Married to the Alien Doctor: Renascence Alliance Series Book 2

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Married to the Alien Doctor: Renascence Alliance Series Book 2 Page 18

by Alma Nilsson

  That night Dru had trouble sleeping and so she turned on the self-pleasing function on her bed. She had the option of adding a holographic man and she thought about it for just a minute, thinking about adding Ket, but then in the end decided against it. She didn’t know who watched her and she didn’t want her embarrassment to be any greater than it was that she needed this release. It had been so long since anyone had touched her and months since she had met any eligible men and today, she had not only been surrounded by them, but one had actually spoken to her and he had been gorgeous.

  She set the function on her bed and closed her eyes imagining Ket. She imagined him in his uniform stripping it off and then wait, Did they take off their jewelry first or always wear it? she wondered. Then went back to her fantasy where all the jewelry was just gone, and he was there naked, tall, strong, muscular with a fantastically large cock with ridges across the top just waiting to take her. He approached her on the bed, No wait, she thought, on the medical bed, yes. And then he began gently removing her clothing while asking, “What seems to be the problem Dru?” Then she stopped her fantasy again and thought, Oh no, he calls me by my real name. ‘What is the problem Drusilla?’ She was getting so wet just thinking about him calling her by her real name with his deep voice, she wondered if she even needed the bed function to bring her to climax. Then she imagined him touching her breasts, just as the bed was doing for her and asking, “Does it hurt when I touch you here?” And then as the bed function moved up and down her body with the soft hot air that mimicked the feeling of a moist tongue on skin, she thought of him licking her up and down. And then finally the bed began to work on her inner thighs and clit, and she imagined him touching her there too saying, “I want to see you come for me.” Then he brought her to climax and after a couple minutes she opened her eyes alone in her bed and everything was calm now. She said out loud to herself, “Oh moon, I’m so naughty sometimes,” thinking about him seducing her on the medical bed. Then she turned over and went to sleep with thoughts of the gorgeous man who was completely out of reach for her, But a girl can have her fantasies.

  The next morning, Dru couldn’t help but smile when she saw that Ket had added her as a personal contact on social media. She accepted him and looked at his personal profile. In complete Alliance style it had all his information there, including his nude portrait pictures. She sighed and said out loud to herself softly, “And only if you weren’t so high-ranking Doctor Ket.” Madame Bai had told them all repeatedly, that even though they were of the maximum class, because they were human, they should keep their expectations for husbands somewhat humble. She gave examples of what they should aim for, Captains of Beta ships, lower ranking officers on Alpha ships or government consultants. Rebecca’s husband was a lower ranking officer on an Alpha ship, now they were both on the Zuin together and Dru wondered again if she should join those women. But then she remembered Jane’s words, ‘No one will remember any of our names after we die, but you have a chance to do something meaningful for both the Alliance and humanity.’

  Then she thought about Mr. Mystery and went back to the list that Madame Bai had given her, looking through the names. Ket’s name was there, number 116 on the list. But she dismissed him, he was Dera’s brother and too high ranking. They were attracted to each other to be sure, but just as her classmates had said as they sat behind her, he wasn’t one to stray from Alliance women. She wondered then if her Mr. Mystery could see if she had become connected to Ket and what he felt about that. Jealousy was a big problem in the Alliance, and she had discovered that most duels, among women as those were the only ones, she had access to check in the Duel Database, were fought mainly because of jealousy. Dru found it odd in a civilization that had everything they could ever want they killed each other over personal relationships or trivial material goods. She didn’t think she would ever understand certain aspects of Alliance culture and dueling was one of those.

  Dru was surprised to receive a VM from Ket that next week. She opened it with a big smile on her face.

  “Drusilla, the gods be good I hope you find this message well. It was so nice to meet you the last time I was on the Capital Planet. I’m sending you this message today because something has been at the back of my mind since we met. You projected a word to me, and I don’t know what it is and it’s not in the database. What are panties? May the gods continue to shine their light on you.”

  Dru laughed out loud. She remembered what she was thinking at that moment that she had thought that. It was a phrase her best friend in the Exterior used to say to her, ‘Keep your panties on.’

  Dru hit the reply button when she stopped laughing, “Ket, May the gods be blessed. Thank you for your message. I find it difficult to believe the word wasn’t in the database,” she couldn’t help but smile at his lie. “And the definition may or may not be exciting to you, I don’t know. ‘Panties’ is a colloquial term for women’s underwear on Earth. May the gods guide your way.”

  Ket received the notification Drusilla had responded and looked forward to watching it all day. After the evening meal, he declined playing a gambling game with cards with his Admiral so that he could look at the message. He went into his quarters and watched it, thinking when she smiled, You are the loveliest creature I’ve ever seen.

  He hit reply, “Drusilla, the gods be thanked. As to the word and the item of panties, I hope that you have given those up as you are an Alliance woman now and soon an Alliance doctor. You must realize how terrible that is for a woman’s health. It’s, of course, not something you and I should be speaking about as we are neither courting nor married, but I am curious. Are you still wearing panties? May the gods continue to shine their light on you.”

  Dru received Ket’s VM the first thing in the morning and she laughed when she watched it. She took a shower before responding, thinking of all the different ways she could reply.

  “Ket, may the gods be blessed. Thank you for taking such an interest in my personal habits. I do still wear panties as I find them comforting, despite the health risks. But don’t fear, special prayer candles have been made for the goddess of sexuality to beg forgiveness for my panty transgressions. Thankfully, you’re not my husband and I’ll be sure to find one who understands all my womanly human needs. May the gods guide your way.”

  Ket couldn’t believe the sass of this young woman. He loved it. “Drusilla, gods be great. You must be sure to add your panty requirement in your questions before you begin courting then, as many men will not accept it. I wouldn’t accept it except under another extreme condition. Again, we should not be discussing these things as we are neither courting nor married, but I look forward to your reply. May the gods continue to shine their light on you.”

  Dru received his message and knew he was referring to the questions a couple would ask each other before they began a courtship. Usually a couple would meet once for the sole purpose of asking each other these questions, about 20 or so, all very personal having to do with everything from working and life expectations to children and sex, in order to determine whether or not they were a suitable match. In her cultural handbook there were many examples of typical questions men and women would ask each other. Also, examples of how compromises would be struck already at that first meeting if they wanted to begin courtships. Dru thought it was, as was most things in the Alliance, very well-thought out and logical. If you were going to spend 300 years with someone, it was best you knew what you wanted, what they wanted and what you were willing to compromise on and what you were not, before any strong emotional attachments were formed. She had heard already that Rebecca had run into some issues with her new husband as she had not compromised well. However, Dru had no doubt that would be easily resolved between them as Kole adored Rebecca. Dru didn’t think she would be lucky enough to marry a man who would adore her. No, she knew she would marry a man who would probably make her fight for everything and she would do the same to him. If she were honest with herself, that is how she wan
ted it really.

  Dru decided to reply with a written message as she thought she would have a better chance of getting a sexy answer in writing,

  No, we shouldn’t be discussing my panties, but since I’m already on my way to the temple, I can spend some extra time there and ask forgiveness for this conversation. What extreme condition would you agree to? I’m asking as a friend, of course, so I can be prepared if I am ever in a position to court someone.

  Ket was disappointed that she didn’t send a VM as he loved the sparkle in her eyes when she was so playful. He was at work, but he took a minute to go into his office and reply to her straightaway.

  No doubt, you will court someone who worships you and allows you everything, so you need not worry what I would demand of you for a panty’s transgression.

  Dru read Ket’s reply over the midday meal.

  Dera looked over her shoulder and said, “I’ve never seen you message anyone before.” She couldn’t mention that it was Ket by the rules of the Contracts, even though she saw his name at the top of the message.

  Dru looked up and smiled at Dera who had just joined her, “I’ve a new friend in your brother.”

  Dera just began eating while she watched Drusilla smile as she messaged Ket.

  Dru replied back to Ket,

  As you are the only man who has spoken to me since I arrived in the Alliance, I think I should be prepared for a man more like you. Please inform me of your compromise about the sinful panties.

  Ket laughed when he saw her reply and showed the message to his Admiral, who he was having tea with, and of course knew about the ban.

  “Universal credits well spent,” the Admiral commented. “I remember when I put a ban on my own wife,” he said dreamily remembering, “it was so romantic. She had no idea it was me, of course, until I revealed myself. And then she jumped into my embrace and we had to pay a hefty fine for that night.”

  Ket smiled, he enjoyed this game. And it pleased him greatly that while he was away, he had no competition. He wrote her back,

  I see your point. If you insisted on wearing panties as part of your questions, then I would make you completely loyal to me at least one day out of every week whether I was on planet or not.

  Dru received Ket’s message and looked at it as she was still having the midday meal with Dera. She didn’t know what he meant by being ‘completely loyal’. She knew this must be an Alliance thing, but she didn’t want to ask Dera as she assumed this was probably sexual. So, she put her IC away.

  Dera noticed Drusilla’s look of confusion but was relieved that she didn’t ask her anything. She didn’t want to reveal Ket as her ‘Mr. Mystery’, as she called him, because she would then have to specifically say she couldn’t talk about him with her which would lead to more questions. She would message her brother later to make sure he didn’t message her while she was at school so the chances of Drusilla talking to her about him would be less. He is uncharacteristically thoughtless today, she thought and then with a smile realized, He is in love.

  The weeks passed and Dru and Ket messaged each other frequently. Her heart would skip a beat whenever she saw his name in her relatively quiet inbox and he felt the same when he saw anything from her.

  One evening after a long day of classes and studying, Dru sat down at her desk and smiled as she opened the VM from Ket. He was in his quarters and she was surprised to see had undone the collar of his uniform, so it was open. She could see half of his very muscular chest and his long black hair was undone. She had never seen him this way. She had of course seen his manicured nude portraits, but this was different, this was real. This is the way his wife would see him, she thought but then corrected herself, or a friend, like me. I will never be his wife, I need to get control.

  “Drusilla, gods be great. I began reading your favorite book this morning. Of course, this is my first time reading a fictional book and a human one at that. The world described on Earth is very foreign to me. I find the lead character’s desires somewhat confusing. Why she is looking for love and companionship that she should have already through her family? But I guess it will make more sense when I get to the end. Maybe? Is it because I’m a man I don’t understand or because I’m an Alliance man? I feel sorry for you that you are banned from all Earth culture until you have married and have a child. I’ve read more about Earth lately to help me better understand you and the world you come from. All I can really take away is that it’s so different and vibrant, despite its inefficiencies. I hope the pain of never returning dulls with the knowledge that you are somewhere where you are safe. So safe on the Capital Planet.”

  He paused then and Dru knew that he wanted to say something more but caught himself, so she said out loud to the screen, “Good man, control saying that racist thing you were going to say about humans wasting their time on frivolous things or me being grateful to be in the Alliance.” Then she looked at him hesitating and said, “No, this is something else, you are not just disheveled, you are also upset about something. What’s happened?” She stopped the video and opened another window and looked for any information about the Tuir and there had been nothing reported for the last 48 hours. She kind of knew this already as she had signed up for updates about his ship, as all Alliance women did, to follow their friends, brothers, fathers and husbands around the galaxy. But turbulent events were shielded from the public until the High Council would deem it appropriate to share or not. So, it wasn’t difficult to summarize something bad had happened, but he was not allowed to talk about it.

  “When I’m here, and I think about you and my mother and sister at home and know you are safe, I thank the gods.”

  Dru paused the message again, Did he just put me in the same category as his mother and sister? Is he just being polite, or does he think of me so closely? “Ket, I want you to be as close to me as two beings can be,” she said out loud to the screen wishing that she would have the courage to say that to him in real life if the opportunity ever presented itself. She resumed the message then.

  “I’ll be back on the Capital Planet for the Year Assembly and I’m very much looking forward to seeing you then, panties and all. Gods be blessed.”

  Dru looked at his image. Gods he was handsome even when he was preoccupied, she thought. She didn’t know how to reply though. He was obviously upset by something but couldn’t mention it. What is the correct Alliance response? she wondered. Their culture was so counter intuitive sometimes. She just went with her instincts.

  “Ket, gods be good. As much as I love seeing you with your hair down and collar unbuttoned, I didn’t like the distant look you had in your last message. I’ve not had an update from the Tuir in over two days and having served on a starship myself, I’ve an idea of what kind of trouble that means. I also know that in the Alliance we aren’t supposed to speak about these things that we are all thinking, until the High Council says it’s okay, so I’ll say no more and maybe I’ve already incurred a fine for even acknowledging this? But yes, I am very safe here. The safest place in the galaxy.” She paused then thinking, Gods, did lots of people die? “Thank you for taking the time to read my favorite book. I don’t know if you will ever understand Sasha’s desire to fit in as in the Alliance you all seem to be born into your positions and that is it. Even I feel, as an outsider and a human, I still have more of a settled place where people put me than I did on Earth. Human culture is just so fluid.” She paused then not wanting to add what he always said about humans, ‘Never knowing when to be content.’ But she had to admit she was beginning to see where he was coming from. At the same time though, she thought, But this is what makes humans special, we are always searching and looking around the next corner. Not because we are prepared or ready, but because we are curious. “I’m looking forward to seeing you too. May the gods guide you.”

  Understanding the Alliance

  Dru looked at herself in the mirror. She had just showered, and she wondered if she should wear her hair up tonight. It was th
e Year Assembly. Madame Bai had told her that this was the largest Assembly all year and that most eligible men of the maximum class would be there. She also hinted that her Mr. Mystery would also probably be there and reveal himself to her tonight. Dru certainly hoped so, she was tired of being ignored. Last night, before she fell asleep, she decided that she didn’t even care if he was ugly or old, if he was someone to talk to, she would take him for courting at least when she came of age.

  She looked at herself again in the mirror and decided to leave her hair down, she thought she looked better this way. Dru also put on some of the makeup that she had bought so many weeks before from the Earth Store. It just made her feel better. She wanted to look her best, not Alliance best, her human best, if she were finally meeting her Mr. Mystery tonight. And if she wasn’t meeting him, even more reason to look her best as it would be a long night not talking to anyone, standing in a corner.

  But then she reminded herself, Dera and Ket will be there so she will at least get five minutes of conversation or more. She hoped more when she thought of Ket, but she didn’t get her hopes up too much. She knew he was popular among the women and Dera never spoke to her about her brother and she couldn’t think of a clearer sign indicating that she shouldn’t put her hopes for a courtship or marriage there.

  Dru’s door opened and without acknowledgement a grumpy slave sauntered in with a small package. Dru was naked and took the package without question and then the slave left. I’m almost enjoying the rudeness of my slaves, she thought with a smile. Dru set the package down on her desk and then went to her closet to get her one formal dress. She put it on and then the necklace Mr. Mystery had given her and her ID necklace. Once she was ready, she sat down at her desk and opened the present. She assumed it was from Mr. Mystery. She took out the black card with the meticulous silver writing and read it,


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