Magick (The Dragonfly Chronicles Book 2)

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Magick (The Dragonfly Chronicles Book 2) Page 21

by Heather McCollum

  “I,” she started then stopped and focused her attention on the scar that lay across his cheek to his ear. “Ye, I mean.” Oh she had to stop this blabbering or she’d totally lose her illusion of bravery. “Ye will have to teach me what to do. I am a maid.”

  She glanced into his eyes. Mockery? Intimidation? No. His eyes held nothing but kindness, mixed with a lustful dose of mischief.

  He grunted softly and pulled her closer so that the peaks of her breasts touched hard chest. “Of course.” He tipped her face up with a finger under her chin. “I will teach you.” He ran the other hand down to a peaked breast and rubbed his thumb against its nipple.

  Sensation shot through Merewin. It coursed down between her legs to pool with the other delicious feelings his deep voice and open appreciation were creating. “I will teach you to cry my name,” he continued while capturing the peak between thumb and finger, drawing a moan of pain pleasure from Merewin. It felt as if hot sparks from a fire snapped through her.

  Releasing her, Hauk smoothed the rough flat of his hand down Merewin’s gently curved torso and across to her hip. He pulled her closer to fit against his hard body. “I will teach you to shudder under me.”

  His words were a deep caress. Merewin closed her eyes as he gathered her hair to the side, exposing her neck. His warm breath washed against delicate skin seconds before his lips grazed her rapid pulse. She trembled on an exhale, feeling his hard, powerful body. She was surrounded by his scent, his body, his strength. Somewhere in the back of Merewin’s mind, she knew she should be afraid, should back away, or push a hand against that hard chest. But the intoxicating feel of his lips on her skin, his hands on her body, his words kept her there within an unbreakable hold. Inside her body, an ember burned, searing her with building passion. Hot lips scorched a path down to her collarbone.

  Hauk’s hands came back to her shoulders. Their solidity grounded her as he paused.

  Merewin blinked.

  Hauk’s dark, stormy eyes, watched, warred for control. There was a question there, lurking, sitting between them. Did he await permission, permission from a thrall? Merewin felt the heaviness of the moment. He had told her what he planned, warned her with his touch and words. Now he waited. Merewin’s heart pounded almost painfully beneath her bared breasts, excitement and passion mixed with denied fear. She abhorred fear. Here she would not hide, not from Hauk, not from the passion that engulfed them there before the fire.

  “Aye, Hauk, teach me,” she breathed and raised her chin to look directly. “Teach me to make ye cry my name, teach me to make ye shudder beneath me.” Merewin smiled, and with it, relaxed. She raised hands to his face. She trailed a fingernail from his temple down along a stubbled jaw. “Teach me, now.”

  A low growl rumbled up from Hauk’s chest, and heavy hands sloped down her arms and up to capture her wrists. Slowly he raised Merewin’s arms above her head, holding them caged in one large fist. Merewin remembered the old oak tree in Northumbria where she’d first been captured by the Viking warrior, and her blood ran faster, pumping sensations spurred on by lustful thoughts throughout her confined body.

  In one quick jerk of his other hand, the cloth around Hauk’s hips fell free. At the same time his mouth descended. Full, warm lips slanted against hers. The brutal force she’d seen in his eyes and had heard in his growl remained confined, as if he caged himself as well. Merewin kissed him back and allowed the tip of her tongue to slip along his lip, tasting him. Hauk growled again and deepened the kiss. He released her hands to hold the sides of her face. He angled it, tasted her, drew away her breath.

  The kiss alone made Merewin’s legs wobble, and she leaned into Hauk’s body, feeling his arousal against her stomach. Merewin never liked to feel weak, but somehow she desired this weakness, this giving in to the sensations Hauk’s touch provoked. She welcomed the tremor in her muscles, the promise of something more in each stroke of Hauk’s fingers.

  Hauk’s hands roamed freely. Merewin felt one wrap in her hair while the other trailed down her nakedness. His fingers slipped into the curls shielding her core, and her breath hitched as he touched her intimately. Liquid heat pooled.

  Hauk’s breath came hard at her ear. “Soft, wet, hot. Aye Merewin, we will fit well together.”

  Before Merewin could respond, Hauk lifted her under her knees and carried her to the layered furs spread across his massive bed. Hauk sat her on the edge, and Merewin fell back on the pelts, rubbing her bare skin against their softness. The luxurious fur seemed to stroke her, creating a seductive caress on her already burning flesh. Merewin stretched her arms overhead and fanned out her hair. She felt languid and fluid and very aware.

  Hauk watched, and just knowing he watched sent another thrill deep inside Merewin. The firelight cast shadows along his muscles, accentuating every masculine line. Merewin’s gaze trailed over the wide stance of his shoulders, down the soft hair across his rippling chest, down to his erection. She swallowed hard and pushed the maidenly fear aside. This was no brute who would hurt her for sport. His hands lay fisted at his sides as if he still held tight rein over his lust.

  “Woman, you tempt me.” His face was grave, almost angry.

  A sliver of worry sliced through some of Merewin’s passion. Was she acting too wanton? She came up on her elbows. “Would ye have me act the shy maid and curl in a tight ball under the furs?” The question was a challenge with an edge of sarcasm.

  He frowned. “You don’t know the fire you are taunting.” Merewin watched him flex his hands and ball them once again into fists. “I don’t want to frighten you.” He leaned forward until his fists sank into the furs on either side of her. As if he were a beast moving over his prey, waiting for the chance to strike. She shrank backwards involuntarily into the pelts, as his mass moved over her.

  “I doona frighten easily,” she stated, with what she hoped was enough confidence that he would ignore the unease in her look.

  Hauk raised one eyebrow slightly, belying the feral warning in his stare.

  Merewin’s breath flew quietly from her parted lips, as if she were being stalked. The thrill of the unknown along with the warning in his glance infused her. There was a sense of danger mixed with the intoxicating promise of unimaginable pleasure. Her body was torn between the need to run and the desire to rub against this powerful man.

  Who would make the first move? She couldn’t wait much longer, the energy thrumming through her body made lying still nearly impossible. He bent his chest toward her as if he truly were a beast. In the same heartbeat as he moved, Merewin decided that she should be in a less vulnerable position. With pent up energy, Merewin rolled onto her stomach, leaping forward across the bed. Her arms reached in front of her to grab the opposite side of the pallet just as Hauk’s hands fastened around each of her ankles. Merewin flattened on her stomach across the furs.

  With leisurely force, Hauk pulled her body back towards him. “Nay Merewin, your lessons have only just begun.”

  The furs rubbed along her naked body as he dragged her across the pelts. The delicious friction across her breasts, the sensitive expanse of her stomach and pelvis, increased the pressure building inside Merewin. In this position, she was totally under his control. Normally Merewin yearned for control, but the feelings he aroused as he exerted power, excited her.

  Hauk slowly slid one ankle to each side of him where he still crouched over her on the bed. Merewin gasped as she felt hot breath along her neck. He trailed sensual kisses down her spine, raking teeth across tender skin, teasing with his tongue. When he reached her bottom, he spread her legs farther apart. “Open for me.” He kissed and rubbed each of her round cheeks and then slipped his fingers under, parting her woman’s lips from behind.

  Merewin moaned and moved against his hand, her fingers digging into the fur pelts as he explored her flesh. She felt his arousal against her cheeks as his thumb began a circular strum against a most sensitive spot. “Hauk,” she breathed into the furs.

?” He leaned down to kiss her shoulder blades.

  Merewin felt herself climbing, seeking something that she knew was wonderful. She moved against his hand as he lifted her onto her knees. Hauk’s other hand moved from her torso to her nipples. He rolled one between thumb and forefinger.

  “Hauk, please...” she cried, as she pushed against him. He leaned low and she felt his naked chest rub against her back, his arousal in the cleft of her bottom, rubbing forward to where his hand still sank into her.

  His lips brushed an ear as he pulled his hand away and moved the tip of his penis to her entrance. Merewin nearly begged in frustration. She wanted more, more of him. She wanted him deep within where the heat churned. He breathed hard against her ear as he reached down to part her wet lips, guiding his shaft inside. With one powerful thrust, he entered, thrusting deep, tearing through her maiden’s barrier.

  “Merewin,” he groaned low, covering Merewin’s gasp as the pain of intrusion mingled with the pleasure that had been building within.

  She knew it would fade quickly, or so she’d been told, and she waited for him to move. Yet he stayed still, his breath coming hard as he held her in the curve of his body. He teased her breasts and kissed her exposed neck. Still he didn’t move. When his hand dipped down to find the sensitive nub, Merewin couldn’t stand it any longer, and she pressed up into him.

  “Hauk,” she breathed. “I need ye move.”

  A grumble of laughter came from him at her ear. “Aye woman, I need me to move too, as soon as you’re accustomed to me.”

  “I’m accustomed.” She moaned as his calloused thumb rubbed in circles.

  He slid part way out of her and the friction of pleasure overrode the soreness of intrusion. Hauk lifted her upward so that her back moved against him as he pumped. Each stroke soared Merewin higher, back toward the peak she’d neared before. Together they moved, their bodies sliding along each other, the tempo building until Merewin could stand it no longer. With a cry of wonder and utter exultation, Merewin climaxed, the sensual sensations crashing upon her.

  As wave after wave of pleasure shook Merewin, Hauk moved faster, his body straining until he too roared. She felt his heart pounding against her back as he hugged her tightly. His forehead rested between her shoulder blades and he gently kissed her skin. Slowly they rolled to one side into the softness of the pelts, still connected.

  Hauk’s hand lazily lifted and stroked Merewin’s breasts, sliding between the valley and across her stomach. Their breathing slowed and exhaustion began to overtake Merewin. Warm, and utterly contented, she curled on one side against Hauk. His hand had stilled across her waist, the heaviness of it like a mantle of security. She felt his deep even breaths. Even the beast sleeps, she mused, and smiled into the darkness.

  As Merewin closed her eyes and began to let her mind drift and numb, she felt Hauk move. His words were a deep whisper, like thunder across a plain. “Merewin of Northumbria, you are now,” he paused.

  Merewin held her breath, waiting, afraid that if she reacted he wouldn’t finish.

  “You are now and always will be...mine.”

  Chapter 9

  Hauk stepped outside into the cool autumn morning and stretched his arms toward the azure blue sky. He filled his lungs. “By Thor, what a magnificent day,” he said, as he walked to the spring, which sparkled with drops of sun. He watched the crystalline water weave its way down the mountain at the far end of the valley.

  Hauk whistled a tune from festival as he spied some large trout run through the deeper channel near the middle of the stream. Aye, they’d have fresh fish for their meal today. Merewin would like some fresh fish, he thought, and felt a sudden desire to please her. He continued to survey the midday meal still swimming idly under the surface. When was the last time he’d wanted to please someone? His marriage to Ingun hadn’t been a love match but an obligation, and love had not grown between them.

  Of course he wanted to please his children, but that was different. His song halted as his mind wandered over the thought of his son. His chest tightened as usual, but he didn’t thrust the thought away. Instead he focused on his son’s smile, his playful antics, his awkward battle stance, memories he’d banished because they were too painful. Somehow they didn’t hurt quite so much today.

  “Merewin,” he mumbled at the disappearing tail of scales. He frowned slightly. Could the woman be using magick on him? But she said her magick didn’t work on him. Hauk shook his head and turned to the shed to collect his fish traps. “And I don’t believe in magick.” He almost laughed at the ridiculousness of his words.

  As he thumped through the grass toward the back of the house, his thoughts remained on the woman still curled in the furs on his bed. He’d left her sleeping this morning after rousing her several times during the night. His frown dissolved. He should have guessed by the fierceness in her spirit that she would be no fainting lamb in his bed. Nay, she’d been fierce and passionate, pushing shyness aside for the pleasure they could find with each other. Just thinking about her lush form and wild honey-brown tresses twisting across the pelts made Hauk hard again. He’d never tire of Merewin. In fact right now he was tempted to forego the fish and return to bed.

  He eyed the traps and grunted. “Best let the woman recover.” He adjusted himself. He’d asked Vivien to bring a warm bath to Merewin when she woke. The heat should help ease the aches in her well-loved body. Perhaps she was already in the water, her skin glistening, her round breasts just cresting the fragrant surface.

  With a small groan and another adjustment, Hauk got the traps out of the corner of the shed and stepped into the cool breeze. “By Thor, it’s still hot even as we near winter,” he groused, and strode back toward the stream. The chill hardly cooled his bare arms.

  Hauk rounded the corner of the house and paused. Dalla stood down stream, searching the quick moving water. She crouched at the edge on her knees. Maybe she watched the fish. Hauk smiled. It would be fun to fish with his daughter today. He hadn’t spent enough time with her since the deaths.

  “Dalla,” Hauk called, as he walked up.

  She stood and brushed her knees, her head bent.

  “Did you see the trout swimming? I think we can catch...” he paused as he glimpsed her face and wet eyes. Hauk set the traps down on the bank and gently pulled Dalla before him. “What’s this, more tears?”

  Dalla shook her head, but kept her gaze down toward their boots. Hauk tipped her head up. Had she caught Merewin in his bed? Did she not approve?

  “Merewin is a good woman, Dalla.”

  Her eyes opened a little wider. “I know, papa.”

  “And I have claimed her. She is mine and will be staying here.” His daughter just stared. “I was hoping that you were learning to like her.”

  “I am.”

  “Then you are not upset that she is here?”

  Dalla shook her head and glanced at the fast moving water. When she turned back toward Hauk, her eyes brimmed once again with tears. “It was here that I...I lost her mother’s stone. The one she always wore on a strap around her neck.” Dalla reached for Hauk’s hand and squeezed it. “I want to find it. It’s all she has left of her mother.”

  Hauk looked between his weepy daughter and the rushing water. “Let’s try to find it then.”

  Hope shone in Dalla’s crystal blue eyes, eyes so very much like his son’s. The open expression of trust and adoration, they had also belonged to Toki. Hauk’s brow furrowed. Had he been avoiding Dalla because she reminded him of Toki?

  With a quick hug, Dalla walked along, peering into the water.

  “I’ll set these fish traps up stream a bit, and we can begin to look,” Hauk called to Dalla. Pebbles of all sizes dotted the bottom. “A rock among rocks,” he mumbled to himself. It would be a long day wading in the icy mountain water. He knelt down to lower the fish traps.


  He looked up at the radiant smile on his daughter’s face. “Aye, Dalla?”
/>   “Thank you.”

  Hauk smiled and nodded. Aye, a day of hunting for a rock among rocks, but he’d be working alongside his girl. It had been a very long time.


  Merewin had risen hours ago, enjoyed a warm bath and helped Vivien with mending, spinning, cheese making, and various other household chores. Several times she’d looked outside toward the stream where Hauk and Dalla worked. Merewin wasn’t quite sure what they were doing, but they were doing it together.

  Walking back in, Merewin rushed over to Vivien to lighten her load of baking stones. They set them amongst the hot cinders.

  “Vivien, do Hauk and Dalla usually spend so much time together?” Merewin indicated the door with a tilt of her head.

  Vivien shook her head and dusted her hands. “Nay. Not since before the sickness came. Before that, he spent much time with Dalla and Toki.”

  “Then it is good they’re together.” Merewin picked up the basket of wool to spin. She would leave the two of them alone.

  Merewin selected a tuft of wool and stood above the spindle. She spun the spindle and began to pull the tuft into a strand. It caught onto the end of the wool already spinning.

  “And if you’re to thank for...” Vivien began. Merewin looked up as Vivien gestured toward the door. “Well, it’s just been different around here since you’ve come. A good kind of different,” she added and smiled. “I believe you are indeed a great healer.”

  Merewin’s smile was genuine, reaching her gaze as well as her heart. She returned to work as Vivien hurried off. Merewin’s fingers moved along the wool, the smile still in place. Maybe she was doing some good here. Maybe she did belong.

  Dalla had wonderful potential for being a kind-hearted girl now that she had purged some of her grief. Merewin could help guide her into womanhood. Womanhood—Merewin’s heart beat hard in her chest as she recalled the night before, when she had finally crossed over from maiden to fully consummated woman.

  She sighed. The night before, way into the predawn morning, wrapped intimately with Hauk. A trill vibrated through her body, and she spun the spindle faster. It was good that he’d chosen the day to stay outdoors because she didn’t know if she could look at him without turning scarlet. Hauk had been more than she could ever have imagined, tender, teasing. Everything about him, his smell, his taste, his skin, called to her. Merewin’s body flushed with inner heat as she anticipated the night ahead.


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