Bad Enemy (Bad Girls Club Book 4)

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Bad Enemy (Bad Girls Club Book 4) Page 12

by Carmen Falcone

Troy sat the tumbler he’d been holding on the desk, then squared his shoulders. “Her brother got in trouble when working for us and accidentally hit the wrong person. Conor O’Donnell. So I proposed to marry her for protection and to help her keep her brother safe, while in turn she married me to smooth things out.”

  His father ran his fingers down his face. “So you two lied to all of us. We took this girl in our home, were planning a reception for you… I thought you finally got it together, but I have to give it to you son… you always keep me in my fucking toes.”

  His blood throbbed, and Troy stood, too restless to stay still. He put his hands in his pockets, pacing around. “None of this is Lara’s fault. It was all my idea. And she’s a wonderful woman.”

  “A wonderful woman I thought as well, but that was when I believed you two loved each other.”

  “I do love her,” he said, raising his voice like she could hear him. “I just wanted to set things straight.”

  His father’s hands balled into fists. “And that makes it all right? You deceived us, you jeopardized my company, the one you say you’re so fond of, and now I’m supposed to believe you?”

  “I believe him,” his mother said, stepping inside the office.

  Troy turned to see her. Alessandra Gallucci seldom showed up like this, unannounced and after probably listening to a conversation. How else would she know what they were talking about? But there she was…

  She glanced at Troy, a touch of warmth and love glittering her eyes. A sweet energy bounced between them, and a twinge of joy surged through him. He hadn’t asked for her help. He hadn’t done anything to get her attention. He’d not even considered coming to her about it, sadly.

  Yet she came. And here she was, in the middle of the office, stretching to her full height in challenge.

  A lump of awareness clogged his throat. She’d come for him. She might not do this again, and he would be just fine. Now, he knew he would—because he didn’t need her showing up for him, even though he appreciated it.

  “Then you must be crazy, Alessandra,” Giorgio said in quick Italian. “They made a mockery of the institution of marriage, and on top of that deceived us. And I bet he’s only telling me because either she threatened to tell me, or Conor did. Those O’Donnells always enjoy keeping these kinds of information under their sleeve.”

  “She encouraged me to tell you. She’d never do it herself,” he said. She wouldn’t put him at risk. Hell, she could have told his parents if she wanted to, out of spite. But she hadn’t. Because maybe she cared for him as much as he did her. “Look, I’m not here for either of your approval,” he said, casting a glance between his mother and his father. “I’ve wanted it and didn’t make the best decisions to get it. So now I’m done. I just wanted to let you know—in case you want to be part of our lives.”

  “I can’t let you run the company,” his father said.

  “Then you’d be an idiot,” his mother said, stepping forward, determination lacing her voice. “I’ve always trusted you to make the right decisions about the boys. I now know I should have been more present. Not that you didn’t do a great job, but because I could have. And the person who made me see this was Lara,” she said, tears brimming her eyes. “I don’t care how they met or what brought them together. Her being in this family will be beneficial to all of us, especially Troy.”

  The muscles of his forearms tensed up. Then, as his mother’s words registered in his mind, a softer sensation swirled through him. He hadn’t asked for his mother’s help, but she offered it anyway—which was an enormous step for her. To go against his father.

  Relief poured over him as Troy realized he didn’t need her stepping up. Not anymore. “I don’t need for you to come to my rescue anymore, Mom. But I appreciate you. And Dad, I told you what was in my heart because I wanted you to know. If you give Mateo the position instead of me, so be it. He’ll do a great job. Now, I need to go and meet my wife.”

  The sound of the insisting doorbell ringing buzzed in Lara’s ears. She moved on the couch, hoping maybe it was part of a dream. The buzz continued, and she yawned, looking around, wishing she hadn’t drunk more than she should have.

  The light trespassing from the blinds wasn’t as harsh as earlier, which meant it had to be about seven or eight in the evening. Brit had stayed and talked a bunch, then finally had her husband pick her up because she, too, had had too much margarita. She’d mentioned she’d send for her car later—but Lara assumed she’d either ask an employee the next day or do it herself. Had she sent her husband to pick it up?

  Lara smoothed her hand over her shirt and dashed to the door. Without thinking, she opened it, only to find another husband at her doorstep.


  Instantly, she sobered. Zings of awareness traveled through her body like she hadn’t seen him in much longer than a day. “Troy,” she said, her voice throaty.

  He leaned over the door, a bit too close, his blue eyes regarding her like he’d just found a hidden treasure. She had to wrestle with her own need to erase the small distance between them and rest her forehead on his. For all she knew, he could have come to grovel and ask her to keep on misleading his family. Keeping the façade. Why else would he turn up at her house like this?

  “We need to talk. Can I come in?” he said. She stepped back, gesturing for him to enter her home.

  He’d been in here a couple of times, when she needed to quickly grab something before they headed somewhere else. But this time… felt different.

  She folded her arms, unsure if she should lead the conversation with a smartass remark or let him do the talking. She sat in one of the sofas, deciding on the latter. Goose bumps raised on her skin, the anticipation of this talk messing with her nerves.

  Would she do it?

  If he asked her to come back to him and pretend all over again, would she?

  He removed something from his pocket and gave it to her. She glanced at the sparkling diamond ring, a classic version of the princess cut. It was bigger than she would have liked, and not her particular style.

  “Is this a joke?” she asked. Did he expect her to waltz back and pretend everything was fine?

  “No. This is my mother’s ring, which she gave me when she ran after me as I left the house. She wanted me to give this to you from her… as a thank you for joining our family.”

  She lifted the ring, studying it. It had to be worth a small fortune. Why would Alessandra give it to her? “Her wedding ring? I couldn’t possibly accept.” She shook her head, and gave him the ring, ignoring the frisson traveling up her arm when her fingers brushed his.

  Like she’d been burned by is touch, she jerked her hand away, crossing her arms over her chest.

  “Then you can refuse it. Fine by me.” He sat the ring on one of her wooden side tables, then turned his attention to her. “The only reason I brought it was to show you I have evidence.”

  “What evidence?”

  “I told my father about how we met. The real reason why we married.”

  A dizzy sensation washed over her. He’d listened to her. She put both hands in her lap, drumming on her legs to give her fidgety fingers something to do. To give herself time to think. But so many different things flashed in her mind, she couldn’t keep up. “Good for you. So you don’t have to worry about Conor O’Donnell anymore.”

  “Yes, but I have another worry that’s been eating me alive ever since you left.”

  She swallowed. Should she ask? “What?”

  “I’m sorry about how things happened. You were right about everything—about my relationship with my mom, and pretty much everything else. I was taken aback, and didn’t want to face what you stirred deep inside me.”

  She chewed her bottom lip. She wanted to move her gaze from him, to look away, but even breathing was difficult. Her chest rose and fell in shallow breaths, like she’d forgotten all she learned in yoga classes.

  Something about him drew her in and unlocked a part of her that wa
s far too foolish. Light and easy.

  “The reality is, Lara, you have cared for me unconditionally. You’ve tried to understand me, to help me, and my money never played a part in our relationship. You were unafraid and I’ve never met any other woman like you.”

  She scooted to the edge of the sofa. He kneeled in front of her, his eyes on the same level as hers. A thrill of anticipation touched her spine, and her heart pulsed in different parts of her body. Madly.

  “I love you, Lara. I’ve fallen for you even if it went against every warning sign I set off.”

  She parted her lips, but hesitated to speak—or perhaps it was the sensation of her heart in her mouth that kept her quiet.

  He took her hand in his, squeezing it, and she realized they were both trembling. “I love you and I want you to be my wife. For real. We don’t need to have a wedding party, you don’t need to wear this wedding ring. I don’t have to impress anyone but you. As long as I have you, I’m happy. I’m complete if you let me make it up to you.”

  She touched her chest with her free hand. Tears of joy glistened in her eyes. She thought she had it all before, but the feelings Troy has shown her had given her so much more. He cared for her, and took care of her, and hell, also let her butt in his life even if he’d been reluctant at first. “Troy…”

  He squeezed her hand. “Please, let me prove it to you. Every day, for the rest of our lives.”

  “I love you too.”

  The tense lines of his face relaxed. There was unadulterated joy in the depths of his smoldering blue eyes. “Really?”


  He pulled her to him and lowered his lips to hers in a passionate kiss that curled her toes. Moaning, she encircled her arms around him, loving the feeling of his body colliding with hers, the hard planes of his chest pressing against her, his muscled arms embracing her like he would never let her go.

  She kissed him back with urgency, her tongue stroking his, her fingers delving into his rich textured hair. Joy jolted through her, the kind of happiness she’d never experienced before. When he wretched his mouth from hers, they were still close, forehead to forehead, labored breaths mingling.

  “I want to move to Tulip,” he said.

  “Are you sure? I mean, you’ve been in LA for so long and I’m sure business is better there.”

  He caressed her cheek. “I’m sure. You have family and friends here. I spent so much time chasing after the wrong things… now I want to chase after the right ones. The right person.”

  Her heart sang. She reached for his collar and undid the first two buttons, sliding her hand inside his shirt, touching his warm, taut skin. “Good. Because since that’s the case, I say you could do some chasing right now…”


  “And now, I declare you husband and wife,” the pastor said with a smile. “You may kiss the bride.”

  Troy took her in his arms and lowered his lips to hers. It was supposed to be a quick one, but the emotion from the ceremony filled his chest, and he delved his tongue into her, bending her into a quick Valentino dip.

  The guests clapped and a couple of them catcalled, cheering them on. Quickly, she recomposed, a shade of red staining her cheeks.

  As they made their way down the impromptu aisle in her beautiful backyard, he glanced at his wife. Now, he could call her wife in every sense of the word.

  Even though the original plan was to throw a reception party, they decided on a ceremony too, to give their marriage a new beginning in front of those they loved. She wore a gorgeous, long dress with different textures of lace and satin, with a golden pattern on the middle section. Nothing about her was common, why should her dress be?

  “I love you,” she whispered, tightening the hold of his hand.

  “Me too,” he said, planting a peck on her cheek.

  The photographer captured the scene, closing in on them and snapping more shots.

  “Hey, we’re in public now,” Miguel said, patting his shoulders. “Hands off my sister,” he added in a playful tone.

  “I can’t promise anything,” Troy whispered so low that only she could hear. He’d already had to stay away from Lara all day. They’d flown her mother and aunt Celia, along with her brother for the occasion a couple of days prior, and today Lara had gone to a spa with her family and best friends.

  Lara tapped his arm. “Stop.”

  “Congratulations,” her mother, a lovely older version of Lara, said, opening her arms to him. “Welcome to the family. Bem-vindo à família.”

  He hugged her, and she whispered in his ear, “Now let’s work on grandkids.”

  Lara shook her head, probably imagining what her mother had said. “Mom, give us a few months before you start pestering us.”

  “Hey, I had a chance to talk to his parents last night at dinner. They agree with me,” she said with a triumphant smile.

  Troy waved at his parents. “I bet they do.”

  “Not you too,” Lara said, winking at him. They’d discussed having babies but decided to wait at least six months, since he was permanently moving to Tulip. He’d decided against working in the family business.

  He’d open a management firm in Tulip with his own money. A clean slate. Besides, Mateo would take his place in LA. It only made sense, even if he had to convince his father that even though Mateo wasn’t the first born, he should run the business. Some habits were hard to kick, but the old man would get used to it.

  Some of the guests lined up to congratulate them, and in the next thirty minutes he went through the motions, shaking hands and talking to his new friends. In his new house. Enjoying his new life.

  “Congrats, brother,” Mateo said.

  “Thanks for coming,” he said, before patting his brother’s back. He’d invited Mateo to be his best man, which Mateo declined, and Troy understood. He’d give his brother time to get used to their new relationship. And he was grateful for all he could get. “Michelle okay?”

  “Yes, she feels bad couldn’t make it. I texted Lara about it, been sick all day. I’m rushing home after here,” Mateo said.

  Troy leaned closer. His mother had mentioned that Michelle had been experiencing bad morning sickness. “Sounds good. Let me know if you need anything.”

  Mateo gave him a hug, squeezing him a bit tighter than usual. “Thanks, man.”

  Troy smiled. He squeezed his brother back as a jolt of happiness coursed through him, and finally, the resentment from the past months lessened. He felt his brother came back to him, needed him. Maybe I’m not such a bad person after all.

  The wedding planner swung by and told him something about taking pictures by the cake. He glanced around, searching for his wife. He found Lara laughing with her friends.

  When she spotted him walking toward her, a glint of love touched her beautiful brown eyes. He stared at her, like the air had been socked from his lungs, happiness and excitement rolling through him. God, he loved her.

  “Ready for some cheesy cake pictures?” she asked when he joined her.

  “You bet,” he said, lowering his lips to hers.

  She’d made him take a chance—on the cake, believing again, and making peace with his past and building a new present and future. And he’d be grateful for her until his very last breath.

  Also by Carmen Falcone

  One-click The Bad Girls Club Series:

  Bad Intentions

  Bad Friend

  Bad Teacher

  Bad Girls Boxset

  The Forbidden Series (Erotic Romance):

  Forbidden Virgin

  Forbidden Reunion

  Forbidden Inmate

  Forbidden Stepbrother

  Forbidden In-Law

  Forbidden Boss

  Forbidden Boxset

  Forbidden Boxset Vol. 2

  Forbidden Wedding Date

  Forbidden Sugar

  The Brazilians Series (Contemporary/Romantic Suspense):

  Kidnapping the Brazilian Tycoon

razilian Revenge

  Brazilian Capture

  Brazilian Surrender

  The Naked Truth Series (Contemporary Romance):

  Accidentally Still Married

  Accidentally Hooked

  Accidentally Seduced

  The Highest Bidder Series (Erotic Romance):

  Auctioned to the Greek Billionaire

  Sold to the King

  The Billionaire’s Betrayal

  The Dirty Debts Series (Erotic Romance):

  Good Girl Gone Bad

  Good Girls Like it Dirty

  Good Girl’s Bad Lessons

  The Misbehaving Series (Contemporary Romance):

  A Weekend of Misbehaving

  A Night of Misbehaving

  Other Books (Contemporary Romance):

  Ruined King

  The Cowboy’s Socialite

  A Vengeful Affair

  Red Hot Christmas

  About the Author

  Carmen Falcone loves to spend her time writing about hot Alpha males and the quirky, smart and sassy heroines who turn their world upside down.

  Brazilian by birth and traveler by nature, she moved to Central Texas after college and met her broody Swiss husband—living proof that opposites attract. She found in writing the best excuse to avoid the healthy lifestyle everyone keeps talking about. When she’s not lost in the world of romance, she enjoys spending time with her two kids, being walked by her three crazy pugs, reading, catching up with friends, and chatting with random people in the checkout line.

  She writes contemporary and erotic romance.

  To keep up with her news, enter giveaways and exclusive sneak-peaks join her newsletter. She’ll never share your information and won’t spam your email.


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