Taming Reid

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Taming Reid Page 7

by J. Margot Critch

  “Why is this such a bad idea?” She spread her thighs wider, allowing him better access, and she was rewarded when he slid two fingers easily inside her.

  “Because nothing that is this fucking sweet can be a good thing.”

  “Hey, Reid, I figured I’d find you in here—oops!” A male voice behind them interrupted them.

  “Fuck,” Reid muttered, removing his hand, straightening immediately.

  Lila turned her head, and even with Reid blocking her with his body, she could see the other man standing in the doorway.

  “Get the fuck out of here, Quin.”

  “I’m already gone. I’ll call you later.”

  The door closed and they were alone again. But the mood had shifted. For a while, the only sounds were their matched heavy breaths, the pounding of her heart, and her hormones screaming to be sated.

  “Who was that?”

  “My brother. I’m really sorry,” he told her, taking a step back from her. Apparently, the moment had passed.

  “You’re sorry about us being interrupted, or that anything happened in the first place?”

  “Both. Damn, Lila—”

  “You know, if you’re just going to repeat that it was wrong, or a bad idea, or whatever, I’m not interested in hearing it. I’d better leave.” Humiliated, she gathered her things as quickly as she could. “Thanks for the tour and the rum.” She could still feel the ghost of his touch on her skin. “And whatever that was,” she said, gesturing to the table.

  “I’ll call you a car,” Reid said.

  “That’s not necessary,” she said, taking her phone out of her purse and opening a rideshare app. “I get my own rides.” She straightened her dress and smoothed down her hair. “See you later, Reid.”

  Reid was so hot one minute, threatening to rip her clothes off, and then so stern and serious the next. She couldn’t read him, and goddamn if that didn’t intrigue her.


  LILA TOSSED HER hair over her shoulder as she stepped out of her hired car and onto the sidewalk in the front of the five-star hotel where the Rexford Rum party was located. She looked up, and at the very top, on the roof of the hotel, she could see bright skylights streaking the sky—X marking the spot of the most elite party in Miami. The hotel itself gave off a very you-can’t-sit-with-us vibe. And it was one she normally couldn’t stand. But this was the job, and she had an invitation to the hottest party in the city in her small, ultra-fashionable purse.

  Not to mention that she would undoubtedly see Reid. Almost a week had passed since she’d seen him. He hadn’t called like she’d expected him to, nor had she contacted him. If distance was what he’d wanted, then fine. But she was going to be at his party, whether he wanted her there or not. She grinned, thinking about what his reaction might be.

  She entered the hotel and at the elevators was met by an attendant who checked her invitation and ID and escorted her to an elevator that would take her to the rooftop bar. She checked her reflection in the mirrored wall of the elevator, touched up her lipstick and fluffed her hair. Despite the Miami humidity, her blowout had held, and when she’d dressed, she’d been inspired by her encounters with Reid, so she picked the sexiest outfit in her suitcase—a black, tight spaghetti-strap cropped camisole, paired with a matching skin-tight, high-waisted skirt. Her favorite red stilettos completed the look. She knew she looked sexy.

  The elevator came to a stop with a soft ding, and the doors parted in front of her. She was met by another attendant who again checked her ID and invitation and gave her a discreet scan with a metal-detecting wand. The Rexfords had really spared no expense, and took no risks with their security, it seemed. When she’d received the invite from Quin Rexford, she’d known it would be a high-end affair, but she hadn’t been prepared for the extent.

  The music, courtesy of one of the country’s hottest DJs, pumped into the warm night air, but she still managed to hear the dull roar of the Atlantic Ocean against the sandy beach below them. The spotlight beams she’d seen from the street crossed each other high in the sky, and cool blue-and-purple uplighting focused on potted palms and VIP seating.

  Looking around, she saw nothing, but the beautiful and glamorous people Miami was known for, with many celebrities and athletes, and their entourages scattered throughout. Lila thought about her blog and even though she had social media followers in the millions across all her platforms, and she’d rubbed shoulders with many rich and famous folks in the past, she wondered how she’d even managed to score an invite to this shindig. Rexford was still run out of their humble distillery, but they apparently knew how to throw a hot party. A passing server held a tray of drinks, and she caught his eyes.

  “Cuba Libre, ma’am?” he asked.

  Lila blinked in surprise. That one of the featured cocktails was the same that she’d drunk with Reid last week wasn’t lost on her. “Yes, please,” she told him, taking a glass from the tray. When she sipped, she was hit with notes of lime and a light rum over the cola, and she hummed in appreciation. Just drinking the cocktail brought her back to her time with Reid.

  It was Friday, exactly a week since she’d seen him last, and with her time drawing short in Miami, she was starting to kiss goodbye the prospect of partnering with the rum brand. Every time she picked up the phone to call him, to suggest the business partnership between their brands, she chickened out. But was she afraid of his dismissal? His ridicule? His sexual power over her? Lila had no idea.

  She drank from her glass again. The rum warmed her pleasantly. A little liquid courage would help her navigate the crowd. Her first stop would be to find her gracious hosts, the Rexfords, and thank them for inviting her.

  She decided the best way to start would be to walk the perimeter—do a lap around to see if she could find someone she knew. But she knew nobody in Miami—well, except for mysterious Reid. Many interested men tried to catch her eye. But she ignored them. As she looked around at the faces of the beautiful people, part of her hoped to see Reid among them.

  Distracted by the crowd around her, Lila wasn’t looking when she collided with another woman, almost spilling her drink on herself. “I’m so sorry about that,” she said.

  “Don’t worry about it,” the woman told her. “As long as you didn’t spill your drink.”

  “Thank God, I didn’t,” Lila said, taking a sip for emphasis. “Spilling something this good would be a sin.”

  She looked up and saw Gemma Rexford standing in front of her. While Lila had never met Reid’s sister in person. They’d been in contact via email, and she recognized her picture from the lock screen of Reid’s phone “You like the drink?” she asked.

  “Yeah. It’s delicious. Apparently, Rexford Rum is quickly becoming one of my favorites.”

  She laughed. “I’m glad to hear it.” She stuck out her hand. “You must be Lila Campbell. I’m Gemma Rexford.”

  “It’s great to finally meet you,” Lila said, shaking her hand. “Thanks for the invite to the party.”

  “We’re glad to have you here. I hope you’re having a great night.”

  “I haven’t been here long, but it looks like everyone is having a great time.”

  “I’m really sorry I couldn’t make the tour. I trust that Reid took care of you.”

  He certainly had. Lila felt a flush start on her chest, and she tried to control it before it reached her cheeks.

  “He never did tell me how the tour went. Did you enjoy it?”

  “I did. I was going to include the distillery in a top ten in Miami list with a small section, but I wrote a full blog featuring the distillery. It’s scheduled to go live on my website at midnight, to correspond with pictures and videos from here.”

  “Thank you so much. We really appreciate it.”

  This was Lila’s chance to lay the groundwork for a partnership. Start small, and they could build a busi
ness relationship from there. “I’d love to follow up and do an interview with you. I’m sure my audience would be interested in hearing from the badass master distiller of Rexford Rum.”

  Gemma laughed. “Oh, I don’t know if I’m that badass. I just make rum that I hope people love.”

  Lila looked around the party. “I think it’s safe to say that people do. How about we schedule a time to get together?” She held out hope that the other woman would be free before she left town.

  Gemma nodded. “Yeah. Are you free for late lunch tomorrow?”

  “I’m in Miami until tomorrow evening. I’d love to get together for lunch.”

  “Fabulous,” Gemma said, clinking her glass against Lila’s. “It’s a date.”

  Lila looked around the party “Is Reid here?” she asked, not sure if Gemma knew about the extent of their relationship. “I didn’t really get a chance to thank him for the tour.”

  Gemma’s face gave nothing away. “Yeah, he’s right behind you.”

  Lila turned around and froze in place. Reid had been on her mind for the entire week. So much so she thought she’d seen him on the beach, on a scooter tour, in restaurants, behind bushes... He was already ingrained in her memory, tattooed on her skin. As if she could still smell him, hear his laughter in the distance. Lila shook her head. She really had to get a grip on herself.

  Her skin prickled and an anticipatory shiver crawled over her, as she was rooted in place. Slowly, Lila turned and once again came face-to-face with Reid Rexford.

  * * *

  Reid stood, dumbfounded, in front of Lila—the saucy redheaded siren who’d consumed his every waking moment since the previous weekend. He hadn’t expected her to be among the personalities invited to the party, but he probably should have. Pretending that her presence had no effect on him, Reid stuck out his hand, and put a cordial smile on his face. “Hello, Ms. Campbell. Nice to see you again.”

  Lila shook his hand. Her hand was warm and soft, and the same current of heat that occurred each time he saw her traveled between them. “Likewise.”

  “Lila was telling me how much she loves our rum,” Gemma said.

  He watched as Lila raised her glass to those full, pouty lips. “Yeah, I really do enjoy the taste of Rexford,” she told him with a wink. They looked at each other for several beats, and, as the rest of the world fell away, he focused on only Lila. If Gemma noticed the haze of sexual tension between them, she didn’t let on.

  Realizing it had been some time before either of them spoke, Reid cleared his throat and looked at her drink. “What do you have there?” he asked. Not giving her time to answer, he carried on. “Let me guess, Cuba Libre. One of my favorites.”

  She nodded. “It’s delicious.”

  Reid was reminded of his sister’s presence when she put her hand on his forearm. One look at her, and he knew that she knew something was going on. “Reid, Lila, please excuse me. There are some people over there I need to talk to. Lila, it was wonderful to meet you. I’ll see you tomorrow.” She pointed a finger at her brother. “Reid, be nice.”

  “Aren’t I always nice?” he asked her, as she walked away, disappearing in the crowd.

  And with that, Reid was left alone with the woman who’d completely rocked him the week before. They stood awkwardly in place for several beats. He wondered who would speak first. What would she say? How unbelievable would it be that fate had put them together like this, yet again, in a way neither could have expected? He frowned as she smiled and sipped her drink, giving him a few more seconds before he would have to say anything.

  “This is certainly a strange turn of events. Another coincidence?” he asked.

  Reid tried to ignore her smile, her luscious curves and the way his body reacted to her.

  “Too bad I don’t believe in coincidence, right?”

  “So, what are you doing here?”

  “I was invited.”

  “You didn’t think to mention you’d be coming?”

  “If you were really on top of things here, you would think you would have checked the RSVP list.”


  “But after everything we’ve been through, you still don’t believe that fate can have an influence over our lives? To shape us? To change us?”

  “No, the only thing that influences my life is me. I don’t put my future in anyone else’s hands.”

  “Oh really?” she asked, leaning in closer. Looking down, he was treated to a view of her ample cleavage. He could still taste the smooth skin of her chest on his tongue. It was the same taste he’d craved all week. Saliva flooded the back of his mouth as he wanted nothing more than to capture the flavor again. “That’s a couple of times you’ve said something like that. You don’t trust easily.”

  He kept his posture rigid, but his fist clenched to stop himself from reaching out to touch her. “I believe that trust has to be earned. And it isn’t easy.”

  “There’s something you aren’t telling me, isn’t there?”

  Was there ever. But if the past weekend had taught him anything, it was that Lila tempted him. Around her, he’d already broken most of his rules—he’d found himself revealing far too much to her. No matter how much he wanted to get out of there and spend the rest of the night buried deep inside her, he might be tempted to spill his secrets. And given what she did for a living, peddling in information, he couldn’t do that. He was strong, but somehow, she wore him down. That’s what she was to him—a temptress, a siren, one that would bring about his downfall if he wasn’t careful. He had to end this dalliance and put the necessary distance between them before he did something he regretted. The sooner the better.

  The DJ started up again. The familiar notes of a song she knew filled the night air. “Ooh, I love this song,” she told him. “Dance with me?”

  He shook his head. “No, I don’t dance.”

  “Come on, everybody dances.”

  “Not me.”

  “Fine. Suit yourself,” she said, turning and heading for the dance floor without him.

  She stayed within his sight, and he couldn’t take his eyes off her. He watched riveted as Lila swiveled her hips to the music, rolling her body seductively to the beat. She looked over her shoulder and their eyes met, and her lips pursed into a saucy smile. He knew that was her game—he didn’t want to dance so she’d at least make him regret it.

  Reid’s eyes were pinned to Lila as she danced with the crowd. But he knew what she was doing, she was teasing him. Trying to prod him into joining her. He barely noticed when Quin sidled up next to him.

  “You’re not going to dance with your girl?”

  “What makes you think she’s my girl?”

  “It certainly looked like you two were getting pretty cozy over here. Not to mention what I walked in on at the tasting room last week.”

  “It was just a conversation,” he insisted. “And you walked in on nothing.”

  “Is that right?”

  “That’s right.” He wouldn’t share with his brother that she was a woman he’d already slept with—twice. But he forgot about Quin entirely when his vision focused on the guy who was approaching Lila.

  Quin had noticed him, too. “So, you’re going to let some other man dance with her then.”

  Reid’s eyebrows narrowed. No, he wasn’t. He handed his glass to Quin. “I’ll see you later.”

  Striding across the rooftop to the sunken dance floor, he came upon Lila and the guy who’d tried to insinuate himself into Reid’s private show. “May I cut in here?” he asked her.

  “Hey, buddy,” the guy stepped forward, looked at Reid and backed up quickly. “Sorry, Mr. Rexford, I didn’t realize it was you.”

  “Leave,” Reid told him.

  “That was rude,” Lila told him. “What if I was enjoying his company?”

  “Well, I’ll apolog
ize for scaring away a kid who ground his pelvis against you without any sort of rhythm. He was making you look bad.”

  “Is that right? Will you make me look good?”

  His eyes swept up and down her body “You already look good. I’ll make you feel good.”

  She drew the tip of her tongue along her upper lip. “I believe that.”

  It had been years since he’d danced, but it felt so right when he took her hips in his hands and moved in closer. They were chest-to-chest, with no space between them, both of them moving to the music. The song changed and the notes of a Cuban hip-hop song started playing. He shifted his hips against her, swaying with her on the dance floor. Reid turned her in his hands, so that her ass pressed against his crotch. There was no way she missed his already-stiffening cock. Turning her head over her shoulder, she raised an eyebrow at him. He smirked, unembarrassed.

  “We move pretty well together, don’t we?”

  She wasn’t just talking about their dance moves, and he knew it. “We certainly do.”

  The songs changed again, and then again. They danced, pressed together, their bodies moving as one to the beats of the music.

  After several songs, Lila stopped, and put her hands on his shoulders, stopping him and leaned in close. “I’m done. My feet hurt,” she said in his ear.

  “Want to grab a table?” she asked, gesturing to the high-top tables next to the wall closest to the ocean.

  “Yeah, sure.” So much for staying away. Reid cursed his lack of restraint when it came to the woman.

  “I’ll get a table and let you buy me a drink.”

  “It’s an open bar,” he reminded her.

  “Well, you could be a dear and fetch me one then,” she told him.

  “Cuba Libre?” he asked her.

  “I’d love one.” She strutted to a nearby table. Her skirt was skin-tight, and showed off her smooth, ample curves. He wanted nothing more than to run his palms over her hips, her breasts, the high curve of her ass. Instead he clenched his fists and shoved them into his pockets as he headed for the bar. He was doomed.


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