One Wild Weekend with Hunter

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One Wild Weekend with Hunter Page 8

by Lexi Hart

  My heart is slamming painfully against my ribs as the smoke thickens. “Sloan, if you’re out there, I have your woman,” he yells loud enough for me to flinch.

  Tears start to brew in my eyes. I can’t let Hunter walk into a trap. Sobs are caught in my throat, choking me as much as the smoke billowing around us. “Scream,” he hisses in my ear.

  I jam my lips together as he presses the gun harder, pinching my skin. “Scream you little bitch.”

  My fists curl at my sides as his arm tightens around my chest, crushing my breast painfully. He removes the barrel of the gun from my temple and smacks me hard enough for spots to dance in my vision and my glasses to fly off my head.

  I let out a yelp that only seems to make him angrier. The gun shifts from my head as he drags me backward. He spins me around and shoves me against my truck then aims the gun at me. “You’re being foolish. Eddie Falcone was tipped off by you and your little online search. Even if I hadn’t called, he’d have been here before long.”

  I’m trembling so much I don’t think I can speak. “I don’t believe you.”

  He looks at me in an eerily similar way to Jed when he’s patronizing me. “Did you really think no one would notice you poking your nose in? Eddie Falcone is missing millions of dollars. He wants it and Hunter back.”

  Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit.

  His lip curls, dragging the scar upwards with it as smoke blows around us. “If I’d known Hunter was this easy to manipulate, I’d have sent up a hooker a year ago.”

  I open my mouth when a gunshot rings out and Waters’ bucks away from me.

  Something crashes through the trees and the smoke. I edge back, heat pumping through my body as Hunter tackles the startled agent.

  He smashes his fists into the agent repeatedly until the gun flies out of Waters’ hand.

  Hunter uses his own gun and rams it under the agent’s chin. He’s breathing heavily, hair damp and face slick with sweat. “Two fucking years we've been up here.”

  The agent spits a mouthful of blood. “You owe me a cut. I only took this backwater babysitting job because this is the only place you could have hidden it.”

  I slink back against my truck as Hunter hauls his handler up by the shirt front. “I told you all I don’t have the money you stupid sack of shit.”

  Waters shakes his head, sending blood flying. He swipes his nose. “The money went somewhere Sloan. You were the only person who could have stashed it.”

  Hunter growls. “I should have known you’d turn. What’s he offering now? 100K? 200?”

  “300. Alive but bleeding,” the agent spits.

  Hunter scowls and doesn’t hesitate as he shifts his aim and squeezes the trigger again. I jump, my hand going to my mouth as I shrink further back.

  The agent drops to his knees gasping as he clutches his shoulder, blood spurting through his fingers as gapes up at Hunter. “Are you going to kill me?”

  Hunter steps back, so he’s standing beside me. “No, you stupid fucker, Falcone will do that.”

  He grabs my hand and drags me away from the truck. I start to yank back, and he spins around to face me. “We need to leave.”

  I shake my head, heels dragging as he keeps tugging me away from my truck. “I need my purse.”

  His forehead knots. “Forget your damn purse. I have no idea how close he is.”

  Waters spits out a bitter laugh as he struggled to his feet, eyes searching for his weapon. “You should be honored. Falcone Senior is coming himself. Wants to be the one to put a bullet in your brain.”

  Hunter’s face twists in anger as he stalks towards the agent and smashes the gun against his temple.

  The agent’s knees give out, and he lands in a heap on the grass. With no time to dwell on the violence, I spin on my heel and start running back to the truck to the sound of Hunter roaring in exasperation.

  I sidestep the injured agent, and yank open the door to my truck and grab my purse.

  Hunter looks wild as he keeps his gun and his eyes on the agent. “We’re going to die, and you’re getting your fucking purse?”

  I don’t have time to argue with him or explain when the wind shifts and smoke blasts into my lungs. We start to run towards the track leading up the mountain. He’s fitter and faster than I am, and my ankle is aching, but I push through, running blindly through the trees pumping my arms and legs as we try to get to higher ground.

  By the time we make it to an old hut, my breath is ragged, and sweat is coating my body as I collapse gasping on the porch of the hut.

  Hunter takes a few breaths then seems to collect himself. “Keep moving.”

  I manage to nod and stand on shaking legs. My head is light from the smoke, from the way the agent hit me. Hunter growls. “You’re limping again.”

  Without warning, he grabs me and flips me over his shoulder and starts to climb upwards. “Hunter, I can climb. Put me down.”

  He ignores me, breathing hard as he carries on with seemingly limitless resources. All the blood is rushing to my already pounding head; my arms are flopping uselessly as I grip my purse and try to process what on earth is happening.

  When I’m dizzy, and I’m sure he’s going to pass out given the way his muscles are trembling and how his shirt is sticking to him, I tap him on the shoulder. “Put me down before I throw up on you.”

  He puts me on my feet, and I take a moment to right myself when I look down and see how much elevation we have. “How the hell did you carry me all this way?”

  He exhales slowly and uses his t-shirt to wipe his soaking face. “Adrenaline. And shitloads of practice with deer.”

  I frown at him, incredulous, but he’s already moving upwards where the forest is even thicker. “We’re nearly there.”

  I glance down the mountain and spy the fire slowly burning out. My eyes fill but I don’t have time to lament the loss as I turn my back and follow Hunter up the mountain to wherever ‘there’ is.

  Chapter 10.

  Monday 6.37pm


  Sweat is dripping in my eyes, lungs burning as we make it to Jack’s hut with the last of the daylight.

  My muscles are groaning with fatigue as I help Natalie up and over the fence surrounding Jack’s property. We need to get indoors; I need to think and find a way to get Natalie out of here. She’s shivering, face pale, but she’s not complaining even though she must be in pain.

  I hold her hand tight as we creep towards Jack’s cabin. It’s unlikely anyone will come up here tonight. Unlike his son Bobby, who’s reckless, impulsive and juvenile, Eddie Falcone isn’t stupid. His men will be well equipped, they’ll possibly have a local guide and will start searching first light.

  Natalie presses into my side, trembling as I knock on Jack’s door. I don’t have time to say anything when Jack hollers out to come inside.

  I twist the door and step inside, leaving Natalie behind me on the off-chance Waters knows about this place.

  But Jack’s sitting in his usual spot by the fire with a book and bottle. He doesn’t even look up as I pull the door closed behind Natalie. “You took your time. Jensen cabin okay?”

  Natalie edges forward, her eyes flicking around the hut. I wince at the bruising on her face and wish I’d smacked Waters harder and maybe shot the bastard a couple more times.

  I clear my throat and take her hand. “There’s trouble on the way. I need some help.”

  Jack peers up at me then switches his gaze to Natalie. He’s on his feet immediately. “Good Lord. Where’d you come from?”

  Natalie swallows, looking about ready to collapse as she looks up at me. I squeeze her hand and look at Jack. “This is Natalie Jensen.”

  Natalie extends her hand, arms shaking visibly even in the low light. “Um. I think we’ve met before. Jack Holloway isn’t it? I think you and my father went hunting together a few times.”

  Jack frowns as he hobbles towards Natalie. “That we did. Heard he got sick. That’s a real shame. Good man, your Dad
. A damn fine shot.”

  Natalie’s bottom lip wobbles, but she manages a tiny smile that makes my heart squeeze in my chest.

  “Come sit down. You look like you could use a stiff drink?”

  I steer her to the only other seat in the shack. She sits, gripping the arms of the worn chair and shaking so hard I’m surprised her teeth aren’t chattering. Jack shoves a bottle into her hand. “You’re in shock, girl. What happened down there?”

  She takes a swig while I answer. “My handler gave me up.”

  Jack spits a curse. “She’s in no shape to run with you, boy.”

  Natalie’s eyes widen as a spark of anger carries in her voice. “We don’t need to run.”

  She stands and opens the purse she’s been clutching in a death grip. We both watch her as she pulls out a cell phone. Her hands are still shaking as much as her voice. “I started recording when I drove into the valley.”

  Jack looks as confused as I do. “You recorded who, Waters?” I ask her.

  She nods. “I’m not an idiot. When he called and asked me to meet him, I sent Jed a text and told him where I was heading, and I emailed my editor and told him I’d gotten caught in a Falcone case.”

  She sounds so jumbled I’m not sure if I’m hearing her right or she’s done something incredible. “Back up. Start from the beginning.”

  Natalie exhales slowly and taps on her cell before swallowing hard and looking at me. “I just sent the recording to my editor. I have a plan.”

  She takes a shaky step towards me and flips the phone around so I can read a text.

  Holding the press.

  I’ll publish under staff reporter to protect your identity.

  I’m still confused when she huffs a sigh. “I’m not some helpless victim. I knew something wasn’t right about this before I agreed to come back here.”

  She swipes the phone and shows me another text from Jed.

  I just got a call from the feebs. They are not happy with me right now. They haven’t got enough on Eddie Falcone to lock him up. He’s protected enough that nothing sticks.

  Stay away from Hunter. You can’t help him.

  My eyebrows rise as she chews on her lip. “He’s wrong. I can help. Waters said Falcone is coming to get you personally. What if we set a trap?”

  I stare at her utterly gobsmacked, while Jack starts to chortle from where he’s sitting. “Gotta love her spirit.”

  She meets my gaze, unrelenting, red hair tangled and wild, face bruised, blue eyes fierce. I frown at her, equal parts impressed and equal parts worried. “You’re in this, and I can’t stop that now. What I can do is try to minimize the danger you’re in. That means getting you as far away from here as possible.”

  Her face scrunches up. “And then what? I have no idea if I can go home. People know I’ve been looking at your case files. They know Jed has been. But they can’t do anything if I publish the evidence I have.”

  I blink. “When did you have time to come up with all this?”

  Her shrug is weak. “I had two hours driving here to go over everything a thousand times before I reached the valley.”

  I can’t help but chuckle as I pull her into my arms. “Holy shit, woman. You weren’t kidding about needing your purse.”

  She wraps her arms around my waist and chokes on a laugh. “I also brought a gun, a flashlight, and some snacks.”

  Jack eyes me from his position in front of the fire. “She’s your kind of woman, alright.”

  I lean back so I can look her in the eye. “Damn straight, she is. But if we do this, you are not going to be caught in the middle, got it?”

  She opens her mouth, and I can see the protest, so I kiss her hard enough to let her know she has no choice.


  I kiss him back and try not to think about everything that can go wrong with my plan.

  If I dwell on those things too long and don’t focus on what’s to be gained, I’ll never be able to go through with this insane idea. He breaks the kiss and grabs his pack. “Jack, we’ll camp out in your shed just in case.”

  Jack waves a hand and carries on reading as though it’s no big deal mobsters might turn up in the middle of the night.

  I follow Hunter back outside, instantly missing the warmth of the fire. Shivers rip through me as we walk a few feet to where a shack sits beside the woodpile.

  Hunter opens the door and moonlight spills inside the flimsy shed with nothing more than a mattress, a few blankets and a pillow on the floor.

  All the energy slides out of me now that we’re alone and out of immediate danger. I sink onto the mattress and wrap my arms around me to try to stop the chill that’s creeping over my skin.

  Hunter sits beside me and draws me closer to him, wrapping his arm around my shoulders and kissing my sweaty forehead. “Will they come looking tonight?” I ask.

  He exhales, sending his frosty breath into the dilapidated shed. “It’s unlikely. It’s too dangerous. He’ll wait until morning then send a couple of his fittest men up.”

  I shiver. “Then what?”

  He sighs again. “If they find me, they’ll beat me up just enough so I can still walk, then they’ll take me to Falcone, and he’ll finish the job. Probably take his sweet time.”

  My stomach starts to churn at how glib he sounds. I pull my purse closer to my stomach. “How do you know for sure?”

  He presses his chin on the top of my head. “It’s what I would have done.”

  I jerk away from him. “That’s what you did for him? You hurt people?”

  He flinches as though I’ve struck him. “A couple times. Yeah. I did.”

  I stare at the moonlight splashing over the rotting floorboards as my thoughts spin out of control.

  He blows out a sigh. “I’m not proud of what I did to wind up here. I wish I could say that part of me doesn’t exist anymore, and for the last few years it hasn’t really needed to.”

  He shifts until he’s looking at me with enough intensity to make my cheeks heat. “But I will do whatever it takes to keep you safe.”

  I swallow hard as a rush of desire runs through me. He’s burning with such raw heat; I can feel it transferring to me. When was the last time a man looked at me like that? Like I was his entire world, and he’d move heaven and earth just to look after me?

  I have never been wanted this desperately with such ferocity. His desire is intoxicating, powerful, and overwhelming me like an irresistible aphrodisiac.

  He lifts his arm and pulls me in so our lips are a whisper apart. He kisses me, tongue tantalizing as he pulls me on to his lap so I’m straddling him.

  Hunter’s voice comes out ragged. “Why did you come if you didn’t trust him?”

  “I was worried. I needed to make sure you were okay,” I whisper.

  Hunter’s entire body seems to react as he grips me so tight I can barely breathe. His voice is rough. “Been a long time since someone was worried about me.”

  He kisses me roughly. His tongue sending delicate waves of pleasure rolling through my exhausted body. I moan into his mouth as his hands slide under my shirt. He tugs it upwards, exposing more skin until my breasts are exposed.

  My nipples harden under my bra, from his touch, from the cold air that makes my skin rise.

  I kiss him harder until I’m struggling to think about anything other than how he makes me feel.

  My hands slide under his t-shirt. I run my fingers over the solid muscles of his stomach and chest as my tongue flicks over his lips, his cheek stubble until he’s rock hard against me and I’m more than ready.

  My fingers are on his belt buckle when he groans and tugs my shirt back down and pulls back. “As much as I’d like to finish this, it’s not a good idea. I need to stay focused.”

  Heat smacks into my cheeks as I place a hand over my eyes. “I’m sorry. I got a little carried away; you’re just so, ah, you make me feel, so...”

  He chuckles. “I make you feel what?”

  I climb off
him, shaking my head and trying to hide how embarrassed I am. I look at the floor and mumble. “Sexy.”

  “You are sexy.”

  I shrug, and his fingers grip my chin so I’m forced to look at him. “You’re more than just sexy. You’re smart, you’re kind, you’re funny, and you are worth so much more than that dipshit ex has made you believe.”

  I bite down on my lip. He sounds almost annoyed at me for not seeing what he sees. He pulls me closer, his lip curling. “I’m hard as a rock right now, but I want to take my time with you.”

  A flush of heat runs the length of me as he kisses me, making me think I wouldn’t mind taking things a little fast, but he’s pulling away, and I can see he’s switching himself off as he steps to the cracked window.

  “How’s your Dad doing now?” he asks.

  Surprise makes my reply comes out stilted. “He’s okay.”

  Hunter turns and folds his arms across his chest. “But he’s in hospital. That’s serious.”

  I nod, not sure whether I want to be talking about Dad right now. “He’s been in an out over the last couple of years. He gets better; they release him, then we wait for the next relapse. Then I go stay with him until he’s better.”

  Hunter doesn’t say a word, just stares at me as if he’s waiting for me to say more. As if he thinks what I have to say is more important than anything right now.

  I clear my throat, feeling oddly disloyal by saying something I’ve never told a single person before, not even Jed. “He doesn’t always take his meds, and sometimes he’s...hard work.”

  I don’t bother to say that being primary caregiver had added to the strain on my already stretched relationship with Jed.

  But Hunter seems sympathetic as he nods slowly. “And you’ve been doing all the heavy lifting alone? No help from your sister? Your Mom? From dipshit?”

  The words seem lodged in my throat when I finally admit it out loud. “Jemma’s always been unreliable. And Jed did what he could, but he was gone a lot of the time. He worked a lot of overtime. And Mom....”

  Hunter shifts his weight to one foot and narrows his eyes. “Is gone?”


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