Groomed For Love: A Steamy Standalone Instalove Romance

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Groomed For Love: A Steamy Standalone Instalove Romance Page 12

by Flora Ferrari

  His suggestions are pretty bad, to say the least.

  I still don’t even know his first name for god’s sake and I won’t go on another minute until we get a few things out in the open.

  “I don’t even know your name, Parker,” I finally shout over him as he reels off a series of exotic-sounding, feminine names for dogs.

  There. I finally said it.

  We’ve connected on every other level and for whatever reason, he still hasn’t even told me his first name.

  “Just Parker won’t cut it if we’re going to do this,” I tell him, trying to calm down Moose who only wants out of his carrier.

  “Michael,” he says, creasing his mouth and looking down at his feet for a second before coming over to me, kneeling down and soothing our newest arrival before opening Moose’s carrier.


  My heart feels like it might burst for a moment. Everything I’ve felt and will feel with him from now on has a name at least.

  A first name that is.

  Parker’s okay, but not knowing anything else up until now has been a bit too mysterious.

  The one part of him I don’t know about.

  He calms Moose down, who’s still weak and his newest K9 lady friend is whining, licking at him as Parker expertly manages them both.

  Michael Parker.

  “Disappointed?” he finally asks once the pair of dogs have settled down, leaving me to wonder why on earth or even how this man could ever disappoint me.

  “Never,” I tell him quickly launching myself into his huge arms, he holds me tight and kisses me tenderly.

  Both dogs in a group hug with us.

  Never. I could never be disappointed another day as long as I live, as long as it’s with Michael Parker by my side.

  “But you prefer just Parker, right?” I have to ask, smiling when he nods firmly.

  “Just Parker.” He encourages me, and as much as I like the name Michael, he’ll always be just Parker to me. At least when I call his name.

  This thing we have, this feeling? There are no words for it anyway, but it doesn’t solve our biggest problem.

  A name for Moose’s girl.

  Once Moose is settled on the bed we’ve made for him in the living room, Parker kneels down in front of me again, looking up.

  I feel my breath catch as he takes my hand and he swallows hard, thinking about what he really wants to say next.

  We’ve come so far in just two days and I’m not sure I can handle what I think he’s about to ask me next.

  “Bella,” he finally says. “It means beautiful, I think.”

  I’m confused but his look is so sincere, my hand in his. I guess it is a beautiful moment but he notes my confusion.

  “Our new dog, Moose’s girl? We should call her Bella,” he recommends, grinning a little as he keeps himself on one knee, holding my hand.

  I don’t know what to say. It’s no worse than any other name he came up with so far, but there’s something else in his proposition that makes me shiver.

  Makes my heart thump in my chest.

  “What do you say?” he asks me as I feel my mouth make an O shape, pumping air without saying anything.

  I finally manage a nod and am about to tell him if he’s about to ask me anything else important-

  But the phone rings.

  Parker groans, but I tell him to answer it.

  “Bella is a pretty name. But anything else, ask me later ok?” I add, not knowing what or how I’d even answer if he was about to ask what I think he was.

  What I know he wants to.

  To my surprise as well as Parker’s, it’s Sasha calling from the hospital.

  She’s only just now managed to get well enough to return his calls.

  Parker’s polite enough and I can tell who he’s talking to in a few seconds.

  “Moose is fine,” he tells her. “I got him back from Naomi, no problem.”

  There’s an awkward silence and I can see Parker’s jaw flexing as he deliberates exactly how much to tell my now ex-employer.

  “The key to the salon is in the mailbox,” he adds before letting her know he’s retired now and so is Moose.

  “Thanks for everything, Sasha,” he adds genuinely. “But it’ll be me and Moose at home from now on. No more cops and robbers. I quit the force.”

  I can hear a flurry of questions from the other end of the line and Parker cocks his own brow in a question, asking silently if I want to add anything. If I even want to speak to Sasha.

  “Naomi?” he asks her, shooting me a wistful glance.

  I shake my head sideways, no way would I want to talk to her.

  Now or ever.

  “Uh… She’s fine I guess. I heard she got a new job,” he lies. Bending the truth to get a reaction.

  “Ah, really? I thought you fired her… no one else to help out at the salon, huh?” he says. “Too bad. I’m sure you’ll think of something Sasha, if I need a groomer I’ll be in touch,” is all he says before hanging up.

  He looks at me strangely, making me feel like I want to say a dozen things, but the sounds of our two dogs distract us both.

  “I think she really likes him,” Parker observes.

  “Bella?” I ask him, letting him know I approve of her new name as well as her being here with Moose.

  “I think she really likes him too,” I add, stroking her fur and then taking his hands in mine.

  “You really are great with them,” he says. “We both will be great for them.”

  “Just like we are with these two… and all of those after them,” I add, holding my belly before he draws me closer and presses his lips to mine again.

  “I love you, Naomi. Today and every other day,” he whispers to me.

  “And I love you, Parker. Michael,” I whisper back.

  Moose settles, and his newest friend right next to him.


  I hear myself say her name and her ears prick up before she nuzzles next to her man and I nuzzle into mine.

  It’s the perfect ending to a long couple of days.

  “You need to go to the office or something?” I ask him. “Make it all official?”

  I don’t wanna rush him, but the sooner Parker is less of a target, the better. I don’t want him changing his mind and going back to work.

  “It’s done, Naomi. I promise,” he says firmly, kissing me hard enough to know he means it.

  We all huddle, four of us now. Moose and Bella, Parker and me.

  The only real family I’ve ever known and I swear, the only one I want from today forward.

  “What do we do now?” I ask after a long pause, the chasm of our future suddenly opening up before me.

  “We take it one day at a time, and we enjoy every second of it, together,” he assures me, gripping my shoulder with one hand as he tousles Moose’s fur.

  “We’ve come a long way in a short time and there’s no telling how far we’ll all get from now on.”

  Moose gives a low howl and Bella joins him.

  Parker starts too and before long, we’re all howling. With a tear in my eye I know I’ve found my tribe.

  My pack.

  My alpha male.

  My only.

  Michael Parker.





  “You can sleep in baby, I don’t mind,” I tell her. “Are you sure you’re not getting sick again?” I ask her in a gentle whisper.

  Naomi groans softly, rolling over and showing me some more of what I already had last night as the sheets roll off her.


  If she doesn’t make me hard every time I see her body, but today it’s been going on too long. No matter how hot she looks.

  I know girls have their time and all that, but this has been different. Bella’s not herself either and Moose is just acting plain weird.

  Come to think of it, Naomi hasn’t had her time for a while now.
/>   Moose is worried about something, I can tell and so am I.

  About all of them.

  About both my girls.

  “We’re going to the doctor, and then the vet,” I announce, pulling my pants on at the same hour I’m used to.

  Five a.m. wake up’s are a bad habit still, or maybe a good one I reason to myself.

  We’ve had three months of bliss and I’m not taking any chances. Nothing is going to jeopardize our life, Naomi and me.

  “I’m fine, Parker,” she growls. “Just let me sleep will ya?” she protests.

  I lean over and press my lips to her forehead and I can feel what might be a temperature.

  Twenty years of service comes with plenty of training and I know when someone needs a doctor.

  Dogs too. That swelling in Bella’s abdomen is beyond something I can just glance over anymore.

  Today’s the day.

  I forget my usual morning rituals and try to call the doctor first, then the vet.

  I leave a message to arrange for an appointment for Bella at the emergency vet clinic, scheduling a doctor’s appointment online seeing as they aren’t open yet.

  “I don’t need a doctor, Parker,” Naomi complains to me between calls, narrowing her eyes and giving me that vibe she gets when we’re about to have an argument, but she suddenly slumps back into the bed, exhausted.

  “Take Bella to the vet, fine but I seriously don’t think I need a doctor.” She groans again, making me frown with frustration.

  She’s been putting it off for so long, I want her to go get a check-up anyway.

  “I’ll get us breakfast on the way,” I try and coax her, but today more than ever she’s not interested.

  “I don’t need a doctor Parker,” she says again firmly, pulling the covers over herself and pretending to go back to sleep.

  I want to press my point, but I don’t want to make her any grouchier either.

  Naomi’s had some mood swings lately, and try as I might, I can’t figure out if it’s anything I’ve done or if it’s just getting used to being with someone twenty-four seven.

  We’ve never been happier, but there’s something on her mind. I just wish I knew what it was.

  I put it out of my mind, for now, letting Moose and Bella outside for their morning ramble.

  “You okay boy?” I ask Moose, noting him fretting a little as we both watch Bella trot around the yard.

  He gives a low growl and then barks, wagging his tail suddenly and giving me the sign he uses when he’s found something once she comes back closer to us.

  He sniffs at Bella and gives the signal again.

  I know Moose well enough, his training hasn’t worn off just because we’re not on the beat anymore.

  He knows a lot more than I do most days and today he’s trying to tell me something.

  “Alright, boy. Maybe we’ll have the vet look you over too,” I tell him, kneeling down to pet them both. There’s nowhere Bella goes that he doesn’t anyway.

  Might as well get a physical while I’m at it, I tell myself. Figuring I can still use the appointment if Naomi won’t go.

  The vet calls me back, letting me know they’re ready when we are so I get both dogs ready to go.

  “You sure you don’t want to come with us?” I ask through the bedroom door, poking my head around to see the bed empty.

  Hearing the shower running I ask her again through the bathroom door.

  “Go on ahead, I’ll be fine,” she tells me, sounding a little more cheerful at least.

  It’s not what I want, but I shrug and decide to leave Naomi to it. Double-checking the house is locked and the gates closed before Bella, Moose and I head off to the vet.

  “Hope it’s nothing serious, girl,” I tell her, rubbing her head as she leans over from the back seat.

  The vet pretends to tell me off for not bringing Moose back sooner since he’s been given the all-clear but it’s obvious at a glance he’s fine.

  “It’s Bella I’m worried about,” I tell him, pointing out her swollen belly.

  He smiles politely enough and runs his hands over her, feeling her and listening through his stethoscope.

  I give him a sideways glance when he gives me a quizzical look.

  “Bella’s a girl, right?” he asks calmly and I agree.

  “Sure she is,” I tell him.

  “And Moose is a boy?” he says slowly like he’s explaining things to a child.

  My phone pings and I glance at it, a message from Naomi which I open straight away before dealing with the vet and his weird questions.

  At the same moment, I see the photo Naomi’s sent, I join the dots.

  Some detective I am. I guess I’m a little out of practice. Plus I was sure Moose had been neutered.

  Isn’t he?

  Obviously not.

  She’s sent me a picture of a blue plus sign, another one comes through as I hold my phone, frozen on the spot.

  It’s a pregnancy test.

  I think I know what’s ‘wrong’ with me. Her message reads.

  “I’m gonna be a daddy?” I murmur to myself, my hands trembling as it sinks in.

  “Well, Moose is too,” The vet adds, chuckling to himself as he strokes Bella some more.

  “Huh?” I ask, wondering how the vet could possibly know Naomi’s pregnant.

  “I can hear two puppies inside her, maybe more. We’ll know more with an ultrasound,” he explains.

  “You okay?” he asks.

  “I’m gonna be a daddy,” I say again, holding my phone up so he can see Naomi’s message.

  “Well, double congratulations are in order then,” the vet exclaims.

  Dialing Naomi, I’ve never been happier to hear her voice. She’s crying and in a heartbeat, I feel like I am too.

  “Marry me,” I tell her before she can say a word. I can’t even wait until I get home.

  “Just. Marry me,” is all can say.

  All I can feel is relief when she says yes.

  I won’t have our child coming into the world without having a proper mommy and daddy.

  A proper family.

  Our family.




  It was Parker’s idea to buy the dog salon from Sasha. At an inflated price to I might add, making up for the trouble I caused her from my first and last day working for her.

  Things went real quiet for her business and one day Parker casually told me he’d bought the salon.

  “It’s a win-win really,” he said. “Moose and the other guys are terrible when we bath them at home,” he reasoned, not that I needed convincing.

  It’s something I always wanted to do.

  At least it was until I fell pregnant again. Running the salon with little Cole on my hip and then being pregnant a second time, the strain was starting to show.

  As swiftly as he set it all up, Parker announced I should hand over the reins to someone else to do the actual work.

  “You want me all to yourself, barefoot and pregnant don’t you?” I ask him, making him grin as he reaches for me.

  “And in gray sweats, T-shirt. No bra,” he says, making a low groaning sound as he runs his huge hands over me.

  “We’ll need a bigger place soon enough anyway,” he adds, reminding me his mom’s place is empty now that she’s in a care facility.

  True to form, little Cole wakes up and starts to wail from the back. A mini nursery set up where a storage room used to be.

  It’s not long before the dogs start to howl too, a curious thing I’ve noticed whenever Cole squawks. Guaranteeing mommy and daddy never miss out on hearing when the baby’s in any distress.

  “I’ll get him,” Parker offers, having just come by after finishing some of his own security work.

  I won’t let him do anything where he’s at risk anymore, not like when he was a cop. So it’s mainly running the business side of things he likes to do a few days a week and only for a fe
w hours at a time.

  “May as well close up anyway,” I tell myself, flipping the sign on the door and collecting the mail, thumbing through it.

  There’s an official looking letter and I feel my heart freeze for a moment. My hands shake a little once I read it.

  It’s a notice telling me my ex-landlord has applied for bail and will most likely be released soon.

  Parker comes back in, bouncing little Cole in the crease of his elbow.

  “Honey, what is it?” he asks, full of concern.

  “It’s nothing,” I shiver, folding the letter, pretending it doesn’t exist.

  It’s not that I don’t want to tell Parker, I just don’t even want to think about that creepy landlord. That day when Parker rescued me.

  It’s a double-edged sword though, looking back I realize it was the first day we met. When he came to pick up Moose.

  He tactfully takes the letter and scans it before handing it back he reminds me of everything he promised me that day, as well as on our wedding day.

  “For better or worse,” he reminds me, curling his free arm around my waist and kissing my forehead.

  “I’ll make sure you never have to see him ever again,” he promises.

  “It’s just a bit of a shock, that’s all,” I confess. Thinking I’d forgotten all about it but I never can because it’s how I met the man of my dreams.

  Baby Cole gurgles and tucks his hand into his mouth, forcing it to curl into a smile.

  “That’s my boy,” Parker whispers. “Turn that frown upside down.”

  “Let’s go home, honey. If you’re not booked tomorrow we can drive up to mom’s old place. Do us both some good to get out of the city.”

  “Maybe, just for the day,” I tell him. Suddenly feeling very pregnant, tired, and heavy.

  The thought of moving houses on top of everything else doesn’t exactly thrill me. I’ve only really just gotten things in our place down here just the way we like it.

  “We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to,” Parker says, reading me like a book.

  “We could just stay home and do nothing instead?” he offers, pouting his lips and looking so innocent.

  The face he makes when I know he’s having filthy thoughts.

  “Not in front of the baby,” I caution him, poking my tongue out and then pecking his cheek.


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