
Home > Other > PliableInhibitions > Page 4
PliableInhibitions Page 4

by Zenobia Renquist

  “Do you need anything else?”

  “Not at the moment.”

  She turned away but Lucas caught her arm and pulled her to a stop. “What?”

  “Hold up. Your other tie is coming undone.”

  Emily gasped as she raised her arms to her chest. Presenting Lucas with her back, she said, “Fix it.”

  “I will. That’s why I stopped you. Hold your hair. I’ll keep the top from falling.”

  She lifted her long, straightened hair off her shoulders. Lucas retied the halter and then ran his fingers along the neckline. She giggled and smacked at him, which got her a kiss on the neck. “Stop that. Everyone is watching.”

  “Let them.” He kissed her shoulder next.

  “Lucas.” She pulled away from him and turned so she could bop him on the nose. “Bad dog.”

  “Arf!” He held up his hands, pantomiming paws, and panted with his tongue out.

  “You are so bad.”

  Richard said, “I can get you a rolled-up newspaper if you want to spank him.”

  Lucas stopped his mimicry and wagged a finger at Richard. “Hey now. This isn’t that type of party.”

  “Maybe next time, right?” Claudia asked with humor in her voice.

  “That depends on Em.”

  Emily said, “No comment.” She went to the picnic table and sat next to Duke.

  Lucas said, “Meat’s ready. Em, are the buns?”

  “Yes.” She stood. “I left them in the house.”

  “Here, take this with you.” Lucas held out a bowl across the table to her. “Bring the mints too. They’re on the counter.”

  “Will do.” She bumped Duke when she pulled back. “Sorry about that.”

  “No problem. I was in the way.” He scooted to the side while licking his fingers. “Everything tastes amazing so far, Emi.”

  “Thanks.” She trotted into the house, grabbed the tray of hamburger and hot dog buns she’d prepared earlier and the box of mints off the counter, and brought them to the table. “Here you go. Everything else good? Does anyone need anything else before I sit down?”

  Everyone exchanged glances before Claudia said, “If not, we can get it.” She waved toward the bench. “Sit. Sit.”

  “If you say so.” Emily sat on the bench, prepared a hot dog and munched it, waiting for someone to say they needed something.

  “Isn’t that right, Em?” Lucas asked, grinning at her.

  She blinked at him, not realizing he’d been talking. “Isn’t what right? I spaced out.”

  “You were a wild child in college.”

  She groaned. “Why are you bringing up that old topic now? Yes, I cut loose in my last year but who didn’t?”

  Claudia appeared incredulous. “I can’t picture it. Having kids must have mellowed you out a lot.”

  “More like it was a spontaneous wild streak that burnt out. I was a perfect student my first three years. I had to be. I was there on a full scholarship. I finished my degree requirements a year earlier than planned, so I spent my final year taking just enough courses to fulfill my scholarship while partying. Hard.” Emily sighed at the memory. “I graduated with a decently high grade point average, a marriage proposal and a baby on the way.”

  Lucas said, “And we’ve been happily married ever since.”

  She was about to add to that when she caught sight of Noah, their next-door neighbor, stepping into his backyard. The privacy fence only allowed her to see the top of his head but she knew it was him since he lived alone.

  Leaning over the table, she waved and called, “Hi, Noah.”

  Noah looked her way, blinked a few times and gave a small wave back. “Hey. Uh…” He frowned a little. “So what’s this?”

  Lucas said, “The barbecue. Remember I invited you but you said you had other plans today.”

  “I’m now regretting that. If I had known it would be this kind of spread, I would have been here for sure.”

  Emily held her hand out to him. “It’s not too late. There’s plenty to go around. Come join us.”

  Noah heaved a sigh. “Wish I could. Damn I wish I could but I can’t. I’m only back long enough to get something I forgot from the shed. Next time you hit me up, I will say yes.”

  Lucas said, “I’ll hold you to that.”

  After another long look and hard sigh, Noah disappeared into the shed at the corner of his property. He glanced Emily’s way on his way to the house. “Next time, Emily.”

  “Okay.” She waved to him. Once he was gone, she said, “It’s too bad he couldn’t stay. He looked hungry.”

  Richard said, “I don’t blame him. You can cook, Em. Bree is going to spit nails when I tell her what she missed.”

  Claudia gasped and clapped. “Game night. That’s what we should do. Tell Bree to let us know her next weekend off—Friday or Saturday night, doesn’t matter. We can come back here for game night.”

  Emily asked as she straddled the bench and settled against Duke’s chest, “Which game?” She didn’t know what possessed her to sit on him instead of beside him but she’d done it and didn’t feel like moving.

  Duke didn’t seem to mind her choice of seating arrangement since he rested his hands on her thighs.

  Claudia said, “Whichever. We can decide once everyone shows up. What do you say?”

  Emily said, “Hmmm. Sounds like a plan to me. Game night. We’ll have to go searching through the game chest for something everyone wants to play.”

  Duke said, “We aren’t picky.”

  “Obviously,” Claudia said. “You’ve eaten everything Emily has put in front of you.”

  “I still want more.”


  “I have a healthy appetite.”

  Claudia rolled her eyes. “Emily, I know you said I didn’t have to but I brought a dessert. I hope you left room.”

  Emily said, “I always leave room for dessert.” She swung her leg over the bench so she faced the table.

  “Lucas said you’re fond of peaches and cream. I hope you like it.” Claudia slid the dish in front of Emily and waited with an anticipatory expression.

  Emily didn’t know why Claudia acted so anxious. She cooked as good as she looked. Whatever Claudia had made would be something Emily enjoyed, grudgingly but she would enjoy it. Emily swiped one finger through the cream and brought it to her lips for a taste. “Mmmmm.” She sucked her finger. “Delicious. I haven’t had peaches and cream in forever. Thanks for bringing it.”

  “My pleasure. Let me know and I’ll bring it any time you want.”

  Duke said, “Notice how she only offers it to Emi.”

  Claudia snapped, “Yours is at home and you can have it any time.”

  “Yeah, but this time it looks better than usual.”

  “You’re only saying that because Emily is eating it.”

  Duke shrugged. “Maybe.”

  Emily laughed and waved to the dish. “If you want some, Duke…”

  “No, no. I’m just being an ass. I wouldn’t dream of making you stop.” He made a keep going motion.

  “Don’t say I didn’t offer.” Emily finished the dessert and almost regretted eating it all. She would have do a lap around the neighborhood to assuage her guilt.

  Lucas hooked his hand around the back of her neck and pulled her close for a kiss, sweeping his tongue over hers. He held her when she would have pulled away and kept hold of her until he seemed satisfied. “You’re right, Em. Claudia’s peaches and cream is good.”

  Emily shook off his hold. “You could have asked if you wanted some.”

  “I liked my way better.” He surveyed the leftovers. “We’ve got plastic containers of all sizes. Take everything. I don’t want to hear Em complaining about it later.”

  “I’ll get the containers.” She climbed off the bench and headed for the house.

  Claudia jogged after her. “I’ll help.”

  “Thanks. It isn’t that much.”

  “I didn’t figure but the boys
looked like they wanted to talk shop or something. You know how they get.”

  Emily held the door open for Claudia to pass her and followed. Before she could head for the cabinet with the containers, Claudia grabbed hold of her hand and pulled her to the living room. Emily asked, “What’s up?”

  “I wanted to talk away from Lucas is all.” Claudia pushed Emily onto the couch and then sat next to her, facing Emily with her knee propped on the cushion between them. “It has been forever since we chatted. I’d heard you and Bree were roommates in college from Duke but I never imagined you two got into so much trouble.”

  “We were roommates for the last year. We’d met the semester before in lit class and hit it off. She introduced me to the party scene.”

  “I still can’t see it.” Claudia chuckled. “You a party girl.”

  Emily started to say something when Lucas entered. He looked at them with a knowing grin. “What are you two doing?”

  Claudia said, “Leaving you men to do all the work while we have fun. What does it look like?”

  “Okay. Just making sure. Continue. I’ll get the containers.” Lucas shook his head as he left.

  “We should get back.” Emily said the words but felt too exhausted to move.

  In a breathy voice, Claudia said, “No we shouldn’t. Let them handle it. Just relax.”

  Emily didn’t argue. The act of sitting had never been so welcome in her life. She fanned herself to cool her heated skin and couldn’t think where this sudden temperature spike had come from. Was the air conditioner broken?

  She let her head flop against the back of the couch, listening to the men work. Lucas, Duke and Richard packed up all the food and put away the picnic table and grill. They even washed the dishes. She was impressed to say the least. If this was a perk of hosting, she would do it more often for sure.

  Duke retrieved Claudia from the couch and said to Emily, “Thanks for having us. It was great. We are ready for game night when you are.”

  Emily started to stand but stopped when Claudia waved her back. Claudia leaned down and kissed Emily’s cheek. “You don’t have to see us out. I know you have to be tired after everything. Thanks. It was fun.” She gave Emily another kiss and then let Duke lead her away.

  Richard said, “You can count on Bree and me showing up next time too. It was fun, Em.”

  She said, “You all drive safe. Thanks for coming.”

  Lucas followed them to the door with Richard bringing up the rear. Emily couldn’t summon up the strength to stand. She was more tired than she ought to be. She didn’t remember doing that much but maybe the afternoon heat had taken it out of her.

  When Lucas returned, she said, “I’m exhausted. How about you?”

  “Not so much, but you did more than me. I’m going to catch a shower to get the grill smell off.”

  “Mm-hmm.” She wanted to spend the rest of the late afternoon napping. A quick glance out the window revealed it was early evening. The get-together hadn’t seemed that long. Where had the day gone? Maybe she would just go to bed early. She hoped game night wouldn’t be this tiring.

  It must be a sign of her age that a little eat-and-chat session wore her out. Or maybe it was a sign of how little stamina she had. Emily might have to consider Claudia’s offer of becoming exercise buddies after all. Funny how that idea made her more tired. She would contemplate that course of action after a good night’s sleep.

  She pushed off the couch with a groan and headed for the bedroom. After Lucas finished his shower, she would hop in and then off to bed she would go. She didn’t know why but that thought made her grin. She might be more tired than she’d thought. That would explain why her emotions were all over the place.

  * * * * *

  What Actually Happened…

  Claudia asked, “Where’s Bree?”

  Richard said as he gave the grilling tongs to Lucas, “Too last minute. She couldn’t get time off work.”

  “Forget Bree. Where the hell’s the food?” Duke sat at the table, picked up and put down one empty bowl after another and eyed the lone bottle on the table. “Is that lube? I hope you don’t expect me to put that on my food. It’s not even flavored.” He turned a questioning expression on Lucas. “Is this some kind of bait and switch? You’re not about to try and interest me in a time share or vacation package, are you, Lu?”

  Lucas laughed. “No, Duke. Calm down. The food is in the house on the dinner table. This little setup is for Em’s benefit, to make her think she was getting ready. Besides, the food would be in the way for what comes later.”

  “Later? You mean that coin thing you told us about?”

  “Yeah.” Lucas said to Richard, “I know Bree is pissed she’ll miss my party trick.”

  Richard said, “We’re both still skeptical about it. It would be amazing if it really did work and she does want to see Emily hypnotized. She says she’ll definitely be at the next thing, whenever that is.”

  “It’ll be soon. Bet on it. We’re making the most of having an empty house.”

  Duke grinned. “I bet. So are there any rooms you haven’t christened yet?”

  “A gentleman never tells.” He winked. “It’s a good thing I’m not a gentleman.”

  A round of laughter met that declaration.

  He snagged his finger in the chain around his neck and held out the coin dangling from it. “This little baby has netted me the most sex since Em and I got married. The only rooms in the house we haven’t fucked in are the kids’ rooms.”

  “Understandably. You’re not jerking us around? That thing really works.” Duke didn’t appear convinced. “When you told me about it the other day, I thought you had lost it.”

  “I’ll prove it.” Lucas looked at Emily. “Snip-snip out. Em, your apron is knotted and you can’t untie it but try anyway.”

  She said in a deadpan, “Okay.”

  “Sew-sew in. Em, let me borrow your apron.”

  She walked over to him while fiddling with the bow. One tug would pull it free but she didn’t make that simple motion. “Where’s yours?”

  “Who knows. You’re done cooking, so let me use yours.”

  “Hold on. The knot is stuck.”

  “Here. Let me do it. Move your hands.” He swatted wrists and bent close. With one pull, he undid the bowknot. He unwrapped the apron from her waist and dropped it so he could lift her dress. “Just about got it. Snip-snip out. Don’t move.”

  Emily stood still as he pulled the hem of her dress up and tucked the front into the V of the halter string. That left her lower body from her navel down in plain view.

  “When I bring you out, you won’t notice your dress is out of place.” He waited for her to nod and then said, “Sew-sew in. Aha! There.” He picked up the apron from the ground and shook it to dislodge the few blades of grass stuck to it. “Thank you.”

  “Do you need anything else?”

  “Not at the moment.”

  Emily turned toward the table. The motion created a small breeze across her bare pussy. She started to walk away but Lucas placing his palm on her ass stopped her. “Snip-snip out. What do you think?”

  Claudia frowned in disapproval. “Where are her panties?”

  Lucas said, “Hmm. That’s a good question. Em, where are your panties?” He smoothed his hand around her side and sifted his fingers through the tight curls covering her mons.

  Emily said, “You told me not to wear them.”

  “I did, didn’t I?” He smiled wide. “Now you see the power of the coin.”

  Richard snorted. “You two are putting us on. This is a trick. So she’s flashing us. Big deal. It’s not like I haven’t seen it before. That doesn’t prove anything.”

  Lucas grumbled, “Tough crowd.” He patted Emily’s belly a few times. “Okay, how about this? Em, you don’t feel me doing anything except fixing the tie at your neck. When I let you out, walk toward the table.”


  “Sew-sew in.”

p; Emily took two steps before Lucas caught her arm and pulled her back.

  She startled and asked, “What?”

  “Hold up. Your other tie is coming undone.”

  Emily gasped as she raised her arms to her chest. Presenting Lucas with her back, she said, “Fix it.”

  “I will. That’s why I stopped you. Hold your hair. I’ll keep the top from falling.”

  She lifted her hair off her shoulders.

  Lucas reached around her sides and kneaded her breasts. “Em, I’m massaging your tits. Do you mind?”

  She didn’t answer.

  He caught the edges of her neckline with his fingers and pulled it down. After making sure the edges of the material were trapped under her breasts, he captured her nipples and tweaked them. “How about this? You want me to stop doing this?”

  Duke said, “I sure as hell don’t.”

  Claudia smacked his chest with the back of her hand.

  “What? I don’t.” Duke rubbed the spot. “This is fascinating. She really can’t feel what you’re doing?”

  Lucas moved his right hand to Emily’s mons. “She can feel it. She’s just not reacting to it or acknowledging it.”

  Richard asked, “Doesn’t she think it’s weird that you’re taking forever to fix her dress?”

  “Nope. She doesn’t notice the passage of time. I spent the past few days pre-programming her with a bunch of commands for outside the hypnotic state. This is one of them, ignoring all things sexual. Earlier when I put my hand on her ass was a signal for her to stop moving.” He tickled one finger at the top of Emily’s slit. “She also ignores everything that pertains to the coin. That includes this conversation. She can’t see it even though I’m wearing it all the time.”

  Claudia asked in disbelief, “You want her like this? Frozen and unresponsive?”

  “No. I’m proving a point. I want her like this.” Lucas whispered into Emily’s ear. “Snip-snip out.”

  Emily let out a sighing moan as she wiggled her ass against the bulge in Lucas’ pants and arched into the hand kneading her left breast. “Mmmmmm.”

  He passed his finger over her clit, pulling a happy yip from her. “You like that, don’t you, Em?”


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