Virgin Next Door

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Virgin Next Door Page 10

by Sam Crescent

  His hands were sweaty and his dad stood beside him.

  “What an interesting man,” his father said.

  “Yeah, he often scans Ann as well whenever she’s been at the law firm. He says that’s where most of the bugs are.”

  His father burst out laughing. “Now that I can believe. Are you ready for this, son?”

  The music started up, and he looked toward his back door. Katie came through first, carrying a small basket with petals.

  His little girl was so happy. She waved at him and walked slowly down the aisle, doing as she’d been asked.

  “Yeah, I’m more than ready,” he said as he finally caught sight of his bride. She looked stunning, as he’d imagined he would. They hadn’t seen each other for the past three days.

  He looked at her.

  Really looked at her.

  Her beauty made him gasp. The dress she wore hid the tiny bump that showed she was carrying his baby. He didn’t think it was possible to be this happy but now he knew it was really possible, and what was more, he wanted this.

  He loved her.

  She was his everything. There was a reason he’d never found love before. He was waiting for her. For the right woman to finally come to him.

  His mother followed behind her, and then she was in his arms, finally. Their time apart was already too long.

  “You look stunning,” he said, leaning forward to kiss her cheek but stopping as the priest cleared his throat.

  “After the vows, sir,” he said.

  “Of course.”

  He faced his woman, his life, as the priest began to speak the necessary words to bind them together.

  Eli had offered Ann whatever wedding she wanted. A big, lavish affair, or something quick in Vegas, but instead, she wanted to marry where they met. Their homes, privately. Where it was just them and a few guests, of course.

  Neither of them had written any vows other than to say they loved each other and promised their lives to one another. When it came to saying I do, he was fast losing his patience.

  “I can now pronounce you man and wife,” the priest said.

  Pulling Ann into his arms, he sealed the deal with a kiss. His ring on her finger, his kid inside her—this was what he’d been wanting and never really thought was possible.

  After kissing her again to the round of applause, he pulled away. Her eyes were still closed, and he hugged her tight.

  “I love you,” he said.

  Her smile brightened his whole world. “I love you too.”

  “I love you three,” Katie said, throwing her arms around the two of them.

  They burst out laughing.

  His father hugged Ann, followed by his mother. Elizabeth came to them then, holding them both and promising the power of the houses was to thank.

  Music started up, and Eli wouldn’t let his wife go. He held her against him, even as people wanted them to cut the cake. He kept one arm around her and didn’t share her, not once.

  “What do we do now?” she asked. “We’ve got two houses and I know you still have your doubts, but can we really stay in the two of them?”

  “There’s a place I’ve found. It’s out of town, about twenty minutes away. Katie can still come to school here. You can still work for, Mr. Graves. I haven’t bought it, but I wanted you to see it.”

  She leaned back in his arms. “Do you believe in the houses, Eli?”

  “I believe in love, Ann Bruce. Not the houses, and I don’t want to think about you being a bedroom away from me, let alone a house away.”

  “Okay, so now that you have me, what are you doing to do with me?” she asked.

  He spun her away from their guests, sliding his hands down to cup her ass. “With Katie staying at my parents for the next couple of nights, I was thinking I would show you what being my woman, at my beck and call, wearing my ring, is really like. What do you say?” he asked.

  He saw the heat in her eyes and smiled. Their passion hadn’t subsided, not even a speck.

  “I say I can’t wait for us to finally be alone.”

  “Right, everyone, out. I want time with my wife,” Eli said.

  Ann gasped, pressing a hand to her face as he ordered everyone out of his house, because he was done waiting. He wanted to make love, fuck, and hold his wife, and he was willing to be rude to get what he wanted.


  Ten months later

  “I don’t see it myself,” Eli said.

  Ann stood beside her husband, watching the new occupants of their homes. It hadn’t been an easy decision to put her house on the market, even though Eli paid for it, but keeping them felt selfish.

  Holding their son in her arms, with Katie standing between them while Eli held the lead on their cocker spaniel pup, who was only a couple months old, but so boisterous, her little family, she watched as the heavily inked biker came out. His group of men was with him. She didn’t catch sight of the MC logo, but Eli wouldn’t let her be alone with him either.

  Eli had taken care of the sale of their homes.

  “You did this on purpose, didn’t you?” Ann asked, turning to her husband.

  “What? What is it you think I did?” Eli asked.

  “You’re testing the houses.”

  “Come on, I’m doing no such thing.”

  “Seriously, a biker living next door to a … what was she again?” Ann asked.

  “Does it really matter what she does? She’s an accountant.”

  “A biker and an accountant,” Ann said. “Yep, you’re totally testing everyone’s theory about the houses. Just because she’s an accountant doesn’t mean that the biker isn’t going to be the one for her.”

  “Look, if they become a couple, I will believe it, but you have to admit, it’s a little farfetched,” he said.

  “You’re still having your doubts,” Elizabeth said, coming to stand with them with her six dogs all around her.

  Ann smiled over at the older woman and moved so she could see her little boy.

  “He’s going to be trouble when he’s older,” Elizabeth said.

  Katie came too. She liked being a big sister.

  Ann didn’t need to see the next couple moving into their old houses. She didn’t care if it was true or not.

  She had the love of her life, a family, and that was all the proof she needed for her.

  Eli took their son, wrapping his arm around her and kissing her head.

  “I don’t care what will come, Ann. I know I’m happy, and if the curse is true, so be it. I wish them all the success. Elizabeth, are you coming for dinner?” Eli asked, opening up the trunk of the car.

  “Can my dogs come?”

  “Yep, they have to travel in the back though.”

  “Then it’s a deal.”

  She helped Katie into the passenger seat, with her baby, Andrew, next. Elizabeth climbed into the car.

  One glance out of the window and she caught sight of the angry-looking biker checking out the accountant’s ass while they were both standing in the front yard.

  This would be very interesting.

  The End

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  Other Books by Sam Crescent:

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  Breeding Season, 1

  Sam Crescent and Stacey Espino

  Copyright © 2017

  Sample Chapter

  “Where’s my fucking coffee?” Tobias Bennett sifted through the files on his desk. He was getting too old for this shit�
��late nights at the office and staff who couldn’t follow simple instructions. At this point in his life, he’d imagined living on a private island, a mojito in one hand and The Wall Street Journal in the other. But he was still running the family business with no sign of slowing down. He’d been termed a perfectionist, and probably a lot worse, but he strongly believed wealth was the measure of success.

  A couple minutes later, one of the interns set a mug on the corner of his desk. She scurried out of his office, nearly breaking into a jog. Was he that much of an asshole?

  Tobias scrubbed both hands over his face. He knew exactly what had been driving him crazy lately. His parents were riding him hard for an heir, another Bennett to carry on the family empire. The problem—he wasn’t looking for a wife. His bachelor life suited him just fine, and even at forty-five, he wasn’t ready to settle down. He would have told his aging parents to back off, but they had a point, one that kept crowding his thoughts.

  Morgan peered in his office. “Why are you still here?”


  “Go home. It’s Friday night, for God’s sake.” He’d gone to university with Morgan, and hired him to work on the Bennett Corporation legal team over a decade ago. Morgan was the only man who dared to speak freely with him.

  “I’ve got that big bid on Monday. I need to be prepared,” said Tobias.

  “We’ve already got it covered. Everything’s in order.”

  “It has to be perfect.”

  Morgan exhaled, then shook his head. “Well, I’m heading out.” Then he added, “Don’t push yourself so hard.”

  “See you Monday.” Tobias leaned back in his leather chair and gave his friend a mock salute.

  Once alone again, he pondered Morgan’s words. Yes, he pushed himself. It was life as a Bennett. His parents expected perfection from day one, and he’d always delivered. The company was strong, profitable, and dominating the stock market because he didn’t fuck around. He always put a hundred percent effort into everything he set out to do, and demanded the same from his staff. If one of his employees couldn’t meet the mark, he didn’t think twice about showing them the door. He had no room for weakness.

  After another couple of hours, he packed up his paperwork and flicked off the lights to his corner penthouse office. As he stood in the darkness, the lights of the city sparkled with life beyond the floor to ceiling windows. He grabbed his briefcase and walked over to the window, looking down from one of the highest vantage points. It was one big party below, a city that never slept.

  He’d put the Bennett Corporation on the map, made his father’s business into something multi-national, but what happened next? What would happen when he died? The legacy he’d built would die along with him, all his hard work and sacrifices for nothing. The business might continue with the family name, but without the blood of a Bennett, it would be a soulless enterprise, nothing more than dollars and cents.

  “Mr. Bennett?”

  Tobias snapped out of his reverie, turning to see a silhouette in the doorway of his darkened office. “Yes?”

  “Would you like some company tonight?”

  He narrowed his eyes as he strode to the door. “Aren’t you one of the new analysts we just hired?” Tobias had thousands of employees, so couldn’t remember many names and faces. He only allowed minimal staff on the penthouse floor of his skyscraper. He remembered this woman from the new staff tour yesterday morning, and only because she’d worn a short skirt.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “And why are you up here?”

  “I wanted to offer my company.” She ran her finger along the low collar of her blouse. Was she actually trying to seduce him? “I have many skillsets beyond analyzing, and I thought you’d like me to show you some.”

  He scoffed. “You thought wrong, sweetheart. If you’d actually done any digging, you’d know I never mix business with pleasure.”


  “Stay on the fifth floor. I don’t want to see you up here again.”

  She sulked off, clearly not expecting him to reject her. Tobias wasn’t hard up. He had a long list of women he could call for a hook-up. None of them meant a thing to him. They were available for sex, and that’s how he liked it—until now. If he wanted a kid, he had to find a decent woman to be the mother. Unfortunately, most of the women he fucked were gold-diggers, and he didn’t want any baby drama. He just wanted the heir, nothing more.

  He could already envision it, a life similar to his own childhood. His son would be raised by a nanny, go to boarding school, and be trained to be the best at everything. Tobias knew parenting wouldn’t take much effort on his part—he’d rarely seen his own mother and father growing up.

  Tobias took the elevator down to the parking garage, trying to push thoughts of babies and legacies out of his head. This responsibility shouldn’t have fallen on his damn shoulders. He’d been the younger brother—until he turned sixteen. Maximus had been nineteen when he died of a heroin overdose. Of course, his parents made sure the real cause didn’t hit the media, appearances being more important than the truth. Tobias had seen it coming. He’d done nothing. Unlike him, Maximus wanted more, wanted the love and warmth he’d seen in other homes. Their father said he was weak, he couldn’t cut it, and that’s why he killed himself. No one ever mentioned Maximus, like he never existed.

  The elevator dinged, and Tobias stepped out into the secure garage. He dug the keys to his Mercedes out of his pocket, turning off the alarm system. Once behind the wheel, he tossed his briefcase onto the passenger seat and squeezed the steering wheel until his knuckles turned white. Reflecting on a past that couldn’t be undone was pointless, and like his father taught him, emotions were for pussies. He needed to block that shit out, forget about the brother taken from him too soon. Trying to imagine an alternate reality would only break down his carefully maintained exterior.

  He turned on the radio, hoping the music would drown out the noise in his head. Right now, he wished he could have fucked that blonde bitch over his desk to release the tension, but he refused to get involved with women in the office. Nothing was worth risking the reputation of the family business, certainly not a piece of ass.

  Tobias hit the gas as he drove, the streetlights and bright signage disguising the fact the sun had set hours ago. At least leaving late thinned out the downtown traffic. His condo was only ten minutes from the office in one of the waterfront condos owned by the Bennett Corporation. There wasn’t much they didn’t have their hand in.

  He nodded to the doorman as he walked to the elevator. Normally, he’d go out for a drink on Friday, maybe choose who he wanted to take home with him for the night. Today, he just wanted to crash. He’d pour himself a scotch on the rocks and drown out all the insecurities. Friday meant he could sleep in tomorrow, so he’d drink enough to keep all his nightmares at bay.


  Adora Garcia had three major assignments due in the next two weeks, so her desk and laptop were going to be her best friends for a while. She’d been studying all morning, empty coffee cups and balls of scrunched up paper hiding her cellphone. When it began to ring, she remembered the promise to pick her mother up from work while her car was in the shop.

  She drove out to the waterfront where her mother worked cleaning Tobias Bennett’s condo three days a week and every Saturday. Adora hated driving in the downtown core, but it was the least she could do for the woman who raised her single-handedly, working her fingers to the bone to provide the basics.

  “Can I help you?”

  Adora had been wandering around the massive lobby of the condo, admiring the modern architecture, use of glass, and difficult angles. The security had apparently had enough of her presence. She was used to being questioned in stores when they assumed she was stealing something. Her absentee father had been a blue-eyed, white businessman who’d used and dumped her mother twenty years ago, leaving her alone and pregnant. Although Adora didn’t have her mother’s skin color, she had many of
her Latin American features, including her long dark hair.

  “I’m looking for Tobias Bennett,” she said.

  The security guard sauntered over, his thumbs hooked in his pockets. He looked her up and down. “Is he expecting you?”

  She was going to give him the whole story, but decided to keep it simple. “Yes.”

  He tilted his head. “You’re not his usual type, but who am I to judge? Top floor.”

  Adora bit her tongue and hit the elevator button. She’d grab her mother and get the hell out of this overpriced neighborhood. It was hard enough getting by without all the judgmental stares and stereotypes.

  She wasn’t one of Mr. Bennett’s whores.

  Her mother had told her all about the old bastard’s weekly escapades. There wasn’t enough money in all the world to pay Adora to sleep with him—not that he’d want her. She imagined a man in his position could have whoever he wanted. It made her sick thinking of all the beautiful young women who gave themselves to him in exchange for money or status. That would never be her. A degree in architecture would be her way out, a chance to make a real life for herself.

  When she reached the penthouse suite, she softly knocked on the door. When no one answered, she turned the handle. She decided to slip inside and find her mother for herself. If she knocked too loudly, she could wake Mr. Bennett. Adora was used to finding her mother on the job. When she was younger, she’d helped her clean the condos and offices so they could get home sooner.

  The condo was huge, and not what she expected. She knew he had money, but nothing like this. Adora whirled around in slow circles as she admired the vaulting ceilings, massive windows, and impressive collection of artwork. She couldn’t even imagine living like this. It would be like stepping into a fairy tale. Mostly she craved the security that money could offer, not the luxuries. When she was a kid, she’d pretend to live in the homes her mother cleaned, role-playing and escaping into her imagination. Now she was an adult, and knew the only way she’d get ahead was working her ass off.


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