Hearts of Grey

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Hearts of Grey Page 3

by Earl E. Gobel

As he came through the front door, his mother met him halfway. “Where ya been?” she asked.

  “Mama, I met a girl. She’s the most beautiful thing that I’ve ever seen, Mama.”

  “Ya said that ya was going to that picture show,” she answered.

  “I did, Mama. That’s where I met her,” he told her.

  “She a local girl?” she asked.

  “No, she just moved into the old Matterson place. Mama, wait until you meet her. She’s just . . . well she makes me want to tell everyone about her,” he told her.

  “Well, maybe at church tomorrow,” she replied.

  “Uuhh, she might not make church tomorrow,” he told her.

  “Ain’t going to church? Aw hell, child, I don’t much like her much already, ain’t going to church and all,” she answered.

  “Well, it’s just that they just moved in and all. They still be unpacking and all,” he told her.

  “Well, there’s always time for the Lord’s Word, unpacking or not,” she told him.

  “Well, I’m going to bed. I’m tired. Good night, Mama,” he said as he went upstairs.

  First Church Sunday

  Sunday’s sunrise could not have come any earlier. Mike dressed in his very best Sunday go-to-meetings clothes. He ran downstairs and greeted his father with a smile.

  “Good morning, Pa,” he said to his dad as he drank his morning coffee.

  “Good morning to you, Michael. What’s gotten into you this fine Sunday morning?” his father asked.

  “I met this girl yesterday, been thinking about her all night,” he told him.

  “Well, I guess she must be something special to get ya all wound up,” his father replied.

  “Oh yeah, Mr. Petersen will deliver your wood for the barn tomorrow. He asked me to tell ya,” Mike said.

  “That will be fine. I could use your help fixing the barn,” he told him.

  “Sure, just let me know when, and I’ll help ya. That goes without saying, Pa,” Mike told him. He turned and looked at his parents. “I’ll see you at church, got to go fetch something that needs to be fetched,” he told them.

  “You best not be late, child,” his mother warned.

  “I won’t!” he yelled as he ran from the house with the screen door slamming behind him.

  There wasn’t anything that needed fetchin’. But Mike wanted to be there at church just in case Katie did show up.

  Over at the old Matterson House, Katie walked down the stairs. Her father watched as she graced each and every step as she slowly made it to the bottom of the staircase.

  “Wow, Katie darling, your mother would be so proud. Just look at you all dressed up for church. You certainly are a sight to behold,” he told her.

  “You really think so?” she asked.

  “Well, of course I do. You’re my only daughter, ain’t ya? But I do need to ask you a question. Are you going to church to praise God or stir up the devil in that young boy from last night?” he asked.

  “Daddy? I’m going to praise God of course, but if Mike is there, what’s the harm of that?” she asked.

  “Well, because God’s house is for giving thanks to God, not for exciting the devil,” he told her.

  “Daddy, I don’t think Michael needs any help. Certainly not from the devil himself. He’s a gentleman through and through. He proved that last night,” she told him.

  “And just how did he prove it, may I ask?” he asked her.

  “Last night at the fence, Daddy, I wanted him to kiss me just to see what it would really be like. But he pulled away, Daddy, just like the true gentleman he is,” she answered.

  “Now, Katie, when a lady moves to fast, especially on the first meeting, people might prejudge you with the mark of a scarlet,” he warned her.

  “Daddy, just because a lady such as myself happens to fall in love doesn’t mean that she’s a scarlet herself,” she replied.

  “Certainly not, but people jump to judgments without the thinking of their brains. They see with their eyes, Katie, not with their hearts. That’s just people being people, I reckon.”

  “You going to church, Daddy?” she asked.

  “Naw, I talked to God last night as I read from the Good Book. I reckon God knows my thoughts on the matter. Ya don’t have to go to his house to believe. But you do have to invite him into yours. That’s the way I figure it. And if God hadn’t approved, I reckon he would have let me know long before now. But you can still put in a good word for me if you get a chance. Can’t hurt me any,” he told her.

  “I will, Daddy, and I’ll say a prayer for Mama too. Daddy, you think she’s an angel by now?” she asked.

  “Katie, your mother was an angel here on earth, and the good Lord called her away for his own reasons, but it wouldn’t surprise me one bit to find out that she ran the place. You best be off to church now. ‘Wouldn’t want you to be late now, would we?” he told her.

  “Bye, Daddy,” she said as she gave him a fast kiss on the cheek. And she was gone.

  Mike was just about to give up all hopes when down the road, he spotted her walking. He ran up to meet her. As he got closer, he just stopped dead in his tracks.

  “Why, Ms. Katie, just look at you all dressed up and all. I think I might be in the presence of an angel?” he told her.

  “Michael, are you trying to flatter me? You look mighty handsome yourself in your Sunday go-to-meetin’ suit,” she added.

  He held out his arm. “May I have the honor of escorting you into our fine house of worship?” he asked.

  “You certainly may indeed, sir,” she said as she took his arm.

  As they walked arm in arm up the cobblestone walk that led to the front entrance of the church, everyone stopped and stared, but nobody stared any harder than Susie Barnes was staring. As they entered the church, they were greeted by Father Mathews.

  “Good morning, Michael, glad to see you this morning, and who is this charming lady, may I ask?”

  “Father, this is Katie. Katie—?”

  “Windslow, Katie Windslow,” she jumped in to save him.

  “Well, Ms. Windslow, it’s an honor to have you with us here today. I hope you enjoy the sermon,” he told her.

  “I’m certain that I will, and thank you,” she answered. Katie and Mike made their way into the church. They took up seats next to his parents.

  Throughout the entire sermon, Katie impressed both Mike and his parents. She knew every hymn, and she sang with the voice of an angel. And her voice was clearly heard above everyone else’s. And as she sang, Michael found himself falling deeper and deeper in love with her. After church, Mike formally introduced Katie to his parents.

  “Father, Mother, I’d like you to meet Katie Windslow,” he said as introduced her.

  “Michael, when you said she was beautiful, you weren’t kidding. Glad to meet you Katie, I’m Frank, Frank Gibbes, and this lovely lady to my right is my wife, Annabelle.”

  “Well, it’s certainly a pleasure to meet you both,” Katie answered.

  “Ms. Windslow, do I detect a southern accent?” asked Mike’s mother.

  “Well, I was raised in Mobile, Alabama,” Katie answered.

  “I thought I recognized it,” Annabelle answered.

  Just then, Father Mathews walked up to them. “Morning, Frank, Annabelle. I was wondering if I might have a talk with Ms. Windslow, if I may?” he asked.

  “Sure, would you like us to leave you two alone?” Frank asked.

  “Oh, no need, I just wanted to ask Ms. Windslow if she would consider singing a solo next week. Your voice, I’ve never heard anything like it. It’s truly heaven-sent. So how ’bout it?” he asked her.

  “A solo, all by myself? Oh, I don’t know if I could. I just close my eyes and sing,” she answered him.

  “Your voice rang above everyone else’s. Everyone heard it. I’ve already had two people ask about it,” he told her.

  “Already? Well, how about you give me a week to think about it?” she asked.
/>   “Great, you pick the hymn, and I’ll set it up. And may I also ask you how did you like my sermon?” he asked her.

  “I really enjoyed it. I like the way you bring the entire congregation into it. Most interesting indeed,” she answered.

  “Well, I’m glad you enjoyed it. Think about my offer, will you?” he asked.

  “I will, Father. I promise,” she told him.

  “Great, I look forward to next Sunday then. I’ll leave you all alone now. Good day to you, ladies. Gentlemen,” he said as he turned and walked away.

  “There goes a very nice man and a great pastor,” Katie said as he walked away.

  “Yeah, so are you going to sing next Sunday?” Michael asked.

  “Mike? I said I would think about it,” she answered.

  “Well, I was standing next to you, and I really think you should,” Mike said.

  “Now, Michael, the lady said that she would think about it. So let her do just that. She will if the Lord wants her to,” his father added.

  “Why, thank you, Mr. Gibbes. It’s so nice of you to be so supportive,” Katie said.

  “So what do you kids have planned for the rest of the day?” Annabelle asked.

  “Well, I’m certain that Katie will want to get out of that fancy dress, but after that, I don’t know,” Mike answered.

  “I remember someone inviting a certain someone else to a trip to the soda fountain,” Katie replied.

  For Your First Love

  “Well, there you have it, Mom, we’re going to the soda fountain I guess,” Mike said. “But I really need to talk with you two before you leave, so, Katie, would you mind if I talk to my parents alone for a minute?” he asked her.

  “Sure, I’ll just wait over there under that tree,” she said as she started walking away.

  “I’ll only be a minute,” he told her before he turned back to his parents. “So what do you think?” he asked.

  “Sounds to me as a very nice young girl,” his mom replied.

  “I think she a great catch. Nice, charming, but since when do you care what we think?” his father asked.

  “Since I want to give this to her,” Mike said as he pulled the object from his pocket.

  “Your grandma’s wedding ring?” his mother asked.

  “Grandpa gave it to me before he died and asked that I give it to my first love. Remember?” he asked.

  “I know what he told you, son, but you just met her yesterday. Don’t you think you’re rushing things a bit?” his mother asked.

  “Maybe, but sometimes you just know that it’s right. You know in your heart,” he told her.

  “Son, Grandpa passed that ring down to you so you could give it to your first love. But only you could know who that special someone is. So who are we to pass judgment on your heart’s decision? If you feel that she’s the one, then by all means go ahead and give it to her,” his father told him.

  “But, Frank, it’s too soon,” Annabelle replied.

  “I frankly remember another young boy and girl that fell in love after their first date. And I think we’ve been very happy ever since. Wouldn’t you agree?” he asked her.

  “Frank, you do remember. It’s been a long time. Your father is right, son. Go ahead. Let God guide you,” she told him.

  “Thanks, Mom and Dad, I knew what you would say. That’s why I brought it,” he told them.

  “Pretty sure of yourself, aren’t you, son?” he yelled to his son as he ran over to where Katie was waiting. Katie and Michael waved good-bye as they started walking down the road to her house.

  “So what do you want to do?” she asked as they slowly walked down the gravel road to her house.

  “I thought you wanted to go to the soda fountain?” he replied.

  “Silly, I’m not talking about today or tomorrow. I’m talking with the rest of your life,” she said.

  “Never gave it much thought, I reckon. Why do you ask?”

  “Because there’s a whole world out there just waiting to be explored, and I want to see it all,” she told him.

  “All of it? That’s a lot of traveling,” he told her.

  “I’m not saying that we have to do it all in a day, but within our lifetime. How’s that sound?” she asked.

  “That might be a tad bit excitin’. Expensive but nice,” he answered.

  “What if money weren’t the problem? Would you do it?” she asked.

  “Sure, I reckon I would but only under one condition,” he told her.

  “And what might that be?” she asked.

  “That wherever I go, regardless of where it is or for how long, I’ll always have you at my side,” he told her.

  “Well, well, moving kind of fast, aren’t we? I mean we just met each other yesterday,” she replied.

  “Doesn’t matter. I fell in love with you yesterday at the movie house,” he told her.

  “But, Michael—” she stopped herself. “Excuse me, what did you just say?” she asked.

  “I said that I fell in love with you yesterday at the movie house,” he told her again.

  “So it wasn’t just me. I mean you felt it too?” she asked. “That’s weird, tinkling down in the pit of your stomach.”

  He stopped walking and turned her to face him. He took her hand in his and placed it over his heart. “No, I felt it here,” he told her.

  She started to cry. “Michael, that is the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me. You really mean it?” she asked.

  “Yes I do, with every bit of my heart,” he said.

  She threw her arms around his neck, and as he wrapped his arms around her waist, the two of them spun around in circles.

  “Come on, we’ve got to tell my daddy,” she cried.

  “No, not yet. There’s more,” he told her.

  “More? I’m not sure I can take much more. You’ve already made me cry. What would you like me to do next?” she asked.

  As he slid his grandmother’s ring on to her finger, he said, “Be my girl.”

  She just stood there, staring at the huge stone that he had slid on to her finger.

  “It belonged to my grandmother. My grandfather passed it on to me, and now I give it you with all of my heart,” he told her.

  “Michael, I don’t know what to say. I wasn’t expecting this, not at all,” she told him.

  “Well, you could start off by saying yes. That might be a good starting point,” he told her.

  “Well, of course the answer is yes. Don’t be silly,” she said as she threw her arms around his neck again.

  “Okay, relax, you’re choking me!” he told her as he pulled her arms from his neck.

  “Okay, sorry, I got carried away. Now can we go tell my daddy?” she asked.

  “Yes, now we can go tell your daddy. But there’s one thing that we have to do first,” he told her.

  “What’s that?” she asked.

  “I’ll show you before we get there. Trust me, okay?” he told her.

  “You know that I do,” she told him.

  Together they strolled down the road toward her house. As they walked through the gate, he reached over and took her hand in his. He gave a tight but fast squeeze to her hand. And without a word, she knew what he meant.

  As they walked up onto the porch, her father came out of the house. “Well, hey there, youngin’s. How was church?” he asked.

  “Just fine, Mr. Grady,” Mike told him.

  “It’s just Grady, son. Ain’t no mister to it,” he replied.

  “Yes, sir,” Mike replied.

  “Daddy, look what Mike gave me,” she said as she held out her hand that Mike was still holding on to.

  “Well, lookie there, you’ve got a ring. Wow, that’s a biggie, biggest one that I can recall ever seein’, I reckon,” the old man said as he stared at the ring on his daughter’s finger.

  “Michael gave it to me,” she told him.

  “Now, Katie, such useless talk like that there just don’t need to be said. I reckon the hold tha
t this young man has on your hand pretty much tells the story, I reckon,” he told her.

  “It used to be his grandma’s, but he wanted me to have it,” she told him.

  Grady just looked at Michael.

  “Is that the way that you’d be telling it, son?” he asked.

  “Well, yes, sir. My grandpa told me to give it to my first love, so I did just that when I slid it on to Katie’s finger,” he answered.

  “Just hold on there one darn minute. Are you tellin’ me that you love my daughter here, my one and only daughter? Is that what you’d be sayin’?” he asked in a very questionable tone.

  “Yes, sir, I am. I know that we’ve just met, but—”

  “Hold on there, son,” Grady said cutting him off. “You say that you love my Katie, so you gave her a ring. So have you kissed her yet?” he asked.

  “Daddy?” Katie jumped in.

  “No, it’s all right, Katie,” Mike told her. “If you’re asking if I love your daughter, the answer would be yes. But if you’re asking me if I’ve kissed her, the answer would be no, sir,” he told him.

  “Why not? You’re a good strong healthy boy, and she’s a pretty young girl. So again, the question would be why haven’t you kissed her yet?” Grady asked.

  “Because I respect her!” he responded.

  “Respect her? Is that the only reason you can conjure up?” Grady asked.

  “It’s the only reason I need, sir,” Michael responded in a fairly heated tone.

  “Daddy, quit it. If that’s the only reason that he has, then that’s good for me, Daddy,” Katie told him.

  “Relax, Katie dear, just testin’ the boy. And like I said the other evenin’, he’s got a backbone,” he told her. “And I noticed that not once did he ever let go of your hand,” he said as he held out his hand and took Michael’s free hand. “Good job! You stand up for what you believe in. That’s a darn good quality to have, I reckon.”

  Mike shook Grady’s hand, and soon a smile came over his face. “A test you say?” Michael asked.

  “She’s my only daughter, son, so it’s my job to protect her, I reckon,” he answered.

  “Well, you just keep on testing me any chance you get. Katie knows how I feel, and I’m sure that when the time is right, I’ll be doing a whole lot of kissing,” Mike told him.


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