Silent Surrender

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Silent Surrender Page 3

by Barbara J. Hancock

  His gaze tracked from her face to her feet and back to settle on her eyes—appreciative and blazing with increased interest.

  He didn’t move to exit the pool, so Alexia boldly reached for the hem of her dress and pulled it up and over her head. If she thought his eyes had blazed before, she saw true fire now. And his arms were more tense, as if he held the sides of the pool not for balance but to hold himself back.

  The night air felt heavy and luscious against her. She walked through it, knowing the black lingerie highlighted her assets rather than covering them. The bra lifted the globes of her breasts, but barely covered her dusky nipples. Her panties hit low so that the neatly trimmed triangle between her thighs peeked, pale blonde and, hopefully, inviting.

  He didn’t speak, but his lips opened as if he would, and Alexia was flattered, but not satisfied. She was determined to coax him out of his silence.

  She walked around the pool to get closer to him and also to show off the sway of her hips and the easy movement of her breasts. The shoes hadn’t been wasted. Her nipples peaked fiercely as his eyes tracked movements made sexier by the high heels.

  She waited until she was near him to lean forward and hook the shoes off her feet, first one, then the other, nice and slow so he could look his fill of her displayed cleavage.

  Then, with a sudden quick and graceful dive, she entered the pool with him. She turned and swam under water until she found his legs before rising very, very close to his naked chest. His cock jutted between them.

  “No trunks?” Alexia teased, not expecting him to reply.

  “One of the benefits of a private pool.”

  His voice was a hoarse whisper, but it was also very masculine and deep. Not unattractive. Not unattractive at all. Alexia blinked water out of her eyes so she could meet his. She thought she saw some of what it cost him to speak in his eyes. There was a tightening in addition to the heat. Concern in addition to the confidence.

  She floated her body even closer to his, trapping his erection between their stomachs.

  “Are there other benefits?” she asked, wanting to show him that his voice was music to her ears.

  “Yes,” he replied, and because she knew he spoke so seldom the word was like an intimate gift.

  He moved his hands to cup her bottom, lifting her easily so that his cock was against her sex. He let his head fall back at the same time and his lips were too inviting to resist.

  Alexia dipped to claim them, capturing them with her mouth to lick and nibble and taste.

  Mint this time, instead of whiskey, fresh and sweet.

  He kissed her back, delving his tongue between her lips and gently rocking her body with his hands. He brushed her open pussy against his cock, and her soaked panties were no barrier at all.

  She had been tingling with memories all day. The real stimulation brought her to the edge and over with a startled cry.


  She floated down from the sudden height, trembling and biting her lip.

  “Alexia,” he whispered against her damp forehead.

  Her name. She’d so wanted to hear him say it, but she hadn’t expected it to sound so tender, so sweet.

  The wet lace of her bra came free easily to float away on the top of the water when he tugged it. Now her nipples were caressed by the little splashing waves their movements made as he also pulled away her panties.

  She wrapped her legs around him once she was free to do so and his rampant erection teased the cleft of her ass.

  Using the strength of his arms, he reached around to leverage them both out of the pool and with only a little awkward maneuvering he found his feet without letting her go. He carried her, not to the chaise, but to a pallet of pillows and blankets he’d arranged beneath the stars.

  The light but intoxicating scent of roses teased her nose. The rose bushes were no longer teeming with blooms; instead Carlos had cut them and spread their silken petals in a fragrant crimson fall on the makeshift bed.

  He sank down on his knees to lay her among the petals. They clung everywhere on her moist skin like soft floral kisses. Playfully, he gathered up handfuls and let them fall from his fingers. Everywhere they fell, they stayed—her breasts, her stomach, her mound, her legs. His silent version of sweet nothings whispered against her skin.

  Alexia laughed as they tickled down and she raised her hand up to catch one as it fell so she could tickle Carlos in return. From his square jaw, down to his muscular chest, further down to his lean, hard stomach and then boldly, wickedly over the length of his erection. Lightly, lightly teasing from tip to base and back again until he shuddered and closed his eyes with a sigh.

  That’s when she sat up and took him in one hand, cupping his balls with the other. His dark eyes opened and their gazes locked and he watched her lean over to take him in her mouth.

  “Alexia,” he breathed, gifting her with the sound of her name for the second time.

  He tasted salty and sweet with just a hint of chlorine that crinkled her nose. She held her breath and took all of him she could manage.

  “Alexia. My God.”

  He buried his hands in her hair and fell back on his haunches. She followed, establishing a rhythmic suction. Her name was her reward, again and again.

  “Alexia, sweet Alexia.”

  He was so big and hard that he stretched her mouth and challenged her ability to suck and breathe, but she rose to the challenge and beyond. Her body sang with need. Her clit pulsed and cream flowed.

  But she didn’t stop to mount him.

  She worked for one thing and one thing alone. For him to shout her name without inhibition.

  And then he did.

  His bellow cracked hoarsely with need and emotion, but it was as much of a release for him as the physical one she gave him.

  “Alexia, yes!”

  * * *

  Later, Alexia woke to soft lapping between her legs. He had parted her thighs while she slept and settled his face there. Dark curls tickled her and his talented tongue played her clit like a maestro.

  “Mmm,” she moaned.

  Her approval gave him permission to reach his hands and part her nether lips so that he could suck her aroused bud into his mouth. Her whole body throbbed in response.

  Again and again, he pleasured her to the edge, gauging her reaction by her soft sounds. Then, just as it was becoming sweet torture, he rose up.

  She was so wet, so ready, and he slid into her easily. She arched her back and jerked her hips up to meet each downward thrust, reaching for the release he’d been teasing her toward with his tongue. His cock gave it to her sliding, sliding, sliding against her clit until she finally came.

  And it was then, with her inner walls clutching him tight, that he joined her.

  This time they didn’t cry out.

  Instead, they held each other’s moist bodies close and experienced the perfect, blissful hush.

  * * * * *

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  Carnal Punishment by Mia Crawford

  For even more sexy stories—and to submit your own work—please visit!

  ISBN: 978-14592-2813-9

  Silent Su

  Copyright © 2012 by Barbara J. Hancock

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