Body Checked (Salt Lake Pumas #2)

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Body Checked (Salt Lake Pumas #2) Page 10

by Camellia Tate

  “I’m okay,” she breathed, sounding shaken. “Oh. I -”

  Having her so close felt mesmerizing. I was sure that at least partially it was the adrenaline from being back on the ice, but also... I could smell her shampoo with how close Lacey was to me. If it wasn’t for the thick sweater she was wearing, I was certain she’d be able to feel my heart beating through the clothes.

  Everything went still around us, like time stopped existing. It was just Lacey and I. Her breathing quickened. Or maybe mine did.

  Then, before I could even think to stop myself, my lips were against Lacey’s. Hers felt so soft as she kissed me back straight away. When her lips parted to let me lick my way into her mouth, one of my hands settled against her hip, pulling Lacey in tighter against me.

  Miraculously, I didn’t overbalance us. Lacey felt so right in my arms, her body pressed up against mine as one arm wrapped around my neck. Her other hand settled on my chest. Despite the clothes, I felt sure she could feel my heart as it hammered under her touch.

  Lacey’s tongue darted out to meet mine, brushing against me in a way that sent sparks zipping all the way down my spine. I felt her gasp, but it didn’t stop me from deepening the kiss.

  I should’ve reminded myself how wrong this was. How I didn’t want to end up hurting Lacey. But at that moment, it was impossible to think anything but how amazing she felt in my arms. Standing in the middle of the ice, my home, and having Lacey in my arms, kissing me back like this, felt amazing.

  Maybe I was weak, because I couldn’t possibly stop myself from pulling her even closer, from kissing her even deeper. Finally, when we broke apart, both of our breaths were coming in short bursts.

  It felt like I should say something, but I didn’t know what. All I knew was that I wanted to kiss Lacey more.

  She smiled up at me, her eyes glowing. “I think I’m probably better at kissing than I am at skating,” she teased. I laughed, my arm still snug around Lacey’s waist. She pulled away, though not so far that I couldn’t still feel the warmth of her body against mine.

  “I bet I’d be even better on solid ground,” she added. “Do you want to come back to mine?”

  The question made me groan. I knew what the answer should be, I knew I needed to tell Lacey that no, that I didn’t, that this wasn’t right. But at the same time, all I could manage to say was ‘yes’.

  My mind was clouded with adrenaline and arousal. I wanted to feel her even closer. I wanted to push that sweater up and off, to feel the way she felt under my hands. So yeah, I really fucking wanted to go back to hers. And I didn’t have the willpower to stop myself.

  We didn’t bother to continue to skate. Instead, we got off the ice, changing out of our skates. “Do you want to drive or should I follow your car?” I asked, the taste of Lacey still lingering on my lips.

  She shivered like she could actually feel the weight of my gaze on her lips. Part of me wanted to suggest we just go make out in the changing room. But somehow, I didn’t think Lacey was the kind of woman who’d let me strip off her clothes in such a public place.

  And I really didn’t want to get interrupted.

  “Follow my car,” Lacey decided. “I mean, you know where I live, right?”

  “Yeah, good point.” It was and the fact that I hadn’t even thought of that probably just showed how little focus I had on anything but how amazing Lacey had felt pressed against me.

  I walked her out of the arena and to her car. I couldn’t resist pulling Lacey in close once more, my lips seeking hers. She responded with what felt just as much want and need as I poured into the kiss.

  “Fuck, yeah, okay, I’ll meet you at yours,” I told Lacey breathily once I let go of her.

  She smiled, her hand lingering on my arm. “Try not to crash into anything,” she teased, with a wicked smirk tilting the corner of her lips.

  I kissed the expression away, only pulling back when Lacey’s hand on my chest gave me a firm push. “I’ll see you in no time at all,” she promised.

  Not crashing turned out to be fairly easy, but I did have to focus on it. Probably for the best, too. I didn’t want to think of all the reasons that I shouldn’t be going back to Lacey’s place with her. We both were adult enough to figure out what might come next. As much as I should’ve known better, I also just wanted.

  All of my sensibilities were gone. All I had left was the wish to touch Lacey again, to kiss her more. That was all I thought about, however foolish it might’ve been.

  Chapter Ten


  I hadn’t forgotten what Will had said about not wanting to date. I just didn’t really mind. I wasn’t kidding myself that this was going to magically become a relationship. But, well, Will was an extremely attractive, charming hockey player. I was hardly about to pass that up just because it might not last more than one night!

  It was a good thing I knew the way home, because my mind was full of nothing but the feeling of Will’s lips on mine, his big, strong hand cradling the back of my head, and the feel of his chest, hard as a stone wall under my hand.

  I wanted to touch Will everywhere. If we were only going to have one night together, I intended to make the most of it!

  Of course, Vega had other ideas. She ran circles around my feet as I pushed open the door. Maybe she was feeding off of my excitement. And when she saw Will, she jumped up, resting her paws against his thigh.

  Luckily, I’d done this before. I distracted her with one of her favorite toys, then drew Will into my bedroom where we wouldn’t be disturbed.

  Grabbing a handful of his shirt, I pulled him towards me.

  He came easily and eagerly. Will’s lips sought out mine again, letting our tongues meet in a heated dance. His body felt so hard against mine. I had to tiptoe to kiss him properly. Everywhere in my body felt like it was on fire in the best possible way. I wanted to strip all of his clothes off and feel if his body felt like fire too.

  Luckily for me, Will seemed to have much the same idea. He pulled back from the kiss only long enough to pull off his shirt and then reached for my sweater. Both it and the shirt I had on under it came off in one sweep.

  Will’s mouth moved down to my neck, hot lips peppering it with kisses. He ran his tongue up, teasing just behind my earlobe in a way that I couldn’t help but moan at. With his chest bare, I could hardly resist letting my hands run over his chiseled pecs.

  Almost teasingly, Will flexed his muscles under my touch. My breath caught. He felt amazing. I had to pull back a bit just so I could see him, to admire how good he looked topless. In my bedroom. With my hands on him.

  I groaned, spanning my fingers across that incredible chest. Slowly, I stroked over Will’s skin. It felt just as hot as I had imagined. I touched the hard lines that defined each and every muscle, working my way up to his shoulders. Whatever injury had kept Will off the ice, there was no obvious sign of it.

  Even so, I moved carefully, not wanting to accidentally cause Will any pain.

  “You look even better than I imagined,” I told him honestly. I stepped back, pulling Will with me towards the bed. His fierce gaze swept over my body, making my lace bra feel totally inadequate to cover me.

  But that was fine. I didn’t want to keep myself covered up. I reached for the clasp, flicking it open and letting the cups of the bra fall away. My nipples were hard already. Will wasted no time.

  I moaned as soon as his mouth sealed against my breast. His tongue swirled across the sensitive skin, making me go instantly weak at the knees.

  “You’re stunning,” he breathed, moving from one breast to the other. Somehow, hearing him say that was almost as intoxicating as having his mouth on me. Almost. I gave a soft moan. It seemed to encourage Will even more. With his hand against my waist, he led me down to the bed.

  Looking up at me, Will smiled. It was such a sultry grin that it made my whole body tingle with warmth. “I’ll help you out of these,” he told me, reaching for the button on my jeans.

“And a gentleman, too!” I teased. “You’re everything a woman could want.” Right now, Will was everything I wanted. And I wanted him badly. I ached to feel his mouth against my skin, to watch the contrast of his rough, tanned hand against my breasts, to feel him inside me.

  I let him slide the zipper down slowly. But I didn’t have enough patience after that. I shoved my jeans the rest of the way off, stretching my body out on the bed with only my panties between us.

  “You too,” I insisted. Just as he’d helped me, my fingers moved quickly to the zipper of his jeans. I dragged it down, then pushed at the material while he kicked off his shoes and tossed his socks down into the pile of clothes we were making.

  I held out my arms, a mute request for Will to come to me. He didn’t disappoint. His body was on mine in a second, all hot, hard muscle as I wrapped my legs around him.

  Will’s mouth returned to my neck, lips leaving a line of kisses there. I rocked up to meet his body. Both of us moaned at the friction. But before I could drag Will even closer, he began to kiss his way down my chest. With a hand against my legs, he untwined them so he could slot himself between my thighs.

  The kisses moved lower, tongue sliding out to tease over each of my nipples again before he began to kiss even lower. Will’s mouth was hot against my stomach. He grinned up at me before his tongue circled around my belly button. It half-tickled. Mostly it just felt good.

  And then Will kissed even lower, his hands following his mouth, brushing over my sides until his fingers reached the band of my panties. Looking up at me, Will licked his lips. Fuck! If I had ever seen anything hotter, I couldn’t remember it.

  “May I?” he asked, genuinely sounding hopeful, like I would even think about saying no.

  My tongue stuck to the roof of my mouth, dry with desire. I had to swallow hard. “Yeah, please,” I urged. When Will lifted my hips up, I gave a small shriek. His hands supported me, strong and yet tender.

  These were the hands of someone I could trust. He tugged my panties down over my backside, dragging them out from between my legs. His fingers brushed against them, no doubt noting how wet they were. But he had the good grace not to comment.

  I hoped that he was as aroused as I was. I intended to find out.

  But first, I would let Will’s mouth explore me.

  Which is precisely what he did. Will’s soft lips pressed first against my calves and then kissed their way up. His tongue teased over the sensitive skin of the side of my knee, moving up to my inner thighs. The slowness of his movements seemed to tease me even more, anticipation building. He was so careful. I almost wanted to urge him on.

  Finally, his mouth made its way between my legs, making me moan instantly. His tongue was so hot! Pleasure shot through me. One of Will’s hands came to press against my hip, holding me against the mattress, but only lightly. It was enough to stop me from bucking up into Will’s touch.

  I still squirmed against the bed, pleasure spreading out across my body, making it impossible to stay still. “Ohhh,” I moaned, the breath emptying out of my lungs in one long rush. “Oh, Will. That feels amazing.”

  It had been a long time. Longer than I cared to admit. Will was reminding me just how good it could feel. I ran my fingers through his hair, loving the soft feel of it against my skin. I didn’t tighten my grip. Not even when Will’s tongue licked over the most sensitive part of me.

  Letting my legs fall open, I invited him to explore me, to keep going. I never wanted him to stop. His hand pressed down against my hip, holding me in place. That only made desire swirl through me faster.

  Will certainly seemed to be on a mission! His tongue licked faster and faster. It made pleasure coil low in my stomach, every single one of my muscles tightening in response. And then, the hand that wasn’t holding my hip joined Will’s mouth, positively making me shake. His fingers slid inside me easily, the wetness welcoming them.

  More and louder moans fell from my lips. The sounds echoed around us. I couldn’t focus on anything other than the amazing feeling that Will’s tongue brought me.

  Pleasure rose through me like a tidal wave, washing away anything that wasn’t focused on Will and the amazing way he felt against me. I wanted more, wanted to feel his whole body press me down against the mattress.

  But before I could beg him to move, Will’s tongue licked at the fingers he had inside me. It was enough to send me flying over the edge. Weightless, unable to feel anything other than where Will’s body joined mine, I moaned my pleasure loud and long.

  My whole body shuddered as I came. When I finally managed to look back down at Will between my legs, he smirked. He had every right to be smug. I couldn’t remember ever feeling so good.

  But I wanted to make Will feel good, too! “Come here,” I urged, holding my arms out.

  He didn’t straight away but that was only so he could press a kiss against one of my inner thighs. His touch was still soft. And as he crawled up my body, he brought his wet fingers up, licking the taste of me off them. It was so deliciously dirty that I could hardly hold back the moan that fell from my lips.

  “You sound great when you come,” he told me. I could feel my cheeks tint red. But I accepted the compliment anyway. “I can’t wait to hear more of that,” Will added, startling a laugh from me. Oh, I certainly hoped he was going to give me more reasons to moan!

  I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. “It’s my turn to see how good I can make you feel,” I informed him. But, of course, I was hardly going to object if Will wanted to use those wonderful hands while I made him feel as good as I knew how.

  Untangling my legs from Will’s, I rolled onto my side. As well as exploring every inch of his muscled chest with my fingers, I wanted to see how it felt to run my tongue along those gorgeous ridges. Will flexed under me, making my stomach tighten with anticipation.

  I paused, circling his nipple, lapping over it until he gave a low, rumbling groan that made my whole body feel warm.

  As he shifted to lie on his back, Will gave me a lot more room to work with. I took my time as I caressed over that soft skin. When my tongue ran over his other nipple, Will gave another groan. Fuck! It was so hot that the sounds he made were because of something I did! I wanted to see how much louder I could make him.

  So I kissed my way lower down, carefully tracing the muscles of Will’s stomach. I’d never been with anyone who was so physically fit. I could tell his six pack apart just by running my mouth over it! When my chin hit the waistband of Will’s boxers, I stilled, glancing up at him.

  His face looked so good, so focused on me and everything I did.

  I could have teased him. It was on the tip of my tongue to ask the same question he had. But his hips lifted before I had a chance. I took that as an enthusiastic ‘yes’! Dragging his boxers down, my mouth watered at the sight of Will in all his glory.

  His groans only made me more eager. I ran my hand over his length, memorizing how good he felt under my fingertips. When I shifted away, he whined. “Patience,” I teased, tugging a condom from my bedside drawer.

  I slipped it onto him, my heart knocking wildly against my ribs. Straddling his hips, I positioned him against my hot core, sliding down slowly enough to tease him with how good it felt to finally bring our two bodies together.

  “Fuck, Lacey,” Will breathed, his voice raspy and deep. It sounded amazing. My hands settled against Will’s chest. I enjoyed how good he looked under me. In turn, his hands slid over my sides, one down to my hip where it settled, and the other up to cup one of my breasts.

  I started slow, rocking my hips just enough to make us both moan. Will’s hands were callused, scraping over my skin in a way that sent tingles through me. His hand on my hip pulled me tighter against him, bringing us together even more.

  And then, he sat up, enough to cover the nipple of my other breast with his mouth, sucking against it and sending shoots of pleasure everywhere in me.

  I cried out, one hand cupping the back of Will’s head
, the other gripped tight around his upper arm. I made sure it was his good arm, my fingers pressing down on a solid curve of muscle.

  Desire pooled deep in the pit of my stomach. I wanted to lift up, to take Will in hard and fast. But I also wanted this to last. I wanted to memorize the sight and the feel of Will.

  His hot palm sent a wave of electricity through my body, sweeping all the way from my head to my toes. “You look so great,” I breathed, lifting my hips slowly, inch by inch. I could feel Will, both inside me and under me, his body trembling just as mine was.

  The groan that Will gave against my breast was proof that he agreed. Or perhaps that he felt great. Either way, I moaned at the vibration the sound sent through me. It was impossible not to come down against his body faster and harder. His hand on my hip gripped tighter and his lips sucked my nipple in a way that made it impossible not to scream.

  Will seemed very happy with my response, pulling back to grin up at me. I hardly had the time to catch my breath before he moved on to my other nipple, repeating the action to the sensitive skin there.

  Sensation shivered over my body, raising the hairs on the back of my neck. I’d never had so intense a physical reaction to any other man. It made the need that roared through my veins so much more.

  Tipping Will’s head back, I brought my mouth down to his. His lips and tongue met mine instantly, sealing us together in an embrace every bit as passionate as what was going on between our bodies.

  I rocked, taking Will in deep, welcoming his tongue when it swept out to taste my lower lip. My fingers tangled in his hair, desire rising through me like an ocean swell.

  I didn’t know how much longer I could hold off. But I wanted to make sure Will enjoyed every bit of what we were doing. I pulled my mouth from his, arching my back and squeezing my muscles around him. The way his eyes flew wide was gratifying.

  “Let me hear how you sound,” I said, half-begging, half-demanding.

  At first, he groaned, a deep, low sound. I almost thought that was all I’d get, but then there were a string of even louder groans and cries. It was almost as if that request had opened a floodgate, one which allowed Will to be noisy. And I really fucking loved it.


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