Dare Me: The Pierce Boys of Georgia, Book One

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Dare Me: The Pierce Boys of Georgia, Book One Page 18

by Brittany Tarkington

I balled up a shirt that was on top of his dresser and threw it at her. Hard. Her head popped up. When she saw me, her mouth tilted into a lazy grin.

  “Out,” I barked at her.


  Never claimed not to be.

  Sometimes I wonder if I should wear a shirt that says I’m an asshole. Because my scowl apparently doesn’t give it away.

  She made a show of standing up and draping the shirt over her head. I held her stare, not even bothering to let my eyes fall down where she wanted. She’d never have the effect she thought she’d have on me. Rhett would fuck her, but he’d fuck a hole in the ground.

  She would look like a troll next to Raquel. Every girl on the planet would be from here on out. She ruined me. So naked chick had no effect on me.

  She sensed it I guess because she rolled her eyes and stormed from the room.

  When she was out of the room, I fixed my eyes back on the bed. Rhett was propped up on a pillow, hands behind his back, sporting his dick head smirk.

  “To what do I owe this pleasure?”

  I slammed his door and stalked over to the bed. I pulled his arm, yanking him up. He stumbled over his feet, still half asleep, giving me the upper hand, I needed. My hand wrapped around his neck and his back hit the wall behind him.

  He struggled for breath as his arms flailed around, trying to get loose. But he never lost that damn smirk of his. Like he’d be happy if I just ended him right here.

  Don’t tempt me with a good time, brother.

  “Stay the fuck away from Raquel,” I spat out through gritted teeth.

  I dropped my hand from his neck. But I threw an upper cut at him, for good measure.

  I shook my hand out, hoping it wouldn’t swell. He wasn’t worth losing my right hand over for the day. I still wanted to see my girl later. I’d need it.

  Chuckling, he cradled his face. “You only get one on me. Try it again, and your girl will be dragging your body from the bay.”

  “I mean it, Rhett.”

  He shoved me and I fell back a few steps, but I let him pass. He walked over to his dresser and pulled a shirt over his head.

  He crossed a line he knew he should’ve never been near. My last nerve popped in half, and now I’m here threatening the only guy I’ve ever feared.

  “What are you so pissed about?” He took a few steps in my direction. He crossed his arms at his chest, grinning like the damn Cheshire Cat.

  I drug a hand down my face, hoping to calm down before I hit him again.

  “Why in the actual fuck would you give her Molly?”

  He shrugged his meaty shoulders. “I think you should be asking her why she didn’t say no.”

  A flame lit in me. He saw it, too. My nostrils flared, and I took a step closer to him. But I hit a brick wall when he lifted his hands and shook his head.

  He wouldn’t let me walk out of here a winner. He’d do whatever he had to do to take me down if I started a fight with him.

  “She’s not like you and me, she’s good.”

  He scoffed. “You mean she was sheltered? Girls like that always want boys like you,” he laughed. “She’s gonna want to do shit like that. Get it out of her system before she goes off to college and finds some dick to marry and have the white picket fence with. You’re either dumb as fuck or in denial.”

  If I clenched my teeth any harder, they would shatter.

  “You don’t know shit. You’re with a different girl every night.” I couldn’t stay here and let him talk to me like this. If I did, it wouldn’t end well for either of us. So, I pushed past him and walked toward the door. “Just stay away from her, alright?”

  “And you’ll do car runs for me when exactly? You’re so far up her ass, I have to see her if I need you.”

  I gripped the door handle; my back was still to him. “I’m out. I’m off to college in the fall anyway.”

  “We had a deal.” I didn’t miss the threat lining his voice.

  “It was off the table the second you handed her that pill.”

  “Not for me, it’s not.” There was humor in his reply. But when I turned to look at him, I knew. He would spill everything I’ve done to Dad if I didn’t cooperate with him.

  Go for it.

  I could spin the story to my father. Not that I really want him here breathing down my neck, but when it came down to it, what kid would he believe? The fuck up or the one they still think is good?

  My lips pulled into a grin. His brows bumped together, but he didn’t say shit.

  “I’d expect nothing less,” I told him.

  He never said a word to me as I left his apartment, but his eyes seared into the back of my skull.

  I’d just pissed off the last person I ever wanted to. But maybe he’ll come around one day and see my side of things. Or maybe he’s a sadistic fuck who won’t ever change.

  Either way, my brother won’t hold shit over my head anymore.

  And when I crawled in my bed that night, with Raquel on top of me, I didn’t care about the consequences of my day.

  Over the last week, my life has been as boring as possible with Roman in it. I mean, we go to school, study, help each other with college applications, and we still have amazing sex. So, there’s that setting us away from everyone our age.

  Poppy has even sat with me at lunch a couple times. She seems…okay. But I’m still not ready to throw myself into a trust fall where girl friends are concerned. Not after everything that went down with Emily and Aiden.

  Totally a calm week.

  Oh, and soccer. Much to Roman’s dismay, his groveling to the coach is starting to pay off, he’s been trying to practice with his old team again. Deep down, I think he likes it. It’s just another thing Rhett stole from him.

  It’s late Saturday morning, like the kind of late that others would argue it’s afternoon. Not me though. I’m still in my comfy, worn-out leopard print pajamas.

  I just hit submit on the fifth, and final college application I’ll ever fill out. If these five don’t want me, I give up.

  Roman has been fucking amazing. He’s read most of the forms out to me, and I actually pay attention because who wouldn’t be glued to that mouth while it moves. And fills most of it out. My mouth tilted up in a grin thinking about him.

  But as shitty as it is, I made him promise me we wouldn’t go to the same college just because. Only if it made sense. I’ve kinda gotten used to him being around, I’ve become dependent on his help and just…him.

  So, I had to pump the brakes and remind myself that this is our future. And no matter how much fun we have together now, we’re only eighteen. I don’t want to fall back into the routine I had with Aiden. He was comfortable, familiar, and he made all the decisions for me, so I didn’t have to.

  No more of that.

  My phone chimed with a text. I lifted it, and my brows bumped together. I dropped my feet from the desk and sat up.

  Roman: My dad's here. I’ll text when he leaves.

  Fucking Rhett.

  I groaned and pushed my chair back. What the hell am I going to do now?

  Me: How long?

  Roman: Idk. Doing damage control now.

  I shoved out of the chair and threw myself on my bed. Propped up on my elbows, I powered the flat screen on and tossed my phone to the other side of the bed.

  I knew, somewhere below me, Mom and Grandma were shuffling around the house. Mom was probably trying to think of ways to come in here and be a mom. But Grandma? She was probably scheming for ways to distance me from Roman.

  I get that she wants to protect me from heartbreak, but it feels personal sometimes. Roman has never acted like he knows her well. So maybe her issue is with someone much older than him.

  Grandma does have a history of making enemies out of men.

  I’m making a mental note to dig. But not today.

  I just need to figure out how to get the hell out of the house for the weeke
nd, and hopefully I can do that without running into either of them downstairs.

  I propped a pillow under my head and closed my eyes watching a rerun of Schitts Creek.

  Dad has aged a whole decade. I don’t know if it’s his kids, wife, or business troubles. But he’s standing in front of me in a wrinkled button down and dress pants.

  He pinched the bridge of his nose and looked back up at me. An older version of myself was staring back at me. Well…if I ever wanted to follow in his footsteps. Mom thinks I will, she’s not maternal at all, but fuck if I’m not her favorite.

  “I’m sure you know why I’m here,” he started.

  I just shrugged. “No idea.”

  His eyes snapped shut again. He held them there a second, like he was frustrated that his kids were inconveniencing him. Like I asked to be born. Especially into this shit.

  “Rhett called. He had some interesting things to say.” He held my gaze, searching my face for any sign he might be right. “You quit soccer, Rhett caught you selling Molly, he thinks you’re involved with casing cars and selling them to some guy in Savannah?”

  I smirked. Funny. He didn’t mention he was the guy I was casing cars for.

  A chuckle escaped. “I’m practicing with the team now and going to class every day. How would I have time for all that extra shit?”

  His eyes danced around my face. “Cute.”

  “I don’t have anything else to say to that.”

  “So, everything he said isn’t true?”

  He said I was casing cars for another guy in Savannah, not him. So, I’m not even lying when I say it’s not all true. And maybe Dad knows that. He just wants to make sure this is all off his conscious. “No.”

  He clipped his head in a nod. “Good. Amelia was beside herself. He called her too, you know?”

  I rolled my eyes. “Why didn’t Amelia come then?”

  “Don’t call your mother by her first name. We have an event tomorrow night. She didn’t want to be jet lagged.”

  Sometimes I wonder if they heard the things coming out of their mouths.

  “She didn’t want to be too tired, so she sent you to see if her son was involved in felonies?”

  “Roman,” he warned. “Do you have any idea why Rhett would say that? She’s going to want to know.”

  “Maybe he’s mad you asked Ryder to raise me instead of him,” I replied, shrugging my shoulders. “Call your son and ask him yourself why he’s mad at me.”

  “You’re a pain in my ass.” His lips flattened in a thin line as he regarded me.

  “Maybe you should’ve stopped after two.” I chuckled. “Or maybe just bypassed having kids at all. Your first born is a real fuck-up.”

  “Rhett wasn’t always like that. He went through some stuff nobody should’ve at a young age.”

  He was gripping the kitchen countertop, red in the face as he looked at me. I really knew how to get in his head, Rhett, and I both did. Ryder was too passive. Sometimes I think they forgot about him altogether until he called.

  “We all go through stuff; you should’ve got him a therapist.”

  He was almost purple now. He tried not to yell at me or discipline me because he knew my mom wouldn’t like it. I did no wrong.

  “If you’re done insulting my parenting, I’d like to lay down. The plane is taking off early.”

  I laughed, taking in his disgruntled appearance. He really did jet down here as fast as he could. “Not insulting at all. I think it’s a great idea to leave your teenage son to raise himself. Great parenting.”

  “You’re an adult. We didn’t leave until after you turned eighteen, and you knew this was a huge opportunity. We’re busting our asses so we can be home for graduation and spend the summer with you before college.”

  “It’s a huge opportunity for you,” I shot back. “Why isn’t Mom here? She doesn’t think you can keep it in your pants for a few months if she’s not watching over your shoulder.”

  He crossed the space between us. Standing toe to toe with me now, booming with anger. It was exhilarating, filling the air with contagious emotions. If he wanted to do this, I was down. Then he could explain to his wife why his face was bruised for their event tomorrow. I grinned, and his jaw clenched.

  I got him.

  “Everything we do is for you. For your future kids. You can’t see it now, but you’ll be thanking me one day.” That lie came easy from him.

  Greed, Dad. That’s why he does it. He would’ve been fine to live a comfortable life, living off what his Dad left him. But he had to have more. Just like Rhett, nothing was ever enough. They wouldn’t stop until they were stopped.

  For Rhett, that would be prison. For Dad, it would take Mom leaving his ass and taking everything from him.

  And here I am, stuck in the middle of it, wondering which asshole I’ll turn out like. The criminal or the cheating workaholic.

  Or worse. Mom or Ryder, who just string along behind like lost puppies begging for scraps.

  He was still staring at me.

  But I didn’t engage, I hooked around him, not even bothering to look at him as I walked toward the back door.

  “Sleep well Dad. Tell your wife I said hi.” He cursed, but he wouldn’t push it. He needed to make sure mom didn’t find out I hated the fucker. Because I was her favorite, I had him hooked. He had to go with anything I said.

  Even if he knew I was lying out my ass.

  He didn’t deserve to know shit. I was done with Rhett, done with that dumb phase. I wouldn’t be a problem anymore. That’s all he needed to know.

  I walked in the garage and slid inside the Range Rover. Fuck our families, I’m climbing into bed with Raquel today.

  It’s all I can do to stay away from her, even when I have to. I can’t wrap my head around the pull I feel toward her. If I’m ever brave enough to have the feelings talk, I’ll ask her if it’s like that with her.

  But I think we both like how it’s going now. Drawn to each other, with no label and no talk of what tomorrow may be like. Just her and I right now.

  Maybe it’s the not knowing.

  I don’t know, but I fucking crave it.

  Lucky for me, there was a dip in the roof in front of Raquel’s room so I could easily climb up to her window without falling to my death.

  And unfortunately for her grandma, I could easily get to Raquel’s room without dying.

  I chuckled as I stepped up on the tree and hoisted myself up to the big branch that hung close to the roof. I slid over until my foot connected with it, and I was toeing the tip until I was at her window.

  I tapped my fingertips on the glass a couple times.

  She appeared, her brows bumping together at first and then a grin tugged at her mouth. She pushed her hair back and opened the window.

  “Add breaking and entering expert to your criminal resume.”

  I chuckled, “Will do.”

  Fuck talking. I hadn’t seen her since yesterday and I was losing my mind. I pulled her in my arms, tilted her chin up, then my lips were fused to hers.

  And the chaos of my day faded into nothing.

  He broke the kiss too soon.

  My bottom lip jutted out. With a smile he nipped it but pulled away to stride to my door. He turned it, jiggling to doorknob and I swear his grin grew twice the size.

  “I don’t wanna stop what I’m about to start,” he whispered, closing the space between us.

  I wrapped my arms around him, threading my fingers through his hair, I gave it a tug. “I don’t want you to ever stop.”

  That was all it took for him to close the gap between us. I was hoisted up and I wrapped my legs around him. I tugged the back of his head closer to me. But nothing would ever get him close enough. I craved his touch like the air I breathed.

  I was lowered to the bed, and he hovered over me, questions filled his eyes as he dragged his gaze over me.

  The heat of those almond eyes le
ft goosebumps in their wake.

  Sensing his dilemma, I cupped his jaw, and made him look at me.

  “What’s going on in there?” I whispered.

  He dropped a kiss on my lips, lingering as he spoke. “If I fuck you how I want to, your whole house will hear.”

  I died right there.

  “The door’s locked. What are they going to do?”

  He smirked. One that would make the devil blush. “Maybe I’m selfish and I don’t want anyone else to hear what I do to you.”

  “Take me how you want me.” I mirrored his grin. “Just don’t make me wait.”

  He let out a breathy chuckle against my lips. “Insatiable.”

  But he was done talking after that. He jerked my pajama top over my head, smirking when he saw I wasn’t wearing anything under it. I sat up, pulling his shirt off, too. Fair is fair.

  His mouth dropped to my chest, kissing until he reached his destination, then popped my nipple in his mouth. My head dropped back, and I took my bottom lip in my mouth, suppressing a moan. You know because we’re not alone. He so rudely reminded me earlier. I was fine with riding him hard, consequences be damned. I’d ask for forgiveness later. If I had to choose between pissing my family off and a good orgasm from Roman, they’d always come in last place.

  He tilted his head back, blowing on my nipple before kissing down my stomach. It took me back to that night in the club, the teasing of cold and warm almost sent me over just thinking about it.

  My brain didn’t hover that long because his fingers dipped into the side of my bottoms. He tugged them down slowly, a seductive grin playing on his lips.

  He was at my knees, kneeling before me, grazing my skin as he slid them down to the floor.

  I squeezed my knees together, letting out a frustrated groan. “Roman.”


  He knocked my legs apart and started kissing the inside of my thighs. I arched my back, greedily trying to make him gravitate to my center.

  He didn’t take the hint. Instead, his mouth skipped over to the opposite side, and he began the painfully long journey of kissing up my other leg.

  “Please,” I moaned, withering on the bed in front of him.


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