They Used Dark Forces gs-8

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They Used Dark Forces gs-8 Page 7

by Dennis Wheatley

  `But the Gestapo might get wise at any time to the fact that they are really Jews,' Kuporovitch argued. `If that happened they wouldn't give a damn about Malacchi having a Turkish passport but come here and carry them off to a concentration camp. Then we too, as their guests, would indirectly become aspect. I maintain that he ought to have come clean and warned us of that risk.'

  `I think you are making a mountain out of a molehill, Stefan. Remember, the Nazis' persecution of the Jews has been going on for ten years now, and it's six months since Frau von Altern was deprived of any protection her husband could have afforded her. If the Gestapo had found out about these people they would have pulled them in months ago, so the risk that they may do so now is negligible. I think, too, that it's quite understandable that Malacou should have concealed from us the fact that he is a Jew. After all, as far as he's concerned the fewer people who know about that the better; and he must have taken into account the possibility of our being caught. He would be certain to reason that if we were, and had our thumbs screwed off, we' should betray him.'

  The Russian sighed. `Perhaps I have made too much of the danger entailed by his having deceived us about being a Jew. But there remains what is, to my mind, the far greater risk to us in remaining here.'

  `About that I have already told you my view,' Gregory replied firmly. `The very fact that these people are Jews makes it much more certain that they honestly intend to give us their help in getting the better of the Nazis. And we need their help in whatever way they can give it.'

  `Even if they are in league with the Devil?' Kuporovitch asked dubiously.

  `Yes. If Malacou communes, as you believe, with evil spirits, that is his affair, not ours. We have secured what I believe to be a safe base here, from which to proceed with our mission, and if we left it we have no other we could make for. Besides, you seem to have forgotten that he has our wireless. Without it any information we may secure would be useless, as we should be unable to transmit it to London.

  'Mon Dieu, yes! When he revealed that he had tricked us out of that I was surprised that you made no protest.'

  `I refrained because I was convinced that it would have been useless. You can hardly blame him, either, for having taken steps to make certain that we should not use it. As a matter of fact I had intended to let Erika and Madeleine know, via S.O.E. and Sir Pellinore that we had landed without accident and found safe harborage. Malacou guessed I'd do something of the kind and he was not to know that I'd have sent only a single prearranged code signal, which it's certain, would have passed unnoticed in the general traffic.'

  `Then you refuse to take my advice and leave this place that Malacchi has made a focus for evil.'

  'Stefan, in the interests of our mission I must. But I'll not try to keep you here against your will. Since you feel so strongly about this I'll not reproach you if you decide to clear out. By morning I will have thought up some plausible reason to account for your disappearance.'

  `No, dear friend, no,' said Kuporovitch heavily. `As you are determined to stay, I will stay too. You know very well that not even fear of the Devil would induce me to desert you. But from now on I shall pray constantly to St. Nicholas to protect is from the dark powers that will seek to ensnare us.'

  `Thanks, Stefan.' Gregory laid his hand on the Russian's, shoulder and pressed it. `I'd rather have you with me than any dozen other men, and between us we'll cheat the Devil, if need be, as well as the Nazis. Now let's try to put this business out of our minds and get some sleep, so that we'll be able to face up to any unexpected turn events may take tomorrow.'

  The morrow brought no new fears or excitements. Gregory pent a good part of the day going round the home farm with Khurrem, while Kuporovitch loitered about, gossiping in his Broken German with the house servants and the farm labourers. In the evening he paid a visit to the village inn and, in spite of the limitations of language, his genial personality secured him a good reception by the yokels. Although conversation was necessarily stilted he gathered the impression that, while everyone was aware that Frau von Altern had taken to the bottle since her husband's death, she still knew what she was up to as far as the estate was concerned; and that on account of the free clinic that her father held twice a week he was regarded with respect as a local benefactor.

  On the second morning Gregory was standing with; Khurrem von Altern in the big yard at the back of the Manor Then an old but powerful car drove into it and a tall, florid faced man of about forty got out. As he was wearing good quality country clothes Gregory did not at once suspect his identity, for he would have expected any Nazi official always to rear uniform. But, striding towards them, the newcomer gave the Nazi salute with a shout of `Heil Hitler!' Gregory and

  Khurrem promptly followed suit, then she introduced them and it transpired that he was Herr Sturmbahnfьhrer Hermann Hauff.

  Khurrem explained that her guest was an old friend of her late husband's and had come from garrison duty in Norway to spend part of his leave with them. Hauff showed his strong teeth in a friendly smile and said, `I hope you will have a pleasant time here, Herr Major; but you must have found life in Norway pretty dull. I wonder that you should prefer to spend your leave in a remote country village like Sassen, rather than hit the high-spots in Berlin.'

  Gregory returned the smile. `Until quite recently I would certainly have done so; but unfortunately I have developed a weak heart and am on indefinite sick leave. All excitements and vigorous pursuits are now forbidden me; so I came here for a quiet time and hope to get some fishing.'

  `That should not be difficult, although we are quite a distance from the sea here. Are you well acquainted with our Baltic coast

  'No. I am a Rhinelander and have never before visited this part of Germany. ',

  Raising his fair eyebrows, Hauff remarked, `There is good fishing to be had on the Rhine, and as you are condemned to a quiet life it must be a disappointment to your family that you have decided against spending your leave with them.'

  `I would have, if I had one,' Gregory replied. `But I lost both my parents when I was quite young and was brought up by a maiden aunt who has since died. I was, too, an only child and have never married.

  'Perhaps in that you were wise. Marriage is far from always proving a blessing. That is…' The Nazi's pale blue eyes flickered towards Khurrem. `… unless one can find the right sort of wife.'

  Thinking it a chance to show his patriotism, Gregory said lightly, `I may marry yet. In fact, since the Fьhrer has said that it is the duty of every virile man to beget children to make good in the next generation the losses Germany has suffered in this, I have been seriously considering doing so.'

  Hauff gave a sudden laugh. `Your sentiments are laudable, Herr Major, but one does not have to marry to do that. There are plenty of eager Frauleins and young war-widows about these days.'

  Gregory laughed too, but shook his head. `I fear my heart condition would not permit me to become a Casanova; but by being careful of myself I could father a family, and the idea has its attractions.'

  A shade abruptly Khurrem cut in, 'Herr Sturmbahnfьhrer Hauff has come to see me on estate business, Herr Major. So you will excuse us please while I take him to my office.'

  'Bitte sehr, gnadige Frau.' Gregory stepped back, saluted her, shook hands with Hauff and added, `I'll go for a quiet walk.'

  As they turned away he decided that his first meeting with the Nazi had gone off well. Hauff had proved a more pleasant man than might have been expected. In spite of his rather dose-set eyes he had an open face and genial manner, so it; should not be difficult to get on good terms with him.

  On the following morning at about ten o'clock, by his own mysterious means of thought transference, Malacou sent a message to Khurrem informing her that he wished to see their guests. Kuporovitch was summoned and the three of them went over to the ruin.

  Tall, gaunt and slightly stooping, the occultist was standing reside the big desk in his lofty, book-lined room. On the desk lay
two large parchments. On each had been drawn an inner end outer square, the border between them was divided into: eight triangles and the whole was dotted with numerous figures end astrological symbols. When greetings had been exchanged and his visitors were seated Malacou pointed with a long, smooth-fingered hand to the two charts and said:

  `There are your horoscopes. Since neither of you has any: knowledge of astrology I shall not attempt to explain them in detail. But at least you will be aware that the Sun, the Moon: and the Planets all have individual properties. It is these which; govern our lives and make certain dates and periods either propitious or unpropitious for our undertakings. Anyone with: knowledge of the subject is able to ascertain these, because from the most ancient times each of the heavenly bodies has been associated with a number.

  `The Sun rules the number One, the Moon Two, Jupiter Three, Uranus Four, Mercury Five, Venus Six, Neptune Seven, Saturn Eight and Mars Nine. In an equal degree they are also associated with all numbers which added together make their own. For example, in addition to One the Sun also rules Ten, Nineteen and Twenty-eight; the Moon Two, Eleven, Twenty and Twenty-nine; and so on.

  `The date of a person's birth, therefore, tells us the heavenly body which usually exerts the greatest influence on his life and, inevitably, his character is partially formed by its properties. However, that is modified or, at times, intensified by the number arrived at through the numerical significance of his name, since that also attracts the vibrations of the astral body with which it is associated.

  `From the remotest antiquity, through the civilizations of the Chaldeans, Egyptians, Hindus and Hebrews, there has been handed down a code in which each letter of the alphabet is represented by a number.' Beckoning them over, the doctor added, `I have a copy of it here.'

  Standing on either side of him they looked at a paper he had produced; on it was written:

  A=1 H=5 O=7 U=6

  B=2 I=1 P=8 V=6

  C=3 J=1 Q=1 W=6

  D=4 K=2 R=2 X=5

  E=5 L=3 S=3 Y=1

  F=8 M=4 T=4 Z=7

  G=3 N=5

  While below the code both their real names and those under which they were posing had been translated into their numerical significance:

  G=3 H=5 S=3 J=1

  R=2 E=5 T=4 A=1

  E=5 L=3 E=5 N=5

  G=3 M=4 F=8 O=7

  O=7 U=6 A=1 S=3

  R=2 T=4 N=5

  Y=1 H=5

  ____ ____ ____ ____ ______

  23=5 32=5 51=6 26=8 17=8

  S=3 B=2 K=2 S=3

  A=1 O=7 U=6 A=1

  L=3 D=4 P=8 B=2

  L=3 E=5 O=7 I=1

  U=6 N=5 R=2 N=5

  S=3 S=3 O=7 O=7

  T=4 T=4 V=6 V=6

  E=5 I-1

  I=1 T=4

  N=5 C=3


  ____ ____ ____ ____

  23=5 41=5 51=6 25=7

  _ ________ ________ ________

  5=5=10=1 5=5=10=1 8=6=14=5 8=7=15=6

  When they had studied the figures for a few moments Malacou said, `First we must consider your birth dates. These are of major importance because they cannot be altered; whereas by changing his name, or even insisting on being known by it with an initial between the Christian and surnames -as, for example, Gregory B. Sallust-a person can reduce a bad influence by attracting to himself that of a more favorable Planet.

  `Yours, Mr. Sallust, is July 31st, therefore your birth number is 4, which comes under Uranus. However, the name Gregory Sallust gives the numerological value of 1, which is ruled by the Sun, and this is greatly strengthened by the fact that July 3lst is near the middle of that period of the year which is known as the House of the Sun. You will note, too, that each of your names adds up to 5, the number of Mercury; so that Planet, too, must exert a considerable influence upon you.

  `Uranus is not a fortunate Planet to be born under. Those subject to it have very positive views and opinions. They instinctively rebel against rules and regulations and often harm their careers by setting themselves in opposition to constitutional authority. But Uranus is regarded in astrological law as closely related to the Sun, and on that account frequently symbolized as 4 – 1 That being the case I am confident that your birth date is overruled by the combination of your name number and the period of the year in which your birth took place. From your appearance, too, any experienced occultist would put you down as a Leo type; so we may take it as certain that the Sun has played the major role in forming your character and is the dominant influence in your life. The affinity between the Sun and Uranus gives you an even stronger individuality and makes you even more determined to go your own way. But the Sun gives those subject to it resourcefulness and determination, which nearly always bring success. Moreover, while everyone finds people with the same numbers as himself the most sympathetic to him, No. 1 types are by nature of a cheerful disposition, so get on well with nearly everybody.'

  Malacou paused for a moment then went on: `The compound numbers formed by a name also have a considerable significance; and about yours there is an unusual circumstance. You will note that both your names give the same numerological value, 23. That number is known as "the Royal Star of the Lion". Your having it places beyond all possible doubt that you are subject to Leo; and it is a most fortunate number. That both your names should add up to it is quite exceptional and quadruples its potency. It is a promise of success, help from superiors and protection from those in high places. Together the two 23s give us 46. That again is a fortunate number and has a special potency of its own. It indicates success in love, reliable friends, sound partnerships and is a good augury for your future.'

  `Well, well!' Gregory murmured, sitting back with a smile, `it certainly seems that I have been blessed beyond most people in my stars.'

  The doctor did not return his smile, but replied gravely, `Remember, though, that "those beloved of the Gods die young" and fortunate stars are no guarantee against an early death.' He then turned to Kuporovitch and asked:

  `Did you understand all that I said to Mr. Sallust?'

  The Russian nodded his white head. `Most of it, Herr Doktor.I can understand German better than I speak it.'

  `Very well, then. I will now interpret your numbers for you.' Looking again at the papers before him, Malacou continued:

  `Your birth date being February 11th, you are subject to the Moon; so your number is 2. Such people are imaginative and romantic. They are very sensitive and readily become subject to occult influences. This sensitivity leads to their becoming despondent and melancholy if they are not in happy surroundings. That, in turn, causes them to become restless and to crave both change of scene and feminine companions.

  `Unlike Mr. Sallust, it cannot be said that several factors combine to place you under the domination of one heavenly body. The total value of, your names adds up to 5, which represents the Planet Mercury. This makes you versatile and mercurial. You make friends easily and are quick in thought and decision. Gambling of all kinds attracts you and mentally you have great elasticity, so that you recover swiftly from setbacks and readily adjust yourself to new sets of circumstances.

  `Your Christian name is the equivalent of 8, which is not a fortunate number; and in your case its influence is strengthened by the fact that your birth date also falls in the House of Saturn. Your surname is the equivalent of 6, the number of Venus. This gives you a magnetism that attracts others, particularly members of the opposite sex, a love of entertaining and a desire to see everybody about you happy. It also gives determination-in the carrying out of your plans and a conviction that, if need be, you should die rather than fail in doing your duty.

  `Now your compound numbers. 26 is again unfortunate. It foreshadows disasters either to yourself or to friends to whom you are devoted through your association with them. On the other hand 51 is, generally speaking, a propitious number. It is that of the warrior and is especially favorable to anyone engaged in a naval or military career. But I must warn you that it also
carries the danger of assassination.'

  Kuporovitch gave a solemn nod. `I have no quarrel, Herr Doktor, with your assessment of my character and I cannot complain of the promotions I received while I was a soldier. To die by assassination presupposes a swift death; so if that is to be my fate I would not cavil at it.'

  Gregory, having been greatly impressed by Malacou's accurate delineation of their personalities, said:

  `And now, Herr Doktor, I would be most interested to hear how having changed our names may alter the influence the stars have upon us.'

  `In your own case, hardly at all,' Malacou replied at once. `Both of your assumed names, Helmuth and Bodenstein, have the value of 5; so added together again give us to, which is the equivalent of 10. The uninitiated would consider that a coincidence, but there is no such thing. The influence of the Sun is so paramount in your life that when choosing a nom de guerre you were not permitted to escape from it. That is even more marked by the compound numbers of the German names you have taken. 32 and 41 have the same value. Both again reduce to 5 and, have similar magical attributes as the fortunate 23.

  `With regard to Mr. Kuporovitch, the name Janos produces for him another 8 and Sabinov a 7. The latter is the number of Neptune and affiliated to the Moon. It will increase his facility to make friends easily and his desire for change. His new composite numbers 17and 25, are both fortunate; the latter denoting success through strife and trials. But if these assumed names are used only temporarily they will have no marked effect on the activities of either of you.'


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