Weaving Fate

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Weaving Fate Page 21

by Octavia Kore

  “I’m not going anywhere until my mate comes in here or he tells me himself along the bond that I need to leave.” Maylu stood near the entrance now, his massive chest rising and falling as he stared at her. He looked like a rampaging bull, ready to wreak havoc. Clara had been living in the tiny treehouse long enough to know where every single thing inside of it was. Her pulse quickened, eyes darting toward the basket she knew still held the daggers Zaheer had once shown her. Maylu must have been thinking the same thing because he was in motion a half-second after her.

  Faster! Clara’s guardian urged.

  She lunged forward, diving across the floor, but even then it wasn’t enough. Maylu was far bigger and faster than she was. He slammed into her and Clara swore she felt her bones vibrate from the impact a moment before she connected with the floor, knocking the air from her lungs. The basket landed a couple feet away, but she was trapped on her belly beneath the male.

  “Maylu! Stop!” Clara shouted out loud. “What are you doing?” She fought back against the tears that burned the backs of her eyes. He might be bigger, faster, and trained to fight, but Clara wasn’t going to roll over and let him win.

  “This is your fault!” The voice in her head was thunderous. It was like a warped, terrifying version of the one she knew belonged to him. “I have to do this because of you!”

  “What’s my fault?”

  “You almost killed Tratek!”

  Clara’s struggles stopped and she twisted to better see his face. “I only tried to help Tratek. I’d never even seen him before Zaheer found him!”

  “Lies!” He hissed the word, and Clara trembled at the venom that dripped from that one word. Before she knew what was happening, Maylu had flipped her onto her back.

  Tiny cuts and abrasions marred his face and chest and his eyes… They were orbs of dark, boiling pitch. Whatever was in there wanted to do far more than kill her; they wanted to destroy her, to wipe her memory from this world. Being caught in his gaze was one of the most terrifying things she’d ever experienced.

  Clara threw her head back and screamed up at the ceiling as her skin began to tear in spots. Her guardian was trying to defend her, to help her fight off her attacker, but Clara fought against them both, begging her beast to stay put. Massive fur-covered hands wrapped around her throat and slowly began to squeeze.

  No, no, no!

  Tears blurred her vision as her elongated fingers clutched at his hands, the claws at the tips tearing into his flesh at the same time as his dug into the delicate skin on her neck. The fur on his face rippled, revealing dark flesh as his guardian attempted to break free.

  “No!” she heard him whisper to himself. “This has to be done. We have to do this!”

  A blur of dark fur shot across her vision and Maylu snarled, jerking his head to the side as he tried to fight off his tiny attacker. River bit and clawed at his ears, shoulders, and neck as Clara kicked and bucked beneath them. Maylu’s lower arms swung at the tahi, but they were too fast, darting away before he could catch them.

  Clara dropped all of her mental walls then, opening herself up more than she ever had. “Zaheer!” She screamed her mate’s name as loud as she could, willing her voice to find him along the bond, praying that he would hear her. Maylu reared back at the sound and she took advantage of his shock, trapping his head between her hands and forcing her way into his mind.

  Information rushed over her as if she’d broken some kind of mental dam. Memories tumbled one on top of the other as Clara struggled to wade through them. She felt the hands around her throat loosen, but she wasn’t about to let him go.

  A memory crashed into her mind. Maylu was on his knees, his head bent in submission as someone out of view whipped and beat him. They pulled information from him, things about her and about Zaheer. He tried to refuse, but something—someone she couldn’t see—was compelling him. They used Tratek against him, held his friend’s wellbeing over his head until they’d broken through.

  Webs were placed around his wrists, and she watched in horror as a dark figure moved forward, replacing every good memory he had of her with lies and falsehoods. They’d made her the villain in all of his worst nightmares. How did this being have the ability to change a guardian’s memories, to distort them like that? Zaheer told her at the river that his abilities didn’t work on other guardians, so who the hell was this?

  Clara pushed her memories into his mind, forcing him to relive the moments that the being had tainted, clearing away the poison. His mouth hung open, and when he closed his eyes, Clara reached back with one hand, searching until she felt the handle of the dagger bump against her fingers. She clutched it tight and swung as hard as she could, a scream tearing up her throat as she buried the blade near his shoulder.

  Maylu’s eyes flew open a moment before he was ripped away from her. Clara felt the floor shudder as his body landed heavily somewhere nearby and she twisted onto her side, gasping and panting as she struggled to catch her breath.

  “Easy,” someone said. “Don’t sit up too fast.” Gentle hands smoothed over her back, supporting her as she slowly pushed herself up, leaning heavily against the row of baskets.

  River jumped onto her shoulder and nuzzled into her neck as Clara blinked, trying to clear her vision. The face in front of her came into focus, and she gaped up at the male. Like all the guardians, he was big. His fur was black, and there were teal stripes running down his arms. He’d been on death’s door only days before, but looking at him now, Clara would have never guessed.


  “What have I done? What have I done?” Maylu’s trembling voice shuddered through her mind. Clara wanted to be angry with him for what he’d done. She wanted to scream for the terror he’d caused her, but when she looked at the huge male now, arms curled around his lowered head as tears fell from his eyes, Clara just felt sad. He was a pawn in whatever game the priest was playing. He’d been beaten, lied to, had his memories tainted. What the hell had they done to these people?

  The muscles in her throat and neck throbbed in time to the hammer clanging in her head. Clara brushed her fingers over the skin and felt the tears prick her eyes once more. She was safe now. Tratek was here, Maylu was himself, and she was still alive. A sob racked her body as the tears began to fall.

  You fought so well, her guardian whispered as she curled around Clara’s mind. Our tsa will come. Our tsa will make it better.

  Tratek sat down in front of her and smiled, resting his hand on her arm. “You must be Clara. I’m sorry we are meeting under these circumstances, lua, but it is a pleasure I never thought I’d have.”

  Chapter 22



  His lungs cried out for air, and his muscles burned as Zaheer pushed himself to his limits. He’d never felt such terror in all his life. It wrapped itself around his throat and the closer he got to his mate, the tighter it became until it was nearly choking him.

  Get to her!

  When the outpost came into view, Zaheer launched himself at the tree, his guardian’s claws digging in deep as he propelled himself upward. The beast was panting, his ragged breaths and growls echoing through the forest. All of the horrible possibilities filled his mind. Zaheer shifted back into his Krunkeeli form when he reached the supporting branch at the top of the outpost, landing on the platform and racing toward the entrance. His gaze zeroed in on Clara the moment he stepped inside.

  Alive. Our tsa is alive.

  She was sitting in her nest, a fur draped over her shoulders and River clinging to her wild hair. There were tears in her red-rimmed eyes and when she met his gaze they spilled over, sliding down her cheeks as he rushed forward. His legs gave out, and Zaheer dropped to his knees in front of Clara, curling his arms around her trembling body when she threw herself into his chest.

  “What happened? Are you hurt?” His hands flew over her back and sides, searching for wounds. When he set her away from him to check her front, he caught sight of th
e discoloration on her throat and scented the sharp tang of her blood in the air. In his mind, Zaheer’s guardian went deathly silent, his large eyes riveted on the markings that stood out in stark contrast to her pale skin. “Who did this to you?”

  “I think you need a moment to—”

  Zaheer dipped his head and sniffed, drawing in the scent of not just her blood, but of another’s who he was incredibly familiar with. “Maylu.”

  “Zaheer, listen to me.” Clara was clutching at his arms, trying to draw his attention back to her, but his guardian had already sought out and found the male.

  Maylu’s eyes met Zaheer’s from a moment before his gaze dropped to the floor. He stood just inside the short hallway, his head lowered in submission, and his arms hanging limp at his sides. A krunkeeli dagger was lodged in his shoulder and blood dripped from the wound, running down his black fur to splash on the floor of the outpost.

  He hurt her, the guardian’s hiss made Zaheer’s fur stand on end. He made her bleed. Our tsa was frightened.

  Destroy him.

  Tear him apart.

  Spill his blood.

  Zaheer had shaken Clara off and was halfway across the room before another body collided with his, knocking him off course. Strong arms banded around his torso, and a familiar voice reached him along the bond.

  “Wait, Alpha!”

  Zaheer snarled at Tratek, trying to shake him off, but Clara was in front of them, her brown eyes wide with fear. Trembling slender hands pressed into his chest. “I will see you bleed, Maylu! By the time I’m finished tearing you apart not even the scavengers will want to touch your corpse!”

  “Zaheer! Stop it!” Clara frowned at him.

  Tratek pushed him farther back into the small main room, bracing himself as Zaheer fought against him. “Alpha, let him explain!”

  “It’s complicated, Zaheer,” his mate said, cupping his face and forcing him to look at her. “Take a minute to calm down and listen to what Tratek and Maylu have to say.”

  His guardian growled and snapped within his mind, threatening to break free and exact their revenge himself, but Zaheer slammed his mental walls down between him and his beast, giving them both a moment to regain their composure. He might know something. We need him alive… for now.

  “Maylu was being controlled by the same priest I saw in Tratek’s memories, the one with the talisman. There was someone with them, someone I couldn’t see, but he changed Maylu’s memories of me.”

  Zaheer frowned down at his mate. “A guardian’s memory cannot be manipulated. No one has that power.”

  “I’m telling you someone does. I saw it in his mind. I saw them do this. They made him believe that I’d been the one to hurt Tratek.” Clara glanced at Maylu, and he felt a tremor run through her.

  His guardian hissed and beat at the mental barrier, demanding to be set free. When Zaheer looked at Maylu, the male cast his gaze downward and lowered his head once more. Apologetic. Submissive. Trying to show his Alpha he was not a threat. Zaheer didn’t want submission—he wanted the male’s blood on his hands and in his mouth, wanted to wrap his hands around the male’s throat. Zaheer wanted Maylu to feel the same fear and terror his mate had felt.


  The sound of Tratek’s voice pulled him from his murderous thoughts. The male was watching him, his body tense. It was clear Tratek was unsure how to react to the situation, and to be honest, so was Zaheer. “I’m glad you’re finally awake.”

  “So am I.” Tratek inclined his head, but his body remained stiff.

  If he was to believe what his mate said, then Maylu hadn’t been in his right mind when he attacked, but that didn’t excuse his actions. Why hadn’t he come to Zaheer with his concerns? Pulling Clara into his arms, Zaheer lifted her hair, revealing the scratches and punctures left by Maylu’s claws. He wanted answers.

  “How is it possible for someone to change a guardian’s memories?”

  “Do you remember when I asked to speak with you about the priests?” Tratek asked.

  Zaheer nodded. It had been on his mind since the day Tratek went missing.

  “I’d been in the Room of History searching for something to read, and I came across an old book, something I’m not sure was meant to be where I found it. The book was filled with all sorts of unbelievable information.”

  “What sort of information?” Zaheer asked.

  “There was an entire section about the guardians and their origins. The book says that the guardians were not gifted to us by the goddess.”

  “That’s blasphemy,” Maylu said, his eyes going wide as he stared up at Tratek. “If not the goddess, then from who?”

  “Remove the dagger,” Zaheer told Tratek as he bent and lifted Clara into his arms. “You can explain as we travel. Her wounds need tending to.” His gaze landed on Maylu and snarled as Tratek pressed one hand to the male’s body and tugged the blade from his shoulder, drawing a soft grunt from Maylu as the dagger slipped free. Zaheer jerked his head toward the entrance when Tratek dropped the dagger into one of the open baskets. “Come. You have things to answer for.”

  “We can’t take her to the priests, Alpha,” Maylu protested as Zaheer jumped onto the support branch above them. “They are the ones who want her dead.”

  “We are not going to the priests.”

  Clara curled up against his chest as they all descended the tree. A sigh left her lips as she rubbed her face into his fur, her nostrils flaring as she drew in his scent. He longed to do the same to her, to breathe her in, to scent her until he could no longer smell the other male on her, to run his hands all over her body and reassure himself that she was okay. He pressed his lips to the top of her head and continued toward the ground. They would make time for that later. Right now, Zaheer needed to see to her wounds and find out what his pack members knew about Pumo and this mysterious being who had the power to alter memories.

  Zaheer led them through the woods, his eyes and ears alert to anything unfamiliar. “Tell me what else you read in this book,” he said to Tratek.

  “Essentially, everything we have been taught our entire lives is a lie.”

  In his arms, Clara huffed and rolled her eyes. “Shocking.”

  “Our guardians were created in a place called a lab by outsiders who came to visit our world. They used the Krunkeeli, experimented on them, and put things inside of them until they had created the guardians. It didn’t say exactly how it was done, but it did say that the guardians were meant to mate. What Pumo has told us is a lie. The vows we’ve had to take… it goes against the nature of the guardians we carry.”

  Tratek glanced at Clara before turning his attention back toward the path. “In the past, guardians had mates—fated mates. They had families and lived within the tribe like everyone else. When they came into contact with their fated, a guardian would grow mehki on their head.”

  “Those must be the growths that appeared on your head the day we found the outsiders.” Maylu looked at Zaheer. “We’d never seen them before.”

  “How are the priests involved in this?”

  “From what I gleaned, the seers were the original leaders of the tribes and the priests wished to overthrow them. If they had control of the guardians—”

  “Then they had control of the tribes.” Zaheer frowned, remembering the seer’s words to them in the forest the day she brought them to Tratek. The guardians will return to their rightful place in this world and all will be as it once was. Was this what she was referring to? “How did the priests gain control? Surely the guardians wouldn’t have turned on the seers just because the priests wished it.”

  “The book is vague about that, but it mentions that the original guardians, the ones who were born—not created with a bite—were strong. When the seers were cast out of power, the priests thought they could simply take over, but the guardians revolted. I’m not sure how they were defeated, but one of the priests had learned from the outsiders that the guardians could be made if a Krinkeel
i had certain abilities. They slaughtered the entire pack, Alpha. Males, females, pups… all but one guardian.”

  “What happened to the last one?” Maylu asked.

  “They used him to create a new pack, one they had control over. He was forced to weave the people of the tribe new memories, tainted ones that turned them against the seers.”

  They’d been told the seers were dangerous, that they practiced unnatural magic and sought to bring others strife and ill fortune. There were many things they’d been taught that were suddenly not adding up.

  “All this murder and deception just to gain power.” It made Zaheer’s stomach roil thinking of all the lives they’d stolen. “They’ve managed to stay in control for so long.”

  “Because they still have control of the guardians,” Clara said. “It makes sense why they take you so young, why they separate you from your families and then forbid contact. They want you loyal to them and no one else. They’ve been stealing children away from their families, isolating and brainwashing them so that they have their own little army.”

  Tratek grunted in agreement. “After the original guardian turned the first few children, they killed him as well.”

  They walked in silence as Zaheer tried to digest everything Tratek had found out. How could the tribe have believed such nonsense for so long? How could this have been kept hidden all this time without someone finding out the truth? His mate had been right. He couldn’t see it as a child, and if he were being honest, he hadn’t ever given it a second thought until Clara showed up and disrupted his life.

  Clara twisted in his arms so that she could see Tratek. “So did they catch you with the book?”

  “No. I heard someone coming, and I was able to put it back where I’d found it. That’s when I went to find you, Alpha. After you left, I waited for you to return, but I was told Pumo wished to speak to me.” Beside him, Tratek shook his head and grimaced. “I should have known then that something was wrong, but no one was around when I found the book and I thought I was safe.”


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