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Unmatched Page 3

by Annalise Alexis

  Illaria leans up against the wall, watching with an amused look on her face, and I swear I’m two seconds from karate chopping her in the throat when Leandra sniffles.

  “Fine. Have it your way. But don’t say I didn’t try.” She yelps as Ragar tosses her over his shoulder and stomps off toward his room.

  Yes! Finally!

  “Put me down, you ass!” Leandra kicks him and beats her fists against his back as he carries her down the hall. Wait, what?

  A door slams, and something loud crashes against the wall. I take off after them, but Ren grabs my wrist to stop me.

  “No, Skara. Let them be.”

  “Get off me. That’s my friend and she’s fighting him.” I jerk my arm away, lunging for the hall. He wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me against his chest.

  “He will not harm the human mechanic. He wishes to mate her.”

  An angry retort bubbles up then dies in my throat as a loud moan rings out from down the hall, followed by another loud crash.

  Well…that would have been awkward.

  Chapter Four


  Sol has been working tirelessly to uncover Xen’s location, and what little information we obtained from Ari’s mission has led us nowhere.

  Xen knows something. No matter what they did to keep his mind from me, they cannot hide what lies inside. I will find him. Rip him apart until I get the answers I need, then lay waste to the rest of his worthless body. He deserves to rot for his failure in protecting the females under his command, but not until I find who has done this to my people and bleed them out like a beast headed for slaughter.

  The violent urge to tear apart my enemies hardens my dick.

  Soon. So very soon.

  Sol looks up and nods as I approach. “Status report for Bastian?”

  He swipes through numerous projections, and the cluttered mess of information frustrates me. So inefficient. “Still mostly frozen tundra. No current settlements visible, and there are several caves and what appear to be underground tunnels sufficient enough to hold our numbers.” His brow furrows, and the volume of his voice wavers slightly. He does this when he knows I will be displeased. “There appear to be far more roaming beasts than what our previous scans revealed. The planet is teeming with them.”

  The tight muscles of my shoulders burn as I sag into my chair. Responsibility and eagerness weigh heavily on me. “Why is this my concern?”

  “These creatures are massive. Weighing more than six Illusian males by their youth. Well over the weight of ten when they reach adulthood. We will have to fight our way—”

  The slow burning fuse buried within me sparks to life at his disrespect. “You dare question my abilities?” The pressure rises in my throat, fueling the blaze threatening my control.

  Sol stutters, “N-no, Acia. I merely mean that our journey from the ship to our underground shelter will be a taxing one. The males will have to fight while the females remain tightly grouped.”

  “The wildlife is not a concern. No matter their size, they will meet the same fate as any male that threatens our kind. Now, I need you to contact the groups who sought aid and ensure they have the correct coordinates for Bastian. I will reach out to those who remain hidden.”

  “Of course, Acia.” Sol’s shoulders sag in relief at my mild reaction. I have gotten better at tolerating the male. My mate can attest to that.

  “What of Xen’s whereabouts? Have you narrowed down the three suspected locations?”

  Pride straightens his shoulders, and his features relax. He has good news for me.

  “I believe I have found him. And not only that, it is not significantly out of our navigation path to Bastian. It will only delay us by two Earth days. “

  A burst of excitement wakes my lethargic nerves. We will retrieve Xen. And no one can stop us.

  Sol pitches forward as I slap him on the back. “Inform the others and give Rivan the new coordinates. We will leave at once.”


  A fine sheen of sweat dots her brow, and her breaths are slow and deep. The smell of dead flesh and infection sting my nose as I pull back the dressings and gawk at Amina. “How long has she been like this?”

  “For two days, Ajayla. She was talking… and then she wasn’t.”

  Her dressing is saturated with pus. I press a hand to her forehead. Shit. She has a fever now too.

  “Who checked on her last night?” Accusation stains my tone, but not for Amina. It’s for myself. I’ve been so distracted with trying to analyze those videos, I delegated my other responsibilities to the females, and none of them have any real training.

  Amina shifts in place, chewing on her thumb. “I did. She was sleeping, so I just left her alone. She kicked Naya out the day before when she came in to offer her food.”

  So, she’s not eating. Stubborn ass. How does she expect to heal from a plasma blast to the gut without proper nutrition?

  “Here.” I hand her several instacool packs to press against Hana’s skin. “We have to get her fever down. I’m worried she’s septic.” Noticing the concern on my face, Xandria rushes over to help, and thank goodness, too. Hana seems to be getting worse by the second. “Grab me every type of antibiotic you can find downstairs. Whatever bug this is, it’s moving fast.

  Sensing my panic, Ren is at my side before Xandria even returns with the meds. “She’s in a bad way, Ren. I’m really worried she might not come out of this. She’s burning up, and her wounds have festered. If I’d have known she was so sick…”

  Ren squeezes the back of my neck. “Stop. You are not responsible for this. The female fell ill and refused to allow proper treatment. She may not be speaking, but her mind is clear. She has been giving the other females charged with her care hell.”

  “But still, if I had been here…”

  Naya sighs from the doorway. “It is as much your responsibility as mine, Ajayla. I have allowed myself to become too distracted with the new females.”

  Xandria makes her way through the door with an armful of supplies. “I was not sure what all you needed, Ajayla…”

  My heart practically jumps at the sight of the sleek metal box that slides out of her arms onto the bed. Oh, thank goodness. Antibiotics have come a long way since most of the human diseases on Earth were eradicated, but the rest of the Universe? Not so much. There are some really nasty bugs out there, the kind that will eat you alive from the inside.

  I always pushed back on Station U to get a few super drugs kept on hand just in case of emergency, but it never happened. They were all way over our budget. But now, I’m thanking my lucky stars those Grulians had such fancy taste, because this could save Hana’s life.

  The syringe clicks as I inject the medicine in her veins. We’ll know in twenty-four hours if this is going to work or not.

  And if it doesn’t…well, we just won’t think about that.

  “Everyone out,” Naya orders, shooing the other females from the room. “The Mageran needs her rest.” Rather than leaving, Linara chooses to stay seated in the corner.

  Naya closes the door behind her. “How would you like to split the responsibility of her care, Ajayla? Between Injari and Urina, and regulating the newly acquired females from Xen’s group, I feel I am unable to adequately monitor her.”

  Now that Hana has been treated, there isn’t much left to do but wait. Ren eases me down to the floor, and we watch as Hana’s heart rate slowly begins to regulate. “She needs more than just you and I coming to check on her every few hours. She needs someone to stay here with her…”

  The most wonderful tingle spreads across my scalp as Ren runs his fingers through my hair. “What about Injari? Can’t we ask her to stay in here with Hana? And watch her?”

  Naya gives me an odd look then leans back against the door. “Injari remains unstable and refuses to separate from Urina. Neither of them are ready for full integration.”

  “I don’t want them to do anything like that, but Injari can’t shield Urina
forever. She needs to exert her energy elsewhere. That will give you the chance to spend time with Urina, alone.”

  “Injari is not an easy female to get along with. She is crass, violent—”

  “So is Hana. I think someone like Injari would go a long way toward getting Hana to comply with her care.”

  Naya’s gaze rises to mine. “Acia, I request your council on this matter.”

  Okay. That stings a little.

  Linara scoffs, and I sit up to eye her. “I’m guessing you don’t agree?”

  The chair Linara is seated on squeaks as she stands. “Hardly. It is not the place of a dishonored female to care for others. She must be cared for. So that she can be restored.”

  Wait, a minute… what did she just say?

  Squeezing the metal box still in my hands a little too hard, I push myself to my feet. “I’m sorry, what was that?”

  Linara stands, and Ren tenses at my side. “A female that has been subjected to what Injari has should be solely focused on sorting herself out—working through her own pain, not concerning herself with another. No male will mate her if she remains unpredictable and emotionally unstable.”

  I clench my jaw, completely awestruck. “I hardly think her being mated is something she should be concerned about right now. And quite frankly, it’s pretty fucking disgusting that’s the first thing you think of when discussing what’s best for her.”

  The corners of Linara’s dress flutter behind her as she makes her way toward me, stopping a few inches from Ren. He’s already on his feet in between us.

  “I do not expect someone like you to understand our ways. But Injari will be ostracized if she does not mate, and no male will want her as she is. Especially after what has been done to her.”

  Outrage tightens my throat. “What is it with you and mates? Is that all a female is good for? Find a male and pop out a kid? I don’t care what’s been done to her. I’m not going to sit here and let you talk about her like she’s damaged goods. Leave.”

  I jerk to cover my face as Linara spits at the ground. “How dare you disrespect my people, you ungrateful—”

  “Ungrateful? Why because I expect to be valued for more than what’s between my legs? What is wrong with you?”

  “Skara…” Ren places a hand on my shoulder, and I shake him off. I’m fuming. The audacity she has… talking about Injari as if she holds some kind of responsibility to fix herself.

  She isn’t broken.

  Linara straightens her hair and raises her chin. “Vile words for an Aciana. Is this what I am to expect from all humans? Some choice you made Ren. How long has it been since your first mating? I hope you do not expect me to—”

  Ren snarls, “Enough! Leave. I will not tolerate any more of this foolishness.”

  “Again, with the mating. Seriously—” Ren slaps a hand over my mouth and glares at Linara, pointing to the door rather than asking her to leave.

  Naya closes the door behind Linara, and widens her stance, almost as if to block it if Linara tries to come back. “You know that by allowing Injari to complete this task, you are effectively disregarding the Asha’s council in favor of your mate.”

  The muscles of my shoulders loosen as Ren wraps his arms around me and tucks his face in the crook of my neck. “Do you wish for Injari to care for the Mageran?”

  I swallow hard. “Yes.”

  “Then so shall it be. Naya, inform Injari we will need to speak with her later. For now, you will watch the Mageran. I need to discuss things with my mate privately.”

  Chapter Five


  “Seriously. What’s Linara’s problem with me? I get you didn’t ask her permission, or whatever, but you’re a grown ass male. Not to mention, the alpha. You can do whatever the hell you want.”

  Ripe with emotion over the negative conversation with my Life Giver, my mate yanks the shirt over her head and throws it in the corner. Her dark strands rest on her lower back, sweeping across the dimples there. Raw need possesses me. My cock stiffens, and I itch to touch her.

  “And what was that ‘no male will mate her’ crap? What if she doesn’t want to be mated…”

  Jayla continues to speak, but I cannot look away from her radiance. The globes of her ass bounce and jiggle as she pulls her legs free, relieving herself of her pants. The scent of her sex wafts toward me. So, sweet and light. Unnoticed by her, but enough to drive the beast inside me to heel at the thought of burying my cock inside of her. My tongue jumps behind my teeth, eager to taste her nectar.

  “Are you even listening to me?”

  I rip my eyes from the cleft between her thighs and meet her gaze. Her lips part. Unable to keep my distance, I stride toward her with heavy steps. Her sharp intake of breath and the scent of her arousal floods my senses. My mate. My queen. I palm my cock, readjusting my length.

  “Never mind, it can wait.”

  A low growl vibrates my throat. My mate is so fierce. So demanding. She moans as I thrust my tongue between her lips. Begging for me, mewling with each stroke as I taste her. Tiny whimpers drive me mad, and I rub against her heat. It calls to me, begging to be plundered. She frees her breasts and lies back, baring herself to me. Mine. A tiny sliver of cloth obstructs my view of her divinity, and I rip the offending fabric covering the salvation between her thighs.

  She is ethereal. Pink-glistening perfection waiting to be consumed. I slide one finger in, watching as she swallows hard and lifts her hips. The smooth silk that coats my fingers begs to be tasted. And I do.

  Fucking delicious.

  Needing more than just a taste, I kneel beside the bed and yank her toward me. Burying my face in her sex, I spread her lips with my tongue and suck her tiny nub into my mouth.

  “Ren!” she screams, inching away. I grip her hips to hold her in place, then scrape my teeth along her clit.

  “Do not run from me, my Aciana. I am far from finished.”

  A growl tears from my throat, and fire ignites along my skin as she drags her nails across my scalp. Pain morphs into need, feeding my desire for her.

  “I’m not running. Take off your fucking clothes.” She reaches for me, and I swipe at her hands, pushing her back on the bed. Fire burns in her gaze as she hops up and shoves me. “I said take off your clothes. Now.”

  Not waiting for a response, she tugs my pants, freeing the tie and yanking them off. My cock stands at attention, so hard it stings. The raw urge to mount her into oblivion explodes as she wraps her hands around my length, milking it as she tugs me toward the bed.

  Pure need thrums through our bond. Pressing her against the mattress, the sweet warmth of her wetness spreads over me as I rub against her glistening folds.


  Taking her mouth, I suck her tongue while she slides her delicate hands up and down my shaft. A tiny burst of pain shoots across my jaw as she bites down hard on my lip and I smack her sex, causing her to moan loudly.

  She likes it. I do it again—harder—and she hisses though clenched teeth, grabbing my wrist, thrusting my fingers deeper inside. Her sex drips for me, trickling down to pool beneath her ass.

  The sight—the scent—of her ferocious desire for me is too much. Rearing back, I spread her legs wide and plunge into her, filling her to the hilt. Hot, wet, softness cradles me as I stretch her, possessing every inch of what is mine. She clenches down, trembling with each thrust until she squeezes her thighs and begs me not to stop.

  A slight grimace pulls at her lips, and I slow my pace.

  My Skara is so tiny, so fragile. I never desire to cause her pain.

  My balls tighten, and my seed begs to be spilled as I near completion. Pinching her clit between my fingers, I slide into her slick heat once more, sending her into a screaming mess. Releasing myself inside of her, I thrust until my cock no longer demands the feel of her warmth.


  The scent of vari and something sweet wafts under my bedroom door, and I all but drool. I may be starving, but there’s no way
in hell I’m going out there.

  Ren stretches in bed beside me, inhaling deeply. No matter how sore or sated I am, there is something about the way the defined muscles of his arms dance that makes me question my sex tolerance. Like, I could probably take it another time if Ren carried me everywhere for the next twenty-four hours.

  But if I want to walk? Not so much.

  “There are ways for me to heal you, or did you forget how our mating works?” Ren grins and lets his tongue run along the seam of his lips. Warm tingles shoot right between my thighs at the thought of what he can do with that tongue. The possibilities are endless.

  “Oh, I didn’t forget. But still, even that takes time. At the rate we’re going, you’re going to have to buy an android to carry me around all the time.”

  His brows furrow. “You belong in my arms. No other will carry you—machine or not.”

  “It was a joke, Ren.” I roll over to trace the ridges of his abs. They stand out like mountains against his bronze skin. I swear they have their own shadow.

  “I am aware of your humor. It is your underlying anxiety that sets off my mate drive.”

  Ugh. Does he have to notice everything?

  “Yes.” Ren stares at me, waiting for an explanation.

  “I’m worried about the gathering. I’ve never even heard of where we’re going, and if the rest of the Illusians are anything like Xen’s group…they’re not going to be my biggest fans.”

  “They will respect you. Or, they will pay the consequence.” Ren’s eyes—still the crystal blue I love—burn with promise.

  “Let’s hope so, because I don’t feel like dodging any more half-crazed virgins.”

  Ren chuckles, then grasps the hand that’s resting on his chest. “The ire of a few unmated are not the only thing that hangs heavy on your mind. Allow me to share your burden.”


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