Heart of Sin

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Heart of Sin Page 2

by Nicola Jane

  I follow him further down the passageway to a door at the end. “These rooms are different,” he says opening a door. There’s a comfy chair again and a television screen playing out a porn movie. The woman is screaming at the top of her lungs and it flusters me for a second, I step out of the room, “I get the picture,” I mutter, marching back along the passage and out of the black double doors. Vass is hot on my heels.

  “I’ll show you the private rooms.”

  We go back upstairs, I take this time to gather myself and remind myself that I need this job. He opens a white door and waits for me to step inside. The room is gorgeous and it makes me gasp aloud. Vass steps behind me and closes the door, “You like?” he asks and I nod, staring in awe at the lavish furnishings that adore the room. There’s white and golds and the biggest four poster bed I’ve ever seen in my life. Everything about this room screams money. “We spent over a million trying to get the rooms right,” he says.

  “It’s amazing,” I mutter, “How much does it cost to rent a room like this?”

  “Well the club has memberships, rooms depend on the membership you choose. This room would come under the gold membership. Our platinum rooms are similar to this but they have large televisions and toys included along with bathrobes, a spar bath and a walk-in shower for two.”

  I make my way over to the floor to ceiling window and look out over the fields that run from the back of The Luxe. “It’s worth paying the membership just for this room,” I joke.

  “Lay on the bed, it’s amazing,” he suggests.

  “I’ll take your word for it,” I say with a laugh.

  “No honestly, try it out. We went all over to get the best mattresses made with the right material and the perfect springs,” he insists gently leading me back towards the bed. I lower down and sit on the edge. He’s right, it feels like the perfect kind of mattress, not too firm but not too bouncy.

  I lay back and groan, “Wow this is so comfy.” My eyes close in pleasure, the last time I laid on a bed this comfy was…well, never. Vass sits next to me and I open one eye.

  “Your feet hurt,” he states.

  I frown, how does he even know that, in fact how is he reading me so well, first the crap sex life and now the feet. Before I can answer he is running his hand down my leg and raising my foot. He flicks off my heel and my eyes almost bug out of my head.

  “What are you doing?” I squeak.

  Vass grips my sore foot and squeezes gently causing another groan to escape my lips. “Easing the pain,” he says rubbing and massaging the ache.

  My brain is screaming at me to sit up and tell Vass to shove his foot rub up his cocky ass but other parts of my body are reacting in a way I have never experienced before which keeps me laying there whilst my new boss massages my feet.


  My mother is the most infuriating woman I know. How dare she push this girl my way in the hope it appeases my grandmother long enough for her to sign the business over. Alivia doesn’t fit here, I can smell her fear a mile off. Her innocent eyes have already been exposed to way more than she’s ever seen before. I could tell she wanted to run when I showed her around and when she saw the porn film she about broke her neck to get out of the room. I glance at Alivia’s face, now relaxed and almost blissful. I find myself wondering if this is the face she would pull after I’d fucked her. If she keeps groaning like that I may find out sooner than I think.

  She opens her eyes and suddenly sits up, I wondered when her brain would kick into gear and tell her to wake the fuck up. “Was that good?” I ask with a wicked smile and she rolls her eyes. I’ve never wanted to spank a girl so much as I do right now when she rolls her eyes like that in a defiant show of courage.

  “Shall we go over my idea’s now?” she asks, standing and pushing her feet back into the heels. She winces and I know they’re really hurting her.

  We get back to her office and Bianca. My secretary, is sitting at her desk. She flushes when she sees Alivia knowing that the last time they saw each other Bianca was on my office floor naked and bound. Alivia’s eyes widen and she looks between me and Bianca. “This is my secretary, Bianca,” I say with a grin.

  “Of course it is,” sighs Alivia marching over to her desk and grabbing a note pad. I wink at Bianca and then lead Alivia into my office. I take a seat behind the expensive oak desk, resting my elbows on it and leaning forward as Alivia opens up her notepad.

  “So I was thinking of getting in a photographer. I know a few good ones that will do this place justice. We can get a brochure up and running that we can market out to large companies. In the daytime when the place is quiet maybe we could consider opening up for business meetings? An exclusive club like this would be an ideal place for local businesses. There’s a golf course just up the road, we could target the clients there.” I watch her beautiful mouth move, she’s excited, she loves talking business. Her green eyes are sparkling. Her long dark lashes fluttering as she chatters away. “I’d like access to your current client list, if I can research some of those I’ll be able to see what kind of cliental currently use The Luxe and then I’ll get a feel for who we need to target,” she continues, oblivious to the way she has me hypnotised.

  “How many sexual partners have you had?” I suddenly blurt out and I inwardly hit myself. What is wrong with me today. The need to see her blush is spurring me on.

  She gives me a stony stare, “Mr Bradley, I don’t appreciate the way you keep prying in to my personal life. There are laws these days and you are crossing all boundaries.”

  “Mr Fraser,” I say and she gives me a confused shrug, “You said my name wrong. My mother is Bradley, she changed it once my father left her, therefore my surname is Fraser,” I explain.

  “Whatever,” she huffs, “Why the interest in my personal life anyway?”

  I shrug, I don’t even know the answer to be honest. At first I was just trying to embarrass her so that she would realise that this role wasn’t for her. But then I liked the blush on her cheeks and now, well now I just want to know. “I like to get to know my employees,” I say.

  “Yes I noticed. You’ll be asking me to kneel on your office floor naked next,” she says and I throw my head back and laugh. I like that she makes me laugh.

  “No, those moments are for special employees like Bianca.”

  “I’d say lucky Bianca but I don’t feel like she is lucky,” she says.

  “I like your idea’s. Get some photo’s and we’ll look at brochure’s,” I say leaning back in my leather chair. Maybe she will bring in new business, It can’t hurt to have her think that’s the reason she is here. My office phone buzzes, “Yes,” I answer.

  “Mr Fraser I have your mother on the line,” says Bianca.

  “Okay put her through,” I say, once the call is connected I place my mother on hold and turn to Alivia. “Thanks Alivia,” I say, dismissing her. I wait until she’s gone back to her office and the connect the call. “Mother, always interrupting my day,” I sigh.

  “Oh Vass do stop pretending you hate me. How is it working out with Alivia?”

  “Fine,” I mutter, “She didn’t run if that’s what you’re asking me.”

  “Fantastic, I knew you’d like her,” she says enthusiastically.

  “Mother I didn’t say that. Stop meddling. I mean she’s good at the marketing thing. The other thing I’ll sort.”

  “Vass you’re out of time. Speak to the girl and get her on side. I’ve done a little digging and she needs the money, there’s nothing in her bank account. Her rent is overdue, she ticks all of the boxes,” she says.

  “Stop meddling,” I repeat, more firmly this time before disconnecting the call.

  I drum my fingers on the desk, I need a distraction to take my mind off the bigger stuff and a certain brunette. I could fuck Bianca, so far I’ve managed to control myself with that girl, strictly playing, If I do that then I’ll have to get rid of her and I can’t be bothered to advertise the position and hold interv

  I head down to the bar. Mr Clayton Hague is there with his wife. She makes a beeline for me and runs her hand along the lapel of my suit jacket, “Darling it’s so good to see you,” she coos with a wide smile that shows off her perfect white teeth.

  “Kathryn, how are you, and Clayton of course?” I ask glancing between the pair.

  “We have the afternoon off from the office and thought we’d come in and see who was around,” says Clayton.

  “You’re a bit early, the real games don’t start until after seven today,” I say taking a water with lemon from Carlos.

  “Are you free?” asks Kathryn glancing at her husband for consent. He gives a nod. I ponder the offer, I do need to burn off this stress but I’ve avoided Kathryn because she gets a little attached and what begins has a threesome always ends in her trying to push her husband out. She did the same to Alex last month.

  “I have meetings all afternoon, maybe another time?” I suggest and she pouts, “Deano is around here somewhere today, check the main room,” I add taking water and heading back towards the reception.

  Amy the new receptionist looks up at me, her face lights up. I hate that she chews gum at the desk and pays little attention to the job she is hired to do. I turn to Maxim, “Max can you watch the front desk, I need a word with Amy,” I say and he gives a knowing nod. Amy stands in delight and takes my hand without hesitation. I can afford to lose Amy she’s terrible at the job.



  I’m sipping the coffee that Bianca made me and gawping at her in astonishment. “So you are happy with that?” I repeat and she nods. “How did you even know you liked that kind of thing?”

  “I didn’t until I started working here. I swear don’t knock it until you’ve tried it,” she says with a smile.

  “I’m not brave enough. After recent events in my life I can quite happily live without men and sex for the rest of my life,” I sigh.

  “Messy break up?” she guesses and I nod.

  “Move to Tower Hamlets he said, We’ll be happy he said, and then I caught him in bed with my friend.”

  “No way,” gasps Bianca, “What the hell.”

  “I know, shocker,” I mutter, “So now I have a crappy apartment in the worst part of town and my landlord is the biggest sleaze bag in the world. He offered to help me out with the rent, as in did I want to sleep with him to pay it,” I say.

  “Oh my god, did you?” she asks.

  “God no, he’s about fifty years old and smells almost as bad as his apartment block.”

  Bianca laughs, “Well this job pays well so it’s worth sticking around. I get bonus’ and a clothes allowance. It’s the best place I’ve worked for and the boss is a bonus all by himself.”

  “Doesn’t he worry that employees will have him up on a harassment charge?” I ask.

  “No, we sign paper work, he isn’t stupid just a sex addict,” she says, “And who in their right mind would turn him down! The guy is a god.”

  “Well personally I think you’re crazy, but each to their own I guess,” I say.

  I watch the rain drizzle down the office window, damn this weather, one minute it’s sunny and the next it’s raining. I have no jacket and no money for a taxi and thanks to Ms Bradley I’m stuck here. The office door opens and Vass practically falls through the door, fastening up his trousers. I raise an eyebrow, he hasn’t noticed me sitting here, Bianca left over an hour ago. He looks up and freezes when he sees me, “What are you still doing here, your hours are nine to five and it’s now,” he looks at his expensive watch, “After six.”

  “It’s raining,” I say as a way of explanation.

  “Then get a cab,” he says. If only it was that easy.

  “I didn’t expect to be out this way today, my interview was with Glamour Cosmetics, this was totally out of the blue and so I didn’t bring my purse,” I say with a shrug.

  “What was you planning on doing to get home then, walking?” he asks.

  I nod and he looks at me like I’m crazy. “The Luxe is miles from town,” he states and I nod.

  “Jesus, I’ll take you,” he huffs.

  “No it’s fine, I’ll walk just as soon as this rain slows,” I argue.

  “Alivia I’ll take you, get your stuff together,” he snaps.

  I pick up my bag and follow him down the stairs. The receptionist is putting things in to a box and snivelling. Another woman is consoling her, when she sees Vass she glares at him and he gives her a wink but continues on out of the door with me following.

  He presses his key fob and a black Bentley SUV flashes it’s lights. We head in that direction. I climb inside and look around at the cream leather interior. The car is immaculate which indicates that he doesn’t have kids. I laugh at the thought of Vass having children with sticky fingers touching this interior.

  “Put your address in to this,” he says handing me his SatNav. The thought of him seeing my ugly little apartment in Tower Hamlets has me lying and putting in a nearby address. There’s a posh apartment block overlooking the river Thames which is just five minutes away from my actual address.

  I hand it back to him and he glances at it and then at me, “You live in that new building?” he queries and I nod, “Wow I looked at those apartments when they were building them, some were going for four hundred and twenty thousand pounds.”

  I shrug and stare out of the window straight ahead, why the hell did I pick something so unbelievable. Vass starts the engine and drives away from The Luxe. “What happened with the receptionist. She looked upset?” I ask.

  Vass slows near the gate and whilst he waits patiently for it to open he presses a button to lower his window, the gate house keeper comes from his little hut. “Guy, I am expecting Ms Collinsworth in half an hour. Can you tell her I’ve had to attend a last minute meeting and I shouldn’t keep her too long. Let Maxim know to show her straight up to my room,” he says. The man tips his cap and goes back into his hut.

  “Sorry, I really don’t mind walking if I’m keeping you from things,” I say.

  He drives out of the gates and follows the SatNav left onto the quiet country lane. “The receptionist was chewing gum and filing her nails as we walked past her earlier today, is that acceptable?” he asks.

  “I did notice that earlier and wondered if she had been hired just to sit and look pretty,” I say with a smile.

  “Nobody sits and looks pretty in The Luxe, everyone has to pull their weight and work hard, anyway she was fired. You aren’t keeping me from anything that can’t wait. Annalise will understand,” he says, “What do you plan on doing for the rest of the evening?”

  Slobbing in my pyjamas and avoiding my sex pest landlord I think to myself. “Not much, I might head down to the gym for an hour,” I say.

  “Is that safe, to go out alone this late?” he asks.

  “Who said I’m going alone?” I ask.

  “I just assumed. Is your vanilla boyfriend going?”

  “I have no idea if Daniel still goes to the gym, when he was with me he went every night but then I think back now and realise that was code for fucking around.”

  Vass looks at me and then turns his eyes back to the road, “Sorry, I didn’t realise.”

  “Don’t be, it isn’t your fault.”

  “Were you together long?” he asks.

  “Yeah, we had a house together. I met him when I was at school and then we met up at a school reunion a few years later and hit it off. We were together for almost four years,” I say.

  “Have you been single long?”

  “Four weeks,” I mutter and he glances at me again.

  “Things are still raw then?”

  I shrug, “Not really, I’ve turned the love in to hate and now it feels so much better,” I say. I leave out the fact that Daniel cheated with Becca, my friend, and that we were really close. I’d met her through work, I was head of marketing and I hired her as a trainee, we became good friends.

nbsp; We drive the rest of the way in silence. Vass stops the car directly outside the Riverside Development and turns to me. “Have a good evening. Shall I send a car to collect you in the morning?”

  “No, I’ll get there, it’s not a problem.”

  “Alivia I’ll send a car, you can’t pay for a taxi every day it will cost a fortune. My mother didn’t think of that did she?” he says and I shake my head with a smile.

  “Thanks Vass,” I say and he gives me a nod.

  “Half past eight,” he says and I get out of the car.

  He watches me even though I stand outside the building and wave to him. He wants to see me go inside. I turn to the glass building, it looks rather intimidating this close up, from my apartment it just looks like another posh building. I can see a doorman the opposite side chatting to another man that sits behind a desk. I glance back, Vass is still waiting so I take a deep breath and push the door, going inside.

  Both men turn to me and I smile and give a small wave. Looking back Vass is still watching so I take another few steps. The men share an inquisitive look, “Can we help you?” asks one of them.

  “I live at the back of here, near the college. My new boss out there in the nice car, he doesn’t know that. I didn’t want to show him where I live so I gave this address and now he’s watching me so I had to come inside,” I explain feeling foolish. Both of the guys laugh.

  “Go through those doors just over there, he’ll think you’ve taken the stairs,” says the one behind the desk.

  “Thank you so much, let me know when he’s gone,” I say heading for the door.

  A minute later the guy pops his head around the door, “You’re clear,” he says with a smile and I follow him out.

  “I’m Alivia,” I say.

  “Berny and Clive,” says the doorman, “If he comes back what should we tell him?”

  “He won’t be back, it was a one off because of the rain,” I say, “Thanks again for your help,” I add heading back out into the rain.

  It takes me ten minutes to walk home. I let myself in through the front door and then head up the first flight of stairs to my apartment. Keith is already standing outside my door. His white vest is stained and dirty and his grey hair hangs limply on his forehead looking greasy. “Did you get a job?” he asks moving to the side so I can unlock my door.


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