Twinsequences Willow

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Twinsequences Willow Page 11

by Jennifer Foor

  He drug his teeth over my neck and bit down as I cried out, “More. Please.”

  When he knew I was at my breaking point, he pushed my hand away and entered me, filling me with his prepared erection. Jolts of blissful sensations filled every inch of my body. I arched my back and laid down resting on his legs. He could see everything and I loved the way it felt in this position. “Oh yeah, babe. I want you to come again. Show me how much you love it.”

  He rubbed my clit, applying enough pressure to send me over the edge. Stosh continued watching himself slide in and out of me. I saw his face scrunch up and his body tighten. I could feel it pumping and erupting and knew he’d reached his happy place. Once he regained enough composure, he brought me back up and kissed me, slowly, passionately, like we were the only people to exist in the world.

  Nothing felt better than him being inside of me – nothing!

  He abruptly separated us and stood up, his penis still half erect. Without an explanation, he held out his hand for me to take. “Your shower awaits.”

  I let him lead. I’d fantasized about this and it didn’t compare to how it was playing out. I had to keep pinching myself to prove I wasn’t dreaming. Stoshua was with me, in my apartment. We were together and nothing was going to come between us.

  It was perfect.

  Stosh took his time in the shower. He washed my hair, massaging it while he scrubbed. I closed my eyes and felt completely relaxed. I guess this was what it took for me to be able to clear my mind in order to come up with a way out of this mess. As soon as the idea hit me, I knew I had to share it with Stosh, being he would have to help me make it happen.

  Of course, I waited until he was completely done washing me.

  Far be it from me to stop a man from touching me everywhere physically possible. It was surreal, being there with him, knowing we were a couple. Somehow being there was like the memory of my sister never existed. We were caught in our own momentary bliss. I didn’t care if he was married, or that it was with my sister. All I thought about was sharing the rest of my life with him. While he washed my back, and kissed my shoulders, I imagined the baby growing inside of me. Even though his intentions weren’t the best, we’d made it out of love. His desperate and selfish attempts to spend a weekend with me had panned out for a lifetime of happiness. All I had to do was make sure my plan went off without a hitch.

  My idea was going to work because it was something I was good at. I’d worked too hard to give up now. No, Ivy was going to have a little competition, and when I was finished she wouldn’t know what hit her. If my sister didn’t want to play fair, I’d beat her at her own game.

  My sister took everything from me without any regret. I was going to take it all back, and then some. When I was done with her, she’d have nothing but a ten-by-ten padded room, not that I felt she deserved as much. As far as I was concerned, she was dead to me.

  I was nervous to tell Stosh my idea, at first, but when my plan started making the utmost sense, I brought him on board. It was already midnight, and we had a long drive ahead of us, so we packed up as much as we could and headed back to our hometown with a purpose- to destroy Ivy.

  We were on a mission and nothing was going to stand in our way. We’d waited too long already to be together. This was our chance to take back everything she’d ever stolen from us.

  If it worked out, we’d have our families on our side and our happy ever after.

  Stosh held my hand as he drove. We talked about how it was going to play out.

  He seemed to be getting nervous when we were halfway there. “Are you sure you want to do this? I mean, you realize what we’ll be risking?”

  “I know I could go to jail, if that’s what you’re implying.” I was aware what I was doing was extremely dangerous. “She took my life, Stosh. Now, I’m going to take hers.”

  Chapter 15

  To be or not to be… me.

  We made it back to town around four in the morning. After stopping by the house he shared with Ivy, we made our way to my parent’s place. We were only there to check that they were both home. In order for our plan to work, we had to move while no one else was at the hospital.

  Once we knew they hadn’t spent the night, we headed to the hospital. My sister would be under a watch, since she’d attempted to commit suicide, if that’s what she had done at all. Either way, she was right where I needed her to be.

  Most hospitals had different wards they locked down after visiting hours, in which a person would need a security card to enter. That’s where Stosh came in.

  His job was to play the desperate husband who had been out of town and just found out about his wife’s situation. We were afraid it wasn’t going to work out and didn’t have another plan if that occurred. Luckily, Stosh ended up knowing the nurse, so he was able to slide in without a commotion. Once inside, he sent me a message, letting me know he was in the room and she was asleep, strapped to the bed.

  The tricky part was to get me in there with them.

  I don’t know what made him think of it, but he somehow chimed an alarm for one of the other rooms. While the attending nurses went running, he came and opened the locked door to allow me to enter. We slid back into her room without anyone noticing.

  My sister was asleep and secured to her bed. I think I actually smiled when I saw her like that. She looked innocent, and in that position, she couldn’t hurt anyone.

  There was never a doubt I was going to go through with my scheme. Taking her down was the objective, and no matter what I had to go through, it was going to prove worth it.

  Stosh stood back and let me approach the bed. He shouldn’t have been so trusting because without even thinking, I slapped her right in the face.

  Her eyes shot open, and she tried to sit up, but realized she was unable to do so. When she tried to scream, I placed my hand over her mouth, so no one would hear. Stosh pulled out the prescription bottle of sleeping pills and we shoved a few down her throat, forcing her to swallow them. I shoved a washrag in her mouth, to prevent her from spitting or making a sound.

  Once we knew the pills had dissolved, we had to sit there for a good thirty minutes before they started working. While waiting, she desperately tried to free herself several times. I loved seeing her suffer and watching her realize her plans to destroy me had gone very wrong. It was almost better than sex to see her scared. This was the pivotal moment when that little bitch realized her fate. I think she assumed we were going to kill her. If I didn’t have a conscience maybe I would have. At this point I knew she’d do it to me given the chance.

  Since Stosh and I had a long drive, we had plenty of time to get our next step in order. We were going to set off the fire alarm, giving us enough opportunity to make the switch. He hugged and kissed me while my sister watched with wide eyes. “You ready for this?” He asked.

  I stared right at her. “Nothing is going to stop me from being with you, Stoshua. Never again.”

  Tears filled her heavy eyes, and I knew I’d hit a nerve. I’d finally discovered what revenge felt like and why she craved it. I felt like I was on top of the world. Paying her back was evil, yet invigorating.

  When her eyes began to shut, I leaned over close to her ear. “Did you think you’d win him back by pulling this stunt? Did you assume I was prepared to let you win?” I ran my fingers over her mouth. “My lips are the only ones he’s ever going to kiss. It will be me he comes home to everyday. We’re going to be happy.” I stood up straight and glanced at Stosh. “Paybacks are a real bitch, sis. You always said I was the smart one. You never should have messed with someone who could take you down a million times over. I considered lots of ways, but this one will hurt you the most.”

  Stosh cleared his throat. “I could never hate anyone the way I hate you, Ivy. I never loved anyone like I love her. You’ll never be her. I played you, like you tried to play me. You led me right to her. You gave her to me. So, thanks for that.” He patted her on the leg and winked at me. “Make y
ourself comfortable. It’s show time.”

  I felt chills realizing he was completely mine. We just needed to tie up loose ends. When Ivy was finally knocked out, we wasted no time switching our clothes. Stosh would only have a short amount of time to transport her out of the hospital without someone noticing. We put her in a wheelchair, with one of her old purses on her lap. I unfastened her hospital band and attached it to my arm. Stosh strapped me into the bed and kissed me one more time passionately. Once secure, I started to panic. “Stosh wait! You wouldn’t be double crossing me, would you?”

  I would die if he left me there to rot while riding off into the sunset with my conniving sister.

  He shook his head and started laughing. “No, Will. This was your idea remember? If you want to back out, we can strap her up and leave right now.”

  I laughed it off. “Sorry. I was just wondering if I’d made things worse. Forgive me for being cautious. It’s not every day I’m forced to make such justifiable decisions.’

  He kissed me one last time. “I love you. This is going to work. I’ll see you in a couple hours, once I get her secured. It’s going to be a long day, babe. Hang tight and try not to worry. You can trust me.”

  I took a few deep breaths and glanced over at my sleeping sister. “I’m ready.”

  Watching him walk out of the room, trusting him with my life completely, was heart-wrenching. I wanted to trust him; to believe he’d never betray me, but it was difficult considering his track record.

  After a few minutes, I heard the alarm sounding. I took a few deep breaths and watched him come in and grab the wheelchair. “See you in a bit, babe.”

  Then he left me there, waiting and wondering if we were going to get away with it. It all seemed easy until we were knee deep involved our plan. I began to contemplate if I was going to spend the rest of my life in jail if we were caught. I wondered if Stosh would be arrested as an accomplice. I could have a child in jail and only be able to communicate with him through letters.

  Worry overwhelmed me, to the point where I felt sick. Of course, I was strapped to the bed, unable to change my mind about what I was doing. If I called out for help they’d keep me for more time to re-evaluate my sanity.

  Did I really want to freak out? I mean, this was what had to happen. I wanted her gone. I loved my sister, but she had to go down. Maybe I also had a vindictive side.

  A nurse came in to check on me. I heard the ruckus outside my room as the emergency people scrambled to look for the fire or what had caused the alarm to go off. Since I couldn’t move, I didn’t know if Stosh had made it out without being detected.

  The next few hours were horrible for me. All I could do was cry as I was locked down on the bed, staring at the ceiling. I couldn’t sleep, in fear of the police coming in and taking me away. Each time I heard the door opening I wondered if I was going to prison.

  It seemed like forever had passed before Stosh came walking back into the hospital room. He had a bouquet of fresh roses and had changed his clothes. The smile on his face let me know everything was okay. He leaned down and kissed me. “I can only stay for a little while. The attending physician is here to check on you. You sure you can handle this?”

  I nodded. “I’m sure. So, how was it?”

  “She slept up until I got her in the house. Thank God we used those zip-ties. She tried to free herself, but there was no way she could overpower me. I got spit on a couple times and she called me every name in the book, not that I haven’t heard it all before. She threatened to kill me a few times and said she was going to skin you alive while forcing me to watch. I think that was my favorite threat.”

  My eyes bugged. “How did you respond?”

  “I told her making love to you was the best thing that had ever happened to me.” He kissed me again. “I told her I was completely in love with you and reminded her I always had been.” Another kiss. “I told her I never loved her; that I’d been faking to avoid being miserable.”

  “I’m sure that hit a nerve.”

  “She’s pissed, not that I care. I like seeing her suffer. She deserves it. All the years she kept us apart. I wish I never listened to her. I should have known how you felt the whole damn time. I should have asked you. Instead, I had to read about what she did to us.”

  We were cut off when my father came walking into the room. Stosh stood up and faced him. “When did you get here?” He asked.

  “Last night,” Stosh seemed nervous when he answered.

  “Son, you and I need to have a man to man.”

  I couldn’t see their faces and it was driving me crazy.

  “Sir, no disrespect, but I think Ivy and I have to work things out ourselves.”

  “And what about Willow?” I wondered if my father cared about my feelings at all.

  “That was a mistake. She acted like Ivy. She said she was Ivy. It happened and I’m sorry. I get that you’ll never forget what I’ve done to your daughter, but I plan on spending the rest of my life making things right.” We’d rehearsed that part on the way. It was all part of the plan. My parents needed to think I was Ivy.

  My dad put his hand on Stosh’s shoulder. “I hope you make good on that promise. My daughter loves you very much. I know she wants nothing more than to work things out. We all make mistakes, but fixing things takes a lot of guts. As for Willow, well let’s hope she stays away. Her mother and I will pay her a visit and let her know what she’s done is unacceptable.”

  Stosh smiled and nodded, before he walked over to me, rubbing the hair out of my face. “Did you sleep well, sweetie?”

  I missed my parents so much I began to tear up and eventually started to sob. “I’m sorry for disappointing you, Daddy. Please don’t be mad. I only wanted to pain to go away.” It was how Ivy would have played him.

  “It’s going to be alright. Your mother has arranged for her friend to treat you for your depression. Now that Stoshua is here, I’m sure we can get you released. I know the chief of staff and he owes me a few favors. You won’t be staying the full seventy-two.”

  I was ecstatic I could get out of the hospital before the allotted time required. Stosh threw me a wink. “If it’s alright with you, sir, I’d like to take her straight home.”

  “I don’t know…” My parents would want me under their roof. This was also something Stosh, and I had planned for.

  “Dad, please? It’s what I want. I need to be with Stosh. I want things to go back to normal before Willow comes back.”

  My father seemed to be upset with my request. “Your mother is going to be concerned about this, Ivy. You know how she worries about you.”

  “I do. What happened last night was a mistake. I won’t do it again. I promise. I don’t want to die, Daddy. I want to be happy, with Stosh. I want to go home.” I cried even more.

  He shook his head, but walked out of the room taking his cell phone out of his pocket. Stosh came over to the bed. He massaged my wrists. “Are they on too tight?”

  I shook my head. “No. They aren’t bad.”

  “It’s a good thing your dad is a damn doctor. I don’t know if I could handle sleeping without you tonight.”

  “Well, you’re getting pretty good about sneaking people in and out of hospitals. I’m sure we could have figured a way to be together.” I couldn’t help but feel witty, thinking about getting away with our plan.

  He ran his fingers over my wrist restraints and removed one of them. “Fuck the rules. As much as I like seeing you tied up, we’ll save it for another night when we’re alone in bed.”

  I smiled and waited for my other hand to be free. By the time my father made it back in the room, Stosh was sitting on the bed hugging me. My father appeared pleased. He had no clue I wasn’t Ivy, as I assumed he would. My mother would be the one to convince, but since she hadn’t seen me in a while, I didn’t think she’d question it. I had to put on a show for her and the time had come. She came in carrying a cup of coffee. She was wearing scrubs, and I gathered she must be p
erforming some kind of procedure at the hospital. “Honey, I just got out of surgery. How are you feeling?”

  “I didn’t get much sleep. My stomach hurts.”

  My mother looked at Stoshua. “You did this to her, you know. You put her in this hospital bed.”

  He dropped his head, and I wondered if it was because he secretly wanted to smile. “I know. How many times do I have to apologize for my actions?”

  “Mom, stop! I can’t deal with any more fighting. I need to go home and work things out with my husband.” Saying that was never going to get old.

  “You’ve been through something traumatic. I’ve cleared my schedule in order to stay home and care for you. It would be best if you were home where I could monitor you.” My mother was adamant.

  “I want to go to my house. Nothing is going to be solved until Stosh and I can work out our problems. We can’t do that if I’m at your house. I appreciate the gesture, but I’m going to be fine.”


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