Fear You

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Fear You Page 14

by B. B. Reid

“Suddenly at a loss for words?”

  You have no idea. “Keiran… don’t tease. Touch me.”


  “Where you own me,” I coyly answered.

  “Fuck. You don’t play fair, do you?”

  “No more than you.”

  The tip of the vibrator teased my entrance causing me to jerk forward and then arch my back. It was a shock to my senses and completely caught me off guard.

  “With you, Monroe, I’ll never be fair.”

  He slid the vibrator slowly along my slit. Teasing and taunting. Pushing and pulling. My moans were becoming uninhibited, so he pushed my head into the pillow and ordered me to bite. Muffled, I let my need take over as I moaned and wailed into the pillow. “There was something you were saying to me. Repeat yourself, baby.”

  “Wha—huh?” How could he expect me to speak much less form a coherent thought when he teased me so?

  “I believe you said you wanted to date?” The vibration reached my clit, and I bit into the pillow harder as trembles instantly wracked my body and wreaked havoc with my senses. The sound of a condom wrapper tearing was in the distance as I tried to catch my breath. My orgasm had been swift, but I knew this was far from over. Keiran had a point to prove, and I was eager to see it through.

  “Tsk. Tsk. Consider that the last one you get without permission.”

  Chapter Thirteen


  Who the hell does she think she is? I was smart enough to know she baited me into a trap, but I didn’t have enough control to resist. Jokes on her anyway. Didn’t she know what the thought of seeing her with someone else would do to me?

  A visual of someone else with his hands and lips on her¸ touching and tasting her, invaded my mind, pushing and tugging at the black hole where my heart should have been. There was no way as long as I was breathing someone would ever get their hands on her. I would mark her, fill her up, and ruin her so no one would ever stand the chance of having her.

  I snapped.

  I waited only the second it took to check her readiness before pulling out my cock and slipping on a condom. Her ass was still raised for my access. I gave it a hard slap, satisfied at the handprint left behind and plunged into her.

  I didn’t stop taking.

  I didn’t give her time to adjust.

  I drove into her pliant body over and over, racing to slate my lust and anger.

  If only she didn’t feel so damn good, I could punish her without letting my desire take over my intentions. This wasn’t for pleasure. This was to own. I needed to make her feel my ownership.

  “Tell me,” I urged again. “Tell me again how you plan to let another guy fuck you.”

  “Keiran,” she stuttered and gasped. She tried to turn and face me, but I quickly wrapped a restraining hand around the back of her neck to keep her in place while I continued to take her pussy.

  “You are going to lose this war you’re trying to wage against me, Monroe. One orgasm at a time.”

  “Keiran, please.” Her moans were full of pain and the need to come. She wanted the permission. She wanted me to ease her and make her come, but she knew better than that. First, I needed to have my way. I needed to make her beg for it.

  “Please, what?” I leaned over to rest my chest against her back. “Fuck you?” I shoved my cock into her harder. Her squeal of painful pleasure was music to my ears. “Nice and slow was it?”

  “It was just… Oh, God… a joke.”

  I kissed down her back slowly without letting up on my possession of her. “So who’s joking now?” I whispered hot against her skin.

  She shook her head and moaned, “I didn’t mean it.”

  “Shame… because I mean this.” I shoved her body flat on the mattress and proceeded to pound into her without interruption. I clamped a hand over her mouth to muffle her screams. It was good her aunt’s room was at the other end of the hall.

  On my fifth or six thrust, her pussy clenched around my cock, locking me inside her, and I stilled to enjoy the sensation of her coming on my cock… even if it was without permission. When it became too much to hold back, I gripped her hips and tried to bury my cock as deep into her as possible while at the same time, burying the feelings she was intent on drawing out of me. My release was violent in its intensity. At any moment, I expected to combust into flames as her greedy pussy sucked at my cock, milking my release. I bit my lip to keep from moaning like a bitch. The last thing I needed was for her to realize the effect she had on me. Her body alone was to die for.

  I stayed on top of her longer than necessary but taking care not to crush her. I guess you could say my plan to own her backfired. Even though I was the one doing the fucking, in the end, I was the one who felt well and truly fucked—and not just in the physical sense. What is she doing to me?

  After I caught my breath, I stood up from the bed and pulled on my jeans and shirt. Once decent, I stared down at her. She seemed to be out of it because she didn’t stir once. I knew she could feel when I watched her. It was another connection I had yet to understand. I quickly looked her over before determining she was just exhausted and then slipped from the room. I was mindful of the creaky spots in the floorboards as I made my way down the hall. Unfortunately, the bathroom was closer to her aunt’s bedroom so I had to be careful not to make unnecessary noise.

  Once inside, I quickly ran a cloth under warm water and then headed back to Monroe. I felt like a lovesick puppy not wanting to be away from her for too long. I decided it was okay for me to admit whatever it was I felt for her, but it was something I would never let her know. It was too dangerous, and she didn’t deserve to be stuck with someone like me who was incapable of love.

  Her breathing was still even when I returned and I smiled. I wouldn’t deny my male ego was through the roof. My smile dropped, however, when I moved closer and saw the bruising of her skin on her hips where I had gripped her. Shit. Did I go too far? Was she seriously hurt?

  When I fucked her, I didn’t care if I hurt her or how much I pushed her—my only concern was to make her feel me the only way I needed her to feel me. But after, it never failed to make me feel like shit, and so I would immediately leave her so she wouldn’t see the turmoil within me.

  With light touches so not to disturb her, I quickly checked her over and determined I hadn’t caused any damage, though I wouldn’t know for sure until she woke. Gently spreading her legs, I took the warm cloth and cleaned her up. It didn’t escape me that this was the first time I ever took the time to care for her after. With her being asleep, it was easier for me. Otherwise, Monroe would see right through me, and I couldn’t let that happen.

  A low moan passed through her sweet lips as I finished cleaning her. I couldn’t resist slipping a finger inside her while leaning down to kiss her lips. When she finally opened her eyes, I was the first thing she saw and fuck if that didn’t make me hard. It was something I could easily get used to until I craved it.

  Words were meaningless and unnecessary. My clothes were shed and I was sliding back inside her heat. This time, instead of the normal pounding, I moved inside her slowly, testing the waters. I couldn’t resist slipping deeper inside, causing her to moan from my possession.


  “If you ever let another man touch you, I will kill you on the spot. Are we clear?”

  “Your crazy has no limits,” she groaned.

  “Only when it’s you.” I felt her body soften while I bit back a curse. Why hadn’t I known I would say that?

  “Are…” She hesitated. Uncertainty plagued her eyes as she stared up at me with too trusting eyes, her body moving with me. “Are we making love now?”


  The self-satisfied smirk plastered on her face was beautiful. Instead of recoiling, I found myself wanting to capture this moment. The look in her eyes. The smell and feel of her skin. The sound of her soft moans.

  She was everything.

  I needed to stop this shit. If I weren’t
careful, the little bitch would have her way. I moved to separate our bodies, already mourning the expected loss, but she must have sensed it because her legs locked around my waist.

  “Don’t,” she demanded. “Don’t do it. Don’t run.”

  “What makes you think I’m the one who needs to run?”

  “Because I’m not afraid anymore and that scares you. I’m—” My finger slipping inside her mouth shut her up.

  “Suck me,” I ordered harsher than I had intended.

  Her eyes closed as she obeyed. Her lips closed around my finger, taking it deep and my dick hardened even more inside her. Together, we rocked each other to completion.

  * * *


  I was being led somewhere. They were always taking me to places where they made me do bad things. Each time I wanted to say no but knew if I ever did, they would hurt me and not let me eat for a long time.

  As I followed behind them with my hands tied, I wondered who they would make me do bad stuff to today. For two years, this had been my routine. I go where they take me and do what they tell me to do.

  It was always the same.

  So why did this time feel different?

  They didn’t blindfold me like normal, and when we stopped outside a room, I knew why. We weren’t leaving the compound.

  The door opened to a room I’d never seen before, and the first thing I noticed were all the bright lights. And the cameras. There were at least three, which was strange for a normal sized room.

  What is happening?”

  I looked around the room curiously, forgetting my training. We were never allowed to speak or to look anywhere but straight ahead when training. The room was empty except for the lights, cameras, and in the center of the room was large bed, and it was then I noticed the tiny form lying in the center of it.

  I squinted through the bright lights, and as my eyes adjusted, recognition followed.


  What is she doing here, and where are her clothes? She was completely naked without even a blanket to cover her. I didn’t understand why, but I knew it was wrong. She shouldn’t be here. These men shouldn’t be here.

  A scary thought wormed its way into my mind. Was I here to kill her? Sometimes, when they wanted to punish the other kids, they made me do it. It was much easier to kill the children than the adults. They called it extra practice. With the other kids, it was different, and each time, I was hurt because they made us fight. They wanted me to prove myself, and so I didn’t just have to kill them, but I had to fight them to the death.

  “It’s just another way to toughen you up, slave,” Frank would say.

  All the cruel things they did were always for the same purpose. Didn’t they know I didn’t want to be tough? I wanted to have the fun I would hear about in the other kid’s stories. Lily was always telling me about her life with her parents and her older brother. She’d told me they even had a dog that played with her. I hadn’t seen many dogs, but the dogs I had seen were mean and scary.

  “All right. Let’s get this show on the road. The clients are getting impatient. They want to see what our fresh talent can do. Get the boy’s clothes off and get him on the bed.”

  Hands were on my rags grabbing and tugging. I didn’t want them to take my clothes, but I knew better than to fight them. “Today, you become a man.” Snickers and hoots sounded around the room, but I didn’t understand the joke.

  As my clothes were discarded, my eyes connected with a man who stood out from the rest. His clothes were neat, and he wasn’t heavily armored like the rest of the men. He watched on with an air of authority.

  When I was finally naked, they shoved me toward the bed. Toward Lily. She visibly shook, and her eyes pleaded with me to help her. I didn’t know how. I had no weapon, and I was just as scared as she must have been. I was just much better at hiding it.

  As I got closer, I noticed the fresh bruises covering her body. They must have beaten her. They were always beating her, and she would always take it but never do what they told her. I didn’t understand her. I didn’t know how she could be such a coward. All she had to do was give in and the beating would stop. She wouldn’t have to cry or feel hungry anymore.

  I finally reached the bed, and when I did, she sat up to reach for me. “Keiran—”

  My finger quickly brushed against her lips to shush her. We were never allowed to talk. Didn’t she know that? I pushed her down until she was lying on the bed once again and ran my fingers down her face, starting at her forehead.

  “Keiran, help me,” she whispered with her eyes still closed.

  Did she know what she was asking? There was only one way to stop this. Only one way to save the both of us. A quick glance around the room showed me each man was armed.

  I leaned down until my lips rested near her ear. “I want you to count to five, and then start screaming as loud and as long as you can. Whatever you do, don’t stop. Do you understand?”

  She nodded slowly and thankfully, didn’t open her eyes.

  Five seconds.

  It was all I could give myself.

  To think of another way out.

  To say goodbye.

  Five seconds was all it would take.

  Because if I wait a second longer, I won’t be able to do it.

  I wouldn’t be able to say goodbye.

  “Are you ready?” I asked her shakily. She nodded again and started counting softly.


  I looked at the men. Most were talking while others fiddled with the camera and lights. My eyes connected with the man again to find him watching me. If he knew what I was up to, he didn’t show it. He couldn’t know anyway.


  I looked over her naked body. The sight of her bruises made my throat close.


  If I did this…


  She would never have to feel pain again.


  Lily’s piercing scream ripped through the air. I didn’t think any more of what I had to do. I waited patiently for the guards to react.

  “What the hell?” The man fiddling with the camera looked up with a fierce expression. “Someone shut her up!” he bellowed when everyone continued to stare.

  When the first man came forward, I sucked in a breath and held it. My eyes never left his and Lily continued to scream. Some of the men cursed and yelled while others laughed with ugly leers plastered on their faces. I hated them all.

  “Shut up, girl, or you’ll get more of today right now.” When he reached the bed, and Lily continued to scream, he spit out a harsh curse and leaned over the bed to grab her. It was the opportunity I needed.

  It was now or never.

  “I said shut up!”

  He was dumb enough to carry his gun in the front of his jeans with his shirt tucked behind it. It provided easy access for me. With his eyes focused on Lily, I was able to snatch the gun and flick the safety just as they’d shown me many times before. I willed my arms to be strong enough to hold the gun steady in my hands and aimed at the man’s head before he could react.

  He jerked back a second too late, and when he finally registered his gun in my hand, his eyes widened in surprise a split second before a sneer marred his features.

  Lily continued to scream, but I could feel her eyes watching me as well as the eyes of the unknown man across the room. I didn’t dare take my eyes or aim off the worker. He could take this gun from me without much effort if I looked away for even a second.

  “What are you going to do with that, boy?”

  “What you taught me to do.” I re-aimed the gun, and without hesitation, I squeezed the trigger.

  The room was now silent, and my beating heart slowed to an ethereal cadence.

  * * *


  “Keiran, I need a favor.”

  These impromptu meetings with Mario would have to end. The school’s parking lot in the middle of the day
was hardly the place to plan mass murders or acts of conspiracy.

  “And by favor you mean something I’m likely going to regret agreeing to?” Mario was constantly involved in numerous dealings that required more than a few favors. Many times, he hinted at recruiting me into his business, but the idea of organized crime bored me.

  “Call it an act of good faith,” he grinned jovially.

  “Spit it out.” The answer was already no, but whatever it was, I needed to hear. I didn’t trust Mario. He wore too many faces.

  “It’s my daughter.”

  “You have a kid?”

  I didn’t bother to conceal my surprise. As long as I’ve known Mario, he’s never once mentioned a daughter. What else was he hiding? It occurred to me that I hadn’t been doing my homework thoroughly. If all this were going to work in my favor, I would need to ensure all the cards were on the table.

  “Yes. She’s a little older than you are, but not by much. With Arthur out for blood, I can’t keep as good of an eye on her.”

  “Where is her mother?”

  “She’s never met her. Her mother was a crack whore and not a very good one because she’s dead.”

  “What does this have to do with me?”

  “I need you to keep an eye on her until the heat dies down.”



  “I’m not running a babysitting service. I have my own shit to deal with.”

  “And how much do you expect to accomplish if I’m weighed down? Remember, you need me just as much as I need you. This can and will work out for all of us,” he stated harshly.

  Did he just threaten me?

  I stared at him long and hard, weighing my options. There wasn’t a chance in hell that Mario scared me, but that didn’t mean I couldn’t pretend.

  “Where is she?”

  Could I really be entertaining the thought of babysitting his daughter? She may have been older, but her life was essentially in my hands. Mario wouldn't take that lightly.

  “She’s on standby. Somewhere safe for now where my men are watching her.”


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