Geneva Sommers and the Quest for Truth

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Geneva Sommers and the Quest for Truth Page 10

by C J Benjamin

  “Restore, Reveal.” It worked again! I was positively glowing, and when I looked over at Sparrow, so was she. I reached forward, drawing her into a fierce hug! I hadn’t felt this happy in, well, forever!

  “How did you know I could do this?”

  “I had a feeling about you. When you told me about how Nova could read minds and telepathically communicate and that suddenly you could too, I thought you might be a Parallel, someone who can mimic other’s powers. It’s very rare, but then again, so are you.”

  “Parallel? So I can do all the things you and Nova can do?”

  “Potentially. Once we reveal a power to you and show you how to use it, you can absorb it and replicate it. Some things are simpler than others. Some will require a lot of practice.”

  “What else can you show me?” I asked excitedly.

  “Well there’s lots, but I think we better talk about that later,” she said gesturing to the door.

  I could hear activity in the hall, meaning that the rest of our year would soon be returning from dinner.

  “I’ll leave you to your homework,” she said with a wink and then she hopped off my bed and went over to the large table in the center of our room and piled her lesson books there to begin on her own homework. I sat curled up on my cot bed, resting my back against the cool window panes as I began to write my first true excerpt in my journal as the rest of the orphans filed into our room.

  Dear Journal,

  Today is my first official entry. I’ve decided to use you to help me keep record of the new and exciting things I’m discovering about myself. Until recently, I thought I was a less-than-average girl, living in an orphan center on Hullabee Island, wishing with all my heart that I would someday know my family and my real name. I have lived here all my life, with barely any friends or anything to look forward to. I always felt alone, like there was no one on my side and my hopes and dreams would never come true.

  My life has changed very suddenly, after forming an unexpected friendship with a boy named Nova, who up until now, I thought I had a major crush on. But, as it turns out, he has special powers and can do magic! It seems I’ve been misconstruing his powers as this unavoidable attraction I had toward him. It’s a relief to know I’m not hopelessly in love with this unattainable, seriously beautiful, older boy, because he seems to have become my new mentor, because get this, I have powers, too!!!!

  Nova brought me to the forest for the first time last night, by summoning me with his mind. I think this is called telepathing, at least that’s what Sparrow called it. I’ll tell you about her in a minute. Okay, back to Nova, this telepathing thing is one of Nova’s powers.

  Next, he shows me how he can produce a flame out of thin air and he wants me to try it. After a few failed attempts and some misunderstanding, I actually could do it, and more! I produced light, it wasn’t a flame, I don’t know how else to explain it other than it was bright and powerful and tingly, and it made me so happy!

  Then Nova also explained about another power he has, where he can manipulate people’s thoughts. This power frightens me the most and I have so many questions about it. I don’t even know what it’s called, but I’ve been calling it mind bending because I thought he was doing it to me and I truly felt like my mind was all meddled around in and my thoughts were bent in so many directions that I couldn’t think straight. But it turns out that’s just how your brain reacts when you’ve been a nobody your whole life and all of a sudden you’re special and you have powers, and can do things you never even dreamed of, and you are getting this unfamiliar attention and new friends!

  I used to be able to count John 26 as my one and only friend, and if you asked me last week who my best friend was, I would have laughed at you and said, my only friend would be my best friend, what a silly question. But I’ve found out that he hasn’t even been completely honest with me. He’s been hiding the fact that he knew his real name from me; it’s Remi. It just hurts because I want to know my name so badly and Remi knows his name but never even shared it with me. I suppose he was just trying to protect me, because apparently I might be the only orphan who doesn’t remember their real name since I was so young when I came here. Even the other Janes and Johns that know their names don’t dare speak them because it’s taboo here in the Center and will land you in the locker, and perhaps bring on the wrath of the gods. I had pretty much forgiven Remi for not telling me about his name, but now we have something else coming between us. I get the feeling that he doesn’t really like my new friends for some reason, and I also tried to tell him about my powers and he doesn’t believe me. He just thinks I’m acting crazy because I’ve been hanging around with Journey, Sparrow, and Nova.

  Journey and Sparrow are the newest of my friends and they are like Nova and I. They have powers too! Well, I know for sure Sparrow does. She’s great. She said we were sisters and she’s the one who gave me this journal to help me manage all my thoughts and questions. She has one herself and she even taught me how to enchant it so that no one else can read it. That’s the coolest thing I’ve learned so far and definitely my favorite power. She also showed me how she heals things by restoring them back to their origin, which came in handy with my dirty uniform and with our Flood work. I haven’t learned how to do these things yet, but I think I will because Sparrow also told me she thinks I’m a Parallel. I guess that’s the name of someone who can mimic other people’s powers. So far I’ve been able to mimic the journal thing and the telepath thing. I sort of read Remi’s mind too in History and Trade lessons, even though he doesn’t believe me, so maybe I’m a mind bender, too.

  So, you see this is a lot to take in and there are so many things I want to know more about. I just have so many questions. I’m going to meet Nova in the forest again tonight and I’m bringing Sparrow and Journey with me. I hope Nova’s not too mad that I’m bringing them along. But I figured if we’re all out there together maybe I can get more answers to my questions.

  Question 1 – Will I ever learn my real name?

  Question 2 – Will I ever know anything about my family?

  Question 3 – Do I really have a crush on Nova?

  Question 4 – What is the deal with Nova’s mind bending power? Can I do it? Is it dangerous?

  Question 5 – Will Remi ever believe I have powers? Will he still want to be my friend?

  Question 6 – Can I trust Journey?

  Question 7 – Can Sparrow actually teach me to sing?

  Question 8 – What really happened when I hit Jemma and why does she hate me so much?

  Question 9 – Am I really a Parallel?

  Question 10 – Who else has powers?

  Wish me luck journal. Hopefully the next time I write to you I’ll have answers to these questions.

  As I closed my journal and secured it with my restore enchantment I felt lighter and more confident than ever before. Sparrow was right; this journaling thing was a good idea. I could feel it helping me already. I felt like I had my thoughts collected all in a row and would surely be able to formulate some answers tonight. I looked around the room at all the other orphans in my year. They were scattered about, most of them working on their homework lessons. Some were leafing lazily through books on their bed, and others were gathered in little clusters chatting away to each other. Everything seemed utterly ordinary. I scanned the room for Remi. He was sitting alone at the far end of the table studying his lessons. I felt my cheeks flush instantly when he looked up at me. I hated that we were fighting and I knew I was going to have to be the one to make the first move to right this situation. I hoped off my cot bed and walked over to Remi, pulling up a chair next to him.

  “Whatcha working on?” I asked nonchalantly.

  “History and Trade, and you should be, too. Greyvin gave us a lot of reading if you don’t recall.”

  “Oh yeah, I should get on that. Let me go find my book and I’ll join you.”

  I scurried away to grab my book before he could protest and was back in a flash.

  “So, what pages were we supposed to read again?” I asked.

  “You really are hopeless,” he said with a hint of a smile. “Here,” he said, pushing his notebook toward me. “These are the notes from lessons today and our reading assignment.”

  Now he really was smiling. It seemed like he had already forgiven me, even without the apology I had been readying. He was such a good friend. I always admired his kind heart and it made me feel worse that I’d been fighting with him to begin with. I reached for his hand and leaned in close to him and whispered, “Remi… I’m really sorry I – ” but he cut me off before I could get anything else out.

  “I know. Don’t mention it, okay?” He stared at me with his big brown eyes and squeezed my hand.

  “So, we’re good?”

  “We’re good,” he smiled.

  This made me grin too.

  For a little while we worked side by side on our reading. I would interrupt him occasionally to have him clarify his notes.

  “You really should practice your penmanship,” I joked with him. “This is atrocious!” I said, mimicking Miss Neilia’s high-pitched accent.

  “Like yours is any better,” he said reaching for my journal. Before I could stop him he was fanning through the pages. His expression slowly changed from playful to confused.

  “I don’t get it. You were writing in this all night, but it’s empty.”

  “Oh, that was a different notebook,” I said snatching it back from him.


  Saved by the bell again! This chime meant it was the end of our day and we had about twenty minutes to get changed and into bed before the final bell, signaling lights out. I leapt up out of my chair startled by the sound and grateful for it all at once. I grabbed my things and smiled at him before turning to head to the Janes’ wardrobe. He continued to stare at me suspiciously. I could feel his eyes on my back as I disappeared into the crowd of Janes milling about as they got ready for bed.

  I pulled my oversized nightshirt on over my work clothes and quickly hopped into my cot bed and under the covers before anyone noticed how lumpy my long grey nightshirt looked. As I lay in bed I had to concentrate on slowing my heartbeat that was surely loud enough to give me away.


  The final bell rang and the room went dark. The struggling electricity ceased its laborious buzzing and began its nightly slumber, leaving us in an eerie silence without its powerful hum. I lay wide awake bathed in the moonlight from the window. I was even more nervous tonight because not only did I have to escape, but Sparrow and Journey did, too. I wished I could talk to her to make sure she was still coming. Wait a minute, I could! I could telepath her!

  “Sparrow! Sparrow!”


  “Oh great, it’s working. This is how I’ll tell you it’s time to go tonight. You’re still coming with me, right?”

  “Of course!”

  “What about Journey? Did you have a chance to talk to him about it?”

  “Yes, he’s with us.”

  “Okay, be ready to go when I call you again.”


  I laid awake for what seemed like an eternity before I heard Nova’s voice. It hit me like a lightning bolt, sending a current of excitement tingling through my whole body. This was it, time to get Sparrow and Journey and go.

  “Sparrow, it’s time.”

  “Okay, what do we do?”

  “I’m going to climb out the window and once I’m clear you can follow, one at a time.”

  “Okay, good luck.”

  “You too.”

  I sat up slowly and scanned the room like last time. No one stirred. I slipped off my nightshirt and stuffed it under my pillow. Still no movement in the room. I turned toward the window and took a deep breath, giving it a good push at the bottom pane. This time I was able to push it open far enough to slip out in one attempt. I still landed with a bit of a thud, but was more graceful than last time. I scooted over to the right of the window, waiting for Sparrow and Journey to appear. It seemed like it was taking too long. I was holding my breath when suddenly Sparrow slipped out the window. She was so silent and graceful that she didn’t even interrupt the insects’ night song. I was instantly jealous. She crawled over to me just in time to avoid being crushed by Journey. Even he managed to be stealthier than me. I really needed to work on that.

  “Okay, follow me,” I said.

  I pushed my way through the bushes to the clearing ahead, where I stood to check that the coast was clear. It looked as calm as it had last night, so I motioned for them to follow me and I took off at a run across the field. I ran all the way to the forest line without stopping. Once there I turned to look for Sparrow and Journey. They were a good ways behind me still when I felt Nova grab me and jerk me in beyond the tree line.


  “Shhh…we’ve got company.”

  “Um yeah, about that…”

  “What did you do, Tippy?”

  “Don’t be mad, I asked them to come.”

  Before Nova could scold me, I slipped out of his hold and waved them over to me. Sparrow was out of breath and looked nervous. “What are we doing out here?” she asked.

  “We’re meeting Nova,” and right on queue he waltzed out of the forest calmly.

  “Well, now that the gangs all here,” he said glaring at me. “Shall we?” he asked motioning toward the forest.

  “Come on,” I said to Sparrow and Journey. “We need to get under cover.”

  We followed Nova silently into the depths of the dark forest. I could feel the tension among our little group. Nova was definitely a little miffed I had just sprung Sparrow and Journey on him. And Sparrow and Journey seemed on edge about being in the forest. Finally, Nova stopped and produced his flame, eerily lighting our faces.

  “Well, I’m sorry guys, if I’d known we were having a party I would have been more prepared,” said Nova, directing his sarcasm at me.

  “Okay, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you they were coming, but it’s not exactly like we have the time to discuss these things at the Center and I figured this would be the best opportunity for us to learn from each other. Sparrow has already taught me so many things today and if we all put our heads together, I bet you can get me up to speed even faster.”

  Everyone just looked around at each other in the little circle we formed.

  “Come on, you guys. I really want to figure out my powers and learn how to use them. You all know we’ll accomplish more together,” I pleaded.

  After a long pause, Nova took a deep breath and turned to Sparrow. “What did you teach her?” he said accusingly.

  “What did you teach her?” she fired back.

  “I asked you first,” Nova said taking a step toward her.

  Before I could try to intervene, Journey placed himself in front of Sparrow, blocking Nova’s path to her. There was something about the way his amber eyes glowed almost red in Nova’s firelight that stopped him in his tracks. I think he could have stopped a charging elephant with how intimidating he looked right then. His jaw was set and his huge shoulders were squared, poised to attack if necessary. I couldn’t even catch a glimpse of Sparrow behind his hulking frame. I had to do something to diffuse the situation and fast. I started by trying to push my way between them, but they seemed oblivious to me.

  “Nova, please, it’s fine. They’re on our side. Journey, we’re all on the same side. Guys, please!”

  No response.

  They both stood there, squared off, waiting for one of them to make a false move. I was so angry. This was not at all what I wanted to happen. I needed some way to break this standoff before something horrible happened. I wedged my way between them and was preparing to try to produce my orb but something unexpected happened. I produced light, but it wasn’t in the form of my little bouncing orb this time. This time my whole hand was glowing, and so was my arm for that matter. My whole body was glowing. It looked like my skin was bursting from the inside
out with light. It was pulsing through every pore in my body, flowing out of me effortlessly. I turned my palm over and back, watching the light reflect off of the forest around me. It looked like gazing up at the sun from under the clear-blue waters of the sea. Light was bouncing and dancing around me. I caught sight of Nova and Journey, who had now backed more than a few feet away from each other. This hadn’t been my plan, but it had the desired effect anyway. I sighed with relief and my light instantly retreated back within as I lowered my arms.

  “What was that?” exclaimed Sparrow.

  “I don’t know! But it was pretty cool, huh?” I said smiling.

  “How did you do that?” Nova asked.

  “I’m not sure. I was trying to produce my orb but that happened instead.”

  “Okay, remember what I said about triggers? What were you thinking about right before you started, well, glowing I guess?”

  “I was just angry at you all for being so pigheaded, and I felt frustrated and desperate to stop you two from getting into a useless fight.”

  “Good, so it was emotions again. Anger, mixed with frustration and desperation. You need to remember these triggers, Tippy.”

  “You should write them in your journal,” piped in Sparrow.

  “In her what?” Nova asked.

  “Oh, that’s a great idea, Sparrow,” I said smiling at her. I turned to face Nova. “That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you. Sparrow is helping me with this, too. She showed me how to keep a journal about all the new powers I discover. I can write down the triggers that cause them so I can keep better track of how this all works. It’s been helping me figure out how everything works and I can write down all my questions.”

  “Do you really think it’s such a good idea for her to write down all our secrets?” Nova asked Sparrow.


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