Heart of Sin

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Heart of Sin Page 19

by Nicola Jane



  Turns out that urinary infections can be the worst. I’ve spent the last four days hauled up in my room resting at Vass’s insistence. His doctor came and ran some tests. Turns out I had quite a nasty infection which accounted for my fever. I felt much better after two days of anti-biotics but Vass insisted I keep resting. Secretly I think he’s liked having me trapped here all to himself, not that he’s laid a finger on me, he’s been the perfect gentleman. We have watched film after film, caught up on comedy shows that I love to watch and he’d never heard of, eaten pizza and fish and chips, mainly because Vass can’t cook and he refused to let me up to do it. I can’t deny that I’ve enjoyed it, it’s nice to have someone take care of me, the most Daniel ever did was chuck a blanket over me as he left to see his ‘friends’.

  I’m in the kitchen washing the dishes when Vass comes in. He’d had to go to a meeting earlier, I’ve missed him even though he was gone less than a couple of hours.

  “Why are you out of bed?” he asks, placing a grocery bag on the worktop.

  “I am feeling so much better,” I smile.

  “I leave you alone for a few hours and you take full advantage,” he says pulling various items from the bag. I pick them up as he places them down, examining each item and eyeing him suspiciously. “Tomatoes, Onions, Garlic, what’s going on?”

  “I’m treating you to a meal. A good home cooked meal,” he says with a proud grin.

  “You’re going to actually cook? You said you’ve never even lit the oven,” I remind him.

  “I know, have faith. I spoke to a very good friend of mine and she gave me step by step instructions. You go and take a relaxing bath and by the time you’ve done, it’ll be ready.”

  I take a bath. My mind wonders onto subjects that I know it shouldn’t like is Vass changing for me, will this work out into a potential relationship. And if it doesn’t will I be able to walk away and survive it. I try to push it from my mind, Vass hasn’t made any promises, in fact he’s made it pretty clear that this is a convenient thing for us both and whilst we are faking a relationship it will stop us looking elsewhere and getting caught out by the press.

  By the time I get back downstairs Vass is plating up our food. I seat myself at the table which he has set up with candles. There are roses in a vase and a glass of wine for me and water for Vass. He brings over two plates, placing one down in front of me. The smell of the food is amazing. “Chicken and pasta in a homemade tomato and garlic sauce.”

  “I love this dish, how did you know?” I ask, my mother makes this when I visit.

  “That good friend I spoke to was your mother. She told me what you liked and gave me the recipe followed by very precise instructions. She thought I was kidding when I said I’d never chopped an onion.”

  I laugh, my mother would not be able to comprehend that he’d never cooked, as a child she’d always spent time cooking with me.

  I try a mouthful of the cheesy tomato dish, it’s amazing and I close my eyes in pleasure, “This taste just like hers,” I say with a smile. Vass grins and tries a mouthful himself.

  “Wow this is good,” he says proudly, “Did Daniel ever cook for you?”

  I laugh, “No, I haven’t ever had a man cook me dinner, this is a first. Not bad for a pretend boyfriend,” I smile.

  “About that, would it be too soon to put this on?” he asks handing me the box with the engagement ring in that he’d previously presented me with. I open it. It really is pretty. I take it out and try it on, holding my hand out in front of me, it looks good on my finger.

  “I’ll need to speak to my parents about it. It’s clearly not going to be a secret like I’d like it to be but this is just an engagement right so the wedding can still be a secret. When we call this all off I can just say we called the engagement off,” I confirm. Vass nods, snapping a photo of me on his mobile. “Vass, I’ve just had a bath I look a mess,” I laugh.

  “I just felt the need to capture that moment,” he says.

  We finish the meal and Vass orders me to go and put a film on for us in my bedroom whilst he washes up. When he joins me I press play on P.S I Love You, another favourite of mine. Vass groans as he climbs onto the bed. “Another romance?” he asks.

  “You love them really, I see you smile when you think I’m not looking.”

  It’s been over a week since our agreement and Vass hasn’t laid a finger on me, mainly because I’ve been ill but I’m starting to wonder if he’s forgotten about it. I snuggle up against him and he places his arm around me. “I feel so much better,” I say, hoping he’ll take the hint.

  “That’s because I’m an excellent Doctor,” he says smugly.

  “When are we going to continue with our deal?” I ask, jumping straight to the point. “Now I have the ring on I thought maybe we could…” I trail off and look up at him. I like that he looks shocked, he wasn’t expecting me to be so forward.

  “Just so we’re clear, you’re talking sex here, right?” he clarifies.

  “Yes Vass,” I huff, “You’re terrible at taking hints.”

  He smiles and then suddenly I’m flipped on my back and he’s crawling up my body with a dark look in his eyes. A thrill rushes through me. “You don’t realise how long I’ve been waiting for this,” he growls, nipping at my shoulder and moving his soft lips towards my neck. He pulls his T-Shirt over his head and I run my hands over his hard muscles, his body alone turns me on just by looking at it. I throw my arm over my eyes as Vass works his way down my body, kissing and licking as he goes. When he gets to my shorts I feel his hand hook in the waistband and he slowly pulls them down my legs until my lower half is completely naked. He gives me a wicked smile, “Prop those pillows up higher, I want to see you watching,” he says. I follow his instructions because I’ve never in my life felt this turned on just from someone bossing me around. It makes me wonder exactly what he’s like when he’s in full Dominant mode. When he’s satisfied that we have eye contact he lowers his mouth to my opening, running his tongue from the bottom upwards and groaning in appreciation, all the while keeping his eyes locked on mine. I hiss as his tongue presses hard against my clit and he begins to rub circles. The eye contact and the constant pressure of his mouth feels intense and I begin to spiral. When he see’s I’m on the edge he up’s the pace of his tongue and occasionally adds sucking to the mix. I close my eyes with pleasure and he nips me making me open them quickly. “Eyes, on me, all of the time.”

  He pushes a finger inside me and rubs it against my inner G Spot, finding it instantly. It’s all too much and when I begin to shake he doesn’t let up. I scream out as the orgasm rips through me and continues to roll wave after wave until I twist away slightly, easing up his pressure. “Fuck,” I pant, my limbs suddenly heavy.

  “You think that was good, just wait,” he grins moving his way up my body. He releases himself from his shorts and strokes his erection a few times, “Pill?” he asks and I nod. I’ve been on contraception since I was a teenager because of bad periods. “Are you happy to go without a condom?” he asks, I like that he’s checked with me. I nod again and he moves forward, rubbing the head of his cock against my opening. He takes my hands and places them above my head, holding them there in one of his and then without warning he jerks forward, filling me. He pulls straight out and then moves forward again. It becomes a punishing pace, over and over until he is fucking me so fast that I’m moving up the bed. After a few minutes he stops and leans down to kiss me. “I need a different position,” he pants.

  He gets me to turn over and position myself on all fours, pressing his face against my opening once again and groaning as he tastes me. This time he pulls my hands behind my back and uses them as leverage to pull me against him as he slams in and out. I feel the build up of my orgasm again but he pulls out and pushes me to lie on my stomach, again he pushes straight back in and fucks me hard, gripping onto my waist.

  Vass changes position over and
over, I’ve never had sex like this, with Daniel it was missionary throughout, every time. I’ll never be able to go back to that sex again. He pulls me from the bed and places my hands against the wall. He lifts my left leg up slightly and then pushes in to me from behind. I feel him rubbing against that internal spot with each thrust and this time I can’t hold back anymore. I try to suppress the noises because he will stop and change again, I need to come but as it builds, I let out a shout, shaking and shuddering, within seconds Vass roars and pushes in to me deep, suddenly stilling. Our heavy breaths fill the room, both coming down from our mind-blowing orgasm.

  We go to the bathroom separately and clean ourselves up. I expected Vass to close himself off but I think now that we have the ‘no strings’ agreement he feels more relaxed and calmer. We get back into bed and snuggle against each other until sleep takes us.


  I pour myself a coffee and take a seat at the breakfast bar. It’s early and Alivia looked so peaceful in bed I didn’t want to wake her. The back door opens and Clarisse comes in dressed in her running gear, red faced and panting. “Hey,” she gasps grabbing a bottle of water, “Where’s Liv?”

  “In bed. You should have woken me for a run, I’ve been slacking,” I say.

  “I thought you might need a rest after the exercise you had last night?” says Clarisse giving me a pointed stare.

  “Sorry were we too loud?” I ask with a smirk.

  “What the fuck are you doing Vass,” she sighs, “This is so fucked up.”

  “I told you, we’ve come to an agreement.”

  “An agreement?” she repeats “So watching films together, eating out, stopping in her bed every night, the cuddles, the kisses, the taking care of her when she’s ill, that’s all in this agreement is it?” she snaps.

  “What is your problem Riss?” I ask angrily, “Jealous?”

  Clarisse rears back, anger flashing in her eyes, “Are you fucking kidding me right now? I am your best friend Vass and I care about you. It’s me that will pick up the pieces when it turns to shit and believe it or not I care for Alivia too. She won’t be able to walk away from this.”

  “You’re starting to sound like a nagging old wife. I love you but you need to stop, it’s our life and at the moment we are happy so just back off.”

  The kitchen door opens and Liv stomps in holding her mobile phone out to me, “What the hell is this?” she yells taking us by surprise. I take the phone. It’s on today’s gossip column. I hand it back to her because I know what it says.

  “And?” I ask shrugging.

  “And?” she screams, “You sent the pictures, the ring and the box are in them, my parents don’t fucking know!” she yells.

  “Actually, they kind of do,” I say and her mouths falls open.

  “You said they were traditional, so I asked your fathers permission,” I say.

  Alivia feels her way along the table until she lowers into a seat, shock on her face. “Sorry, you did what?” she asks. Clarisse takes the mobile from Liv and begins to read out loud.

  “Hearts all over the nation will feel the pain today as we release the news that Vass Fletcher is off the market. Photographs emerged late last night of Vass Fletcher and his current lady, Alivia Caldwell, eating a romantic dinner for two. Vass posted the photographs on to his social media account with the caption, ‘she said yes.’ Fans reacted in shock and many took to social media themselves to show outrage for Vass’s ex-partner, Annalise Collingsworth. One fan wrote ‘Annalise’s side of the bed isn’t even cold yet,’ whilst another wrote, ‘What does he see in that lower-class whore when he could be with his queen, Annalise.’ It’s clear that whilst some fans of ‘Vannalise’ were still routing for the couple, some were showing signs of warming to the marketing guru Alivia by showing comments of support. One fan wrote ‘Congratulations, it’s like a Cinderella story’ and another renamed the couple ‘Aliviass’. Millions of females all over the world will be devastated at the news but we are excited for the wedding and to know who will be there from our celeb world.”

  “It sounds so much worse when they write shit like that,” I mutter.

  Alivia grabs a magazine that’s laying near by and she throws it at me, letting out a frustrated yell. “Why would you do that Vass. I told you it needed to be on the downlow. It will break my parents’ hearts when this end.”

  “You came to me Alivia, you offered to do this,” I say.

  “Yes to help you out but this is out of hand. I didn’t think this through at all,” she groans.

  “Just ride with it,” I say with a shrug and she rolls her eyes.

  “I feel like everything last night was a set up. A stage for your little show,” she says.

  “What did you think it was Alivia? A romantic meal for two?” I ask irritated. Her face tells me she did and I inwardly cringe, I could have handled that better. “Sorry, I thought you knew, I just assumed you’d realise it was for show.”

  I watch her shake her head and then she leaves the room, hurt on her face. “I told you,” hisses Clarisse.

  “Why would she think I was cooking a romantic meal for her when she knows this is a fake engagement?” I ask baffled. Clarisse also shakes her head and follows after Alivia.

  I leave it another twenty minutes and head upstairs. Alivia is laying in her bed with her back to the door and Clarisse is sitting by her side flicking through her mobile phone. Clarisse looks up as I enter, “It got lots of coverage,” she says sarcastically, “I think the message is out there, the great Vass is taken.”

  “Leave us,” I say firmly and she huffs angrily before storming from the room, shoulder charging me as she passes, “Childish,” I say after her.

  I lay on the bed behind Alivia and snuggle my head into her neck. “I apologise okay, I should have been clear.”

  “You went to see my parents,” she mutters, “Like it was real. You asked my dad,” she adds with a groan.

  “Listen, this was going to get out and it was always going to be big news. It’s better I handle it my way. I should’ve told you that I was sending the pictures, I’m sorry I didn’t.” Alivia turns over so that she’s facing me.

  “This is way bigger than I ever thought it’d be. The nation hates me Vass, they want you to be with Annalise and I can see why. Look at her,” she says desperately.

  I smile at her, tucking a loose piece of her hair behind her ear, “Liv you are gorgeous, inside and out. Don’t compare yourself to anyone else.”

  “It’s hard not to when there’s so much hate out there for me. Have you seen the comments online?” I haven’t because I never ever read any of the stories about me or the comments. Sometimes Clarisse will read them to me or tell me about them but most of the time they aren’t accurate and I learnt a long time a go not to let them affect me.

  “I know it’s hard but you have to ignore it. It will stop, they will get bored. Now, get up, call your parents.” Alivia whimpers and buries her head under the pillow.

  “No, I’m staying in bed for the rest of my life,” she mutters. I swat her on the ass but she stays under the pillow. She looks sexy in her little pyjama shorts and before I can talk myself out of it I’m pulling them down. “It won’t work, I’m not coming out,” she says trying to kick me away. I wait for her to lift her leg and then I pounce, holding her leg up and lowering my mouth to her opening. The first lick stills her and I smile to myself, I love having all of the power. I don’t let up until she’s screaming and shuddering. She removes the pillow, her flushed face looking down at me, “Okay you win.”

  I smirk and get up from the bed. “I thought I would.”

  I head for the shower to give Alivia some privacy to ring her parents. When I asked for their permission her mother cried with happiness. I wasn’t expecting them to be happy but they surprised me, saying yes without hesitation. I’ve never had a girlfriend’s parents like me, I’ve always been labelled the bad boy before they’ve truly gotten to know me.

  By the
time I go back to Alivia she has finished on her call and is staring down at her phone. “Daniel called me,” she mutters. I pull the towel from my waist and begin drying my arms. Her eyes fall to my semi erect cock and I arch an eyebrow in warning. “I’m meeting him for lunch today.”

  My hands still, a rage fills me and it takes me off guard, why should I care who Alivia is meeting. “No, absolutely not,” I say firmly.

  “He just wants to talk about things. He was shocked when he read the newspaper this morning.”

  “I said no Alivia, it’s not up for discussion.” I continue to dry myself, ignoring the indignation on her face as she watches me.

  “In case you’d forgotten you aren’t really my Fiancé,” she points out.

  “Don’t push me on this Alivia. The answer is no.” I glare at her sternly, pulling out my serious Dom face, I watch her shrink back slightly before she decides to fight back. Her chin juts out and she straightens her shoulders, it’d be cute really, if I wasn’t mad.

  “There wasn’t a question,” she grits out.

  “Alivia if you go to see Daniel after I’ve said you can’t, there will be consequences,” I warn. There’s hesitation in her face but I see the moment she decides to defy me because a steely look passes over her face and she stands.

  “I have to get ready now. I’ll see you at work tomorrow.” I watch as she heads to the bathroom, a slight hurry in her walk. I grin to myself, her defiance is going to be my new favourite thing.



  I glance around the restaurant nervously. I don’t want to be spotted by any photographers so I chose a quiet little Italian and purposely sat right at the back so I couldn’t be seen through the windows. My mind wanders back to Vass and that heated look he gave me right before I left. He’d been sat at the kitchen table with a coffee and his laptop when I’d walked in to say goodbye to Clarisse. He’d leant back in his chair, his full attention on me. His eyes had ran up and down my body like he was assessing my choice of Jeans and vest before he gave me the most intense look. A shiver runs down my spine as I picture it again. The man is hot. And then he’d gone back to his laptop like I wasn’t even there and continued his work without a word.


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