Fear You

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Fear You Page 4

by B. B. Reid

  I let the smile drop from my face before I looked back up at him. I quickly jumped to my feet causing him to take a step back warily.

  “One on one?”


  “Would you like to play one on one?”

  “I… don’t you want to hit me back?”

  I huffed and let my annoyance show on my face. I was just a little taller than he was so I could easily intimidate him if I wanted, but after what he had just shown me, I no longer had the desire to. I hated weak people, but this kid isn’t weak. He’s angry… and doing a damn good job of hiding it.

  “Tell you what… if you can score a basket, I’ll never tell you why I said she’s dead. Deal?” I held out my hand for him to shake and waited.

  He frowned and eyed me strangely before taking my hand. “Deal.”

  * * *

  Present Day

  “One hundred and twelve. One hundred and thirteen. One hundred and fourteen.”

  Sweat. Anger. Lake.

  Up and down my arms went. I fought the images of her fucking face and her smell and her voice. I needed out of here.

  On my last push, I jumped to my feet and called for the guard. It was time to execute the next part in my plan. When the burly looking guard finally showed his face, I fingered the picture in my pocket with a slow smile spreading across my face.

  Soon, baby.

  “What, inmate?”

  “I need to make another phone call.”

  I went through the usual procedure of being shackled before being led to the phones. I dialed the number from memory and waited for him to pick up. I was allowed three rings to mull over my decision, and by the time he picked up, I was sure of the course I needed to take.

  “Quentin, I have a job for you.”


  “I need you to find Jesse Fitzgerald.”

  “On it.”

  * * *

  “What the fuck, Masters?”

  Two days after I gave Q the order to find Jesse, they came for a visit. Judging by the look on Jesse’s face, it wasn’t exactly voluntary.

  I almost laughed at his attempt to intimidate me. Fitzgerald had earned my respect when he stood up to me to protect Monroe, but it didn’t mean I had to like him. After all, he did try to keep me from what’s mine. He’s lucky I didn’t kill him.

  I ended up laughing anyway when Quentin shoved him in the seat directly in front of me as Jesse shot him a dirty look.

  By some miracle, my visitation rights weren’t taken away, which made this little meeting possible. “Did you have any trouble?” I directed the question to Quentin though my eyes never left Fitzgerald.

  “Tons. The fucker never shuts up.”

  “What is this about? Why am I here?”

  “See?” Quentin gritted his teeth. “He never shuts the fuck up.” My gaze passed slowly between the two of them. Suspicion clawed its way out as I studied them.

  “Did something happen between you two?” I’d never seen Q’s feathers ruffled before. He was about as emotionally challenged as I was. Anger wasn’t a common occurrence for him.

  “No.” They answered simultaneously and then shot each other a look I didn’t understand.

  “Do you two know each other?” The sharpness in my voice had both of their heads whipping back to face me. Jesse wore a wary expression while Quentin looked contrite.

  “No,” Quentin sighed and took a seat next to Jesse. He shot me a look to drop it, and after I held his gaze long enough, I finally decided to do just that. For now, anyway.

  “As to why you are here,” I started without missing a beat. “You came highly recommended as someone who could find things that aren’t meant to be found.” I waited for the sign of recognition and waited a beat for his response.

  “So what? You need help with your history homework or something? I’m sure you can find someone willing to tutor you. You seem to be really talented at getting people to do your bidding.”

  “Well then, I won’t have to convince you.”

  “Convince me of what?” he gritted.

  I had chosen my words carefully before I spoke. “That I will do anything I can to make you do my bidding.”

  “Stay away from her,” he warned.

  It was all I could do to keep my fists from his clothing and yanking him across the table where I could pummel him. Instead, I let amusement show rather than anger. Quentin tensed on the other side of the table, ready to break up the fight he sensed coming.

  “She isn’t yours to protect.”

  “She’s my friend.”

  “And she is JUST mine.”

  “You have a lot of nerve staking a claim that you have no right to. You do nothing but hurt and torment her.”

  “What do you think you know about it?”

  He leaned back in his chair with a smirk that held too much confidence. “Whose shoulder do you think she cried on when you were just another statistic?”

  I shot up from my chair, intent on breaking his face when Quentin stopped me with a heavy hand on my shoulder and a hard look.

  “Keiran, chill.” He shot a pointed look at the guards standing around the large room against the blank, depressing walls. All of their attention was now focused on our table.

  “960, you got a problem?” The closest guard called out. Without acknowledging the guard, I sat back down and in my peripheral, I could see their shoulders relax and their nervous looks fade. They may have been the ones with the handcuffs and the weapons, but I was the one with the power. Just for kicks, I blew the guard who challenged me a kiss and smirked when his face and neck reddened. Nutless fuck.

  “Are you done?” Quentin asked annoyed. I ignored him and focused back on Fitzgerald.

  “I need you to find someone.”

  “Why would I help you?”

  “You know why. Are you really going to make me say it?”

  “Do you really think your reach is that far?”

  “I know my reach is that far, but are you willing to test it? Besides,” I continued before he could respond, “you’re already here. There is no time like the present.”

  His jaw muscles clenched and unclenched, and I could read the indecision in his eyes and the moment he made it. “Who do you need to find?”

  “Quentin will give you the information you need to know. He’ll also make sure you don’t try anything. I’m sure I don’t have to tell you—”

  “You don’t,” he interrupted, “but you should know I’m only helping you because of her. I’m not afraid of dying.”

  “I wouldn’t be too sure until you’ve looked death in the eyes.” I leaned forward to get my point across. “Because it won’t be swift, it won’t be painless, and it won’t be reversible.”

  “Are we done?”

  I leaned back and watched him rise from the chair followed by Quentin, who remained silent throughout the exchange. “For now.”

  He started to walk away, but my next question stopped him.

  “Do you want her?” The question came out blunt and laced with my irritation with Monroe for sharing a part of us with this douche—even if it was the ugly part.

  “No,” he answered just as bluntly. “It’s never been like that with us—”

  “There is no us.” The growl erupted from my chest and was a shock to everyone around the table including me.

  Jesse’s face was stuck in astonishment before he stated accusingly, “You like her.”

  There wasn’t much that caught me off guard, but his accusation caused my tongue to feel like it shriveled and died in my mouth. “What?”

  His eyes narrowed as they pinned me to my seat. “Admit it.”

  “No.” A grin spread his face as he stared at me. “Please share the joke.” My patience had just about hit its peak.

  “The joke is you so obviously care for her and it’s making you miserable. Tell me… how does it feel to be on the receiving end?”

  I stood up to… what? Fight? To leave?
I didn’t care for the way his questions left me feeling exposed. The vulnerability was worse than a kick in my nuts. “Fitzgerald.”

  “Yeah?” The smirk on his face pissed me off even more.

  “If you say anything to her and if you cross me, I’ll murder your entire family. Including the pet goldfish.”

  His smirk was finally gone.

  * * *

  I placed the phone call a week later after Quentin delivered a slip of paper containing the ten digits to my freedom. The only hiccup was it wasn’t the direct line to my target, so I pissed off a lot of people including the man himself.

  “Whoever this is better have a damn good reason for calling this number.”

  “Arthur, it’s been a while.”

  I smiled into the receiver. It wasn’t joy that brought the smile to my face. Jesse had delivered. It was a wonder what a few well-placed threats could get you. The fact it only took him a week was impressive in itself.

  “Who the fuck is this?”

  The generally calm and authoritative man had become unhinged. It wasn’t every day someone was brave enough or stupid enough to call making threats until he could speak with the man in charge.

  “Keiran Masters.” I gave my name even though I knew he wouldn’t know who I was.


  “That’s right. You never cared about names, did you? Well, let me refresh your memory. Ten years ago, you had a trainer named Frank. He liked to play with little girls and boys, but he liked the little boys the most. He was your favorite puppet and bodyguard. Ten years ago, there was a little boy who lodged a hunting knife in his throat, and well… no more, Frank. Does that jog your memory?”

  “Son of a bitch. Say it ain’t so. Is it really you?”

  “That depends.”


  “Whether or not you can help me?”

  “And why would I want to do that? I haven’t seen you in ten years. I assumed you died a long time ago.”

  “Because I can hand-deliver your mole and the person who helped me escape.”

  Chapter Five


  “We should go catch the rerun of Breaking Dawn. It’s showing in the old theater tonight.”

  “Why the hell would I do that?” Sheldon stopped in her tracks to snarl at Willow, who rolled her eyes. Sheldon hated any and everything to do with a chick flick. Give her the guns, explosions and raging muscles. She said she tolerated them because Keenan secretly liked them, but he would put on a front when around the guys.

  “Because vampires are cool?”

  “Not cool enough to make me watch that movie.”

  “Oh, come on. I went to see the freaking Expendables with you last week!”

  Wait… what?

  “Um, excuse me?” I interrupted their bickering for what seemed like the hundredth time today. Willow and Sheldon often fought like a couple who had been married for fifty years. When they each turned wide eyes on me, I popped my hand on my hip, unleashing my attitude on them. “You guys went to see a movie without me?”



  “Was there any particular reason why you guys went without me?”

  “Well, you were kind of…”

  “Kind of what?” My voice rose on the last word as I stared them down and watched them squirm.

  “Pouting,” Willow finished and Sheldon nodded her agreement. Just as I was about to argue, I heard my name being called. I turned to find Detective Daniels and his partner, Detective Wilson, approaching with solemn looks on their faces.

  “Good afternoon, Detectives,” I greeted while regarding them curiously. Sheldon and Willow wore deep frowns as they looked from the detectives to me. I guess not telling them I had turned Keiran in would make this encounter awkward.

  “We need to talk,” Detective Daniels ordered without greeting. His grim expression immediately raised flags. Whatever it was couldn’t be good.

  “Lake, what’s going on,” Sheldon asked absently while looking the detectives up and down.

  “Could you give us a minute?” Sheldon turned sharp eyes on me when I ignored her question. I looked to Willow for help. She hesitated before tugging on Sheldon’s arm.

  When they were out of earshot, I rounded on the detectives and started in on them. “What are you doing showing up at my school?” I stressed in an angry whisper.

  “We have a problem,” Detective Wilson spoke up.

  “What could it possibly be?” Across the parking lot, I noticed Sheldon and Willow staring at us unwaveringly. “You could have called me or—”

  “He was released.”

  Time standing still. Thick, heavy, air. Reeling mind. World crashing. I couldn’t figure out which was harder to deal with.

  “…I’m coming for you, Lake… Are you ready for me?”

  Had it really only been a week since I spoke with him?

  I swallowed hard to find my voice. “What do you mean he was released? How could he have been released? We didn’t even go to trial!”

  Breathe, Lake. Breathe.

  “Miss Monroe, we are as baffled as you are. I assure you this wasn’t our call.”

  “Then there has to be some kind of mistake. Can’t you just arrest him again? What am I supposed to do?” I rambled, and screamed and fussed, never letting the detectives get a word into the conversation. Frankly, they’d said enough. “He knows I turned him in. Do you understand that?” I pulled my jacket closer to me to fight the frigid November air and looked around.

  “Yes, that’s our biggest concern at this point. Apparently, from your reaction, he hasn’t tried to make contact with you.”

  “No, I—” I stopped when the detectives cast nervous looks at each other. “When was he released?”

  “Three days ago.”

  “Three days ago!” I spoke with him four days ago. “Why am I just finding out? You said if I testified, I would be safe. My aunt doesn’t know anything about this. She’s in just as much danger.” My fingers clutched at the strands of my hair and dug in, but I never felt any of it. “I never should have—oh, God.”

  “We can have you and your aunt placed under witness protection. You will be under surveillance. He isn’t allowed to approach you under any circumstances…”

  The detective’s words drowned out as I felt a chill run down my back. It could have been the wind, but I knew better. I discreetly looked around, feigning anger, which wasn’t hard to do. I didn’t see anything suspicious, but I knew he was there…

  “It’s too late,” I whispered, feeling the impending doom of his arrival wash over me.

  I just fucking know it.

  “We can still keep you safe.”

  “But not forever. So this isn’t going to trial?”

  “He was only released on bail, but he will still be tried.”

  “That isn’t enough!” I shrieked. “He kidnapped two people and murdered them!”

  “Lake, this was above our pay grade, but I want you to know we aren’t letting this go. The son of a bitch isn’t going to walk away.”

  “I—I need to talk to my aunt. Excuse me.” I started to walk away when Detective Daniels called my name. I almost didn’t hear him because my mind was racing, and the prickling feeling of being watched wouldn’t go away. Where are you? I discreetly looked around again but didn’t see any sign of Keiran. “Yes?”

  “We know you and Masters had some sort of relationship.” I sucked in a breath and stared blankly at the detective. “We don’t want you to make a grave mistake.”

  “What mistake could that be?”

  “Trusting him. Letting him get close. Guys like him know exactly how to entrap a girl like you. You weren’t made for someone like Masters to corrupt and beguile. Don’t let that happen.”

  “If he comes near you or threatens you in any way, call us,” Detective Wilson said. “Immediately. Your life may very well depend on it.” They headed back in the direction they came.

  * * *

  “Spill,” Sheldon ordered as soon as we were through the door of her house. This was my first time here, and I couldn’t help but admire the grandeur of the monstrosity of a house they lived in. I didn’t have a clue as to how much money Sheldon and Dash’s parents had, but it was apparent they were wealthy when you took in the decor.

  “Geez, Sheldon. Your parents are loaded,” Willow interrupted with wide eyes. She spun around in a circle and peered at herself in the polished, wooden floors. “I bet you guys have a tennis court and a movie theater,” she laughed.

  “Don’t be a dick, Willow. Of course not. We have a basketball court and a movie theater,” Sheldon answered with a hint of embarrassment in her voice.

  “Fucking rich people,” she muttered while looking around longingly. I knew Willow wasn’t upset because of the twins’ wealthy upbringing, but seeing all of the extravagance was probably a reminder of all the things she didn’t have. Willow’s parents were poor, and while they got by, there were a lot of things they had to go without. I looked at Willow, and when she saw my expression, she sent me a reassuring smile. She was okay.

  “Anyway, I’m hungry. You guys want something?” Sheldon headed to what I assumed would be the kitchen.

  “I’m fine.” My stomach had other ideas, and it wouldn’t welcome food.

  Their kitchen was every chef’s dream with state of the art everything. Half of the appliances I didn’t recognize. Everything was sleek, polished, and oversized, but there was warmth too. The refrigerator doors were covered with crafts and pictures clearly made by a young child. There were family portraits on almost every surface and inch of the house. I stopped to admire the picture of an older, attractive couple, who I knew were their parents. I sort of met their dad the morning after my house was broken into, and Keiran had been mistaken for the culprit.

  “Where are your parents?”

  “It’s date night for them.” Sheldon pulled out sandwich makings and dumped them on the counter. “They usually go into the city and spend time alone being gross.”

  “Hmm…” Willow looked around nervously. Being here must have made her uneasy. She confirmed that when she asked, “And your brother?”


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