Fear You

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Fear You Page 17

by B. B. Reid

  I ventured outside, prepared to eat my lunch in the frigid air that I didn’t exactly care for, but I figured anything had to be better than risking my sanity or dignity. The night before last was still very much fresh in my memories. Even now, I could feel my body tingle from the remembered sensations of all I allowed him to do to me.

  I was a total lost cause when it came to having the common sense needed to ignore my body’s demands. It helped that the sun was out, which might have helped to make the cold bearable. Normally, I would run to the library whenever I needed to hide from Keiran, but my secret hiding place wasn’t much of a secret any longer.

  I looked around for a place to sit. The ground was my only option after the school administration decided to have the benches removed when students made it apparent they would rather hang around and sit on the benches than at desks in the classrooms during class.

  I eyed the only tree on school grounds and made my way over to it. It wasn’t until I reached the tree that I had noticed it was currently occupied.

  “Hi, Collin.”

  A head full of red curls snapped up, and when his bright blue eyes landed on mine, his eyes widened in surprise as if he couldn’t believe someone would actually speak to him. He looked ready to bolt. I’d never before talked to him. Unlike me, he was better at blending in with the shadows despite his overly bright features. He was known as the bug boy because of his fascination with bugs.


  “Can I sit?”

  I tried to appear as non-threatening as possible. He was perched under the only tree on school grounds with a thin book in his lap. It didn’t look like our standard textbooks so I figured it must have been something he checked out from the library.

  “Sure. Um… if you want.”

  I smiled and sat down with my lunch tray. The ground was softer than I had thought, and when I leaned against the tree, I found myself relaxing. After Keiran and my latest fallout, I was officially dubbing this my new place to eat. I could effectively avoid the cafeteria and ignore the demands of my clueless vagina.

  “What are you reading?”

  “The History of the Ctenocephalides canis.”

  I didn’t have the slightest clue what that meant. “What’s that?”


  “Oh… is it any good?” I was surprised when he actually blushed and wondered why my question made him react that way.

  “It’s okay.” He ducked his head back into the book and I decided to leave him alone. For the rest of lunch, I picked at my food until the bell rang. Collin didn’t waste any time dropping in for his books and hurrying away without a word or backward glance.

  “Lake! You are one hard person to find.” Willow flounced up to the tree, and when she was close enough I held up my hand for a boost.

  “Sorry. I forgot to text you.” I brushed the seat of my pants off before grabbing my bag.

  “So did you manage to avoid detection?”

  “For today.”

  “You can’t hide forever, Lake.”

  “I know. That’s exactly why I’m planning to do something about it.”

  * * *


  It had been two weeks since Keiran, once again, pulled us in a direction of no return. We haven’t spoken since our argument in the gym. The days had been filled with long hours of school and tension each time I passed him in the hallways, met his eyes across the expanse of the cafeteria, or felt his presence in class.

  Each time I’d see him, he looked tense and distracted. The weirdness kicked in when I realized that sometimes he wouldn’t notice I was even around. The anxiety I felt whenever he overlooked me frustrated me the most. When would I ever kick the spell he had over me?

  “Lake? Lake!” My aunt’s raised voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

  “Huh?” Oh, right… My aunt had been talking to me for the past five minutes.

  “I asked if you submitted your applications for early admission? The deadline was a few weeks ago, wasn’t it?”

  Aunt Carissa made it a mission to remind me of college every day. She also made sure to review every application I filled out and pushed me to fill out as many as possible. She was also pushing for me to stay close to home.

  I had the feeling my aunt was going to have a harder time letting go than I was. How could I tell her it was my plan and every wish to get as far away from Six Forks as possible?

  This place had taken ten years from me, and I wasn’t about to let it have more. Deep down, I knew it wasn’t the city I grew up in, but rather who the city kept within that I needed to run far and fast from.

  “Oh… Yes, I submitted them all before the deadline.”

  “Well, where did you go just now? You looked distracted. Is there anything you need to talk to me about?”

  Damn. She was fishing.

  Ever since she introduced me to Jackson, she’s watched my every move with a critical eye. I knew it wasn’t out of mistrust because, though I haven’t been honest these last few months, I hadn’t given her a reason not to trust me. She was worried.

  “Aunt Carissa, I’m fine. School is fine,” I offered, beating her to the punch before she could ask.

  “If you’re sure…”

  “I’m sure, Aunt Carissa. How’s the investigation going?” I asked to distract her.

  Her face fell, but she quickly recovered. “It’s going, Lake. Jackson is actually coming over tonight while you’re gone. He thinks he’s found something.”

  I didn’t want to fall into the emotional trap that was my parents, so I kissed her cheek, grabbed my bag, and rushed out the door. I had a dinner date with Jesse that I had been anticipating for two weeks. It was the first time he could get away, and I needed answers.

  My parents would still be dead after Keiran was behind bars…

  When did I become so cold?

  * * *

  The restaurant where we had agreed to meet was just outside of town to avoid detection. It wasn’t until I made it just outside of Six Forks that I realized my gas light was on. I had no clue how long I’d driven with it on so I decided to stop. Being stranded on the side of the road was not my idea of a good time.

  I filled up the tank and went inside for a pack of gum. I immediately regretted it as soon as I emerged from the store with my pack of winter fresh in hand. Two men were standing next to my car, which would have seemed normal except it was the way the men stood around my car as if they owned it. Instinct told me they were waiting for me.

  A well-dressed man in his early to mid-fifties in a dark gray suit and a man dressed in all black typical of a bodyguard screamed trouble, and trouble found me.

  “Hello,” the suit greeted when I reached my car. His dark brown hair was expertly styled. He wasn’t much taller than I was with his average build. He shouldn’t have been a threatening presence, and on a normal day in a normal life, he wouldn’t have been.

  I took in the expensive looking watch while I nodded my head in greeting and waited for him to move. He didn’t. He was blocking the driver’s door, and though he attempted to appear casual, I knew he was purposely blocking me.

  “Can I help you?”

  “Might I say you are much more beautiful up close.”

  Say what?

  “Um… I think I should go.” I took a cautious step back but stopped retreating when I remembered I was moving in the opposite direction of my car. I was trapped without actually being trapped.

  “Why? We’ve only just started talking. I’ve been looking forward to meeting you for some time now.” His malicious grin spread wider with each word he spoke. “I’ve heard a lot about you.”

  “Oh, yeah?” I managed to speak over the nervous flutter in my stomach. “From who?”

  “Let’s just say I like to keep an eye on my interests. Some are more valuable than others.”

  There was only one person who could be the cause of this meeting.

  “Keiran,” I guessed while hoping it would so
mehow summon him magically. Funny how my once tormentor became my unforeseen knight in all black armor. The man’s eyes twinkled at the mention of his name.

  “Yes, Keiran. I’m very fond of his… potential, if you will.”

  My mind furiously attempted to connect the dots, but I couldn’t figure out who was standing before me. “I’m sorry. I didn’t catch your name?”

  “I’m Arthur Phalan.”

  “Arthur Phalan?” I repeated.

  “In the flesh.” He spread his arms wide in a magnanimous gesture, but when I continued to watch him silently, his arms fell. “I see he hasn’t been any more forthcoming with you than he has been with me.”

  “I don’t know who you are so why are you here?”

  “I believe you bumped into me, young lady. It is a mere coincidence we met here today.”

  “Somehow I doubt that. I meant, why are you here in Six Forks?”

  “Ah, well. I came here to collect. I paid a very fine price to get your little boyfriend out of a sticky situation.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “It was you who was going to testify against him for the murders of your little classmates, was it not?”

  “You got him out jail?”

  “That is correct.”

  “Why? How?” I stumbled over my questions and each word came out harsher than I intended but I was stumped. Why would he help Keiran?

  “Which answer would you like first?” He chuckled.

  “Any,” I snapped. I didn’t miss the brief flicker of anger in his eyes or the way his jaw had clenched before he settled himself.

  “I got him out because he promised me a valuable service. It was easy, although costly, to do considering I had to lace a lot more pockets than I cared to and call in a few favors. The thing about government and the law is it is very easy to corrupt.”

  “What was his promise?”

  “His servitude, Miss Monroe. And his undying loyalty... well, until he dies. The work can be a little… tricky… at times. There are a lot of risks and—”

  “He’s going to kill for you,” I whispered. “Again.” I’d already pieced together exactly who this man was and what he represented.

  “Yes, and I have the feeling he’ll be very good at it. He showed much promise as a child. I remember him most of all.”

  “And Lily? What about her?”

  “Who?” His brow rose in question at the mention of the little girl who suffered gravely.

  “Lily. The little girl you were planning to turn into a whore before she even had the chance to learn what love was.”

  “I’ve turned many little girls into whores, young lady. Their names don’t always resonate in my mind or matter.”

  “You’re a sick fuck,” I spat.

  “I’m a very rich fuck. Speaking of which… I am so glad I ran into you. Saves me the trouble of having to do this the hard way.” He signaled for someone in the distance and a burly man with a grim expression came forward.

  “What—what are you doing?”

  “Your little boyfriend has yet to deliver himself to me. I am tired of waiting so I’ll just have to find payment another way.” His leer as he stared at me and licked his lips was sickening. “You, my dear, can also provide a valuable service.”

  The bodyguard gripped my arm, and I immediately began to struggle. The scream that was building up from my lungs was cut short by the deep voice and unmistakable sound of a round entering the chamber of a gun.

  “Take your fucking hands off her, and I’ll let you live another day.”

  Keiran? I said a silent prayer of thanks that my tormentor/ex-lover had a tendency to stalk me.

  “Why, Keiran—”

  “I’m not interested in small talk. Tell your dog to obey or this bullet goes in your head.” I followed the sight of the barrel down an extended arm encased in black until I was finally able to see Keiran’s formidable expression. He’s here.

  “You are trespassing on dangerous grounds, son.”

  “I’m sure I can make it up to you,” he retorted sarcastically.

  “I hope she’s worth it then because this will cost you dearly.”

  “Her worth is none of your business. His hands. Now.” Arthur nodded to the henchman and my arms were released. I wanted to rub them in comfort but didn’t want my hands where his had just been.

  “Lake, get in the car,” he ordered without taking his eyes off the two men. I hesitated because I was more than reluctant to leave him alone, but when Keiran turned his head slowly and met my eyes, I moved to obey as a chilled shiver ran down my spine.

  Chapter Seventeen


  “That was a bold move, son. Risky and stupid. It’s exactly why I need you working for me.”

  I watched Monroe close the car door to make sure she was safe before I stuck my gun back into my waist. I was one wrong word away from blowing his head off his shoulders.

  “Don’t ever touch her again. I don’t care how far your reach goes. I will kill you for her even if I have to die in the process. Are we clear?”

  “I was prepared to take her as compensation. I haven’t heard from you since your release. The release I orchestrated. Why is that?”

  “I’m busy with school.”

  “Is that so?”

  “I have to finish.”

  “I’m not interested in your education. What I have in mind for you doesn’t require a degree or diploma. I don’t want your brains. I want your soul.”

  “And you don’t think anyone will question if I disappear? You got me out on bail, but you didn’t make the charges go away. I still have a noose hanging around my neck and can’t leave the state or even the county. Do you really want to chance being brought down for aiding and abetting? And then there’s my uncle.”

  “He can be taken care of.” It was meant as a threat, but what he didn’t know was I didn’t harbor any familial feelings for my uncle.

  He chuckled after a while and turned to regard his bulldog. “Are you seeing this kid? No emotion. Nothing.” He turned back to face me with a curious expression. “You don’t have much give, do you, boy?”

  “I don’t have time for this.” I spun on my heel and started for my car. I needed to make sure she was okay. I was kicking myself for letting her out of my sight. I told her about the organization, but what she didn’t know was I had only scratched the surface. She had no idea of the shit she was almost dragged into. If he had succeeded and taken her…

  “Keiran.” My name caused me to stop in my tracks. His tone was no longer charming and easygoing. I had crossed the line but was beyond caring.


  “My fondness for you, and most dangerously, my patience, is wearing thin. I had to pull a lot of strings to get you out, and in return, you promised me an important package. However, my sources have reported to me you may not be able to deliver… or maybe that you had no intention to do so.”


  I managed to keep a straight face but felt my muscles bunch and strain. I’ve been too distracted with this mini war with Monroe to cover my tracks. He had me caught in a corner, but I wasn’t about to give anything away until I knew how much he knew. “Well, then, I guess you should recheck your resources.”

  “Are you saying you aren’t collaborating with Mario to infiltrate my organization? Because if you are, I have to say…” he waggled his finger, “it wouldn’t make me the happiest man. I may be forced to do something irreversible.”

  “There is nothing you can do to me I haven’t prepared for my entire life.”

  A conspiratorial grin bared his white teeth. “I hear you have a brother. Is he still checked in at that hospital? Let’s see… what was it called…”

  “Don’t fucking think about it.”

  “I’ll do more than think about it. The question is—are you going to make me have to prove a point?”

  “I said I’ll give you Mario and I will—”

  “Not soon enough. I could
just kill you and the girl right here and now, but that idea doesn’t appeal to me as much, so how about I sweeten the deal?”

  “You don’t have anything I want.”

  “No, but your brother does.” He made me wait a beat before he clarified. “He needs a lung, does he not?”

  “How do you know that?” I gritted. I was going to have Mario increase security at the hospital as soon as this was over.

  “Connections and money, dear boy. It is the very reason you are standing here now. It is also how I will be able to procure your brother a lung.”

  “Come again?”

  “To guarantee you will work for me and you will bring me Mario, I’ll procure a lung for your brother. I can have one ready as soon as you deliver.”

  My eyes narrowed as I regarded him suspiciously. “And how do you intend to do that?”

  “That’s for me to worry about, but you can call it an act of good faith. Do we have a deal?”

  “I don’t have a choice, do I?”

  He smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes. “Maybe I should use your brains after all.”

  “Look, if you want your mole, then we do this on my terms for now. I have a lot of eyes on my back. I haven’t forgotten what you did, and I remember what you can do if I don’t deliver. However, right now, I need you to back off. I need to be as unassuming as possible.”

  Arthur studied me for several long moments, gauging my sincerity and also, letting me see the threat in his own.

  “You have until you graduate and not a day later. I’ll be watching you, Masters. I want my mole, and I want you under my command. Nothing less is acceptable. Anything less and I start picking off your loved ones… even the one you hide in plain sight.” His gaze traveled over to my car and back, a clear indication.

  “Understood.” I turned on my heel without saying goodbye and headed for my ride where Monroe sat safely inside.


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