The Cowboy Rode a Harley

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The Cowboy Rode a Harley Page 12

by Susan Arden

  Inside the shower, the warm water ran over her hair, down her face, and began washing away…oh, no. The scent of Stephen that she’d worn throughout the night, and now she would have to face whatever lay on the other side of the door, alone.

  After washing her hair, washing her body, touching the places where Stephen had turned her on, Gillian’s breath caught. Shivering, she turned off the water and reached for a towel. She wiped the water from her face, torn by too many conflicting thoughts. Her brother and Stephen had similar issues if she took each at face value. Except Stephen had pulled himself together, where Haden hadn’t. In time, would they both be at the same point?

  She couldn’t bear the idea, and yet, if she ignored the reality, then who was the fool? If Stephen was in the middle of putting on a good face, eventually he’d falter. She cringed at the thought of him entering one of the bars and poolrooms he was known to inhabit. What right did she have to think he’d change, or even want to, after one night? One night, and she was emotionally fumbling.

  If anything, she’d gotten her just desserts in seeking to discover what it was like to have sex, and choosing one of the sexiest and wildest men from the local stud pool. A man who’d given her more memories than she’d bet most women were provided their first time. And a man, she discovered, who was more than she’d ever imagined from his packaging and history. In one hand, she held his past, and in her other the secret side to him, a side she bet few knew existed. That left her in the middle. Desperate to see into the future, yet as blind as everyone else.

  The words of her Nana sprang to mind: faith holds tight and desperately believes in the darkest of moments and faced with facts. Her grandmother liked to remind her that so-called facts had a strange way of changing. Things worth pursuing weren’t necessarily those that could be easily described. Could she hold tight to a man who bucked like a wild bronco?

  Her mind screeched a warning, but her heart thumped in disapproving response. Tired from warring over what to do, she dressed in a simple skirt and blouse. After towel-drying her hair, she haphazardly pulled the strands into pigtails. She stooped to pick up the bag of goodies she’d bought for Nana. That woman could go through more Suduko puzzles than anyone she knew.

  Outside, she exchanged waves with her neighbors, moving down the steps, and then she remembered she’d parked on the corner. The car with the locked door was gone.

  Walking down the block with the sun broiling her neck, she refused to get worked up about Haden. She needed a solid plan. That’s what people did when faced with an addiction. Treatment. Emotions were stumbling blocks only if she let them get in her way. It was still morning, and her blouse was already speckled with perspiration as sweat dripped down her neck. Up ahead, the sight that met her eyes blew away all her thoughts.

  Chapter 9

  “What are you doing parked down here, sugar?” Stephen asked, his arms crossed over his chest. Her heart jumped up into her throat. Leaning against her car, Stephen looked like a cool glass of sexy-on-ice.

  She licked her lips, still swollen and now on fire. “I couldn’t find a spot.”

  He lifted off the car and stalked over to her. In another inch, they’d be connected. She fought the urge to run across the sidewalk.

  “And exactly why was that?” Heat poured off him, making her already-fried brain extra crispy.

  Excuses flitted around in her head. The lump firmly wedged in her throat refused to budge. Stephen snaked his arm about her shoulders. To say he was a force of nature hardly captured the essence of the man, or his skill.

  She gazed into his eyes, her will consumed on the spot. “There were a few people here when I arrived. But they’ve gone.”

  “Damn, if you weren’t so delicious, I’d be one son-of-bitch to have to deal with when I hear you stammering to find the right words. Baby, I’m on your side. Every gorgeous one.” He lifted her chin, and his heated stare melted her.

  She dropped the bag onto the sidewalk. “Why did you come? I know you’re supposed to be up bright and early for your work on the ranch. Obviously, you weren’t just in the neighborhood.” And yet here he was before her, his jaw muscle twitching. He held himself in check, a spring-loaded trap, except he’d not hidden the pained expression all over his face. Her chest squeezed.

  “I heard what a blowout Haden had, from a friend. Came over, knocked on your door, but the water was running. Didn’t want to disturb you.”

  “You wouldn’t have been a disturbance.” Gillian grasped the belt loops of his pants.

  “I would have if I’d gotten inside and found you in the shower. Standing here next to you, I could lick the sweat off your neck if I didn’t think your neighbors would call the sheriff.”

  “Stephen, this is moving so fast.”

  “In my book, not fast enough.” There wasn’t time to think. Stephen feathered his fingers over her jaw, tilting her face up to him. His mouth found hers. He tasted fresh, like cut green grass or sheared hay. She let him in, opening her mouth, and forgetting her worry. Her fingers were at his waist, pulling at his thick leather belt.

  Without caring that they were standing on the sidewalk in broad daylight, she pushed her fingers down behind the waist of his pants, brushing over the top of his cock. The jolt hit them both. Hard.

  “Christ, give me five minutes of your time. Ten, max.”

  “House or car?” she moaned.

  “We’d better go to your house. This street is way too busy for any car action.”

  “Let me drop this inside the car.” Gillian picked up the bag at her feet, unlocked the trunk, and deposited it inside.

  “Come here.” Steven reached for his helmet, still holding onto her arm. “Right here. And you’d better mind me.”

  He put the helmet on her head, gently fastening the chinstrap. The scent of him surrounded her. The kicked-up corners of his lips made her skin tighten, the space between her legs ache. They’d been in bed just hours ago and now headed back for more. He swung his leg over his motorcycle and started the engine. The roar matched the thunder of her heart. She lifted her skirt, meeting his gaze. He rolled his eyes, gunning the engine. She laced her hands around his waist. He pulled her legs up against his so that the sweltering blaze from his hard body filled her open legs. A short ride, but the friction and jostling motion were foreplay as far as she was concerned.

  After removing the helmet from her head, he patted her rear-end. “Damn, woman. You do tempt me sorely.”

  “I hope so,” she whispered. Walking the short distance up to her door proved near torture. She didn’t dare look at Stephen for fear she’d latch on to his mouth and make a spectacle of herself on her front lawn.

  Stephen took her keys from her trembling fingers. “Let me help.” He pulled her against him, turning the key in the lock. The door burst open with the weight of their bodies.

  She slammed the door. Inside, the apartment was cool and dark. Their bodies were glistening with perspiration. Their breathing came in small, rapid puffs. And then they came at each other, each pulling at the other’s clothes.

  Half-clothed, Stephen lifted her, walking with her in his arms, his mouth taking possession of her. The sensation of having him take her burst past her worries. He was here, came because of his concern, and she tumbled into the place he’d taught her was free from worry—where she was free to be herself.

  They finished undressing quickly; he was first to be unclothed completely. He gazed around her room, smiling, and walked over to the costumes hanging on the rack. A jolt of electricity sprinted up her spine. This man standing proudly erect in front of her turned and showered her with a truly wicked and irresistible smile. “You’ve got five seconds before I take advantage of you.” She watched him reach for his wallet to pull out a condom.

  “Let me,” she whispered. The scent of their arousal had her pulsing.

  With his cock in her hand, she couldn’t resist and covered his plum-colored head with her mouth. Tonguing his salty liquid, she sucked his
head, rubbing her lips over the top, enjoying the feel of his hands on her head. He fucked her mouth, rocking into her throat. Deeper, making her reel with the need to have him plunge into her pussy.

  “Baby, now. Your turn.” He tossed her none too gently onto the bed. She pushed up on her elbow to tear open the foil pack.

  “I’ll be good this time.” She smiled up at him.

  “You were great, if you want to know what I think about your mouth.”

  She rolled the condom down his length, thrilling that he jerked at her touch. His stomach muscles rippled and he groaned, closing his eyes. She squeezed his cock when she finished.

  “I’m going to give you another type of ride.”

  He tugged her legs open, his erection fully engorged, fully ready. In one hard thrust, he seated himself within her body. The feeling of being stretched, of being taken, delivered her. This wasn’t about holding back; this act was about primal release. He pumped into her, his hips moving rocket-fast. He held himself above her, diving into her. The heat they shared spread, going hot and golden, swelling as a powerful wave across her body.

  She arched, giving in to the release Stephen provided. Their gazes locked, and he lifted her body off the bed. Her legs wrapped around his waist. He moved her up and down his cock, plunging deeper into her.

  He licked his thumb before moving it to her clit. The pressure he used made her moan. The swirls and pinches he executed had her gasping. Stephen flicked his finger over her piercing in just the right way to make her insides flame. The places he uncovered contained sensitive nerve endings that responded to each stroke of his thumb. He knew exactly what to do to make her scream. The rhythm of his hips and his hand had her bolting, bucking.

  “Stephen, please. Please. Fuck me.”

  “Damn, I love your dirty little mouth.” He had her positioned on top of him, spinning and falling. His arms enfolded her against him while he kept up the tempo of driving into her again and again. Another wave built; his body tensed, going harder than steel, and then his spasm unfurled just as her second climax burst apart.

  “Stephen! I’m there!”

  “Sweet baby,” he murmured. His mouth found her neck, and he suckled a point just below her ear. She jerked, her body clenching his cock.

  “That feels amazing every time you do it,” he groaned, his hands squeezing her breasts.

  He kissed her softly, taking his time to work his mouth over her jaw, to her cheek, traveling all along her face. She realized he’d moved when her back lay against the comforter over her bed, and he was still deeply embedded within her. This was the first time she’d entertained a man in her bed. She trailed her fingers down the muscular grooves of his back, sighing.

  The memory of him naked, looking for his clothes, flashed. A laugh escaped from her mouth. “Never say never,” she whispered.

  “Amen,” he said.

  * * *

  “Thanks for letting me have my way with you. Waiting until tonight would have been torture.” He smiled his sinful grin, flashing a pair of dimples set under his beard.

  “I’m glad you came by. It’s just what the doctor ordered.”

  “I take it this is getting old. Let me speak with Haden.”

  “I’m trying to figure out what to do after that point. If I don’t have a plan, then talking isn’t going to do a bit of good. He responds, but I’m afraid after this morning he’d disappear.”

  “So, are you thinking of rehab?”

  Somehow, speaking about the idea, getting it out in the open, forced her to examine it in front of him. Gillian blinked to clear the stinging from her eyes. She glanced at Stephen, then quickly away, clutching at her throat, tears welling in her eyes.

  Gillian tried to say something. Anything. Her tongue was thick in her mouth. “I—” The words refused to form. Tears overflowed her eyes.

  The sunshine was eclipsed by his movement. Stephen had her in his arms, murmuring against her face, his voice soft and low. “You’re not alone. Beautiful, it may feel that way, but I’m here for you. Whatever you need.” That’s all he said, and it was enough.

  Gillian pressed her face into his shirt and cried. For long moments, the sorrow and confusion she’d hidden for years drained from her. When the tears stopped, she didn’t move, staying cradled in Stephen’s arms. She listened to the strong thud of his heartbeat. A sound she was learning to equate with strong masculine arms and a safe haven. She inhaled his scent, snuggling against his chest, and tightened her hug around him.

  “I’m sorry. This has been coming to a head for days. Haden left this morning. I’m certain he’s using drugs. I can’t pretend any longer.”

  “Any idea what kind, or how long?”

  “No. Something acrid and smoked in a pipe. I didn’t see anything. Only smelled the smoke.”

  “Let me see what I can find out about centers. It might mean going to Dallas or Shreveport. You’d have to get him away from the source of his addiction. Those types have a tendency to come to rehab facilities and continue feeding their so-called friend’s habits.”

  She thought for a second. “I’m not taking him to New Orleans. No, if anything, we’ll stay in Texas. I can’t chance rocking Nana’s boat too much. This news will devastate her. I don’t know how I’ll tell her.”

  “Do you want me to come with you? For moral support?”

  She stared back at him, speechless. The idea of Stephen visiting a senior-living center was mind-bending. “No. I don’t think I could ask that of you. Besides, if I showed up with you, Nana would bowl over. This will be enough of a shock.”

  “Because it’s me?” His face stilled, so much so that he appeared to be made of stone.

  “No. Handsome fool. If I brought a man, she’d think…” Her face blazed.

  “That you had a boyfriend. Would that be so bad?”

  She raised her eyes. “Of course not.”

  “Just checking.” He inhaled. “Still on for tonight?”

  “If I haven’t tired you out from so much drama.”

  “Baby, you’ve made me hungrier, if anything. I’m loving me some drama, mama.” He laughed. “I know this isn’t easy. This is your life, your brother, your blood. But aside from not wanting to see you torn up, this type of situation doesn’t faze me. I’m not appalled. I’ve more than a few brothers and cousins, and we’ve all had our share of issues. Nobody’s life is perfect.”

  She nodded, desperate to ask him if that was because of his own lifestyle, or because in his family, drama was commonplace. But she was late, and he obviously had taken off from his own work to come over and lend his support.

  “Thank you. This really helped.”

  “I’d be willing to provide you this type of therapy day or night, Miss Sinclair. Just call me, and I’ll be over promptly. To help you out.”

  “Would you really. Say, around lunch time some day?”

  He pulled her up close, lowering his head. He took her earlobe in between his teeth, biting gently. Her nipples tightened. Is this what they had? Some electrical attraction that joined them instantaneously. Between her thighs, it was as though she ached for him. Needed him. She felt his cock harden inside his jeans.

  No way could they come together and not end up in bed. Did he have this effect on all women? The bitter-tasting thought pricked her sharply, spreading frustration and confusion, and yes, a large dose of plain old-fashioned jealousy. The idea inflicted pain worse than any she’d known.

  “I don’t get the feeling that I’m leaving you at a time when you should be alone.”

  Damn his ability to read her. If this continued, he’d be master over her, knowing exactly the state of her emotions. Probably before she’d had the chance to assess her feelings herself. She pulled herself together, refusing to part under this cloud.

  Gillian crafted a smile. “I’ll see you later. Can we take your motorcycle?”

  He rubbed his hands over her rear-end. “You like power between your legs. That’s my type of woman.”
  “I think I can take what you’ve got.” She flicked her eyes up and down his body, hiding that the mere mention of his type of woman further twisted the knife of jealousy in her chest. The burning spread, and her just desserts just took on a whole new level of desolation.

  “You’ll get no argument from me.” He squeezed her bottom, bringing her up to him. Stephen reached up with his hand to curl his fingers around the back of her neck. “God, I could easily tumble right back into bed with you.”

  * * *

  Once inside her car, driving away from her home, Gillian decided Stephen was right. Haden would need to seek treatment away from Annona. Away from these fans he’d found, and fast. The tumultuous ache returned as she contemplated her brother, dimming her joy, and for selfish seconds she refused to consider the subject of Haden if she wanted to see Nana minus tear-stained cheeks.

  The happy glow Stephen had given her rippled, moving in waves, washing over her. She wasn’t doing the usual refusal to think, but taking an opportunity to bask in the strength and passion her lover showered on her. Stephen’s potency enveloped her and lifted her spirits.

  Pulling into the parking lot of Nana’s complex, she hummed and noticed that today was busier than usual. The crowd inside the cafeteria had dispersed, though, and her heart sank. She spotted Nana across the room, sitting with a group of ladies. Her grandfather sat with a group of men. He stood and crossed the room to where her grandmother sat.

  The women waved and Nana turned around, a wide smile creasing her face. Each time she came to see Nana, the small shock of recognition jittered and squeezed her stomach. Nana had the same eyes as her mother, and the same smile. Gillian’s heart did a little stutter against her ribcage and, for a moment, she vehemently wished her parents were still alive.

  “Gillian, you’re positively glowing. Things are going well?”

  “I think so.” She hugged her grandmother, holding on to her for a second longer than usual. Then she was consumed in a bear hug by her grandfather. “Didn’t think I’d see you today, Pops.”


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