Underground (New World Series Book 4)

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Underground (New World Series Book 4) Page 9

by Janelle Stalder

  He started too, his posture stiff. She noticed out of the corner of her eye that he was flexing his hands at his side, telling her he was barely controlling his anger. Ludwig didn't like to be lied to, but she didn't work for him anymore. He'd just have to suck it up.

  The three of them walked toward the building, their steps loud. From what she could see, they'd left no one outside. Figures, she thought. Her father was a cocky ass-hole. He was probably in there gloating, knowing that no one was coming to help anytime soon. It's not like there would have been anyone out here to report back to the soldiers. Yes, her father could sometimes be smart about most things.

  “Where are your men?” she asked.

  He took a deep breath, and she knew he was concerned. “There should have been a handful in there,” he answered. “Either they're dead...or your father is more persuasive than I gave him credit for.”

  She grunted.

  “Do you think you can handle taking a look inside again?” he asked.

  She shook her head. “There are too many,” she replied tightly.

  He nodded, not pushing her. They stopped in an alley right next to the building, surveying it.

  “There's a skylight on the roof,” Lake said, standing on Ludwig's other side.

  “Are you sure? How do you know?” he asked, looking at her.

  “My aunt's told me about it,” she answered. “She likes to look at the stars through it whenever they have their meetings there.”

  Charlotte started toward the building.

  “Where are you going, Lottey?” Ludwig whispered yelled.

  “We need to find a way up there,” she said over her shoulder. “There might be a fire escape around back.”

  “Let me go then,” Lake said, appearing beside her. She dropped her voice. “I don't think you should be exerting yourself like this. Especially considering you just threw up what you ate. Your body isn't going to handle being pushed.”

  “I'll be fine,” she insisted.

  Lake reached out to grab her arm, forcing her to stop and look at her.

  “It's not just about you, Charlotte. Plus, think of how pissed Pete would be if he knew I let you do this.”

  Charlotte knew she was right. “Fine. I'll keep watch here. Whistle if you need help though and I'll be right there.”

  Lake nodded. “I'll be back in a flash.”

  Charlotte nodded and watched her go, nerves racking her stomach. Or was she just going to be sick again? It was entirely possible.

  “Where is she going?” Ludwig asked.

  “To find the fire escape.”

  “By herself?”

  “I don't feel well,” she said.

  “Well I'm not letting her go alone. Stay hidden. We'll be back.”

  He took off after Lake, heading to the shadows at the side of the building where she'd disappeared.

  This was not how he'd imagined his night would pan out. He had left headquarters on one of the walks he'd taken to doing, planning on returning to sit by himself in his office and nurse a glass of scotch before going to bed. It was the same thing he did every night.

  The last thing he'd expected was to find the rebel who had so often occupied his thoughts with his Lottey. Just out and about in the streets. He had watched them, wondering what they were up to. Except they didn't do anything suspicious. They had just been walking and occasionally talking, until he saw Lottey stop and grip her head. He could still feel the aftershocks of fear from seeing her almost collapse.

  The same thing had happened many times when she was younger and was still learning to control her ability. When he'd brought her in front of his army for the first time, and had ordered her to inspect his men, just in case there were any traitors in the midst, she'd physically collapsed from the onslaught. He had never done that again until he was sure she could shut herself off quickly before being overwhelmed.

  Whatever she had heard from within the community building must have been bad if she’d had such a reaction. He hadn't even stopped to think before leaving the shadows where he'd hidden to go to her. It was Lottey. His Lottey. She might have left him and betrayed their friendship, but knowing he could help her was all that mattered right then.

  Since she and Roman had left, he'd realized just how much they'd brought into his life. They had been his only family. And no longer having them there made him see just how alone in this world he'd created he really was. So, yes, it was probably stupid to go to her. But just having her close, even if it was for a short while, made all those lonely nights seem to disappear. It was like having a puzzle piece missing and then finally finding it again.

  Then there was the other woman. The rebel he was currently following around the back of the building. She made his blood heat up from just looking into her chocolate eyes. That wild hair of curls begged to have his hands in it. Her mocha skin was so smooth and soft looking, he could only imagine how it would feel against his own.

  Giving himself a good shake, he quickened his steps to reach her. There was no point in thinking this way. He knew how she thought of him. It was written plainly on her face whenever she looked at him. Disgust and hatred, pure and simple. And what else was to be expected from a rebel?

  He rounded the corner to the back of the building just as she reached the stairs of the fire escape. She was jumping, trying to reach the ladder as he approached her.

  “Let me,” he said.

  She gasped in surprise, before collecting herself. “I can manage on my own,” she said.

  “Fine.” He stepped back, crossing his arms over his chest. She just stood there, staring at him. He waved his hands at the ladder above them. “Go on then.”

  She huffed a breath before turning back to the stairs.

  “What's your name?” he asked.

  She jumped again and again, reaching her long arms up, missing by inches. She was tall for a girl, but not tall enough. Stubborn, he thought with a private smile.

  Finally, after three more attempts, she stopped, hands on her hips, head down. He watched her take a deep breath before looking up at him. Ludwig raised both eyebrows, waiting.

  “Lake,” she said. “My name is Lake. And I need your help.”

  If laughing wouldn't have further pissed her off, he would have done it. Instead, he bit back his amusement and simply smiled.

  “See? That wasn't so hard, was it?”

  Walking over, he judged the distance and figured he'd be able to grab hold of the last step and pull himself up. Or pull the ladder down, whichever happened first. Rubbing his palms together, he took a running jump and missed, landing on his hunches. His hands scraped across the pavement as he caught himself.

  He heard Lake chuckle behind him. Face burning, he took another go, this time grabbing hold with one hand. He dangled there for a moment before swinging up his other hand. The ladder groaned loudly, the rust accumulated from years of disuse preventing it from budging. Hoisting himself up, he was suddenly thankful for all the times Roman had insisted he keep up with his own work outs.

  The metal screeched loudly as he managed to lower it. He looked around, certain one of the men Lottey had sensed inside would hear, but thankfully no one came running.

  In the next instant Lake was climbing up to stand beside him.

  “Good work,” she said - he was sure reluctantly.

  Gesturing to the stairs, he said, “ladies first.”

  Lake moved quietly, her steps light and sure, something he knew probably came in handy being a rebel. They reached the roof in silence, moving as though they'd done this sort of thing together before. It made him realize just how little he connected with people. He had no relationships with any familiarity, except for Roman and Lottey. And now they were on opposing teams.

  Pushing back the feelings overwhelming him, he walked over to the skylight that, sure enough, sat in the middle of the massive roof. How had he never noticed it before when he’d be inside? Lake stood on the other side as they both looked down at the scen
e below.

  Ludwig took it all in, something ugly and rotten filling his gut as he did. Instantly he picked out the person he had expected to see, and his anger burned hot.

  “Mother-fucker,” he whispered.


  They were brought to an office that was far more extravagant than the room they'd been in before. Book cases covered three walls, surrounding a large oak desk flanked by three leather chairs. It had that masculine feel about it that told Trent this had to be Bastian's main office. If the man was planning on killing them all, he doubted it would be done here. Given that, Trent thought the leader of this place had something else in mind. He just couldn't figure out what.

  Phoenix and Missy took the two chairs that sat in front of the desk, after the men insisted. Trent stood against the only empty wall with Tyler as his brother leisurely scanned the spines of the books. He stopped beside the desk, looking down at a small, ornate chessboard set up there, a small smile lifting his lips.

  Trent could remember his brother learning to play from one of their old neighbours, Mr. Samson. He'd been the only man when they were younger who could actually get Garrett to sit down long enough to do something as focused as chess. When the city was divided though, Mr. Samson had been taken to the Upper section. Trent had no idea what happened to him after that.

  “This is torture,” Phoenix complained, kicking her feet up on the desk.

  “Not quite,” Garrett replied.

  “I hate waiting around,” she continued.

  “The more we wait, the longer we're alive,” Trent pointed out. “I wouldn't complain.”

  She didn't bother looking at him, just huffed like insolent child. He was getting sick of all the waiting too. Mostly he was just beat. His face and shoulder hurt from the fight, and he felt like he'd been up for days. The thought of going back to the thin cot in his cell was actually appealing at this point. It was why he’d insisted on standing. He was afraid that if he sat down in one of those chairs, he'd crash, despite the adrenaline still pumping through him.

  The door beside him opened, and in spite of not knowing what it would bring, relief washed over him. Bastian walked in first, followed by Pixie of all people.

  Phoenix jumped out of her chair when she saw her, and Trent could see some of the stress leave her at seeing her friend was okay.

  “Good evening, or morning I suppose,” Bastian said, walking around to the other side of the desk. Pixie gave Phoenix a nod to whatever silent exchange went between them as she followed Bastian to stand beside him.

  “What's going on, Black?” Garrett asked.

  “I have a proposition for you,” he said. He sat down, looking at each of them.

  “And what would that be?” asked Trent, looking between him and Pixie who now stood behind his chair. If he wanted to trade their freedom for hers, he was going to be thoroughly disappointed. No way in hell would they leave a man - or woman - behind.

  “I have certain connections that I think may help you in your endeavors,” he replied.

  “What endeavors would that be?” Tyler said.

  “Your fight against the NWO, of course.”

  Not what Trent had been expecting. Although he was still worried that the price for whatever he was offering would be the tiny girl behind him.

  “What kind of connections?” asked Phoenix.

  Trent stepped forward, holding out a hand to stop him from replying. “More importantly, at what cost do we get to use these connections?” He made no secret of his real question as he looked pointedly at Pixie and then back to Bastian's shrewd gaze.

  “Not that, I assure you,” he said.

  Trent lifted his brows, as if to say, “are you sure?”.

  Bastian sat up straighter, his eyes narrowed. “I'm not keeping Pixie with me as a hostage, if that's what you're thinking. She's just as free as the rest of you.”

  “Free?” Missy said, her eyes widening.

  Bastian rubbed a hand over his mouth. Bags of exhaustion could be seen beneath his eyes, and Trent knew he wasn't the only one feeling the weight of this long day.

  “Yes, free. You're no longer being held here as prisoners. As are all the other fighters we have here. I'm letting everyone go.”

  Garrett gasped loudly. It was almost comical, except Trent didn't have the energy to laugh at his brother. To be honest, he was as surprised as Garrett, and was finding it hard to think of something to say in response. What had happened to make him take such an unexpected turn?

  Looking over his shoulder at Pix, he wondered if perhaps Missy's statement earlier was truer than he had thought.

  “Are you going to explain that one some more? Because I'm bloody confused right now,” Garrett said.

  “Look,” Bastian said, sitting back, “I understand what you're all fighting for. I once felt the same way, but obviously lost sight of that along the way. The Outlands can change a man, not that it is any excuse. I've made mistakes, and now I'm willing to make up for them.”

  “How?” asked Phoenix.

  He took a deep breath. “I have a connection that imports certain items for me on a regular basis from the United States.”

  The room went utterly silent. Trent wasn't even sure any of them were breathing anymore. Did he just hear that correctly? Roman had told them that the United States hadn't been destroyed as they'd all been led to believe, but that wasn’t common knowledge. That's what he had thought at least.

  “How is that possible?” Trent asked.

  Bastian smiled sardonically. “We Outlanders aren't as blinded by Ludwig's lies. We struggle and fight for what we need to survive out here. Any and every avenue is explored. I came across a man not long ago who had figured out a passage overseas that got him around Ludwig's army.”

  Suddenly Trent wished there were more chairs, because he desperately needed to sit down from all this.

  “So far, we only bring in items I need, not people. But, I believe if we can contact the right people through my guy, it will be possible to sneak some of their armed forces over here to help your fight.”

  “You had this option all along and never used it?” Trent said.

  “As I said, I've made mistakes. I want to help now. And this facility will be the ideal place for you to amass a true opposition. Ludwig has no eyes out here.”

  What he was suggesting was the answer they'd been looking for. It was just hard to wrap his head around the fact that this was really happening.

  “We can take one of the vans and go get Pete and the others,” Pixie added. “It will be safer for all of us to stay here anyway.”

  “You knew about all this?” said Phoenix.

  She shook her head. “Not until tonight. I had my suspicions though that there was more going on here.” She glanced at Bastian and then back to Phoenix. “He gave me an orange to eat once,” she explained with a shrug.

  Oranges, along with a lot of other foods that weren't native or grown here anymore, were impossible to get. He could see why it would raise a flag.

  “So what's the plan then?” Garrett asked.

  “First, I think we all need to get some sleep. I'll have you shown to rooms,” said Bastian.

  “Darn,” Phoenix snapped her fingers. “No more dirty cells?”

  “By all means, if you're more comfortable there, feel free to sleep wherever.”

  “I'll pass,” she said dryly.

  “I expected as much. Once we've all rested, we'll meet again to figure out when to go get your other friends, and whoever else you think will want to join us, and start coming up with a game plan. For now, everyone get some sleep.”

  “Pix, you wanna share a room?” Phoenix asked.

  Trent wanted to growl out a no, but he clamped his mouth shut. Shit, it wasn't like he was going to announce to everyone there that he wanted to share a room with her. Thankfully he could see that Pixie didn't want to share from the way she glanced nervously between Pheonix and Bastian.

  “Uh...” she hes

  “Pixie stays with me,” Bastian cut in, leaving no room for argument.

  Phoenix crossed her arms, a smirk stretching out across her face. “I expected as much,” she said, mimicking him.

  Trent bit back his laugh. Such a little shit disturber, he thought.


  She slammed her fists into the pillow, plopping her head down, but still she could not get comfy. Phoenix rolled onto her back, staring up at the ceiling. She let out a big sigh. Figures she'd finally have a real bed to sleep in, and she couldn't even manage to close her eyes. She was too keyed up from everything that had happened.

  Knowing that things were changing, and they actually had a shot now at making a difference, made sleep seem less important. They needed to start now! Things needed to be put in motion. All these years of fighting for change, and she had the means at her fingertips. And Bastian wanted them to sleep?

  Kicking off the covers, she flopped onto her stomach, but still couldn't get settled. She hadn't slept in almost twenty-four hours. Her body felt the exhaustion but her mind just wouldn't shut off.

  There was a soft knock on the door that had her eagerly jumping up from the bed. Anything was better than tossing and turning all night - or morning - whatever, she thought.

  Opening the door, Trent stood just outside, looking a little worse for wear, but still manly and - Trent.

  “You're not asleep?” he asked, his eyes dropping down the front of her slowly.

  Only then did she remember she wore only her panties and a thin tank top. Meh, let him look, she thought with an inner smirk.

  “If I was, you would have woken me up,” she pointed out.

  “Touché,” he said. His eyes met hers. “I can't sleep.”

  At some point her mouth had gone dry, and now she was having difficulty swallowing. The dark promise in his eyes was as clear as day. If she'd had any hope of sleep before, it was completely gone now.

  Instead of replying, Phoenix simply stepped back so he could come in. He didn't even hesitate as he walked through, his arm reaching out as he did, wrapping around her waist. The door shut just as he backed her up against it, his body invading her space.


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