RUSH (Montgomery Men Book 1)

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RUSH (Montgomery Men Book 1) Page 3

by C. A. Harms

  It all happened so fast, but as we drove away I got one last glimpse of my husband bursting through the same door we just left and immediately pulling out his phone as he fisted his hair in disbelief.

  A gentle hand covered my own, and I turned my head to find Adeline looking at me, silently offering her support.

  “Why are you doing this?” I asked.

  She looked down toward our hands and mindlessly rubbed her thumb along mine. “Because you remind me a lot of myself when I was your age,” she confessed. A few silent moments passed before she looked up at me. This time there was no trace of a smile on her face. “And if it wasn’t for a woman I met by chance, I may not have lived through my marriage. I can’t walk away knowing you’ve been living the same kind of terror I did for years. You don’t deserve a life like that. No one does.”

  This unbelievably kind woman saved me. She could have chosen to leave the bathroom and walk away without a second thought, but she stood up for me, and I would be forever grateful to her.

  Present day

  IN THE LAST SIX MONTHS, I’d been moved from one place to the next, spending days, even weeks with strangers. Most women would be terrified to be in the presence of the type of men I was, but those women hadn’t lived with Jase. I knew these scruffy, tattooed men were doing drugs and drinking to the point of oblivion, yet they were nothing but protective of me.

  Richey was in a gang, and from the stories I heard at each place I went to, I learned he was mean and dangerous, despite his scrawny toothpick form. I owed him my life.

  I spent most of my time in hiding mourning my father, whose passing I never knew about. I should have been there for him, but Jase took that closure away from me. I often wondered what his last hours were like. Did he suffer or go in peace? Was he aware enough to even know if I had or hadn’t been there? Did he know what was happening? Those thoughts tore at me every moment of every day. I’d thought being free of Jase would give me back my life, but I’d never felt so empty.

  “Where you at, kid?”

  I wiped at the tears I hadn’t even known I’d shed, as I turned around and exited the bathroom.

  Rig stood just on the other side of my bed, holding out a paper bag with what I assumed was my dinner. “Damn,” he huffed. “Brown suits you,” he said in that gruff voice of his.

  Rig was my current savior. When I arrived at a new place, someone there would take me under their wing. Most just left me alone aside from making sure I was fed daily and had the things I needed, but not Rig. An older man, he was mean- and rough-looking, and if you saw him on the streets you would probably do all you could to avoid him. But inside he was kind and generous, a big ol’ bear of a man that had a soft spot for me.

  He reminded me so much of my father.

  Rig had been by my side for the last month. He would help me with my final move, as Richey’s gang guaranteed only six months of safety. After that it was up to me to keep myself and my true identity hidden.

  I lifted my hand to my hair and ran my finger through the softness. “It was either brown or purple. I figured brown was less flashy, even though I would have loved the purple.”

  He chuckled as he placed the bag on the table just on the other side of my motel bed. “You know Lucy would have helped you with that.”

  Lucy was Rig’s wife, who was almost as rough as he was. She had tattoos lining her arms and one that even went up the side of her neck, but she was one of the sweetest women I had ever met. I’d wished more than once I could reach out to Adeline and thank her for saving me, but I knew I couldn’t. And I also knew she understood just how thankful I was. Lucy filled that void.

  I’d never realized until now just how much I needed to feel loved. I didn’t have it in my marriage, and I didn’t have friends I could turn to for support. My father was all I had, and when he was gone I truly had nothing.

  Until now.

  “I know, but you said I should start taking control of my life, so this is my first step,” I said with a smile.

  Rig grinned and nodded toward the bag. “You need to eat, girl, and then get some sleep. Tomorrow morning we move you to your new place.”

  I tried not to show the fear I felt when he said those words, but apparently I’m transparent.

  “It’s all right,” he assured me. “Tomorrow you start your new life as Kiera Masterson in the amazing city of New York. The Big Apple, darlin’, but I will never be too far away.” I locked eyes with him, and that grin of his returned. “I know it’s supposed to end after this move, kid’, but Lucy and I’ve grown slightly attached to ya.”

  I closed my eyes tightly to fight off the emotions I’d been trying so hard to control. Knowing Rig and Lucy were in my corner, by my side, made this entire situation so much easier to face.

  “You know I love you, right?” I told him, and he hung his head and chuckled. He wasn’t the kind of guy who got all mushy and sweet. “I know you don’t want to hear it, or maybe you do and you’re just being stubborn.” That made his chuckle turn into laughter as he looked back up at me. I knew it was his way of hiding his emotions, because I could see his eyes were glossy. “But I do. You and Lucy have really helped me over the last month. I’ll be forever grateful for the things you’ve taught me, and the strength you’ve given me. I know I’ll be all right. I know I’ll get through this, but knowing you two are close by helps more than you’ll ever know. You’re both family to me, and I love the both of you so very much.”

  “Ah, sweetheart, we love you too.”

  That was big. And it was all I needed to hear to know that I had this. I would survive this and I’d be the strong Kiera Masterson I’d been led to be. I’d prepared for this role every day for the last six months. And over the last month Lucy had taught me to hold my head high and be confident and proud. Together we had created a new me. This and the skills Rig had taught me meant I now knew how to protect myself. I felt like I could conquer my life, and it would all start tomorrow.


  I NEEDED TO STOP LETTING my fucking brother convince me to go out with him, I thought as I stretched my arms above my head. My mouth was pasty, and my fucking head was pounding like a jackhammer had been going at it.

  When I lowered my arms, I made contact with something hard beneath the covers at my side and I instantly froze. I’d just come out of a yearlong relationship with the bitch of all bitches, and I began praying like hell that the person at my side wasn’t Sloane. That would fucking wreck the fact that I’d been ignoring her for the last three weeks.

  I turned my head slowly toward the sleeping figure and sighed in relief as the reddish-brown hair that pooled around her heart-shaped face came into view. She was definitely not the blonde bombshell of evil I refused to rekindle a relationship with. This woman was attractive. Not the kind of beauty that made my chest tighten with undesirable lust, but appealing in her own way. Apparently appealing enough for me to bring back to my penthouse and fuck all night long though.

  I was going to have to put a stop to my brother, Beckett’s, plan to fix the life of his older brother. He was convinced he would find me the woman that would bring me to my knees. The fucker was single himself and should be focusing on his own love life, but he had much more interest in mine.

  “Good morning, handsome.” The soft whisper came from my side, regaining my attention. “Last night was amazing,” the woman said as she slid her hand across my lower stomach.

  Why was it that women felt going home with a random guy they met in a bar would instantly lead to a long life of happiness and bliss? It was a hookup. I had no desire to find my next love.

  Fuck, I don’t know if I even ever truly loved Sloane.

  She was hot, flaming fucking hot. She was sexy and blew my mind in bed. That girl definitely knew her way around a cock. But at the end of the day she was a certifiable bitch. A person could only tolerate so much before it was time to walk away.

  I had reached that point with Sloane.

do you wanna to do now?” the woman asked, and I closed my eyes tightly as I tried to refrain from telling her to stop rubbing her pussy against my thigh.

  I wasn’t an asshole—well, okay, maybe I was. But I was trying to get better at it. But sometimes certain situations called for a certain tactics, and this was one of those times.

  “Listen, last night was fun.” I didn’t think telling her that I barely remembered leaving the bar let alone fucking her was necessary. “But it was just one night. Nothing more is gonna happen. I don’t have the desire for anything permanent.”

  Her smile faltered just a little. “Oh I didn’t expect anything more either. Just maybe another round before I go.”

  I wasn’t tempted in the slightest. If her presence couldn’t penetrate the hungover haze I was in now, I figured she couldn’t have been that memorable. My cock showed no signs of interest either.

  “I’ve got to get to the office.” I used work as an excuse. I was the fucking boss; I could go in whenever I felt like it. Hell, I could work at home while she knelt before me and sucked me off if I chose. But again, it didn’t appeal to me. “I’ve got meetings all day.” Another lie.

  “Another time, then,” she cooed.

  So that not-being-an-asshole tactic didn’t seem to be working for me. It was time to get rid of the cling-on.

  “I’m gonna be honest here,” I said, and she nodded, smiling, thinking I was about to woo her. “I like to fuck, but I don’t like the awkward shit that goes along with it. When I pick up a woman, I expect her to let me fuck her senseless and then in the morning gather her belongings and slip out without saying good-bye. It’s a form a release, that’s it.”

  The sweet smile on her face slowly faded into a scowl, and her eyes narrowed as she glared at me. “You’re an asshole.”

  I nodded because I had no argument. I already knew this fact.

  “It wasn’t even that good,” she added as she crawled from beneath the sheet, and for the first time I got a glimpse of her full nakedness.

  I needed to stop drinking so fucking much.

  “If it wasn’t that good, sweetheart, then why where you practically begging me for a repeat performance?” I arched a brow in question, and she huffed in irritation without answering. I stretched out, placing my hands behind my head as I watched her move around my bedroom angrily. I fought the urge to chuckle when she attempted three different times to place her leg in her jeans.

  Just before she exited, she gave me the finger and slammed my bedroom door.

  I lay there quietly, listening for the front door to slam as well, which it did. But not before something that sounded expensive crashed to the floor with a sound like glass shattering.

  I really needed to stop fucking drinking—and allowing Beckett to drag me along on his excursions. Hell, the asshole could at least make sure what I brought home with me knew the score. It was the brotherly thing to do.


  I STOOD OUTSIDE MONTGOMERY ENTERPRISES, looking up at the building that appeared to go on and on. It was enormous, and breathtaking.

  I’d been working for Stockman and Wright for only two weeks when Mrs. Stockman promoted me to her assistant. I was blown away because I’d figured I would be working as the errand girl in the law office for the rest of my life. Now as I stood on the sidewalk peering up at the extravagant building before me, I wondered if I was the right person to handle this job. I’d been warned about Mr. Montgomery prior to leaving the office. He was a twenty-nine-year-old millionaire who had reached heights most men only dream of and triumphed in all things he attempted. Yet he was an arrogant asshole who walked around as if everyone owed him something. And I was about to deliver paperwork that I was sure would only place me in his line of fire.

  After taking one last, deep breath, I reached for the front door and walked inside.

  If I thought the outside was impressive, the inside trumped that impression. It was the most beautiful office I had ever seen. A glass elevator was elegantly placed in the center of the sprawling space, which allowed you to see it rise and fall between the floors. Just before it was a large, mirrored reception area that projected welcoming vibes. The two women behind the desk looked up and smiled as I approached them.

  “Welcome to Montgomery Enterprises,” the cute little blonde said as she tilted her head to the side. “What can we do for you?”

  I had never in my life been more nervous than I was in that moment. “I’m,” I croaked. The heat rose in my neck as I tried to gain control of myself. “I’m Kiera Masterson, I work at Stockman and Wright Law Office, and I’m here to deliver papers to Mr. Montgomery.”

  “We can take those for him,” the brunette to her left said in a not-so-friendly tone as she held out her hand.

  The fear I’d felt only moments go slowly began to evaporate as I searched deep within myself and found my own inner bitch. “These papers must be delivered to none other than Mr. Montgomery himself, by me. So if you could just point me in the right direction, I’ll do so and then be on my way.”

  Suddenly I felt proud of myself, and something told me Daddy Rig would be too. My new attitude and way of living was all part of my new image, one I was still struggling with, but as each day passed it became a little easier to pull off.

  “He would be on the top floor. Lex, his assistant, will greet you,” the blonde said as the brunette remained at her side scowling.

  “Thank you.” I offered a kind smile, showing I was unfazed by the catty behavior of the not so-friendly-receptionist, then turned toward the elevators.

  “Good luck,” the brunette said, followed by an arrogant laugh. “You’ll need it.” She stated in dismissal, but I kept my head held high, appearing unaffected by her comment. But my heart was racing and my palms were sweating with each step I took.

  Once inside, I pressed the button for the top floor, then stepped back and leaned against the elevator’s side, watching as the carriage ascended each floor, bringing me closer to the man that intimidated me even though I hadn’t met him.

  I jumped at the soft ping announcing my arrival as if it was a bullhorn.

  As I stepped from the elevator, I was once again blown away by the beauty of Montgomery Enterprises. This level had the same welcoming feel as the reception area downstairs, only it was splashed with vibrant colors. The floor was so shiny and clean you could actually almost see your reflection in the ceramic tiles.

  The clicking of my heels echoed throughout the open floor plan of the waiting area as I approached the man behind the desk. He looked up and offered me a smile as he slowly scanned me from head to toe.

  I should have felt violated, yet something about the way he sized me up was different than the way men would look at me when I was with Jase. I felt at ease; it made me feel beautiful.

  “Good morning,” he said politely.

  As I looked at him a little closer, I understood almost immediately why he didn’t make me feel as if he had just imagined me without my clothes. It would appear I wasn’t his type.

  “Good morning,” I said, holding out my hand.

  He reached out and offered it a gentle shake, his smile spreading just a little wider.

  “I’m Kiera Masterson with Stockman and Wright, and I’m here to see Mr. Montgomery.” His smile didn’t falter. In fact it grew wider. “Would it be possible to see him now? Or do I need to wait?”

  “Oh sweetie, sweetie, sweetie,” he said, shaking his head with a laugh that made me smile. He was definitely more approachable than the girl downstairs. “Mr. Montgomery is gonna eat you alive.”

  “Excuse me?” I said, no longer smiling.

  He looked toward the door just across the entryway on his left, and my gaze followed his. I presumed this was the door to the office of the infamous Mr. Montgomery himself.

  “First off, you need to find that inner badass and hold on to her. She is definitely needed.” I shifted my stare back to him. “Also, unbutton the top button of your blouse.” I arched an e
yebrow. “Honey, you are going to need any form of distraction available. Tits and ass will be your best option.” He leaned forward as if to peer over the desk at my ass.

  I was still so confused.

  “You’re good in that department,” he said with a wink.

  If Lex, or so his nametag said, wasn’t batting for the other team, I may have been offended. But now all I wanted to do was laugh. He was spunky; I liked him.

  “If you are here from Stockman and Wright, that can only mean that someone is once again attempting to take Mr. Montgomery for money by filing another frivolous lawsuit,” Lex explained. “The moment you announce that fact, Mr. M will pull out the big guns and you’ll need to hold on to that badass inside you, thrust out those amazing tits of yours, and maybe arch out your ass too.”

  This time I laughed, because he actually had me envisioning what those specific things would look like, had he convinced me to do them. “Then throw down the papers and run, sweetheart. Run and don’t look back,” he finished.

  Before I could say anything in response, the door to the office on the left came open and out walked a man that made my mouth grow instantly dry.

  “Lex, I need the blueprints for Argo Hemsway and where in the hell is Stewart? He should have been here thirty minutes ago.” His tailored suit fit him perfectly in all the right places as he took long, even strides across the lobby. The jacket pulled taut over his shoulders, showing off what I was sure was the strong back hidden beneath. I had never in my life seen a man that wore a suit so well.

  He hadn’t even acknowledged my presence.

  “His opportunity for my interest has now passed, so call him and tell him to find another investor. My time is valuable; maybe he’ll understand that now.” He was as intimidating as I had envisioned he’d be.

  He then noticed me standing there, or felt my presence rather, because he didn’t even look up from the pile of papers in his hand. “And you,” he said, making me freeze instantly. “Get me a coffee, black, two sugars.”


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