Highlander's Desire (The Matheson Brothers Book 1)

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Highlander's Desire (The Matheson Brothers Book 1) Page 8

by Joanne Wadsworth

  “They’re my brothers.”

  “Same goes for Daniel. He’s my brother, but I’ll tell you what, you can ask me any question you like and I’ll answer it. You have free reign. Go for it.”

  “Tell me your first childhood memory.” He leaned forward, elbows on the table, interest gleaming in his eyes.

  “Ah, except for that one. Next question.”

  “You said free reign, and I don’t care for any secrets between us.”

  “Or between us as well.” Finlay smeared a slice of warm crusty bread with garlic butter then leaned back in his chair. “As brothers, we’re closer than most. It’s essential we get to know you as well as Daniel clearly does.”

  “You are all so frustrating.” It appeared she wouldn’t get out of this one. After blowing out a long breath, she nodded. “All right, my first childhood memory involves nudity. Mine and Daniel’s.”

  “Damn it.” Iain gritted his teeth and snarled. “I should just lop off his head right now.”

  “You could have lied, little sister.” Daniel chewed a slice of bread, every muscle tense as he kept one eye on Iain. “If I return to Emma missing a crucial appendage, you’ll have her to answer to.”

  “Give me the details.” Iain drummed his fingers on the burgundy placemat in front of him.

  “I was four at the time. Dad took me down to the stream for a swim and Daniel was there with his mother. I had this frilly pink two-piece swimsuit on, one Dad had bought me for Christmas, but Daniel wasn’t wearing a stitch of clothing. He was frolicking in the nude and loving it.” She selected two slices of crusty bread and smeared them with cranberry feta and passed one to Iain. “So I ditched my swimsuit too not realizing boys looked quite different to girls until I got closer to Daniel in the water. Even at four, that appendage of his was rather impressive. Emma would definitely be furious if he lost it.”

  Daniel choked on his bread. “No more,” he rasped. “Ask him what his earliest childhood memory is. You need to switch the subject now.”

  “Hold on.” Iain hauled her chair smack up against his. “Do you recall this same memory?” he gritted at Daniel.

  “I’m not the one who agreed to answer any questions.”

  “Answer me.”

  “Sheesh. All right. I’m a month older than Isla, and I’ll never forget swimming in the stream with her. Her brown hair swung down to her waist, covering every part of her. I saw nothing, noth-ing.” He swiped a hand in a definitive-no gesture across his neck. “That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.”

  “I have your meals.” The waitress beamed as she placed hers and Daniel’s dishes before them, walked back to the kitchen and returned with Iain and his brothers’ meals. “Is there anything else you’d all like?”

  “I need a sharper knife,” Iain demanded. “Pronto, please.”

  “No, he’s fine.” Isla smiled at the young woman. “Thanks for these meals.”

  “You’re welcome.” She strode over to the corner table where a family of four seated themselves and pulled out her notepad and pen from a pouch belted around her waist.

  “You need to calm down.” She picked up Iain’s cutlery and passed it to him. “Those pork chops of yours look delicious. They’re a definite favorite of mine too. In fact, I’ll eat any red meat provided it’s tender and juicy. I like my chicken crumbed or in a sauce, and my fish as fresh as possible and pan-fried. All vegetables are a go, except tomatoes and cucumber. And I adore dessert, particularly if there’s chocolate in the mix, then I’m all over it. Did you get all that? I’ll repeat if needed.”

  “No, I heard every word, and you have my most grateful thanks for the information.” He cupped her nape, brought her mouth to his and devoured her in a hungry kiss. When he let her go, she almost clambered onto his lap for more.

  “Well, for that steamy kiss, I’ll give you a promise. From this moment on, I’ll never swim in the nude with any man other than you.”

  “I accept your promise and will hold you to it.”

  Perfect. One mate calmed, and one promise she was happy to uphold.

  “Now, it’s your turn, Iain. What’s your first childhood memory?”

  “Accepting the very first of Kirk’s stupid dares. We were terrors when we were younger, always getting into trouble.” He cut into his roasted potato drizzled in gravy and ate a forkful. “Around the age of four, Kirk challenged Finlay and me to climb the highest tree, the one that butted right up against the rear curtain wall.”

  “And did you climb it?”

  “Kirk’s always egging Finlay and me on to do stupid things, and being that Kirk’s the youngest, we have a habit of giving into him. Can’t let him get into trouble all on his own.”

  “I would have loved to have had a sibling, someone to share getting into trouble with.” She cut into her steak.

  Finlay popped a fry between his lips. Of the three of them, he had more freckles smattered across his nose and cheeks, as well as a rather beautiful Celtic tattoo on his right bicep. Kirk meanwhile had the same golden eyes as his brothers, but a glimmer of starburst yellow rimmed the edge. All three were the same in looks yet with the odd unique difference. Iain though, she’d never mistake him for his brothers. Just looking at him made her heartbeat pound and her body heat.

  With his gorgeous gaze on her, Iain snuck one of her fries. “Are there any other seers in your clan, other than your father?”

  “There’s usually one born in every generation. They’re particularly strong in my direct line, but Dad’s the only one at the moment. We’re overdue for a seer birth.”

  “I’d like to meet your father, as soon as it’s possible.”

  “I’m sure he’d like to meet you too.” Beside her, Daniel polished off his steak and rubbed his belly. He was being far quieter than usual. “Are you all right?” she asked him.

  “The less I talk, the less trouble I get into.”

  “I see, although you’ll still be in trouble if you didn’t order me a dessert.”

  “I’d never forget that. I ordered Death by Chocolate.”

  “Oooh, yum. I love y—”

  “No.” He shoved a hand over her mouth. “Don’t you dare speak words of love to me.” He raised a brow. “Can I safely remove my hand?”

  She pried his fingers away, one by one. “Sorry, clearly I’ll need to learn to watch what I say in the future.”

  “Thank you.” He motioned toward Iain. “Give him a calm-me-down kiss. That’d be helpful.”

  She turned to Iain. “I’m sorry, but I really love chocolate.”

  “You’re not the one who needs to apologize.” Fists clenched at his sides, his breath whistled out between tight lips. “You warned me your relationship with Daniel was tight. I don’t mean to overreact. Just give me some more time to come to grips with the closeness of your bond.”


  “Aye, truly, although a calm-me-down kiss wouldn’t go a—”

  “Excuse me.” The waitress had returned, a smile on her face as she took the cleared plates away and another waitress set desserts before them all.

  Isla swiveled her plate around to further appreciate the slice of gooey chocolate cake, a mound of hot fudge ice cream and wedges of dark and milk chocolate protruding from a swirl of rich chocolate mousse.

  Across from her, Finlay spooned apple shortcake into his mouth and Kirk licked his lips as he eyed his apricot crumble drizzled with cream. Daniel thanked the waitress for his strawberry cheesecake and Iain stirred sugar into a cup of strong black coffee, no dessert in sight.

  “Do you not like a sweet treat after a meal?” She plucked a wedge of milk chocolate from the mousse and ate it.

  “I rarely eat anything sweet.”

  “Wow. That’s almost a crime.” She scooped ice cream into her mouth and sighed as the decadent confection slid over her tongue and sent her taste-buds dancing. “You have to try this.” She offered him a spoonful and when he opened his mouth, she slipped it inside then waited until
he’d swallowed. “It’s good right?”

  “It’s very sweet.” He leaned in, his mouth a whisper from hers. “But I’d rather taste it directly from your lips.”

  “I don’t like sharing my chocolate. You’re lucky you got the spoonful you did.”

  “Is that right?” His eyes gleamed with mischief, all sign of his frustration slipping away.

  “That wasn’t a dare.”

  “Sounded like it to me, my little bear.”

  * * * *

  Iain sipped his coffee, his gaze on his woman. He’d missed out on five precious years with her and everything within him demanded he make back some of that time, however he could. Definitely time for an escape. From the moment they left this tavern, it’d be just the two of them. He’d ensure it.

  Meals finished, he walked outside and held the front passenger door open for her. She slid inside, buckled up and while she did, he joined his brothers and Daniel on the pavement. “I’m taking her out to the cabin.”

  “A good idea.” Finlay squeezed his shoulder. “Kirk and I’ll ride with Daniel back to the inn. We’ll pick your car up for you and take it back.”

  “I’d appreciate that. Isla left it locked up with the key inside, although I have a spare one on me.” He removed the key from his chain and passed it to Finlay.

  “Take as much time as you need. We’ll see you when you return.” Finlay jumped into the rear of Daniel’s SUV while Kirk took the front seat beside Daniel.

  “Where are they going?” Isla asked him as he eased in behind the wheel and started the engine.

  “It’s time for that escape I promised you. They’re going to pick up my car and take Daniel for a tour of Ivanson Castle. They’ll look after him before he heads back.”

  “So, where are we headed?” She lowered the window and the fresh breeze ruffled her silky long locks, the same exact shade of the rich chocolate mousse she’d enjoyed.

  “Somewhere very special.” He drove out of the village and along the winding highway edged on one side by the forest and on the other the rolling moors. “It’ll be just the two of us for a while.”

  “And what makes this place so very special?” She rested her hand on his upper thigh, her fingers curled snugly around his leg.

  “Five years ago, my brothers and I built a cabin deep in the woods on Matheson land. It’s a retreat of sorts. We thrive being amongst our clansmen, but sometimes it’s necessary for us to be alone, to strengthen our bonds as brothers.” He covered her hand with his. “We fish in the stream, allow our bears to roam, that sort of thing.”

  “I’m so glad you have them.”

  “We’re tight and always have each other’s backs, just as they’ll now have yours.” He slid his fingers between hers. “Going forward, we’ll live our life together, and when you need to return home to your father, then that’s where we’ll go.” He turned off the main road, the one just before the inn, then bumped along a private driveway winding deep into Matheson territory. Pine, ash and elm trees rose high either side of the thin track. Ten miles in, he slowed then entered a clearing. His log cabin, with its two chimneys and wide wraparound porch painted a deep rustic-brown, had taken him and his brothers almost a year to build in between assignments. He pulled up in front and opened Isla’s door.

  “This place is amazing.” She twirled around, her gaze bright as she eyed the river running alongside the forest’s edge. “I love it.”

  “We always keep the kitchen fully stocked, and I have plenty of clothes stored here, just as I do at the castle.” He opened the trunk, grasped her purchases and climbed the front steps. “There’s a four-digit key code needed to enter.”

  “I’ll get it for you.” She walked up beside him. “What’s the number?”

  “One, one, one, one.”

  “Huh?” She frowned, so damn endearingly. “I think you’re supposed to use a number no one is supposed to guess.”

  “Would you have guessed that?”

  “No, but that’s not the point.” She unlocked the door and opened it.

  “We like to make things easy if we can.” He slid the bags inside then scooped her up before she could enter. “Would you like that shower you missed out on this morning?”

  “I’d love one, particularly since I’ve been rolling around in dirt since.” She wrapped her arms around his neck as he carried her over the threshold.

  “One shower coming up.” He nudged the door shut with his hip and weaved through the large lounge with its four tan leather couches and big screen TV. Down the passageway, across the plush cream carpet, he strode. He passed his brothers’ bedrooms then stopped at the open doorway of his own and gently set her back on her feet. “The bathroom is to the side. I’ll grab your bags.”

  “Thank you.” She unzipped her knee-high leather boots and peeled them and her socks off then shrugged out of his borrowed shirt and whipped her tank top over her head. A peek of her nipples showed through the sheer white silk of her bra, and her jeans sitting snug on her hips, added to the mouth-watering sight he couldn’t turn away from. No, he wouldn’t be able to move an inch from this spot even if his life depended on it.

  “You were going to get the bags…” Gaze on him, she slid the button of her jeans free, lowered the fly then wriggled the blue denim down her gloriously creamy legs and off. Nothing but two scraps of silk covered her and his cock throbbed to attention and wept for more. “They’re by the front door, Iain, where you left them, remember?”

  “I know exactly where they are, my mate.”

  “Then could you choose something from my purchases for me to wear after I’ve showered?” She sashayed up against him and he wound a lock of her hair around his finger before allowing the silky length to slip free and bounce between her breasts.

  “I’d rather you wear nothing.”

  “I’m sure you would, but I’m not going to.” She flounced backward, turned and walked into the bathroom with her pert bottom swaying back and forth. She closed the door and he wanted to hammer it down. Instead, he forced air into his lungs and attempted to get his thoughts back on track. It was time to woo his woman.

  He returned to the front door, collected her bags and spread the contents over his bed. He folded everything and stored it all away in the top two drawers of his oak dresser, all but the tiny, two-piece racy-red swimsuit. That he left for her to wear.

  Out on the porch, he breathed deep. Time to come up with a plan. He wanted their time together here to be incredibly special. He’d catch some fresh fish for dinner tonight. She’d said she liked it pan-fried. He strode down the steps, crossed the lush meadow and stopped at the river bank. The stream was wide, deep in the middle and shallow where it pooled at each side. He’d spent so many hours out here, allowing his bear to splash about before lumbering out and curling up on the grass to dry in the warm sunshine.

  Water gushed over jutting rocks farther downstream where the forest thickened. Each summer, he and his brothers would lug out the canoes from the back shed and paddle to Loch Bear only a few miles distant. There the waters teemed with fish. They’d catch all they needed, row back and cook their haul over an open fire.

  “Iain!” Wrapped in a fluffy blue towel, her skin glistening from her shower and her damp hair dripping down her back, Isla waved from the front porch. Barefoot, she skipped across the meadow then stopped before him, her red bikini dangling from one hand. “I got really hot, even with the shower turned to its coldest setting. I need to shift, badly.”

  “Then I’ll join you.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “If you’re shifting, so am I.” He tossed his leather jacket onto the ground, eased his silver-threaded shirt over his head then shucked his leather pants and slid his thumbs inside the waistband of his black silk boxers. “I don’t care to shred any clothes when I shift. I hope you don’t mind me stripping completely off.”

  “I have no issue with that at all, provided you don’t mind me doing the same.” She dropped her bikini on
top of his pile of clothes, her gaze moving over his chest then down his legs. With one lick of her lips, she dropped her towel.

  Nothing. She wore not a stitch of clothing, and his bear almost jumped right out of him.

  Chapter 6

  Across the Highlands, a great distance from the ancient House of Clan Matheson, 1210.

  For the past month, from the passing of the last full moon to the rise of tonight’s one, Ivan had ridden across the Highlands following the path his soul had led him on. Everything within him now sensed his mate. She was close and his desire to find her beat at him as the night sky above darkened to a midnight black.

  Urging his destrier to a faster pace, he bolted along a grassy ridge bathed in the moon’s glow and through the darkened forest. He rode hard until he reached a clearing where a mystical stone circle appeared before him, a most magical and sacred place.

  The massive slabs of stone shone a serene white, and there, standing in the center of a dozen tall pillars stood a young woman in a corseted cream gown, her pale hair curling in long golden locks down her back. The fine velvet of her gown hugged her trim waist with an entwining of gold and cream silk ribbons along the bodice.

  He slowed his horse, pulled up and after dismounting, slung his reins over a low branch of one of the towering pines. The wind whistled around him, buffeting against his padded deerskin cotun and leather pants as he passed through the outer edge of the stone circle and stopped before her. He looked deep into her eyes and drank the sight of her in. “I cannae believe you’re here.”

  “I’ve felt driven to come to this place this eve.” She smiled and tugged the edges of her cream fur cape tighter about her. “Three months past, a seer took refuge within our walls, a wise woman by the name of Nessa. She said this need that burned deep inside me would be because of you.”

  “Nessa is my grandmother.” Three months past, Nessa had taken several guardsmen with her on a journey of spiritual enlightenment, or so she’d said. Now he knew what that journey had been all about, as well as the secretive smile upon her face when she’d returned. “What did Nessa say to you?”


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