The Aftermath

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The Aftermath Page 31

by Gary Chesla

  But last night, they didn’t have either, so they slept.

  “Snoop,” Fran started to say, but stopped to spit out the sand in her mouth.

  “Ah come on, Snoop,” Fran coughed, picked sand off her tongue then laughed, “what’s wrong with just licking my face like you do every other morning?”

  Snoop shook one more time, walked over to the end of the pipe and scratched at the sand for a second, then promptly went to the bathroom.

  After throwing sand over his business with his front paws, he trotted back over to Fran and whined.

  “You must have been raised with cats,” Fran smiled and patted his head. “I guess I won’t have to house train you after all, I can just get you a litter box.”

  Snoop whined again.

  “Sorry buddy,” Fran continued as she got up on her hands and knees, “but we don’t have anything for breakfast today. Maybe we’ll find something to eat when we get out on the road.”

  Fran crawled over to the end of the pipe and looked out into the desert.

  A few morning clouds floated in what otherwise was a solid blue sky.

  Fran thought the air felt chilly for being in the desert.

  “At least I’m up early this morning,” Fran said as she stared up at the sky and listened to the quiet. “Since we should reach Stone around noon today and since we don’t have anything to eat, I guess if we drink one of our last two bottles of water now it might fill us up so we don’t feel so hungry.”

  Fran crawled back to where she had put the items from the bicycle, grabbed a bottle of water and took a long drink.

  She cupped her hand and let Snoop drink what remained in the bottle.

  “At least we’ll get started before it gets too hot out there,” Fran thought as she began to get her things together.

  She dragged the truck battery over to the end of the pipe then went back to bring over the CB.

  She thought about trying to contact John, but decided to wait until later.

  She was concerned that John wasn’t on the radio last night. This was the first time he hadn’t been on the air since she had figured out how to use the CB.

  But if John was in trouble, he wouldn’t have his radio on anyhow.

  Flash had been off the air for a few days when she was on the run, but after she was in the clear, she joined the nightly conversation again.

  Flash said John knew what he was doing, so Fran decided to wait until the regular time tonight.

  Besides, only Snoop and crazy squirrels were up at this time of the morning.

  It didn’t take Fran long to put the battery and CB in the bicycle’s basket and tie them down.

  What took her the longest to do, was to get all the sand back out of Snoop’s pouch.

  Every time she thought all the sand was out of the pouch, sand would trickle down off the sides of the bag and cover the bottom again.

  Fran could just imagine Snoop sneezing and scratching in the pouch all day today.

  Snoop wasn’t that big, but the bag hanging around her neck all day yesterday had made her neck sore.

  She didn’t need to have Snoop squirming around and irritating her neck all day.

  Fran finally gave up and just turned the pouch inside out, so she and Snoop would both have a comfortable day.

  Fran did a fast check to be sure she wasn’t leaving anything behind, then scooped up Snoop and slid him back into the pouch.

  She pushed the bike up over the embankment and walked out onto the interstate.

  She sighed as she looked at the highway ahead, as it disappeared into the far-off horizon, then climbed on to the bike and began to pedal.

  It took her a mile before she was able to work out the soreness in her legs from yesterday’s long ride and finally find her comfort zone and settle into a steady pace.

  The desert was heating up quickly, even at this time of the morning, but at least the sun wasn’t brutal yet.

  Fran made good time as she watched the mile markers pass by quickly.

  In fact, the only thing that appeared to change was the numbers on the mile posts.

  If it wasn’t for the mile markers, Fran would have thought she was riding a stationary bike.

  The desert itself never seemed to change, the scenery consisted of sand and scrub brush and then more of the same.

  Fran found herself in what felt like a trance and soon she even stopped paying any attention and trying to keep track of how many miles she had ridden.

  She just pedaled and tried not to fall asleep.

  The hours flew by faster than she had realized once she hit her stride.

  She was totally alone in this part of the desert.

  Fran didn’t even see a stray bird in the air to distract her thoughts.

  Even though this was boring and lonely, Fran preferred this to working her way through the cars that clogged the interstate around the cities she had passed further north.

  After weeks of just staying in her house, the last two days of traveling so many miles were catching up with her.

  Her body ached all over and Fran just hoped that she would reach Stone, Flash and John today, so she could rest for the next few days.

  Her mind was a blank, and having lost track of how many miles she had traveled, she almost missed the sign that said, “Utah State Line, one mile.”

  But as Fran passed the sign, it hit her.

  “We’re almost there, Snoop!” Fran said as the realization of where she was, began to sink in.

  She started to study the road ahead of her.

  A moment later, Fran stopped the bike and smiled to herself as she looked up at the sign that hung across the interstate.

  “Welcome to Utah.”

  “Snoop, this is where Flash said she would meet us,” Fran grinned as she rubbed the top of Snoop’s head.

  When Fran stopped, Snoop decided to stick his head out of the pouch and have a look around.

  “Now all we have to do is find a place to keep out of sight until she shows up,” Fran said. “It will feel good to sit and rest for a while.”

  Snoop started to move around in the pouch and then he began to growl.

  “What’s the matter Snoop?” Fran asked nervously.

  Snoop appeared to be trying to look behind Fran, and she slowly turned to see what was behind her.

  As Fran turned, she was startled to see a figure off to her right, a few hundred feet off the road, walking towards her.

  She knew that it wasn’t a zombie by the way the figure moved, but from this distance she couldn’t get a good look.

  The figure was wearing a large hat that covered their head and face, hiding their identity.

  She was expecting Flash, but if this was Flash, this person wasn’t what Fran had expected.

  Fran cautiously watched as the figure climbed up over the embankment and approached the side of the road.

  She began to feel better when she felt Snoop’s tail begin to wag enthusiastically against the side of the pouch.

  Finally the person stepped onto the highway, removed her hat and a shaggy crop of long light brown hair fell down around her shoulders.

  “You made good time, Newb,” the girl said as she put her left hand on her hip and raised her right arm and waved.

  Fran slowly lifted her arm and returned the wave.

  “Flash is that you?” Fran asked.

  “You were expecting someone else?” Flash smiled.

  “No,” Fran stammered, “I just thought you would be bigger.”

  Flash laughed, “And I thought you would be smaller. The mutt, he is about what I expected.”

  Snoop wagged his tail more enthusiastically as Flash walked over and scratched his head.

  Then Flash turned and gave Fran a hug.

  “God, it’s been so long since I’ve seen another person,” Flash said. “I’m glad you made it Newb. When you started out, I seriously had my doubts.”

  Flash pulled away and saw tears running down Fran’s cheeks.

/>   “After the first day, I had my doubts too,” Fran grinned. “If I would have known that it was going to be this far, I probably would have turned around and gone home.”

  “No, you wouldn’t have done that,” Flash grinned devilishly. “To meet John, I think you would have been willing to walk twice as far as this.”

  “Have you talked to John?” Fran asked.

  “No, not for a few days,” Flash replied. “I wouldn’t worry. It’s only been a few days. You’ll learn that when you are on the run out here, sometimes you have to lay low and be quiet for a day or two. I’m sure we’ll hear from him before much longer.”

  Flash looked at Fran.

  “What do you mean you thought I would be bigger?” Flash asked.

  “Well,” Fran said. “All the things I heard about you doing, I thought you would have to be bigger to do all of that.”

  Fran and Flash stood eye to eye, both girls were almost the same height and weight.

  “You don’t have to be very big to survive out here,” Flash laughed. “You just have to be smart.”

  “So you thought I’d be smaller,” Fran grinned. “Or did you mean dumber?”

  Flash laughed again, “You’re obviously not dumb, kid. Over the CB you just sounded young and inexperienced, but since you’ve managed to live this long, you must have some smarts. I just meant that you sounded young.”

  Fran smiled.

  “So, you’re not disappointed?” Fran asked.

  “Nah, actually I’m impressed,” Flash smiled. “I’m happy that you made it. It will be nice having a little sister to talk to and teach the ways of the world.”

  “I’m sure you’re not as happy as I am,” Fran sighed. “I thought I was going to die without ever seeing another person again.”

  “You and me both, Newb,” Flash smiled. “What do you say we get moving?”

  “OK,” Fran replied. “But can’t you start calling me Fran instead of Newb, since we are here in person and not on the radio?”

  “OK, Fran,” Flash smiled. “I can do that.”

  “What’s your real name?” Fran asked.

  “My real name is Abigail,” Flash replied with a smirk. “I prefer you call me Flash.”

  “How about Abbey, I like that name,” Fran said.

  “I’ve gone by Flash for so long, I wouldn’t know who you were talking to,” Flash answered. “Maybe we should just stick with Flash.”

  “OK, Abbey,” Fran said.

  “OK, Newb,” Flash smiled. “Two can play that game.”

  Snooped whined, since he was feeling neglected.

  Fran smiled, “Snoop doesn’t care what you call him as long as he gets attention and something to eat.”

  “He should be happy when we get back to where I’m staying,” Flash said. “I’m sure I have more food than you’ve seen in a long time. Are you hungry?”

  “In the last three days, all we’ve had to eat were some pretzels, a rotten banana and a little cherry pie,” Fran replied. “We’re starving.”

  “Then today’s your lucky day,” Flash smiled. “It will take us an hour to get back to my place, but it’s an easy walk.”

  Fran pushed her bicycle and followed Flash across the road and down over the embankment.

  “We could follow the road, but if we cut across the fields here, it is a lot shorter,” Flash said. “I’m staying in an old farmhouse. It’s quiet there and I even have a real bed. I have a guest room for you and Snoop so you can get some rest after you eat.”

  “Anything will be better than sleeping in a drainpipe again,” Fran replied. “I have to warn you, Snoop isn’t house trained yet. Is there a litter box in the house by any chance?”

  “A litter box?” Flash laughed.

  “It’s a long story,” Flash grinned. “I think Snoop had lived with a family that had cats before I found him. I think he likes to go to the bathroom on doors or in the sand.”

  “I have a box and there is a lot of sand around,” Flash smiled. “I think we can make something to his liking. If not, it’s not like my place is something you would see in Better Homes and Gardens.”

  “As long as you have real doors and windows,” Fran added, “it will be a lot better than where I lived.”

  They walked for about a half mile when Flash stopped and cocked her head and listened.

  “Do you hear something?” Fran asked.

  “Get behind that brush,” Flash said as she ran towards the thicket of scrub brush to their left.

  When they were behind the brush, Fran asked, “What is it?”

  “Listen,” Flash replied.

  Fran watched Flash as she listened.

  A few seconds later, Fran heard a sound.

  “What is that?” Fran asked. “It sounds like some kind of engine.”

  “It’s that Navy helicopter,” Flash replied.

  “It sounds more like a lawn mower,” Fran said.

  “That’s what I think too, but it’s that Navy helicopter,” Flash replied. “That’s one of the reasons that I don’t trust them. It doesn’t sound like a real helicopter like I would expect the Navy to have. I’ve never seen a real Navy helicopter, but from what I’ve seen on TV, they make a lot more noise than this one.”

  “What’s it doing?” Flash asked.

  “Every day it flies out here and puts food out in a clearing down the road from here,” Flash replied. “So, each evening I go out and take the food.”

  “Why do they keep putting food out there if you keep taking it?” Fran asked.

  “I’m not sure,” Flash replied. “They might be trying to get me to let down my guard, but I’m real careful. I stay out of sight during the day so they don’t see me and then go out at night to get the food. The food is just sitting out there in the open. If it was the real Navy, you would think they would set a trap. I have a knife just in case they have a net set up to catch me, but so far I haven’t seen anything near the food. It’s just out in the open.”

  “It doesn’t sound like they are trying to trick you or anything,” Fran said. “Maybe you should try to talk to them?”

  “Not until I know more about them,” Flash replied. “I have food and so far, I have a safe place to stay. Why would I risk that to talk with some guys that I don’t know who they are or have any reason to trust?”

  “I see your point,” Fran said. “If I would have tried to talk to the guys that had Snoop before I saw what kind of people they were, I’d be dead.”

  “You’re learning kid,” Flash smiled.

  They watched and saw the helicopter get larger in the sky as it grew nearer, then it dropped down out of sight off in the distance.

  After another five minutes, they saw it rise up into the sky, turn and fly back in the direction from where it had first appeared.

  “I watch them do that every day,” Flash said after the helicopter was gone.

  “So you think they put more food over there?” Fran asked.

  “If you’re up for a little adventure tonight,” Flash replied. “We’ll take a trip later tonight to go find out.”

  “In the dark?” Fran asked.

  “Of course in the dark,” Flash replied. “I’ve never heard them flying around at night. It’s better to be safe, that way they won’t be able to see us. We can never have too much food and I want to stock up while I can. I figure after a few days they will give up and move on. Together we can carry back everything in one trip and you can watch my back while I check to be sure they didn’t set any traps.”

  “Sure,” Fran said. “But will I have a chance to talk to John first?”

  “You’ll have plenty of time to talk to John before we go,” Flash replied. “Hopefully he will arrive in time to go with us.”

  This made Fran smile.

  They walked on for another half hour before they arrived at the old farmhouse where Flash had been staying.

  Fran and Snoop feasted on cans of green beans and dried beef.

  After eating as much as
their shrunken stomachs could hold, Fran and Snoop fell asleep on the old lumpy bed in Flash’s guest room.

  Late that night

  “Wake up, Newb,” Flash said as she shook Fran’s shoulder.

  Fran slowly opened her eyes.

  “It’s dark out already,” Fran replied sounding groggy.

  “Already,” Flash laughed. “You slept all day and half the night.”

  “I was beat,” Fran replied.

  “Riding a hundred miles on a bicycle will do that to you,” Flash said.

  “Are we going out for the food now?” Fran asked as she sat up.

  “Yeah, we should leave in a few minutes,” Flash replied. “It will be getting light out in a few hours and I want to be sure we have enough darkness for cover in case we run into any trouble.”

  “Can I try to contact John before we leave?” Fran asked.

  “I have my CB set up in my room,” Flash replied. “You can try to contact him there.”

  “What about Snoop?” Fran asked quietly.

  “He is sleeping like a little log,” Flash replied. “He’ll be fine. Even if he starts to bark, there isn’t anyone around here to hear him. Besides, I put a fresh bowel of food next to him. If he gets up, he’ll eat and just go back to sleep.”

  “OK,” Fran said. “Don’t you have any candles? I can’t see anything.”

  “You’ll get used to the dark easier if we don’t light any candles yet,” Flash replied. “Come on, I’ll lead you.”

  Flash led Fran over to her room, the glowing light from the CB lit up the room so Fran could move around much easier.

  “I tried to reach John before I came up to get you, but I didn’t have any luck,” Flash said.

  Fran picked up the mic and tried calling out for Batman, but she gave up after a few minutes.

  “Hopefully we can reach him tomorrow night,” Flash said. “I’m sure he’s fine.”

  “Grab one of those suitcases by the bed,” Flash said as she walked over and shut off the CB.

  “I can’t see,” Fran complained.


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