Weaving Fate

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Weaving Fate Page 18

by Octavia Kore

  “What are we doing here?” she asked as the trees thinned and the opposite bank came into view.

  “I wanted you to be able to see what I see.” He led her down the bank to a small shielded section of the river where the waters were calm and gestured with his muzzle. “Come look.”

  Anxiety churned in her stomach as she took a step forward. It wasn’t like she had no idea what she might see. She’d seen Zaheer multiple times and she’d already gotten a look at most of her body, but when she gazed down into the clear water, Clara blinked in surprise. She’d known the face looking back at her wouldn’t be her own, but nothing could have prepared her for the shock of it.

  Two large brown eyes stared back at her, the only thing that remained of her human form. Like Zaheer’s, her head was canine-like with a long muzzle. The nostrils on either side of the tip flared as she drew in a deep breath. From what Clara could see, her body was white aside from the glowing aqua-colored beansprout protrusions that matched the ones on top of Zaheer’s head. Her long stinger-tipped tail glowed as well as curled on the ground near her back legs.


  She turned her gaze toward her mate just as tiny black spots began to twinkle at the edge of her vision. Trees were swaying… or was that her? Clara tried to call out to Zaheer, but her mind couldn’t seem to respond. She felt herself list to one side as her legs gave out and before Clara knew what was happening, she was thrown into darkness.

  Chapter 18


  Our tsa is strong. She will wake up soon.

  Zaheer grunted in response to his guardian’s words as he watched Clara’s chest rise and fall beneath the furs where she lay curled in her little nest. She’d been asleep for days now, and while some down time after the first shift was expected, he’d never had a packmate sleep for that long. When she slipped into unconsciousness at the river, Zaheer had waited for her human form to return before bringing her back to the outpost.

  Even though he knew she would likely have protested had she been awake, he fed her what Layla called orb broth. Clara preferred fruit, but the broth was the easiest thing to feed her while she was unconscious. He could beg her forgiveness later.

  The little tahi popped its head up, staring out at him from its spot near Clara’s head when someone landed with a light thud on the platform outside. Zaheer looked up to see his cousin step through the membrane. Her lower arms were filled with fruit, which she carefully placed in a basket, along with the ones she’d brought the day before. It didn’t matter that Zaheer had already told her there was no point in her continuing to gather it when Clara couldn’t eat it.

  “How is she?” Ivnalth asked, handing him an orb as she crouched down next to him.

  Zaheer frowned at her disheveled appearance, noticing a variety of cuts and lumps on her legs, arms, and torso. Her lower lip had been split, and one of her smaller, secondary eyes was swollen. “Nothing has changed. What happened to you? Where did all of these come from?”

  Ivnalth swatted at his hand when he reached up to touch her face. “I was sparring with the others, and it got out of hand.”

  There had been times in the past when sparring had gone too far, but these wounds didn’t look right for what she claimed. Ivnalth would have no reason to lie though, so Zaheer set his niggling worries aside. “I’d love to see what your partner looked like if they managed to do this to you.”

  His cousin grinned and shook her head as her eyes returned to Clara. “Her body has been through so much change.”

  “What if she doesn’t wake up?”

  The words were formed and out of his mouth before he could even try to stop them.

  “Zaheer.” Ivnalth nudged him with her shoulder. “She will wake. We couldn’t even get rid of her when we wanted to, so what makes you think we can escape her now? Your mate is too stubborn not to wake up.”

  He gave his cousin a grateful smile, squeezing her hand when she slipped it into his. She’d been there for him his whole life and always at his back. She was his second-in-command, the level head he relied on, and no matter what had happened between them recently, Zaheer knew he could always count on her. “Has Tratek shown any improvement?”

  “His wounds have closed and the swelling has gone down a great deal, but he hasn’t woken yet. He murmurs in his sleep, but nothing Layla and I can understand.”

  The other human female had been incredibly helpful, and Zaheer and the rest of his pack owed her a debt of gratitude. She cared for their packmate day and night while Zaheer tended to Clara and Ivnalth kept up appearances with the others.

  “We’ll have both of them back soon enough, you’ll see.”

  “I hope so,” Ivnalth’s hand slid out of his and Zaheer raised a brow as she stood. “Leaving me on my own already?”

  “I promised Arzil a rematch and if I don’t show up, he’ll take it as an admission of defeat and tell the entire pack I surrendered. Goddess knows I would never live it down.”

  “Be careful,” he called after her as she slipped through the membrane.

  Something is wrong, his guardian grumbled.

  Zaheer sighed. I know. Despite his desire to believe Ivnalth’s story, he couldn’t shake the unease that gnawed at his insides and apparently neither could his guardian. He sat for a moment, tracing his mate’s features with his eyes as he drank from the orb Ivnalth had brought. The ghost of a smile touched the corners of her lips as Zaheer crossed the room to kneel down at her side. He wondered what his little tsa was dreaming about as he leaned down to press his lips to her forehead.

  As much as he wished to stay with her and wait out her sleep, Zaheer needed to check on his pack. He’d never been out of touch with them for this long, and although Maylu and Ivnalth had things under control, he admitted to himself that it made him feel like he was letting them all down. At this point, he was sure some of them had noticed he was no longer searching for Tratek, and he needed to figure out what, if anything, he was going to tell them.

  He hadn’t intended for it to remain a secret for so long, but with the other guardian still unconscious, Zaheer was hesitant to inform the others. They would have questions he couldn’t answer. What would he say when they asked why Tratek hadn’t been taken to the temple for healing?

  “Behave yourself,” Zaheer said to the tahi. River chirped and burrowed into Clara’s hair, clutching at the strands. He’d tried his best to remain indifferent to the creature, but the hatchling had somehow won him over. Before he left the outpost, Zaheer dropped the empty orb into the basket Clara had designated as River’s bed. That should keep the little beast occupied until he returned.

  It was already late in the day, and the cool breeze that moved through the trees ruffled his fur as he climbed down the tree. Ivnalth’s scent still lingered in the air, and he followed the path she’d taken away from the outpost. The image of her wounds flashed in his mind, and he frowned as his guardian growled.

  Those were not sparring wounds. Ivnalth is an experienced guardian. Those are not the kinds of injuries we see in training.

  Zaheer agreed, but he hadn’t sensed any untruth from her when she’d told him where she’d gotten the cuts and lumps from. Why would she lie to him about it?

  All around him, the forest buzzed with life, and despite everything that was happening in Zaheer’s world, he felt free. The restraining touch he’d fought for so long had been lifted, and he paused for a moment, breathing in the cool air that told him the cold season would be upon them soon. He couldn’t wait to experience all of the changing seasons through Clara’s eyes.

  Was this how all Krunkeeli felt? No guardian had ever mated before, and no one within the tribe had ever had to wait out their mate’s sleep like this. He was a male starved for the touch of his female, yearning for the press of her lips against his. The goddess had allowed him to taste Clara’s passion, and he would rather die than be forced to face life without ever knowing it again.

  Voices carried through the forest and
Zaheer slowed his steps, keeping to the long shadows of trees as he approached. The sparring circle was set inside a clearing, similar to the banith circle he’d taken Clara to days before, but much larger. The grass here was worn down from rotations of guardians trampling it and constant use. A few members of his pack were partnered up already and on the far side of the clearing, he spotted his cousin.

  Zaheer stayed on the edge of the circle, tucked out of sight as he watched Ivnalth and Arzil spar. They made good-natured jabs at one another, and when Ivnalth flipped the male onto his back and brought her fist down, stopping just before making contact with his body, Zaheer had to resist the urge to cheer for her. Ivnalth wasn’t second-in-command because she was his cousin; she was his second because she was a fierce fighter and she wasn’t afraid to take on any challenger.

  Zaheer’s guardian shook his head. Just because she is here now does not mean that her injuries were a result of sparring. Something is not right in our forest.

  He watched his packmates for some time before stepping from the shadows. Maylu, who’d been standing on the outside of the circle turned as he approached and inclined his head.



  The other male laughed as Arzil went down a second time, his pained groan mixing with the other sounds of fighting as they echoed through the clearing. It was clear to him that Ivnalth and Maylu had done a fine job keeping up with training schedules and shift rotations in his absence. Being alpha didn’t mean doing it all, and it brought him a sense of relief to know that he had leaders within his pack he could rely on.

  They’d pushed the pack hard it seemed and he looked forward to a day when all of this with the priests was resolved and he could resume his life. He wanted to introduce them to Clara, to see her take her place among them as his mate.

  Baeum, one of his youngest pack members, stood propped against one of the slender trees that made up the outside of the circle. Physically, they shared many traits, like fur color and a similar build, but Zaheer couldn’t remember ever being as hotheaded as this male in his youth. His gray tuft fluffed up when their eyes met from across the sparring circle, and Zaheer felt his guardian bristle. This wasn’t just a place for training; it was also used for settling disputes, and Baeum looked like he had something he needed to say.

  “Alpha!” the male called, his nostrils flaring as he approached. A few of their packmates looked up at the aggression in his tone, their eyes narrowing on him. The fur on Baeum’s torso rippled a split second before he shifted, and Zaheer gritted his teeth as he allowed his own guardian to step forward.

  He is angry with us, his guardian said.

  If Zaheer wasn’t so busy dodging the younger male’s charge, he might have laughed at that ridiculous observation. What gave you that impression?

  Zaheer reared back on his hind legs when Baeum struck out with his tail, narrowly avoiding the stingers at the tip before charging forward. He slammed into his pack member’s side, taking them both down to the hard, packed soil. Teeth and jaws snapped, claws dug into flesh and dirt as they tumbled. Excited voices and shouts filled the air around them, but Zaheer blocked them out, focusing on the hissing beast beneath him.

  Baeum had been with him the day they found the group of outsiders, but Zaheer hadn’t spoken with him since then. If he’d had a grievance, why hadn’t he merely sought him out at the outpost where he knew they’d been keeping Clara and Layla? Zaheer’s teeth sank into the flesh around Baeum’s shoulder, tearing a high-pitched howl of pain from his throat. He hated hurting any of them, but he couldn’t allow this to get out of hand.

  Sharp pain lanced through their bond and Zaheer growled low against his body. His guardian fought for dominance, to reassert himself as Alpha in the pack’s eyes. A challenge like this could not go unpunished, but Zaheer wanted answers.

  “Yield, Baeum,” he said, releasing his hold on the younger guardian as he thrashed, not wishing to do him more harm than was necessary.

  “No! You have lied!” Baeum twisted around, snapping at Zaheer, his attack uncoordinated and sloppy. “You care more about the female outsider than you do one of your own!”

  The venom and hatred in the male’s voice for Clara stunned him, and he missed his chance to pivot. Baeum’s jaws closed around the upper portion of his back leg, and Zaheer snarled, his own anger and frustration rising as he dropped his back end to the ground, loosening Baeum’s grip as he was forced to follow.

  Dust clung to the outside of his nostrils and lips when they rolled together, filling his lungs as he nipped at Baeum’s sides and haunches. The younger male scurried to his feet, his head lowering while he watched Zaheer pull himself up. “Get it all out. You aren’t a mindless animal, Baeum. Use the words the goddess gave you and explain yourself!”

  “You were supposed to be looking for Tratek!”

  Zaheer kept his voice calm. “I did search for Tratek, as have other members of the pack.”

  “You’ve abandoned him! You come here reeking of your sins when you’ve left Tratek to die!” Baeum charged again, but this time Zaheer was ready.

  Using his shoulder as a battering ram, Zaheer used Baeum’s forward momentum against him, slamming his shoulder into the broad side of his neck. When the male crumpled to the ground, his breath hissing out of him, Zaheer moved over him and settled his full weight on top of Baeum’s back. He gripped Baeum’s nape, pressing hard enough to hold him down without breaking the skin. The smaller guardian struggled, but Zaheer locked his long limbs around his body, trapping him.

  “Every decision I have made since taking on the role of alpha has been for the good of the pack. I have never given you reason to distrust me or to believe that I would let you down. There are things I cannot and will not tell you for Tratek’s sake. If you cannot accept that, if you wish to continue this brash challenge, then we can end this right now.” Zaheer’s jaws tightened, and Baeum’s body stilled.

  “You know where he is?”

  Zaheer’s eyes sought out Ivnalth’s face among his gathered pack. Her lips were flattened together in a frown, and he knew she was pondering the same thing he was. How much should he say? “Yes.”

  “Is he alive? Where did you find him? What happened to him?” The anguish in the male’s voice tore at him, but he wasn’t willing to give up so many details just yet.

  “Like I said, there are things I will not say. I’m asking you to trust me, Baeum.” He scanned the shocked faces of his pack. “I’m asking all of you to trust me.”

  “You’ve broken your vows. I can smell the female’s cunt all over you. Why should we believe anything you say?”

  “Because our Alpha has never let us down before.” Maylu stepped forward. “Because Zaheer earned our loyalty and our trust. Our alpha has fought for us time and again and we will do the same for him.”

  When Baeum’s body relaxed in submission, Zaheer released him, allowing the male to shift back before he did the same. He reached down to pull Baeum to his feet and slid one hand over the back of the male’s neck, gripping him tightly as he brought his face close.

  “If you ever speak about my mate in such a way again, I will be the one issuing the challenge, and I will not go so easy on you.”

  Baeum’s eyes narrowed. “Guardians do not take mates.”

  “Well, he has,” Ivnalth said, “and you would do well to keep that to yourself for the time being. Do not bite off more than you can chew, pup.”

  Zaheer released his packmate. “Enough now. Back to your partners.” The others dispersed, casting glances at Baeum whose head remained lowered. Within moments, the grunts, groans, and laughter of the circle had returned, and Zaheer nudged the young guardian. “You have a problem with the way I do something again, you will bring it to me like a grown male instead of making a scene in front of everyone, understood?”

  “Yes, Alpha.”

  “Good. Now get your hands up. We’re going to work on that sloppy form.”

  Chapter 19<
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  Her guardian whispered the word within her mind, and Clara whimpered as the ridges of a warm, wet tongue swept up her slit, nudging against her clit when he reached the top. His breath fanned against her heated flesh, and she squirmed, wanting to be closer, wanting to press herself to that wicked mouth.

  Best dream ever.

  Clara stared down her body at Zaheer as he kissed her thighs and the top of her mound, nipping playfully at her skin until she was nothing more than a slick, throbbing mess. He gazed up at her, and she felt her empty pussy contract at the sight of his wet lips curling up into a devilish smirk. Dream Zaheer knew exactly what he was doing to her, and Clara was going to enjoy every moment of the torment.

  He lapped at her like a starving man, his eyes closed and his nostrils flaring. She felt the vibrations of his groans pass through her and clutched at the thick furs, rocking into him. “Please, Zaheer.”

  “Open for me,” dream Zaheer whispered. Without hesitation, Clara spread her legs wider, excitement thrumming through her when he pinned them to the floor to allow room for his broad shoulders. “Good, such a good little mate.” He reached up to trace his fingers over one nipple, twisting and pinching the pink tip as his mouth sucked at her clit.

  Clara’s hips rose as the ridges of his tongue moved over her, bumping against the sensitive bundle of nerves over and over until she thought she might go mad. Hips undulating, chest tightening as her lungs struggled to draw in air, Clara arched her neck and let him take her away.

  It was pure, sweet, bone-melting torture. Zaheer worked her body as if he’d been practicing for this moment his entire life, but by his own admission, her mate had never touched anyone else like this. He’d made vows and he’d broken them for her. Two of his fingers slid along her slit before dipping inside. They curled upward, rubbing against the underside of her clit and sending jolts of nearly painful pleasure coursing through her.


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