Club Destiny 1 Conviction

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Club Destiny 1 Conviction Page 8

by Nicole Edwards

  “I had thought about it. Seems to be dying down and I have things to do tonight.” Sam lied. She had nothing to do except escape to the confines of her small apartment and think about what had happened between her and Logan in his hallway. That was too pathetic to admit to anyone.

  Alex was smiling at her, and she recognized the mischief in his grin. Although she wasn’t personally attracted to Alex McDermott, she could certainly see his sex appeal. The man was immensely attractive, nearly as tall as and possibly a little broader than Logan, but he didn’t have that air of confidence that Sam found so damn appealing.

  “So, did you enjoy yourself?” Alex asked, but Sam noticed he kept glancing over in Logan’s direction.

  Sam turned to see what he was looking at, and she was met with a glare from Logan. “I did.” She admitted, turning her attention back to Alex. “I was hesitant about coming, but I’m glad I did. How about you? Do you normally come to these parties?”

  “Logan and I have known each other for a while. I try to stop by whenever I can.” Alex responded moving a bit closer. “So, what are the plans for tonight? Going out?”

  Sam watched Alex closely, picking up on the fact that he seemed to be trying to antagonize someone. And that someone appeared to be Logan.

  “Just going home to get some work done. The days are long, but there never seems to be enough time to get everything done.”

  “I know what you mean.” He said, smiling unusually.

  “What are you smiling about?” Sam asked as she glanced behind her again, noticing Logan was still staring back in their direction. She could see the heat in his gaze from across the patio.

  “Who me? Just smiling. Is that ok?”

  “It would be if you didn’t have this mischievous look on your face and if you weren’t trying to get Logan’s attention.” Sam declared with a little reprimand in her tone. There wasn’t much space between them so she had to look up to see his eyes, and she was sure from Logan’s place on the patio that their positioning looked intimate.

  “But it’s fun. It’s so easy to get a rise out of him. Even more so when I know I was right.”

  “Right about what?” Sam asked, getting irritated with the game Alex was playing.

  “Seems my friend Logan has a thing for you. If you look over there right now, you’ll see he’s trying to kill me with a glare. He’s probably just a little jealous of me talking to you.” He laughed as he stepped aside so Sam had a direct view of Logan.

  Sam noticed Logan didn’t look happy, but when she smiled at him, he quickly smiled back, raising his glass in her direction. Unhappy or not, the man looked like he could hold his own. It didn’t take her long to figure out what Alex was doing.

  “Ahh. So you thought you’d try to add fuel to the fire?” As if Sam and Logan needed any fuel added to the fire that ignited when they were together.

  “You could say that.” He admitted, then smiled down at her again. “I guess my job here is done, so I should be heading out. Got a hot date tonight and it seems as though someone wants to talk to you.” Alex stated as he glanced back at Logan, making the other man tense.

  “Well, it was nice of you to try to play match maker, but it won’t do you any good. Logan and I work together. He’s my boss. There isn’t anything going on between us.”

  “I wouldn’t say that too loud.” Alex whispered as he leaned closer, smiling again. “He might hear you and I don’t think he has the same opinion as you do in this matter.

  “For what it’s worth, he’s a good man. Once he sets his sights on something he wants, he goes after it with everything he’s got. So, if you’re trying to convince yourself there isn’t anything between the two of you, that’s one thing. Convincing him will be an entirely different story. It was terrific seeing you again, Sam.” Alex gently touched her shoulder, then turned and sauntered off.

  Sam watched as he walked away, feeling like she’d just been given encouragement she didn’t need or want. “It was good to see you, too.”

  Deciding she better take the opportunity to make her escape while she still could, Sam went to face the music. She needed to say goodbye to her host. She had just mustered up the courage to approach him when Deanna walked her way.

  “Hey, Sam, I’m going to get out of here. I need to get home to my kiddos. Thank you so much for coming out. Let’s go to lunch next week. I know this fantastic new restaurant that just opened up across the street that I’ve been dying to try.”

  “That sounds like a great idea.” Sam responded and then hesitantly accepted the hug Deanna offered. “I’ll see you at the office on Monday.”

  “Make that Tuesday. Monday is a holiday, remember? Wouldn’t want you to show up when no one was there.” Deanna laughed as she turned and grabbed her husband’s arm, steering him toward the house.

  "Good idea. Nice to meet you, Tommy.” Sam smiled shyly. She had forgotten that it was a holiday weekend.

  Just what she needed. More alone time.

  Rather than hesitate any longer, Sam headed toward the veranda where Logan was standing, still talking to the others. “I think I’m going to get out of here. Looks like the party is winding down and I’m sure you’re ready for a break. Is there anything I can do before I go?”

  “Actually, there is. Gentlemen, if you’ll excuse me for a minute.” Logan backed away from the group of men, gently guiding Sam to the house with his hand at her back.

  She felt the warmth of his touch like a flame kissing her skin. Along with the heat came that odd sense of safety, coupled with a large dose of fear.

  “Do you need help cleaning up? I’ll be glad to help.” She offered when they made it away from the others.

  “Actually, no.” Logan gestured to the two women who were moving quickly around his kitchen, apparently hired to clean up the mess. “I would like to ask you to stay though. I’ll get rid of everyone else, and then we can talk. I haven’t seen much of you over the last couple of months, and I’d like to see how things are going.”

  Sam’s first thought was to say yes, she’d stay. For as long as he wanted her to. But, the part of her brain that housed her common sense managed to speak up louder than the part that was led by her hormones. “We can catch up on Tuesday.”

  When Logan’s gaze turned hot, Sam knew he didn’t just want to talk about work. And there lay the problem.

  “I’m not past begging, Sam. I’d like the opportunity to talk to you away from the office.”

  “I don’t know if that’s a good idea, Logan.” She whispered, but he quickly interrupted.

  “Good idea or not, I’m past that point. Please stay.” He lowered his voice, taking her hands in his.

  Her body reacted with a flood of desire, making it almost impossible to deny him anything just from the roughness caressing her fingers. She ached to have his hands on her body, and that thought caused her to jerk her hands away from him. Maybe they could compromise. She’d stay so they could talk, but he couldn’t touch her.

  “Ok. To talk. That’s all.”

  “That’s all.” He confirmed, that damned sexy, crooked smile gracing his lips. “I’ll have everyone gone in ten minutes.”

  Sam nodded her head, though her brain was screaming at her to turn and run. Agreeing to stay was going to be the worst decision she’d made in a long time.

  She wasn’t naive enough to believe they would only talk when the two of them were alone and away from prying eyes. Given half a chance, talking would quickly lead to something entirely different and as much as she wanted to deny it, Sam wanted Logan more than her next breath. When it came to him, she had zero self-control.

  Chapter Nine

  ~~ ** ~~ ** ~~ ** ~~

  Logan was true to his word. The few remaining people had left within ten minutes, and after he’d walked the last person out, he joined her in the living room.

  “Let’s have a drink by the pool while the maid service cleans the house. It’s nice out tonight.”

  Sam stood to join
him and he took her hand in his, lacing their fingers together. She followed behind him, allowing him to lead her through the large, open kitchen and out the back door. On their way out, she noticed another woman had joined the original two in the kitchen and they were working furiously, not wasting any time.

  Logan stopped at the outdoor wine refrigerator and grabbed a bottle of white wine, his one hand still holding hers. Her stomach churned with burning anticipation.

  This was bad. No, this was beyond bad. This was a recipe for disaster.

  “Have a seat.” Logan gestured toward one of the lounge chairs by the pool as he took the one on the other side.

  “It was a lovely party. Everyone seems to enjoy these little get-togethers.” Sam stated.

  “I like to get everyone together outside of work to remind them there is life outside of the office.”

  “I think I was surprised to see how many significant others there actually were.” Sam admitted, not sure where she was taking the conversation, but she didn’t want the silence to linger. “I can’t imagine how they manage to make their relationships work, with the stresses of work and all, but clearly it can be done.”

  Sam had watched everyone during the afternoon, noticing the couples and the way they interacted. It was actually sweet in many cases and she found herself envying them at times. At others, she found herself wanting to run out of there as fast as possible.

  “I think there’s a delicate balance. You have to give 100% to your job, and you have to give 150% to your relationships. It’s the only way to make them work.”

  “You sound as if you’re speaking from experience. Have you been married before?”

  “No.” Logan said almost too quickly, but then he took a sip of his wine. “I was almost engaged at one point, but I backed out just in time. Turns out I didn’t know as much about her as I thought I did. How about you?”

  “Nope. Never married, never engaged.”

  “Anyone serious in your life?”

  Sam recognized they were venturing into very personal territory, but the warm breeze and the wine were giving her a chance to relax, so she gave his question some thought before answering.

  “At one point, I thought I was serious about someone, but he proved me wrong. Unfortunately, I had already invested myself in the relationship just to find out he was sleeping with other women. I learned my lesson fast and hard, but not before the damage was done.”

  “What sort of damage?”

  Sam watched with an intense fascination as he took a drink and swallowed. His huge hands held the delicate wine glass with such ease, but it appeared he could break it in half with little effort. She had to force herself to focus on what he had asked her. “Trust issues.”

  “I can see how that happens. I’ve probably been that guy; with the exception that I don’t make promises I can’t keep. It doesn’t stop some women from finding promises that aren’t there. I’m sure there’ve been some pretty nasty rumors about me.”

  “Is that right? But you seem like such a charming guy. Couldn’t imagine any man thinking a woman might just assume anything.” She smiled facetiously and took a sip of the wine.

  “Sam, I get the impression that you’ve got a vicious, mean streak.”

  “A mean streak? What would give you the impression I’m anything but sweet and innocent?”

  Her comment elicited the laugh she hoped for, and Sam let the sound of Logan’s deep rumbling voice wash over her. Maybe she could do this. Sitting here, like this, with Logan was almost natural. He was easy to talk to.

  And that they did. For the next two hours. Laughing, joking and learning more about each other. Finally, Sam glanced at her watch and couldn’t hold back the yawn. When she met Logan’s gaze, he simply smiled.

  “Tired? Why don’t we go inside and watch a movie?”

  “I really should be going.” She said as she sat up from the lounge chair trying to avoid his eyes.

  “Like I said before, I’m not above begging. I enjoy having you around. Just one movie?”

  Over the last few hours, Logan had been a perfect gentleman. He hadn’t attempted a single move, and she enjoyed the conversation. Part of her wanted to run, but the more prevalent part of her wanted to stay. The other part, the evil part, won out.

  “Ok. One movie, that’s all. It better be a good one, too.” Sam smiled, knowing it wouldn’t have taken much to convince her to stay.

  The right answer would have been to tell him no and walk straight out the door to her truck. The problem was the right answer eluded her, and she could only do what she felt was right. And her body had made the final decision for her.

  Logan stood from his seat, and Sam felt her insides tighten. He was so tall and with her sitting on the lounge chair, she felt at a complete disadvantage.

  Before she could make it to her feet, Logan offered his hand to help her up. She reluctantly took it, and as soon as she was standing, she realized what was going to happen next. Logan pulled her flush against him, his hands gripping her hips, and Sam’s breaths churned in and out of her lungs.

  “Sam, this is very dangerous ground we’re treading on.”

  Sam felt the tingle inside, the one that shot through her like a super bouncy ball being launched with tremendous force. His deep, smooth voice washed over her, making her toes curl.

  She wasn’t going to deny they were on dangerous ground. She felt awkward and aroused all at the same time. Her boss was holding her close and damn he smelled delicious. Except right then, in his back yard, with the pool only feet away, the moonlight shining down on them, Logan wasn’t her boss. He was just a man.

  Unsure what to say to that, Sam just allowed him to hold her close, her body pressing against his. Maybe he had too much to drink. Although, she hadn’t seen him drink anything other than the wine they shared for the last couple of hours. A quick look at the bottle showed her they hadn’t even finished it.

  “I don’t think I’m ready for this, Logan.” Sam admitted, her hands belying her words as they flattened against the hard planes of his chest.

  “I don’t think anyone is ready for this.” He responded, his fingertips lifting her chin so they would be eye to eye. The brilliant hazel, blue mixed with green and gold, mesmerized her. The way his dark hair moved in the gentle breeze had her fingers itching to slide through it, to pull him down to her.

  Sam watched his lips intently, hoping he wouldn’t kiss her, praying he would. As his mouth moved closer to hers, she closed her eyes and held her breath. She was bracing herself for the sheer impact of his kiss.


  Logan nearly groaned when she closed her eyes, his lips burning to kiss her, and she was giving him the opportunity. He debated for a moment, reminding himself he was going to start something that wouldn’t be easy to end. Nothing about Samantha Kielty seemed easy, and he was wary that he could become more invested in this than just his body. He could tell himself all day long that this was just about sex, just about physical attraction, but that wasn’t all. This woman did something to him that no other woman ever had, and he had to admit it scared him to death.

  In the end, need overpowered logic and Logan pressed his lips to hers. He told himself he needed to be gentle, to take his time, but when she parted her lips, and her tongue darted out to meet his, he nearly lost all control. He pulled her closer, slid his fingers into her hair and adjusted the angle of her head so he could deepen the kiss.

  She was so responsive, the sweet taste of her cascading through him. Only when they both needed air did he break the kiss, and he couldn’t hold back the growl that tore from his throat.

  Apparently breathing was overrated because she wound her fingers in his hair, pulled him down toward her and once again tongues were dueling with a need so strong, Logan didn’t think he’d survive it. He wanted to take her to the ground and bury himself inside of her, his cock throbbing between them.

  When her fingers tugged more insistently at his hair, he groaned again and
cupped the back of her head. She tasted like wine and fire, and he wanted to taste more of her. All of her.

  But then as quickly as it started, Sam jerked back, inserting distance between them. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have… I am so sorry, Logan.”

  He was speechless, trying to catch his breath. When she turned to walk away, or possibly run, Logan called out to her. “Wait. Stop for just a minute.”

  He didn’t reach for her, no matter how badly he wanted to. He wasn’t going to force her to stay, but he didn’t want her to walk away. When she stopped, he took it as a good sign, and he moved toward her.

  Keeping the distance between them was no longer an option, so he pressed up against her back, moving her hair aside with his fingers. After baring the soft, sweet skin of her neck, he leaned in and pressed his lips to the spot he’d bared. The shudder that racked her body told him she wanted this, despite what she said.

  “I don’t want you to leave. I promised we would only talk, and I meant it. I’m not sorry I kissed you, but I don’t want you to leave. Please stay. I promise to control myself.”

  It was the hardest promise he would ever have to keep. Sam leaned against him, but she didn’t turn around.

  “Talking only. You promised, and I’m holding you to it.” She whispered, still breathless.

  Logan took her hand and turned her around to face him. “Promise.”

  “I just don’t want this to end badly. You’re my boss.”

  “Only at work. I’m not your boss right now.” He knew exactly where she was coming from. “We’re both mature enough that we can keep the two separated. Now, let’s go watch a movie.”

  He pulled her along beside him, and he liked how she let him lead the way. He quickly looked around to make sure they were completely alone, knowing the maid service would have finished up a while ago.

  Bypassing the kitchen, he led her to the living room and stopped in front of the oversized sofa. When she lowered herself to the couch, he picked up the remote from the end table, hitting a couple of buttons to turn on the television and to turn down the lights.


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