One Wild Weekend with Hunter

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One Wild Weekend with Hunter Page 12

by Lexi Hart

  I don’t say a word as she gets in the car and buckles herself in, all with robotic movements that let me know she’s running on autopilot and possibly in some sort of dissociative shock.

  I start the engine and check the rear-view before planting my foot, making the tires squeal in my haste to exit.

  Bobby Falcone isn’t a patient man at the best of times, any more delays and he calls the entire arrangement off and settles for putting a bullet in my head.

  My skin starts to itch as we drive away from the hospital. Sure enough, a town car has pulled in behind us.

  I work my jaw and carry on towards the prearranged destination. Natalie doesn’t say a word, just stares out the window, her fingers gripping the seat as I drive right on the speed limit.

  I’m caught in my thoughts, eyes flicking between watching the road, and the car following when she speaks. “Where are we going?”

  I chance a look at her, but she’s still looking at the water as we cross the bridge. I roll my shoulders in a vain attempt to release the tension in them before giving her a half answer. “Out of the city.”

  I can’t tell her anymore. The less she knows, the better. I deflect and hope I can steer the topic back to something to take her mind off what’s about to happen. “Do you know where your mother has been all this time?”

  She glances at me, her brow knotted as she sighs. I keep my eyes on the bridge as she answers in a flat voice. “Denver.”

  I keep her talking in the hopes her anger will help her deal with reality. “Why Denver?”

  There’s a bitterness to her voice I haven’t heard before. “I don’t know. Jemma and I haven’t heard from her in nearly a decade.”

  The question slips out before I can stop it. “You haven’t talked to her since she left?”


  There’s a finality to her tone that makes me insanely curious. But she’s entitled to her privacy; fuck knows I’m not in a position to ask anything of her.

  Besides which, I understand her reluctance to track down her mother. I couldn’t give a shit about the whereabouts of my own deadbeat parents.

  It’s something we seem to have in common. But there’s no point in reopening old wounds, and when family is concerned, some scabs are better left unpicked.

  Instead of pushing her, I concentrate solely on what I’m going to say to Bobby Falcone when I see him face to face.

  He’s a lying, unbalanced, weasel-faced prick who gets off on control. Add to that the giant chip on his shoulder about living in his father’s shadow all this time, and he’s probably the worst person to make a deal with.

  I can only hope his greed will override any lasting anger at me. Technically I haven’t done anything that won’t ultimately benefit him.

  But blood is blood. And even if Bobby Falcone hated his father’s guts for the way he belittled him, I have to face the very real possibility this isn’t going to go down well.

  As long as I can remind him, he has nothing to worry about, and that no one ever needs to know the job went south because of his incompetence, we’re gold.


  My entire body feels bruised. Like someone took a hammer and smashed it into my muscles. I wouldn’t be surprised to find I’m black and blue from when I tumbled out the door and the way Hunter slung me over his shoulder.

  I’m close to exhaustion. Fear battering at me, making it impossible to focus on anything other than the pounding of my heart.

  Nausea is swelling as we drive, and it’s all I can do to not cry silently as I think about Dad, Mom, and Jemma all alone as I flee for my life.

  I try not to think about Jed. I try not to think about what I’m leaving behind. I can’t. I have no idea what is going to happen, but I’ll be dammed if I lose it and start blubbering.

  Hunter came back for me. He didn’t have to, but he did. And if he’s telling the truth, Jed is alive because of him.

  He wants me to trust him. And I have to. I have to push aside all doubt, all overwhelming terror and try to believe it will be okay.

  It’s surreal. Everything has happened so fast. It’s all blurring into one continuous memory of violence, gunshots, and the sneaking feeling that Hunter is hiding something from me.

  I glance across at him as we drive. He’s all muscled fury tightly contained. I don’t know what his plan is. I just know he’s the only thing standing between me and the mob.

  That knowledge is possibly the most frightening thing I’ve experienced so far.

  He slows as we drive into an industrial area populated by office buildings. I’m not sure if I should be relieved it looks so ordinary. I’d half expected him to take us to a dilapidated old warehouse. But this isn’t a movie, and whoever this mobster is, we’re meeting him at what looks like an insurance broker.

  Hunter sends me a quick look and answers my unspoken question. “It’s a front.”

  I nod and try not to let my nervousness show as he pulls over. I know enough about money laundering to understand what he means, so I stay silent as Hunter’s eyes flick to the rear-view mirror above him.

  I turn around to check and am alarmed to see a black sedan has pulled up behind us. Two bulky men dressed in suits and wearing scowls are getting out.

  Hunter’s voice is tight as he releases his seat belt and looks at me. “Let me do the talking. Even if you don’t like what I’m saying or how I’m acting, just go with it and whatever you do, don’t talk back to Falcone, okay?”

  I swallow hard and manage to nod feebly, halfway annoyed he thinks I’d be that stupid. My hands are shaking so hard I struggle to unbuckle my belt.

  Hunter gets out of the car and leans on the door as he growls at the men. “We don’t need a fucking entourage.”

  I’m not sure if I’m supposed to stay where I am, so I chew my lip and try to calm my jagged nerves as Hunter continues to growl at the men closing in.

  I risk a look at him and flinch at the hardened expression he’s wearing. There’s no trace of the ruggedly caring man I thought I knew.

  My eyes stay on him as he stalks around the car, opens my door and yanks me out, all without looking at me.

  He keeps his voice low as he jerks me towards him so I’m pressed into his side. “If you believe in God, now’s the time to start praying.”

  My eyes pop as he holds me in his iron grip near dragging me towards the doors. The men are so close, I don’t want to risk protesting, so I press my lips tightly together and try not to look terrified.

  Hunter opens the door and pulls me inside, flicking a look behind him as the muscled thugs make a show of surrounding us.

  The office is an open expanse of contemporary and incredibly pretentious architectural design. It reeks of expense. From the carefully placed brick to the polished floorboards. The entire space gives the illusion it’s a giant barn that’s been remodeled.

  At the front desk, a receptionist so pretty she could be a model is sitting, smiling in Hunter’s direction. I feel his body stiffen as we approach. From the way she’s getting up and plastering a bright smile on her face, she knows him far too well.

  Hunter doesn’t respond with anything resembling warmness. “Is he ready?”

  The girl bobs her head and leans forward so half of her breasts are visible in her low-cut sweater. “You don’t have time to say hello to me today?” she purrs.

  Hunter grunts a response as he pulls me in the direction of the only door in the strange office.

  I stay glued to his side as the goon behind us shifts so he’s ahead of Hunter. He ignores me completely and smirks at Hunter. “Like to see you talk your way out of this one.”

  Hunter’s jaw tightens, but he stays silent, glaring as the man pats him down roughly.

  I’m wondering if I’ll be subjected to the same level of scrutiny when the door opens without warning.

  Hunter backs away as another man, slightly thinner with piercing grey eyes and a pinched expression, appears.

  He ushers us inside ano
ther smaller office with similar décor to the main reception. I’m not sure what I expected, but when a lean, dark-haired, olive skinned man Hunter gets up from behind a desk, I’m surprised to find him remotely attractive.

  Any hope I had for his appearance to match his nature disappears when his eyes roam over me, and a lewd expression appears on his face.

  He jams his hands into his pockets and leans on the edge of his desk, his eyes on my chest, while Hunter’s fingers dig into my arm.

  My cheeks start to heat as Falcone purses his lips. “You came back from the dead for this broad?”

  Hunter answers in a flat voice. “I came because I want my damn life back. You have that power now. Not the feds. You are in control here.”

  Falcone seems pleased when he steps so close I can smell his aftershave. He doesn’t even bother to look me in the eye, just stares at my breasts. “How’s your father?”

  Ice trickles down my spine, mingling with anger. I’m so terrified of saying the wrong thing; I look at Hunter who nods slightly.

  I swallow and try to make my voice sound level. “He’s in a coma.”

  Falcone smiles, but there’s nothing kind about it. “Fathers. Can’t kill them, can’t pay someone else to.”

  He barks a laugh as chills snake down my back. Hunter’s expression stays bland as Falcone’s eyes shift to him then back to me. Falcone jabs a finger in my direction. “He tell you where he hid the money?”

  I’m paralyzed by fear so I shake my head and try my best to look confused.

  Hunter’s voice comes out as a growl as Falcone stares at me. “You really think I’d tell her anything important?”

  Falcone shrugs as if he’s not bothered, but his hand shoots out, and he grabs my other arm and yanks me away from Hunter. For a moment I think Hunter isn’t going to let go, but he relents as Falcone pulls me over to his desk and pushes me against it.

  Falcone’s lips part as he starts to run a finger down my cheek. “Just need to check you for weapons and a wire.”

  My skin crawls, and it takes every ounce of control not to flinch as he starts to run his hands over my body, spending a lot of time massaging my breasts.

  I can’t look at Hunter, I can’t even breathe as Falcone runs his hands over my legs, hips, and ass pawing at my crotch, making me utterly grateful I’m wearing jeans.

  As I try to hide my revulsion, nausea and fear are colliding in my stomach as I try not to slap him.

  I can’t just accept this. I can’t just sit here and let him molest me. I wish I had my gun. I wish Hunter had a gun.

  I stop wishing when I try to make eye contact with Hunter and find him staring at the floor.

  With a sob stuck in my throat, I realize he must have known this would happen. He must have known what Falcone was like.

  Hot tears spring to my eyes. Burning with humiliation and fear. Dread coils around my body as I try not to show how disgusted and terrified I really am.

  When I don’t think I can take the humiliation any longer, Hunter finally decides to speak, but he does nothing to reassure me. “We’re wasting time. Pretty sure her ex put a warrant on my head.”

  Falcone takes his hands off me, leaving me wishing I had mouth wash and a bucket to vomit in. He turns sideways so he can see Hunter. “Where’s the money?”

  Hunter doesn’t reply, but his fists are curling at his sides as the older man edges closer to Hunter. “You remember me, Sloan?”

  A twitch starts at the side of Hunter’s jaw as he looks in my direction. “Yeah, I remember.”

  When Falcone turns and grips my chin hard enough to make me flinch, and the older man removes a switchblade, I know I’m in more trouble than I ever imagined possible.

  Chapter 14.


  I keep my eyes away from the butcher knowing he’ll look to Bobby for direction. “I’ll take you to it, but she comes. That was the deal.”

  Bobby pauses, works his lip and glances back at Natalie. “Not just a piece of ass to you then?”

  I jam my lips together. I have to play this right. Bobby knows she means something to me. He knows it’s killing me watching him touch her; I have to be careful even though I’m fantasizing about punching his teeth in.

  I try to make my voice come out even. “You’re smart enough to know that already.”

  Bobby snorts and shakes his head. “Don’t try to suck up, Sloan. We’ll follow you, but she rides with me.”

  Natalie’s eyes go wide, and she looks ready to say all kinds of things that will land us in the shit, so I rush to answer before she wrecks out chances.

  “You ride with me, bring one of your goons, but I’m not leaving her alone with you for one second.”

  Natalie’s shoulders go rigid as Bobby makes a big production about thinking it over. His eyes land on Natalie, or more accurately her tits, making heat rush through my body.

  She flinches as he steps closer to her but doesn’t shift when Bobby smiles at her and grabs her ass. “You want to come for a ride, sugar tits? Sit in the back with me?”

  Natalie’s eyes find mine. She swallows hard and seems to be struggling to look at Bobby. Her voice comes out shaky. “I get car sick. I need to sit in the front. And I need to drive.”

  I hold my breath as Bobby stares, unbelieving at her. It’s a genius move, one that I wish I’d thought of. Since Bobby already thinks she’s just an airhead with a great body, he seems to be thinking it over.

  He turns and looks at the butcher still standing beside me, his knife at the ready as he waits for direction.

  Bobby lifts his chin ever so slightly, and the butcher puts the blade away without a word.

  I gesture to Natalie, and she almost runs to my side to move away from Bobby.

  Bobby’s eyes are on Natalie when he licks his lip. “Hunter goes with Frank; sugar tits rides with me.”

  Ice trickles down my spine as Bobby sends a hungry look in Natalie’s direction. But I can’t say a word to warn her or him; this is our only chance.

  Bobby saunters across the room and stops directly in front of her. “You even think about doing anything stupid; Frank will gut him like a pig then go after your family.”

  Her lips press together, face paling before she answers in a croaky voice. “I understand.”

  I hope she does. I really do. Because if Bobby changes his mind, we might not make it out of the city, let alone all the way to the mountains.



  My hands are shaking, every muscle tense and knotted. I’m almost in a half-exhausted daze as we pass the hotel I stayed in on the main street of Haven Springs.

  I’m concentrating so hard on ignoring Bobby Falcone and his constant unwelcome advances; I jump when he speaks. “Sure he didn’t tell you where the money is?”

  His voice is treacle-sweet, smooth, just the way it has been the entire drive here as if he thinks I’ll suddenly forget the way he groped me in his office.

  I shake my head. Irritated at him. Irritated at Hunter. Worried about Dad, about Jed, about so many things, my answer comes out a little snippy. “I didn’t know anything about money. The first I heard of it was when Waters dragged me up here to find Hunter.”

  Falcone snickers. “There’s a certain satisfaction in getting to it when the Feds couldn’t, and when my father couldn’t.”

  From my peripheral vision, I see his face darken. “I don’t know what Hunter told you about me, some of it is true, but first and foremost I’m running a business. I need that money. Without it, I have no chance of making a name for myself.”

  I don’t know what to say, so I keep quiet and let him talk about himself as I’m discovering he loves to do.

  “My father wanted to keep doing things the old way. No matter what I said, he argued it wouldn’t work. Well, I’m running things now, and I won’t make the same mistakes he did. He never wanted to get his hands dirty. Never wanted to put in any effort. He got soft. Fat and bloated. No wonder his woman got tired
of his limp old dick.”

  My heart starts to tap too fast as he pulls a gun out from under his jacket. He toys with it, waving it around in the air as he speaks in an agitated voice. “Hunter did me a favor taking him out. But debts need to be settled; amends have to be made.”

  I shudder at what that means and try not to think too hard on whether some terrible fate awaits us.

  With too many unanswered questions I don’t dare ask about and nothing else to do to occupy my thoughts, I let them slide back as they have been for the last two hours and find myself thinking about how Dad is doing and whether Jed made it.

  I wish I could call Jemma and find out, but that’s completely out of the question and probably doesn’t even beg dwelling on.

  The other vehicle is right behind us, driving so close I can see Hunter in the passenger seat, gripping the handhold and staring right at me.

  When we reach the clearing, I park the car and at Bobby Falcone’s prompting, climb out on legs close to buckling.

  I risk a look at Hunter and find his eyes locked on me, his posture tense and face hard. As Bobby complains about the cold, the mud, and being so far from the city, Hunter eyes me so fiercely; I don’t doubt he’s capable of worse violence than I’ve seen him do.

  Bobby grabs my arm and tugs me towards Hunter. “Where?”

  Hunter jerks his thumb. “Up at an old shack I store shit in. You’ll have to climb.”

  My eyes go wide as Bobby laughs. “You think this suit is made for climbing?”

  He flicks a hand at the men waiting. “You go with him. Get the money; I’ll stay here.”

  The idea of staying here with him makes my stomach roil. I look at Hunter and try not to look as terror-stricken as I currently feel. Hunter’s eyes drill into me. But he doesn’t say a word.

  Panic starts to flood my veins. I grasp at the one thing I think I understand about Bobby Falcone and pray to God it works. “You aren’t going? Oh, I must have misunderstood. I thought you wanted to run your business differently than your father.”


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