Moon Spun

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Moon Spun Page 22

by Marilee Brothers

  “Mortal!” he said, lifting his upper lip in a sneer. “I have something to say to you.”

  I was tired to the bone. My burns caused by toadling spit hurt like hell. I wasn’t in the mood for Uncle Davey and his put-downs. “Make it fast,” I said. “I need to get back to the portal.”

  Imagine my shock and surprise when Uncle Davey knelt on his front legs and bowed his head. “I owe you a debt of gratitude. It would be my privilege to carry you back to Melia’s realm.”

  Ashamed of my harsh words, I thanked the kelpie and scrambled onto his back. He stood and trotted over to Melia and Hawk.

  Melia smiled when she saw me on Uncle Davey’s back. She took my hand and pressed it to her cheek. Her eyes brimmed with tears. “How can I ever thank you?”

  I thought about what it cost me to help my grandmother. I had only eight years left to call my own. But, when I looked into her luminous green eyes, I bit back my angry response. “No need to thank me. Just fulfill your end of the bargain.”

  Melia nodded. “Two nights from now, when the moon is high, I will be at the portal to meet with my daughter.”

  We made our travel plans. Meg, Pookie, the pixies and I would go with Uncle Davey. Melia and Hawk would rendezvous with her folk and escort them back to the waterfall. Melia insisted Hawk was too weak to fly and made him shift. When a stark naked Ryker emerged from the spinning bird, he had a jagged scar on his right arm. Before I knew what was happening, he lifted me off the water horse. “Well done, Avalon! Give me a hug.”

  I closed my eyes and flapped my hands. “First clothes. Then hugs.”

  Turned out he had no idea where he’d left his clothes. Hmm, golden opportunity. Why should I be the only one dressed in a ridiculous outfit? I whispered a suggestion to Melia, the queen of fashion disasters. She nodded and told Ryker, “Close your eyes.”

  Melia used some serious magic to create a new outfit for Ryker. I clapped a hand over my mouth to keep from laughing. The water sprites and pixies didn’t bother to hold back.

  “Open your eyes,” Melia ordered.

  When Ryker saw what he was wearing, he stiffened in outrage. I walked around him, admiring the green velveteen tights with matching jacket, high leather boots and feathered cap. “We were going for a Robin Hood look,” I said.


  He glared, first at me, then at Melia. “Not cool.”

  I held out my arms. “I’m ready for that hug now.”

  I couldn’t relax until Uncle Davey galloped across drawbridge. I took care not to look into the moat. Before we entered the woods, I looked over my shoulder at Phaedra’s dark castle and shivered. Would the memory of the last few hours fade away? Would I wake up tomorrow morning, thinking I’d had a terrible nightmare? One quick glance at the crescent moon on my palm convinced me otherwise.

  Melia, Ryker and all the forest faeries were waiting by the waterfall when we arrived. I thanked Uncle Davey for the ride and dismounted. He gave me a little nod and disappeared into the stream with the sprites.

  To my great surprise, the forest faeries formed a line. One by one, they thanked me for my part in freeing them. Melia was the last in line. She held a maple leaf in her hand and gently touched it to each wound the toadling spit had inflicted as well as the werebat scratch. I watched in amazement, as each injury disappeared, along with the pain.

  It was time for me to leave. I took Ryker’s hand and asked, “Long way or short way?” Before he could answer, the pixies squealed, “Short way! Short way!” Melia’s folk added their voices. “Short way!”

  “What about the landing?” I asked.

  He smiled down at me. “Got it covered.”

  Before his lips touched mine, I murmured, “I trust you.”

  This time, I actually managed to enjoy the trip. We soared and whirled through the Land of Boundless. A feeling of euphoria swept through me. My lips, pressed against Ryker’s, curved into a smile. I was going home!

  As promised, we touched down gently in front of the oaken door. Ryker stepped away, swept off his feathered cap and gave me a slight bow. “Safely delivered, my princess.”

  I started to say, “I’m not your princess.” But, he looked so silly in his Robin Hood outfit, I laughed instead. I pushed the door open. “See you tomorrow?”

  He nodded. “We need to make plans for Chad.”

  Startled, I turned to face him. “But, Boundless Chadwicke is a baby. My Chad is ten.”

  “Melia can make it happen.”

  I frowned. “Explain, exactly, how this will work.”

  Ryker frowned back at me. “Don’t you trust your grandmother?”

  “It’s not about trust. It’s about me being responsible for another person. Can you guarantee it will work?”

  Ryker folded his arms across his chest. “I already told you it would. After the transfer takes place, Boundless Chadwicke will be Chad Hostetler. He will have no memory of Boundless. All of changeling Chad’s physical and mental processes will be his.”

  “What about my Chad?”

  “When Melia completes the spell, he’ll take on his faery form. I believe his father was a pooka, so he’ll be able to fly. Your Chad is not meant for Boundland. In your heart, you know I’m right.”

  He was right. Dang, I hate it when that happens. But still, it was a huge decision. I wanted to think about it some more. “We’ll talk about it tomorrow.”

  Ryker followed me through the door. Swiftly, we climbed out of the cistern and back into my world. Even frozen in time and gilded with silver, the sight of my home filled me with joy. As I turned my back to the moon, I thought about Ryker’s words, “Chad is not meant for Boundland.” For me, the opposite was true. I was not meant for Boundless. I closed my eyes and fumbled with the 385

  moonstone, counting the clicks until I got to the correct setting. When I opened my eyes, Boundland was once again, spinning gently on its axis.

  I gave Ryker a hug and told him I’d see him in the morning. Exhaustion settled onto my shoulders like a heavy shroud. I trudged toward the trailer, barely able to put one foot in front of the other. Faye was still on the phone when I stepped through the door. She narrowed her eyes and looked me over. “Have you been hanging around with that kid? The one with the motorcycle?”

  “Don’t worry. I promised to stay off the bike, and I have.”

  Strictly speaking, I hadn’t broken my promise. What I had done—climbing down a cistern, flying with a giant hawk, fighting a bloody battle against the dark fae and entering into an unwilling pact with queen of the Seelie Court—was far more dangerous than riding a motorcycle. If Faye knew the truth, I’d probably be shackled to the trailer hitch for the rest of my natural life. For at least forty-eight hours, I would keep all of the above to myself. She’d find out, of course. I had to convince Faye that Melia was not only alive and well, but also queen of the forest faeries in the Land of Boundless. Oh yeah, and two nights from now, her mother would be popping up through the cistern for a little visit. In order to make this happen, I’d have to admit to my Boundless escapades. 386

  Chapter Thirty Four

  After a night of deep, dreamless sleep, I grabbed a quick bite and headed for the car. Ryker, dressed in his usual black jeans and white tank top, was waiting for me. I looked him over. “I see you ditched the Robin Hood costume.”

  He grimaced. “I’ll wear it again when I see you dressed like an apple tree.”

  “That will be . . . never,” I said with a smile.

  “Going to Chad’s?”

  I nodded.

  “I talked to Melia. She’ll bring Chadwicke to Boundland and do the spell. She thinks night would be best, in the apple orchard.”

  I nodded, relieved I wouldn’t have to go to Boundless again. Now that Melia was beholden to Luminata, her will wasn’t her own. If the Seelie queen got a wild hair, and decided I should hang around Boundless, like forever, Melia wouldn’t be able to help me. No, I’d stay above the grass as long as possible.

�Tonight, when the moon rises over the foothills, bring Chad to the orchard.”

  “Tonight?” I screeched. “It’s happening tonight?”

  “Deal with it. See ya later.” He patted my cheek and strode away.

  “What if he doesn’t want to go?” I called after him.

  He didn’t bother to turn around. “You know better.”

  When I got to Chad’s, I stopped Mr. Hostetler before he could he rush out the door. “Would it be okay if Chad stayed with me tonight? We’ll sleep outside in Uncle Sid’s tent. We might even build a camp fire and roast marshmallows.” And, a fter the marshmallows, Chad will turn into a faery and fly away.

  “What do you think, Chad?” Mr. Hostetler said.

  Chad turned to face me, his eyebrows lifted in question. He clasped his hands together and waved his index fingers like wings. I nodded once.

  Chad began to hop up and down like a berserk bunny. “Yes!” he cried. He ran to his dad and hugged him. “I really, really want to go to Allie’s tonight.”

  Mr. Hostetler patted Chad’s head. “Okay with me, buddy. Guess I’ll see you tomorrow. Don’t forget to brush your teeth.”

  I hadn’t realized I was holding my breath until the “brush your teeth” comment which, under the circumstances, struck me as hilarious. An embarrassingly loud bellow of laughter burst out of me like a kettle boiling over on the stove. It sounded like, “Mua-ha-ha-ha” and seemed to go on forever. Chad giggled hysterically. Mr. Hostetler looked puzzled, but joined in with a polite chuckle before he kissed Chad goodbye and left. I sobered quickly when I realized this was Mr. Hostetler’s last moment with Chad, the changeling.

  The rest of the day, my main challenge was dealing with Chad’s impatience. “Why can’t we do it now?” “Why do I have to wait so long?” “Will I be able to fly?” “Will I be with Ryker?”

  By the time we got to the fruit stand, I was on edge and short tempered. Mercedes launched into her usual non-stop monologue. I let my mind drift away, responding with an occasional “uh-huh” and

  “hmmm.” Which is why I almost missed the bit about the Prentices. Something she said triggered a memory of Dennis McCarty saying, “I have people watching you.”

  I held up a hand. “Hold it. What did you say about Mr. and Mrs. Prentice?”


  Mercedes heaved a huge sigh of exasperation. “I said, I think the Prentices show up here every day just to annoy me. The other day, Mrs. Prentice told me she doesn’t even like fresh fruit and vegetables. It gives her diarrhea.”


  “She only comes here because her husband makes her.”

  “Maybe Mr. Prentice likes fruit.”

  “No,” Mercedes insisted. “She said he never eats it. It just rots and they come back the next day and get more. Weird, huh?”

  “Very,” I agreed.

  When the Prentices drove in, Mrs. Prentice headed for the corn. I walked out to the parking lot. Mr. Prentice was in the Lincoln Town car with the motor running. He wore a baseball cap and was slouched down in the seat. It looked like he might be taking a little snooze. When I got closer to the car, I could see he was wide awake, his gaze darting to and fro. He saw me and waved. I stood next to the drivers’ side window and lifted my palm so he could see it. He smiled and did the same. I spotted his star right away. It was at the base of his little finger on the mound of Mercury. The window zipped down. We clasped hands and murmured, “Stella Potenza.”

  “You doing okay?” Mr. Prentice asked.

  “I’m good. Thank you for watching over me.”

  He lifted the bill of his cap and checked to see if his wife was still out of range. “Our little secret, okay?”

  “You got it.” I started to walk away.

  “Allie!” he called. “You’re not alone. We’ve got you covered.”

  I whirled around. “We? As in more than one?”

  He nodded. “Way more.”

  I practically skipped back to the fruit stand. One of the heavy burdens I’d been toting around was now a whole lot lighter.

  When Manny and Ryker drove up in the flat bed, Chad was beside himself with excitement. Mercedes said, “Man, that kid is hyper. You don’t give him candy, do you?”

  “Nah, he’s jazzed because he’s staying with me tonight. We’re gonna sleep outside.”

  Mercedes gave me a horrified look. “Outside? With the bugs? You’re crazy, girl!”

  “Yeah, outside with the bugs.” I thought about Argyle and smiled.

  Just before closing time, Junior drove into the parking lot. When Mercedes spotted his car, she screamed so loudly, a guy driving by on Peacock Flats road screeched to a stop and rolled down his window.

  I waved a hand. “We’re fine. My friend accidentally bit her tongue.” The man shook his head in disgust and drove off. I told Mercedes, “I’m serious. You need to bite your tongue!”

  Chagrined, Mercedes plopped down at the stool. I walked to the parking lot. Junior met me halfway. He smiled, held out his arms and said, “Emerson.”

  I wrapped my arms around his body and tucked my head into the curve of his neck. It felt so good, so right, it was like coming home after a long, arduous journey.

  Without saying a word, he rocked me gently in his arms. I tried to hold them back, but hot, stinging tears spilled from my eyes and soaked into his shirt.

  “Shhh,” he said. “It’s okay. Junior’s got your back.”

  I whispered into his neck. “Weird things have been happening to me.”

  Laughter rumbled deep in his chest. “Big surprise.”

  I pushed away and looked into his clear, gray eyes. Junior was one of the few people I could trust 388

  with my secrets. “I found out I’m part faery.”

  “Cool,” he said, without blinking an eye. “I’ll take you to dinner Friday night. You can tell me all about it.” He pressed his forehead against mine. “Deal?”


  “Should I pick you up or do you want to fly?”

  I smiled through my tears. “No wings.”

  “See ya Friday.” He walked to his car.

  The moon was barely over the foothills when Ryker, Chad and I went to the orchard. Chad skipped between us, holding our hands. His eyes were wide with wonder and anticipation. I was scared to death. My pulse pounded in my throat, and I had to grit my teeth to keep from grabbing the kid and taking him back to his dad. Get a grip, Allie. This isn’t about you. It’s about a little boy who’s been in the wrong place all his life. The devil on my shoulder whispered, What if something goes wrong?

  “It won’t! It can’t!”

  When Ryker looked at me over the top of Chad’s head, I realized I’d said it aloud. Ryker said, “You can go back if you want. I’ll handle it.”

  “No way.”

  Chad squeezed my hand. “Don’t worry, Allie. It will be okay.”

  His big blue eyes were so innocent, so full of hope, my heart melted. Melia was sitting under an apple tree, waiting for us. Little Chadwicke popped out from behind the tree. I’d warned Chad ahead of time, so he knew the mortal child looked like a baby. Chad held out his arms and Chadwicke ran to him. Chad lifted the little boy in his arms and spun him around, both of them laughing like crazy.

  “This is good,” Melia said.

  I couldn’t shake my nerves. “You’re sure this will work?”

  Melia said, “If you have doubts, leave now. I will have no negative thoughts floating about.”

  Geez, I didn’t want to leave and I didn’t want to stay. Melia and Ryker stared at me and waited. I weighed the pros and cons. If Melia’s spell didn’t work, I’d have to stay with her in Boundless forever. Not to mention, I’d miss my date with Junior. If the spell was successful, Boundless would have another happy little faery. Chad would be where he belonged. The Hostetlers would have a healthy mortal child. Decision time.

  I plastered a big, cheery grin on my face. “Let’s do it.”

  Melia began barki
ng out orders. “Avalon, you and Ryker sit there.” She pointed across the furrowed row. “Be quiet and think good thoughts.”

  She led Chad to an apple tree and placed Chadwicke on the other side. “Chad, reach around the trunk and take Chadwicke by the hands.”

  Melia broke off two branches laden with apples. Mumbling words I didn’t understand, she tossed them into the air. I clapped a hand over my mouth in amazement, as the branches snaked around the two Chads, binding them to the tree. Melia held a glowing hand over each boy’s head, bathing their faces in a pale green light.

  “Chadwicke of Boundless. Chad Hostetler of Boundland. I am Melia, queen of the forest faeries. Listen and obey my command. Chad, the changeling, you will revert to your original form and accompany me to Boundless. Chadwicke, you will inhabit the body of the changeling and remain in Boundland with your mortal family, remembering nothing of your time in Boundless. With my touch, it shall be done.”


  I held my breath as Melia lowered her hands onto their heads. After a blinding flash of light, the two Chads passed through the tree. Little Chadwicke popped out the other side, looking exactly like Chad Hostetler. He studied his arms and legs as if he couldn’t believe how big he’d grown. My Chad was green from head to toe and half the size he’d been before. He was curled up on the ground, unmoving. Oh my God, was he dead? I glanced over at Ryker. “Is he okay?”

  Ryker held a finger to his lips.

  I held my breath and watched as lacy wings sprouted from his back and unfurled. Chad stood and gazed around, a look of wonder in his pale blue eyes, that now tilted upward at the corners. Not only was his skin green, his light brown hair floated around his head like dandelion fluff. Except for his wings and elongated fingers, he resembled Melia’s forest faeries. With an intense look of concentration, he ran a few steps, flapped his frilly wings and left the ground. We watched as he gained altitude and rose above the orchard, backlit by the bright quarter moon. After a few practice runs, he dipped low over the treetops, turned a somersault in the air and swooped away, shrieking with laughter. Melia clapped her hands. “Well done!”


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