Batteries Not Required

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Batteries Not Required Page 9

by Anara Bella

  He indicated Sandy. “Your friend took pity on me and helped me corner you. She may be my new best friend.”

  Dana speared Sandy with a look. “You are in so much trouble.”

  Sandy just grinned and turned on her heel. “I’m outta here.”

  Dana chased after her. “You can’t leave me here all alone with him.”

  “Watch me.” Sandy donned her coat.


  “You two need to talk. Alone. And a word of advice. This time give the guy a chance. Just shut up and listen to what he has to say instead of talking and running. You might learn something.”

  The door clicked shut behind Sandy with frightening finality. Dana was alone with Reese.

  Now what?

  She couldn’t run and yet she honestly wasn’t sure she could handle talking to him without throwing herself at him.


  Reese’s voice danced across her senses. God, she’d missed him so much. In every way. But what they had couldn’t last and the more time she spent with him, the more hurt she was going to get.

  His large, warm hand settled on her shoulder. “Dana, look at me.”

  She slowly turned to face him and drank in every detail she could. Standing this close was pure torture. Way worse than the passing glimpses she’d had at the office. Even then she’d thought her heart would shatter every time she saw him.

  Reese skimmed his knuckle along her cheek. “You’re not getting any more sleep than I am.”

  What was the point in lying? “No.”

  As if mesmerized by her mouth, he ran his thumb across her lips, sensitizing her bereft skin to his oh-so-welcome touch.

  “I can’t stop thinking about you. I’ve held back because I thought it was what you wanted, but being apart is hell. I want you so badly I ache. Tell me it’s the same for you.”

  She felt the tears welling in her eyes. She couldn’t seem to hold them back. Nor could she make her vocal chords work.

  He didn’t wait for her answer, just drove home his point. “Can you honestly say you’ve stopped thinking about me?”

  She frantically blinked to keep the unwanted tears at bay and shook her head. “No.”

  “Then why are we doing this?”

  Her throat ached with the unshed tears she refused to spill. The last thing she wanted to do was cry, but she wasn’t sure she was going to be able to pull it off if he kept this up. “You and I were supposed to be fun and games. Short term. I promised you that’s all it would be. But if we keep seeing each other I’m not going to be able to walk away. Not with how I feel about you already.”

  She waited with baited breath for him to turn tail and run. She was certain he would. He was Mr. Commitment-phobe after all. But instead a gentle smile spread across his handsome features.

  He put his hands around her waist and pulled her closer. “I don’t know what’s in our future, but the fact is we’re both unhappy apart. We may as well see where this goes. Who’s to say we can’t make it work long term?”

  It sounded so reasonable, so comforting. So good. But she knew what would happen. It always happened to her. Men got bored and left. “Long term means boring and once you get bored with me you’ll move on.” And she didn’t think she could bear that.

  He chuckled. “I’ve never for one second been bored around you. And believe me, there are plenty of women who’ve bored me to tears within minutes of meeting them. You constantly surprise and delight me.” He nuzzled her hair. “In the bedroom and out.”

  Dana felt her face flame, but for once it wasn’t because she was embarrassed, but because just thinking of being in bed with Reese made her hot all over. Especially with his hard, tight body pressed up against her like this. “Actually most men bore me, especially in the bedroom…” she peered up at him coyly, “…but never you.”

  He grinned. “Is that so?”

  She wasn’t sure why, but his confident arrogance was somehow cute instead of annoying. Of course, he had reason to be confident where the bedroom was concerned. The man was a virtuoso between the sheets. Or against the couch. Or on a desk. Or anywhere else sex could be dabbled in. “Don’t let it go to your head.”

  He rubbed up against her, making sure she didn’t miss the erection he was already sporting. “Which head?”

  She pinched him on the butt and he playfully yelped. “Either of them.”

  He laughed. “Somehow I don’t think you’ll ever let me get too full of myself.”

  “Damn straight.”

  He turned serious again. “You really took me by surprise right from the start. I never thought of relationships as being my thing before, but with you I find it’s all I can think about. You’re a miracle put on this earth just for me. Don’t you realize that?” When she shook her head no, he continued, “Then I’ll just have to convince you of it.”

  She sniffed. “If you don’t stop, I really am going to cry all over you. And I know men hate tears.”

  He kissed her on the nose. “Only if they’re shed to manipulate. You know, it’s up to us to keep things fresh and interesting. We already know we have tons of chemistry so we have a head start in that department. And based on things so far, I think I’m far more likely to wear out long before either of us ever gets bored.”

  Feeling how turned on she already was just from standing here in his arms, she couldn’t disagree. “You may be right about that.”

  “I know I am.”

  “Is that what the basket’s for? You planning on wearing us out with sex toys?”

  “You’ve discovered my secret plan of attack.”

  “Ooh, let me see.” She tried without success to extricate herself from his arms and nab the basket but finally gave up.

  He kissed her soundly. “Nothing as exciting as that, I’m afraid. I was going to try getting to you through your stomach.”

  She couldn’t hide her surprise. “You brought food?”

  He smiled regretfully. “I wish I’d thought of the sex toys.”

  She shook her head back and forth. “Uh uh. No way. There’s nothing more exciting than a man feeding me for a change.”

  He nuzzled her neck and gave it a little nibble. “Well, I am a fair cook, you know.”

  “I know. Your bacon and eggs are to die for.” She sighed in bliss when he nipped her ear.

  “Do I lose points if I admit I didn’t cook the meal in that basket?”

  “Depends. What did you bring?”

  “Lasagna and Caesar salad with tiramisu for dessert”

  “That sounds heavenly. You know, I have some whipped cream in the fridge. That could count as a sex toy.”

  “Yeah, especially if you’re wearing it.”

  “Well, I was thinking more of licking it off of you. But you licking it off of me sounds divine.”

  And she wasn’t kidding either. All the pertinent parts of her anatomy were tingling just from the thought of having his mouth on her. Whipped cream or no.

  Without another word, he kissed her long and hard, devouring her mouth as if he couldn’t get enough of her. Just as she couldn’t get enough of him.

  In record time they were both naked and writhing on her bed. Flesh against flesh. Touching and kissing, enticing, arousing. The pleasure quickly building to a blissful crescendo.

  Suddenly, Reese pulled back, his breathing rough and urgent. “I just thought of something we need to do.”

  Dana tried to focus on him, feeling somewhat stunned at the abrupt lack of contact. “I thought we were already doing it?”

  He gave a dirty chuckle. “Where are your handcuffs?”

  She froze. “What?”

  “You know you need to do this.” He kissed her breast and grazed his teeth along her nipple, making her shudder with anticipation. Running his tongue along the turgid peak, he nearly drove her mad with the need to have him take her into his mouth. “You need to prove you can trust me. You need to prove it to yourself.”

  She fought down the apprehens
ion his suggestion elicited. But it didn’t matter how nervous the thought made her, she knew he was right. She had to do this. She’d regretted it ever since she’d turned him down. Hated that she hadn’t given him what he’d given her so freely. Now was the perfect time to make that right. To make it a part of their fresh start. She nodded towards the bedside table. “Top drawer.”

  Remembering what else he’d find in there, she watched with nervous apprehension as he took in the contents of the drawer. He didn’t say anything at first, then turned to her with a huge grin. “I see this is the fun drawer.”

  Picturing some of the self-pleasuring paraphernalia she kept in there, she blushed. Damn, when would she stop doing that? “Yeah, I guess it is.”

  He didn’t comment further as he rooted around. “Here they are.” The handcuffs dangled from his fingers. “You sure about this?”

  Dana searched his eyes. How had she not noticed before how expressive they were? Because right now, honest warmth, caring and love shone from their clear grey depths.

  “Yeah, I’m sure.”


  He kissed her deeply, his tongue gliding along hers, tasting her fully. God, she’d missed this. Missed the taste of him. The feel of his skin, of him touching her naked body. His intoxicating scent. All of it. How had he become so important to her so fast?

  He broke the kiss and with one meaningful look made her feel incredibly safe. She barely noted when the cuffs were snapped into place on her brass headboard.

  All she noticed was how good she felt when he slid his body along hers, kissing her breasts, then her belly as he made his way down to her throbbing core.

  She was more exposed than she’d ever been in her life. She’d never allowed herself to be so much at a man’s mercy. But fear didn’t even enter the picture. All she felt was overwhelming excitement. Being vulnerable to him in this way was unbelievably erotic, an intoxicating drug like no other.

  She was more than ready for him. Couldn’t imagine feeling more turned on than she was right now. But Reese proved her wrong again. He always took her further than she thought she could go. And as his mouth and tongue worked their magic, she climbed the pinnacle of excitement, hovering on the brink for a heartbeat before the cascading waves of ecstasy crashed through her in orgasmic ripples.

  In that moment she felt indescribably free. Free of fear, of expectation, of her past relationships. Free to give herself over to love and to Reese.

  There was only one thing missing. The skin-deep connection with Reese, feeling him deep inside her body. “Fuck me, Reese. Fuck me hard. I need to feel you everywhere.”

  “I thought you’d never ask.”

  He plunged home and thrust with long, rhythmic strokes that quickly gained momentum until they both shouted their releases and collapsed in sated exhaustion.

  Dana was still floating back to earth when Reese released the cuffs and lay back down beside her.

  She turned on her side and ran her fingers along his length, touching everything she could reach now that her hands were free to roam.

  He propped himself up on an elbow and grinned down at her. “Well, now that we’re officially in a long-term relationship, what do you think? Is the sex still up to snuff?”

  She tossed him an utterly satisfied grin. Did he really need to ask? “You were right, it doesn’t change a thing. Even now, batteries not required for complete orgasmic satisfaction.” And something told her it would always be this way with Reese.

  A wicked grin of pure mischief crossed his face. “Wait ’til you see what I have in store for you.”

  Expectant butterflies fluttered in her belly. “What are you up to?”

  “What’s the matter, not up to the challenge?”

  If she weren’t so worn out she would have bristled. “You should know by now, I never back down from a challenge.”

  “Just what I wanted to hear.” Reese rolled over and grabbed something from the top drawer of the bedside table.

  Seeing what he held aloft, Dana could only babble in embarrassed disbelief, “What are you doing with that?”

  He waggled his eyebrows, his expression the picture of lascivious intent. “You’ve seen what I can do without batteries…” he brandished the battery-powered dildo in her direction, “…wait until you see what I can do with them.”

  “Oh God.”

  About the Author

  To learn more about Anara Bella, please visit Send an email to Anara at [email protected] or check out her MySpace page at

  Look for these titles by Anara Bella

  Now Available:

  Ready or Not

  The Trouble with Curses

  A night of secret passion could immerse this lawyer in red-hot gossip.

  A Legal Affair

  © 2008 N.J. Walters

  The Jamesville Series, Book 5

  Alicia Flint enjoys her community, her home, and her career as a lawyer. But since her livelihood depends on her spotless reputation, it’s not easy to even date in this small town, much less take a lover.

  Then a chance encounter with a stranger at a friend’s wedding tempts her to do something she’s never done before—have a red-hot, one-night stand. The guy will be gone tomorrow; no one need ever know her delicious little secret.

  Gill Baron has come to Jamesville to visit friends and figure out what he wants to do with the rest of his life. As a newly retired, burnt-out cop, he’s not looking for love, but he won’t say not to a night of no-strings sex with the seductive brunette. A night that leaves him wanting more.

  When she meets the investigator on her latest case, Alicia is shocked to come face-to-face with Mr. One-Night-Stand. Jamesville doesn’t need another lawyer-related scandal to gossip about, but the truth is, she needs Gill’s top-notch investigative skills.

  Their attraction is too deep to keep the town clueless of their affair forever. When Jamesville finds out, Alicia wonders if her reputation—and her relationship with Gill—will weather the storm.

  Enjoy the following excerpt for: A Legal Affair:

  A shiver went down her spine and the hair on the back of her neck rose. Alicia glanced around the room, feeling someone watching her. It was him. She had no idea who he was, only that he’d arrived with Patrick and Shannon. He had to be some friend of the O’Rourke family, but she’d never laid eyes on him before.

  He wasn’t the type of man a woman would forget.

  Rugged was the first word that sprang to mind. There was a coiled strength, a restless energy about the man that drew her attention immediately.

  His blond hair was short in the back, longer on top. It swept away from his face, revealing a crooked nose, full lips, a high forehead and intense eyes. She’d seen him standing next to Patrick earlier and guessed that he was around six feet tall, maybe a bit less, but he was strong. Wide shoulders and a broad chest, tapered down into a trim waist. He was wearing a deep blue shirt and gray sports coat that fit him to perfection.

  Unlike the other men in the room, he was wearing jeans instead of dress pants. They clung to his butt and muscular thighs like a second skin. She’d noticed both when she was waiting in line at the buffet table earlier.

  Not wanting to appear too interested, she arched her brow in silent question. He didn’t smile, but she caught the flair of interest in his eyes and the slightest curve of his lips.

  Oh, he was a handsome devil. It would be easy to fall under his sensual spell. And that wouldn’t do. Why not? a voice in her head demanded. She hadn’t been looking for a one-night stand, but the perfect opportunity for one was being laid in front of her. She hadn’t noticed a ring earlier, so he wasn’t married. Or likely wasn’t. She’d check that for certain before she did anything.

  She stilled her thoughts. Ohmigod. She was contemplating a one-night stand with a complete stranger. Was she out of her mind?

  No, the voice of reason in her head stated. Obviously, he was a friend of Patrick an
d Shannon’s. And as Patrick was the sheriff of Jamesville, it stood to reason that this man wasn’t a criminal. If he was here for the wedding, he’d probably leave tomorrow or the next day. There was no doubt that she was physically attracted to him, if the throbbing ache between her thighs was any indication.

  In short, he was perfect.

  He glanced at his watch and she knew he was thinking about leaving. He seemed on edge and had pushed his beer away from him. This was her one and only chance. She could let it slip away or she could grab it.

  Alicia was on her feet before she even made the decision. Her mind might be questioning her actions, but her body knew what it wanted.

  He straightened in his seat and then stood as she approached. His lips curved up in a sexy smile that made goose bumps break out on her skin. It was a smile of promise, of anticipation.

  “Are you married?” She couldn’t believe she was asking that of a perfect stranger.

  “No. You?” His deep voice skated over the nerve-endings in her body, making her tingle.

  She shook her head and the heat level in his eyes kicked up another notch. Much more and she wouldn’t need to wear her coat home even though it was the first of March and there was snow on the ground.

  She reached out her hand and he took it, his larger, stronger one closing over hers briefly before releasing it. “Come with me.” Her voice was thick with invitation. There was no doubting what she was asking.

  Without question, he followed her from the room, his hand heavy and warm at the small of her back.

  Continuing education was never this hot…

  Seduction 101

  © 2008 Moira Reid

  No one knows the advertising game better than Julia—sell the sizzle, not the steak. However, selling sirloin and selling herself are two different things. When she tries to generate sizzle in a coworker, he’s more interested in paper shuffling than anything juicy she has to offer.

  Eric, her long-time best friend and co-worker, feels the sizzle all right. The sizzle of the rare and beautiful Julia…and a searing jealousy as he watches her try to seduce another man. If Julia is ready to hit the sheets with someone, he’s determined it’s going to be him. But he needs a plan. Like her clients, Julia doesn’t respond to the direct approach; she needs to learn to generate her own heat.


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