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Unmatched Page 8

by Annalise Alexis

  Anger courses through the bond as Ren relives the memory of our meeting. I can’t blame him. Finding the girl of your dreams when she’s lying in a pool of blood definitely makes a unique impression.

  “If it’s some sort of absolute attraction, then why isn’t Xen knocking down the door to get at her? Shouldn’t he be just as attracted as she is?”

  “Yes. But Xen is disconnected from the Illusian people. He feels nothing for her.”

  “So, what? She’s just going to sit in front of his door until he wakes up and can fend for himself?”

  “If she is called as I suspect she is, she will remain at his side until she withers from hunger.”

  I don’t even know how to respond. The universe just handed Illaria a cosmic helping of karma at its finest, and I feel like a total dick for wanting to laugh. She tortured me with her petty shenanigans for months, and now she’s bound to a disgraced male who’s hated by every single one of her kin? I can’t even ignore the satisfaction that warms my chest. I’m a terrible person. And right now, I’m totally okay with it.

  “That’s completely out of character for her.”

  Ren clenches his jaw. “Yes, and her attraction to the traitor complicates things. I cannot dispose of him without listening to her mourn for the remainder of her life.”

  “I didn’t even think about that. Your anger is making me irritable. Why are you so pissed?”

  “I need to search the male’s mind. We are less than one Earth day from Bastian, and our people are expecting a full briefing on what has been found.” His gaze cuts to mine. “That includes divulging the information we obtained from the videos.”

  A sense of dread seeps in, and déjà vu hits me hard. I’ve been here before with Ren not too long ago. This time I really hope I don’t screw it up.

  “Female, stand down. Your Acia must interrogate the traitor,” Naya snarls. “I will be forced to subdue you. Get a hold of yourself.”

  Illaria growls, mouth foaming like a rabid animal, and tenses, ready to pounce on Naya if she moves closer.

  “Seriously, Illaria. Calm down. I won’t let Ren kill him.” I turn and glower at Ren. “And he won’t let Tao kill him either.” Tao snaps his jaws and growls, consumed with rage. Ren answers the male’s aggression toward me by sending him to the ground.

  “Enough, female.” The power and promise of punishment lacing Ren’s words makes the hair on my arms stand on end.

  Completely oblivious to his demands, Illaria continues to spit and lunge at anyone who tries to come close to the door. With the kitchen becoming increasingly full of gawking Illusians, Naya turns to Ren for instruction.

  “Acia. She has not responded to our demands…”

  “Nor will she, Nayanthiana. I will blanket her instincts and allow her to rest. She has protected her intended mate and does not deserve punishment. “

  The shock in the room is palpable, and even Illaria seems to stumble slightly with the revelation. She stands, staring at Ren with confusion and fear creasing her features a moment before she crumples. Naya is there to catch her and ease her down. The look in Illaria’s eyes was haunting. Almost as if something snapped in her brain when she first saw Xen and she completely lost control. For a brief second, it seemed as if she hadn’t realized what was happening until Ren said those words.

  Lifting her like she weighs nothing, Naya throws Illaria’s limp form over her shoulder and carries her out of the room. Tao straightens and climbs to his feet as Ren releases him. The angry male stares at the door a moment, as if contemplating whether making one more attempt is worth risking Ren’s wrath.

  Trust me. It isn’t.

  “Clear the room.” The Illusians scatter at Ren’s order. Once the kitchen has emptied, Ren pops his knuckles, rolls his shoulders, then cracks his back. A spike of excitement zings down the bond.

  He’s ready to try again.

  “Since I gave Illaria my word you wouldn’t kill him, what exactly are you going to do?” I ask, looking over my shoulder as I exit the kitchen. There’s no way I want to witness whatever mess Ren’s about to make, nor do I want to feel the result of his…interrogation techniques.

  “The male has some sort of barrier preventing me from accessing his mind. I was unable to break through last night, but I have since thought up a different approach. I am going to find it. Rip it out and burrow into it until I find the being responsible for the attack on the Illusians under his care. Then I am going to restore his memories and fix what the Haug have broken so that he can feel the pain he has caused. So that he can remember his failures and soak in the misery that resulted from his weakness.”

  “Yeah… I’ll be in our room.”

  Chapter Fourteen


  We’re nearly to Bastian, and my nerves are completely shot. I’m not the only one. While I slept half the day away, Linara was giving classes to all the females on what would be expected of them in mixed company. No speaking, no touching—basically a stand there and look pretty pep talk that I’m one-hundred percent against.

  They won’t be forced to endure those ridiculous rules if I have any say in the matter.

  Suppressing a groan, I search the room for Injari and Urina. Both of them are supposed to join us for the group briefing, and I’ve yet to see either. I also haven’t found a way to talk to Ren about letting them stay back on the ship. He has this rule about no one coming or going once the ship has landed, and even though it doesn’t make sense to me, I don’t want to second guess his instincts. He’s managed to keep them all together and in one piece for a long time.

  A familiar warmth slides down my spine, and I’m drawn to the nav bay door. Ren steps out and prowls toward me. The excitement humming through our bond is almost enough to hide the sliver of dread snaking its way through. Without saying a word, Ren grabs my hand and pulls me toward the center of the common room.

  “In less than half a moon we will arrive on Bastian. Our enemies have shifted their strategy, seeking council from the human government, and now, we too must adapt. Despite an increase in the number of attempts, they have failed to subjugate us. And now, for the first time in more than forty thousand moons, we will gather together to discuss the possibility of a new path. Do not forget your place. As your Acia, my word is final. Your continued respect and compliance is expected and required.

  “Once we arrive, we will travel under cover of night and seek shelter in the mountains. According to the latest satellite images, there are plenty of naturally formed caves that lead far below the planet’s icy surface and should be safe enough for us to heat. Be aware that there are large creatures roaming about, and there is a possibility we will have to engage them.

  “As per our normal protocol, no one, outside of myself or another given explicit permission, will return to the ship until our time on Bastian is over. Remaining unseen is of the utmost importance, and at any point, satellite imagery could pick up a heat signature if one of our number is out in the open.”

  Illaria, who’s still guarding Xen, jumps to her feet and strides forward four or five steps. “I will not leave him.” As if the mere mention of his name causes her pain, Illaria looks back at the door before refocusing on Ren.

  “The male is a prisoner. He will remain on the ship with a guard. You are not permitted to stay with him, female. You are unmated—unclaimed.”

  She shakes her head, jutting out her chin in defiance. “No,” her voice wavers, “I will not leave him.”

  Ren’s jaw clenches, and I squeeze his hand, hoping to help him keep his cool. He despises when people openly challenge him, but since Illaria is female, he doesn’t lash out like he would otherwise.

  “He cannot come with us. He would not survive. The other males will risk my wrath to bleed him dry, and after all his spineless whimpering, I have half a mind to do it myself.”

  Illaria straightens, tears gathering in her eyes. “You will not hurt him.”

  A chorus of growls fills the room, and Naya lurch
es forward. “Speak no more, or I will be forced to cut out your tongue.”

  My head jerks to Injari as she stands and weaves her way through the Illusians separating us. I didn’t even see her and Urina come down the stairs. “Acia. I do not wish to leave the Mageran. She is too ill to stand for more than a few moments. Urina and I will remain here, if you will allow it.”

  My skin prickles as Ren’s anger spikes through the bond, warming my blood.

  “Get your females in line, Nayathiana.” The threat resonating in Ren’s voice grates on my nerves.

  “What would you have me do, Acia?” Naya asks, gesturing toward Illaria. “The female is in the throes of an unanswered call to mate.”

  Ren jerks his chin toward Injari. “What is your excuse for her?”

  All right, sass bags. That’s enough.

  I raise my hand. “That’s my doing. And yours. We both agreed Injari would care for Hana and be responsible for her recovery, did we not?”

  Ren sucks in a deep breath, his fists clenched at his sides. “Does anyone else have a request?” The room is silent, no one daring to make a peep.

  His black gaze lands on Injari first. “If you stay, female, you are not to leave. You will abandon the gathering all together. You are responsible for your sister and the Mageran’s wellbeing. If you fail to keep them safe and fed, you will be held accountable.”

  Injari presses her fist to her chest. “On my honor, Acia.”

  “And you…”

  Illaria swallows hard, arms shaking with a fine tremor.

  “You will obey me. If you do not stand aside and cease your efforts to interfere with my interrogation, I will slit his throat and make you watch. Mate or not.”

  “Acia…” Naya calls, an edge of pleading in her voice.

  “No!” he snarls. “It seems you have all forgotten your place. Do not mistake my leniency for weakness.”

  My mouth drops open in disbelief as Illaria falls to her knees. Her lip quivers, and she forces out her next words. “Acia, please. Do not harm him.”

  Ren snorts in disgust. “You speak ill of my mate, treat the other females here with little to no respect, and yet you expect me to listen as you plead your case for this,” Ren spits on the ground in Xen’s direction, “weakling?” Ren’s barb slices through the air in a wide arc. “All these people, your people, have suffered at the hands of the Inokine and those who aid them. Xen holds answers. Stay out of my way. Refuse, and reap the consequence.”

  Illaria’s bloodshot gaze rises to mine, almost as if to beg me for help. Something in their violet depths reminds me of myself for a moment. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for Ren.

  Not a single damn thing.

  “If she backs down and stops being dramatic, will you let her stay?”

  Frustration ripples through the bond. “She is a female, Xen is male—a traitor no less. You expect me to yield to her frivolous demands in order to receive something I do not require her to give?”

  “I would do that. Defy my leader for you. In fact, I already have. She can’t help herself Ren. And neither could I.”

  The room shrinks as Ren grasps my chin firmly. “I, too, would burn the universe to keep you.”

  He says nothing for a moment, still holding me, ignoring the rest of those gathered around us. “She does not deserve your empathy.”

  “She also doesn’t deserve to live her life alone, no matter how big of a dick she is.”

  Illaria’s shoulders sag the longer Ren takes to turn towards her.

  “You owe my mate your life and the life of your intended. I will extend this offer one time, and one time only. If you cease your efforts to interfere with my interrogation of the male, then I will consider allowing you to remain on the ship during the gathering. If you do not yield, Xen will forfeit his life once I am finished.”

  A loud wail tears from Illaria’s throat, and she collapses, almost as if something has broken inside of her. She continues to sob as Naya rips her from the ground and hauls her to a nearby table to clear the way for Ren.

  Okay, I guess he’s doing this now? Weren’t we in the middle of a briefing?

  Linara steps forward, anger and confusion contorting the smooth lines of her elegant face. “You would bend to the whims of an irrational female?”

  Her lips pucker when Ren ignores her and addresses the group. “You are dismissed. Pack whatever you cannot do without. We will be arriving on Bastian soon. Be ready. We will not linger on the ship once we land.”

  Chapter Fifteen


  A storm brews, so thick it blots out all evidence of the stars above. Rough winds and the harsh cold greet me as the hatch rises and I catch my first glimpse of Bastian. Even with my advanced sight, the ground is not entirely visible. A shield of ice presses against me the farther I descend, and a rocky cluster of frozen crystals crunch under my feet. Our females will need thick-soled coverings for their feet to prevent the sharp edges from cutting their skin.

  The howling winds and the rustle of my people gathered in the anteroom obstruct all other sounds. The farther I venture from our ship, the louder the winds become. I will not be able to track the beasts that inhabit this planet by smell or sound alone. I will have to rely on all senses to anticipate their movements.

  Focusing on the landscape a mile ahead, I hunt for threats. The thermal scanner reported hundreds of beasts close to our vicinity, but none are visible beyond the blanket of ice and snow pelting me. Any faint scent I catch is wiped away with each fresh gust, but my instincts say they are near, closer than I prefer.

  We need to set out for the caves. And with haste.

  Clearing my boots of all the residual snow at the ship’s entrance, I study my mate’s face as she eyes the white mound that is left on the floor.

  She hoists her bag and tightens the layers of animal skins I piled on top of her. “You know I’m going to find a way to slip on that, right?”

  The ice and snow slide across the floor as I scoop them up with my hand and throw them out the ship’s hatch. My mate’s cheeks are already reddened by the cold, and I tighten the material wrapped around her face. “You must not allow this to fall, Skara. These winds will damage your skin. A creature as soft as you is not meant for such temperatures.”

  Her voice is muffled as she responds, “I’ll be fine. Are we ready to go, or what?”

  I signal Ragar, and the crowd parts as he and the human mechanic make their way through. He is carrying her.

  “I can walk, you big oaf, now put me down!” The mechanic’s legs flail as she attempts to break Ragar’s hold, but she is unsuccessful.

  My mate snickers and shakes her head. “Just enjoy the ride, girl. He’ll put you down if he needs to kill something. Ren did the same thing to me.”

  The mechanic sighs but appears to turn into Ragar the closer he gets to the open door. He raises his head, sniffing for scents, and scans the open tundra warily.

  He also recognizes the threat.

  Anticipation and excitement course through my veins, and I grab the bag from my mate, yanking her close. The other Illusian females form a line—the males flanking them on either side—and with a final look, Sol closes the hatch and we make our way into the frozen wilds of Bastian.


  The lenses of my goggles are completely frozen over, and no matter how many times I try to clean them, the inch of ice coating them won’t budge. I can’t see anything, and if not for Ren guiding me step by step with his grip on my hand, I’d be utterly lost.

  It’s cold. But not the type of cold that can be easily fought with a heavy coat and a scarf. This is bone-chilling, steal your breath, set your skin on fire cold, and the wind—the wind’s eating away at me, forcing its way beneath the layers of my clothes and scraping its icy fingers down my body. My muscles are clenched so tight they scream in pain with every step.

  It’s no wonder this place is uncolonized. I’m miserable, and I’ve only been here five minutes.

he wind is so loud, even the leather Ren mummy wrapped me in doesn’t blunt its howl. Can anyone even see in this? How?

  My foot knocks into Ren’s as he suddenly comes to a stop.

  “Do not move,” he whispers to my mind, squeezing my hand tight enough for me to actually feel its warmth. The rest of the Illusians behind me also pause, and Dreya presses herself against my back. The males are pushing us closer together.

  Something is coming.

  My mind whirls as Ren gives us an open command down the bond to the entire group. The wind kicks up and whips around us so hard, there’s no way anyone would hear him otherwise.

  “We are being tracked. Two on either side, and one directly in front. Females, make yourselves as small as possible. Naya, Orion, guard them. Ragar, Rivan—right. Sol, you will take my position at the front of the group to shield my mate, and the others. Tao, Nexx—left, Tor—you are with me.”

  A rush of cold air assaults me as Ren releases my hand. Needing something to center me, I grip the corner of Sol’s jacket, and he takes a step back, closing the distance between us. He can’t touch me. Ren would literally stop killing whatever was trying to eat us to turn around and maim him if he did, but the gesture doesn’t go unnoticed. Even daring to move closer could be seen as cause for violence, and his attempt to comfort me means a lot.

  A booming screech rakes across my ears, and I lean back into Dreya, holding her close. Energy and aggression pour out of Ren and into the bond, and for the first time, he allows me to see what he’s doing. I guess that’s what Naya meant all those weeks ago when we first met and she’d chastised him for not showing the warriors his encounter with the general.

  He has the ability to let them, and me, see if he wants, he just usually doesn’t.

  His vision is better than mine, sharper, and he can see farther. Pure aggression pulses through him as he circles the beast, mirroring its movements. Tor stands to the side, eyeing them both, countering and ensuring there aren’t any others coming to join in the fun.


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