of the hall. I need to call my family.”

  * * *

  Mia knew there’d be some sort of come to Jesus with her family when she arrived at the shop the next morning.

  Her mother called to her father and they both came down. “We need to speak with you.”

  She didn’t even have her bag put down yet! Thank God she’d had coffee at Gibson’s before she left.

  “All right.”

  “Do you really think it’s wise to continue associating with Gibson? With all this escalation of threats against your life, shouldn’t you be getting the hell away from the de La Vegas instead of living with them?” Her mother shook her head. “It’s bad enough you enlisted and went to Iraq. Bad enough you went to Los Angeles and then nearly got yourself killed there. But you come back here and get shot pretty much immediately! And now this new attack. Mia, this is dangerous and it’s about the de La Vegas. They’ve done enough damage to this family, don’t you think? It’s one thing to go to dinner there and to attend a few jamboree events a year. It’s another consort with them while they put your life in danger.”

  Her father interrupted. “We know it’s not your fault. We don’t blame you. We just want you safe. You can go away for a while. Your uncle says you can come stay with them for a while up in Vermont. You’ll be the hell away from here and safe. Let the de La Vegas handle this. They’re better trained and it is their business after all.”

  She crossed her arms as Drew wandered into the room and froze. But to her immense relief he moved to stand next to her, not with their parents. A subtle but clear indicator of where his allegiances lay.

  “What’s going on? You okay?”

  “Mom and Dad are telling me to stay away from the de La Vegas and go to Vermont for a while.”

  “Why is that a bad idea? Answer me that, Mia.” Their mother glared.

  “It’s a bad idea because I have a life here. I have a job. I have friends and family. I have Gibson.”

  Drew raised his brows, but smiled.

  “Yes, I’m living with him. But it’s temporary until this all gets tied up. It’s not some part of his nefarious plot to get sex for free and then dump me. Yes, they screwed Grandma over and that sucks. But I know it wasn’t a single one of the de La Vegas who run the jamboree now and it has nothing to do with Gibson.”

  “Watch your mouth, young lady. Being involved with the de La Vega family has brought nothing but woe to us. And it’s the same now, whether you want to see it or not. You’re fine when you get back and then bam, you do something nice to help and look. You got shot! Here in our shop. And then last night you got attacked while you were jogging. All because of them. No good can come of this.”

  “Mom, I’m involved.” She shrugged. “I know you’re worried. I’m sorry this has touched your lives and this shop. More than you can know. If I could take it back, I would. But I won’t now. Because I happen to like Gibson. A lot. This isn’t about him being a bad guy. He’s not going to get me pregnant and dump me. I’m careful anyway. And in case you hadn’t noticed, I’m a strong woman in a completely different era.”

  Drew put an arm around her shoulders. “I agree with Mia. They care about her. About all their cats. If anyone can protect her, it’s Gibson.”

  Their mother countered. “Fine job he’s done so far.”

  She sighed. “Your feelings on the matter have been registered. I hear you and I respect that you’re scared. Now, I’ve got work to do and I know you do too. I’ll be living there until this is solved. And what I have with him isn’t... Well, I don’t know what it is entirely. But I know he respects me. And I like him. Like him like him. I’m asking that you respect that, and I’ll keep you as updated as I can. You worry and I’m sorry about that. Believe me, I don’t want to get shot again either. But I think you both need the jamboree and they want you. Drew needs that too. He’s going to imprint, you know, and then marry. The Lennons are super involved in jamboree business. You’ll have grandbabies and they’ll be involved. Don’t let yourselves keep out in the cold because of something that happened a long time ago. I don’t think it solves anything, and I don’t even know that Grandma feels that way anymore.”

  Her father nodded. “If you get killed, I want you to understand we will burn shit down. Do you understand? If the de La Vega family gets my daughter killed, there will be no end until they are all dead with you.”

  She blinked hard against tears that her normally sweet and good-natured father just declared a blood war should she get hurt.

  She took his hands. “If I die, there’s nothing to do. I’ll be dead. But I’m working as hard as I can to not let that happen, and I swear to you right now that Gibson is doing everything he can to make sure that doesn’t happen too. I love you both. I love this family. But I think it’s time to end this nonsense between Porters and de La Vegas. They’re sorry. The person who did it is long gone. Let the past remain there.”

  * * *

  He’d really had no idea what it would be like to have her with him so much.

  But a week later, as he was at the range with Jack, he realized it was better than he’d imagined. Which was scarier than anything he had to face as part of the job.

  She was there when he woke up. Which he already knew he liked because she’d been spending three or four nights a week with him anyway. He liked her clothes in his closet, her scent lingering in the air.

  He liked her toothbrush, not just an emergency one, but her real one, in his bathroom. She wasn’t a visitor in his house, but a resident.

  And so her life had clicked in with his and vice versa. Which he also enjoyed. She was there when he got home and it made his cat happy. Made the man happy too.

  Jack was one of his brothers-in-law, mated to his brother Galen and their wife Renee. Jack was the Enforcer of the National Werewolf Pack. Sort of their national government. His job was pretty similar to Gibson’s, so they’d developed a friendship as well. Jack was blond and ebullient. He seemed to love being around people. Essentially he was Gibson’s opposite. But Gibson didn’t hold that against him. In fact, it gave him a perspective Gibson sought out often, as it added to his own in really excellent ways.

  “How goes it?” Jack cleaned his weapon before putting it in the case. “I ask because you used about eight times the ammo you usually do.”

  Gibson sighed. “I’ve got rogue cats out to kill me and now Mia. You know they attacked her again last week. And I’m really no closer to finding out what the fuck is motivating them. Though we do know the cats we’ve identified don’t seem to have much of a recorded history before they joined Smithville. Their paperwork is thin. Sure they’ve got birth certi
ficates and even school records, but no one seems to have remembered them from before, and they came to Smithville and took over rather quickly. I don’t like it.”

  “Don’t blame you. But a lot of shifters have had to hide. If they came from other cities, they could have lived as humans and then had some sort of experience that finally led them to join a jamboree. And an alpha is an alpha. You know if they arrived and one of them was more powerful than the sitting Alpha eventually a challenge would happen. That’s how we are.”

  “I know. I’ve taken that into account. But even at that, people don’t remember them. I’ve sent my men out to the schools these cats have diplomas from and no one remembers. Part of it is that teachers retire, that sort of thing. But come on. It’s fishy.”

  “It is. Galen and I were discussing this just a few days ago.”

  “His dossiers have been a big help. He’s a sneaky fucker.”

  Jack’s snort was amused. “Yes. He’s good at getting people to tell him things. So, Renee told me Mia is living with you now.”

  “If you only knew what it took to make that happen.” He growled without realizing it and ramped it back.

  Jack laughed. “What do you mean?”

  Gibson filled him in on the argument and Jack laughed even harder. So hard Gibson punched him. Jack still laughed, but he managed to speak through it. “Ouch. Asshole. Don’t get mad at me because you can’t handle your female.”

  “Yeah, like you do.”

  Jack shrugged, a grin on his face. “I do in all the ways it counts. But Renee is her own woman. You’d be bored with a female who let you walk all over her. You’re spoiled. You’ve dated around, fucked a lot. But you’ve never had this before. She’s not just a chick you like to bang. No, she’s far more than that. Also, your female is absolutely capable of slapping you back when you overstep and schooling you on what it is to love a woman. They’re a big pain in the ass, in case you haven’t noticed it yet. Fortunately they’re worth the trouble.”

  “She’s not my female.”

  “Oh she’s not? So if I introduced her to Akio, you wouldn’t care? I think they’d be a good match.”

  Akio was Jack’s second, much like Dario was Gibson’s. And there was no way any of that was going to happen.

  “Only if you don’t care if I kill him.”

  “Akio would be good to her. She’d be elsewhere and protected. They probably wouldn’t even suspect that she was with the wolves.” Jack shrugged.

  “Fuck off.”

  “All right, so now that we’ve established that she’s your female, what are you going to do about this rogue situation? Cade wanted me to let you know you have access to all our resources if you need them.”

  “Well, actually, I do have something to talk with him about. Is he around today?”

  “Yeah. I’m on my way over there now if you want to tag along. We can grab lunch after.”

  * * *

  Mia was cleaning out the back room at the shop when her phone buzzed.

  The number was unfamiliar, but she recognized the last name.

  “Mia Porter.”

  “Mia, this is Cade Warden. I’m the Alpha of the National Pack and I’d like to speak with you about something.”

  She knew who he was. Everyone knew who he was. The big bad wolf Alpha who put down a major coup and took over from the old Alpha who’d been poisoned. He was also one of those super gorgeous males that made her so flipping happy she was a Were. Still he was mated and had a badass Alpha female at his side.

  And she had enough to handle with Gibson. Which made her smile because handling him was pretty fun.

  “All right. What can I do for you?”

  “We need a pilot.”

  She sat on the edge of the desk.

  “We’ve got business travel and special deliveries to be made. A few times a month. We used a service but have had some problems with it and stopped using them a while ago. I travel to Washington State a lot to see my family, as well as Chicago and other major cities where my packs reside. And Grace, my mate, also travels a lot up and down the eastern seaboard. Does this sound like something you could handle?”

  “I’m flattered you’d ask.” Her heart pounded. “Aren’t there wolves who could do this?”

  “Some. Most of them I don’t know.”

  “You don’t know me.”

  He laughed, and the power in his voice made her shiver just a little. “I don’t. But I know the person who recommended you. And I know the person who did your background check, who is my family.”

  “Gibson and Jack.”

  “Gibson has saved my ass a time or two. Jack more than that. And your record is exemplary. Would you like to come to our offices to meet with us face-to-face?”

  Yes, she would. She scribbled down the address and arranged to meet him in a few hours’ time.

  And then she rushed back to Gibson’s to get cleaned up.

  He wasn’t there of course. The house was quiet, which was good. She showered the dust and cobwebs off and looked through her clothes. She’d only brought a suitcase over that first night. But when she’d gotten home from work that following evening, she’d found all her clothes had been moved over by his people. They’d even put them in the closet and half the dresser.

  He was so bossy.

  She smiled as she chose a nice pair of pants and a blouse. She didn’t need a dress or pantyhose for this, she was sure. And while she knew Gibson was behind the call, she also understood the job was hers to win or lose. Cade Warden wouldn’t entrust his family or his wolves to her just because she was Gibson’s, um, friend. He’d want to take her measure in person. Measure her genuine responses and personality and if he had even a slight doubt of her, he’d thank her for her time and she’d leave without a job.

  As she wasn’t much for taking orders from anyone she didn’t trust either. She’d do her own measure taking.

  Hopefully at the end of the meeting she’d have a new boss and he’d have a new pilot.

  Whatever the outcome, it felt good to be doing something to move on with her life.

  She had no car so she figured she’d grab a cab. She wasn’t familiar enough with where Cade’s address was to risk being super late if she took mass transit over.

  Dario was in the office when she got downstairs. He smiled at her when she came in. “You look nice.”

  She liked Dario Lennon. He was a smart cookie and was so loyal to Gibson she knew he’d lay his life on the line for him anytime it was necessary.

  “Thanks. I have a job interview. I’ll be out of here in a moment. I just need to look a number up.”


  She turned the computer on and began to click through to find the number she needed. She’d dropped her phone in the toilet about twenty minutes after she’d arrived back at Gibson’s, and it was hopefully drying out so she could use it again. But it meant having to look things up the long way when she’d already been totally spoiled by having the world in the palm of her hand.

  “Something wrong with your phone?” he asked as she moved to the landline on Gibson’s desk.

  “I dropped it. Um, and it got wet.”

  He laughed. “I’ve dropped my phone in the toilet before. I don’t keep it in my back pocket anymore.”

  She grinned. “Yeah.”

  But when she started to order a cab he shook his head. “No.”

  She cancelled the cab and said she’d call back. “What do you mean no? Do you need me to have it pick me up a block away or something? Is this like the bat cave?”

  He laughed again. “No, no, that’s not it. Let me drive you.”

  “You have a job to do, Dario. I don’t need a driver.”

  “I know you don’t need one. But Gibson...well, he’d want you to
be driven by one of us. You don’t need to take a cab. This is part of my job as it happens. Though really, no sweat to leave these pages and pages of useless data that still hasn’t told us why the hell these cats want to kill you and Gibson. Where do you need to go?”

  “I normally take the T or bus where I need to go. But it’s an interview. I don’t want to chance being late.”

  He stood and grabbed his keys. “So tell me about it. The job I mean.”

  She told him and his smile got even bigger. “I know exactly where National is.”

  The drive over was pretty easy, but it was nice not to have to worry about schedules, directions or parking. And Dario was fun to talk to. He wasn’t overly nosy, but chatty enough that she didn’t have to think too much about the interview.

  When they arrived she turned to him. “Thank you. I appreciate the ride and the chitchat. You kept me from overthinking. That helped.”

  His smile brightened. “I’m glad. I don’t think you need to worry. The Wardens are good people. You’ll like them and I know they’ll like you.” He got out with her. “I’m going in to wait. I can use Jack’s office. We’ll walk past it, so don’t worry, you’ll know where to go after the interview.”

  “You don’t have to wait. I don’t want to mess up your day. It’s a short walk to the station from here. Just a few blocks away.”

  “Yes, I do. I have to. And I want to. For you and because I have several friends here and they always get new toys. Never know when there’s a new weapon I need to talk Gibson into.”

  She laughed. “All right. Tell me if there’s anything cool. I love weapons too.”

  He led her to the elevators and told the scary-looking male behind a desk that she was there to see Cade. The elevators opened and she moved to them, turning back to wave at Dario.

  “Good luck, Mia.”

  It wasn’t Cade who met her once she got off the elevator, but Grace. A female not even as tall as Mia. Elegant and beautiful. She’d heard from Renee that Cade’s wife was gorgeous, but there was something so vibrant about her as well.

  Grace moved like her name, but with power. She was an alpha wolf. Not just an alpha but the Alpha female of the United States. Being with her in person it was quite easy to believe she was worthy of her position.


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