One long Embrace

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One long Embrace Page 3

by Tina Folsom

  “How does a caveman behave?” Tara teased.

  “I thought your mother warned you about handsome strangers.” He brought his other hand around her waist, pulling her flush against him. She had to feel his erection through the thin layers of clothing that separated them.

  A hitched breath. Yes, she’d noticed. Her eyelashes fluttered.

  “Nothing is gonna happen that you don’t want, Tara, I can promise you that.” He paused for a moment, tamping down the lust that surged through him as his cock pressed against her stomach. “No matter how hard it might be for me to behave.”

  He felt her pelvis grind against him, making him involuntarily clench his jaw.

  “I think it’s already quite hard.”

  “Tease,” he hissed.

  “I’m not the one who’s teasing.”

  Reluctantly, he eased back from her and dropped his hands. “Downstairs, last door. It’s the stateroom. There’s an en-suite with everything you need. Including a bathrobe. If you want to shower and get the chlorine off your skin and out of your hair, feel free.”

  “Aren’t you gonna come with me?”

  Jay cupped the back of her head and crushed her lips with a hard, searing kiss. Despite its briefness, the contact nearly robbed him of his senses. His cock throbbed in need, and he was tempted to toss Tara onto the couch, rip her clothes off, and bury himself in her just to take the edge off. When he tore his mouth from her, he breathed hard.

  “Do us both a favor: lock the door to the bathroom behind you.”

  An unreadable look on her face, Tara pivoted and walked to the stairs that led below deck. As he watched her disappear, he let out an uneven breath.

  Fuck! What was he doing? Tara was way too young for him. She was practically innocent from what he could tell, and he was lying to her, pretending to be somebody he was not. Yet at the same time, he felt this overwhelming urge to protect her. And somehow he knew if she found out who he was, she would run away from him.

  Jay tore off his bow tie and opened the buttons of his shirt. It was damp and wrinkled from holding Tara in his arms. He rid himself of it and tossed it over his jacket. For a few minutes he just stood there in silent contemplation, then he grabbed both his jacket and his shirt and headed below deck to get changed.

  When he entered the stateroom, he realized immediately that Tara hadn’t heeded his warning and left the bathroom door not only unlocked but open.

  So much for all his good intentions. They’d just been swept out to sea.


  Tara stood under the warm spray in the surprisingly large shower. There was no curtain or door to it, just a large glass panel spanning half the width of the eight feet wide shower stall to protect the bathroom from the water. In fact the entire master suite seemed huge, considering this was a yacht, not a house.

  She should feel happy and excited that she’d hooked up with a handsome and amazingly sexy guy who obviously wanted to go to bed with her. Instead, she felt awful. Awful, because she was using him to get back at her parents. This was a bad idea. Besides, even if she had sex with Jay, it would probably turn into a disappointment. Her last boyfriend wasn’t the only one who’d thought she was boring in bed. The guy before that had uttered similar complaints. Stiff as a board came to mind. That’s how he’d described her. She hadn’t done enough. Well what was she supposed to do? Acrobatics? Maybe she just wasn’t the type who was exciting in bed. Anyway, what did it matter now?

  Tara shook her head and instantly felt dizzy. She still tasted the whiskey on her breath. She never drank hard liquor. But tonight it seemed she was doing a lot of things she never did. Including openly propositioning a stranger.

  There had to be another way to make her parents understand that they couldn’t live her life for her and that she needed to make her own decisions—and her own mistakes. She knew she needed to build up her self-confidence so she could stand up to them and tell them politely, but firmly, that she needed to be independent. But right now her mind was blanking on how to accomplish this seemingly impossible feat. All she could think of was what it would be like to be in Jay’s arms. She’d seen the way he’d looked at her, desire in his eyes. And his hard on hadn’t escaped her either. Did he really find her that attractive? Or did it really not matter to a guy as long as it meant he was having sex?

  She sighed, turning in the shower to finish rinsing her hair, when she froze in mid-movement.

  Jay stood in the door to the bathroom, wearing only his tuxedo pants, his chest bare. She ran her eyes over him, drank in his muscular body, the way he stood there with clenched fists as if he was fighting something. His pectorals flexed, his chest heaved, and his Adam’s apple bobbed.

  Tara lifted her head, and their eyes met. His irises were like molten lava.

  “You didn’t lock the door.”

  His words were like a growl. They made her shiver involuntarily. None of her former boyfriends had ever looked at her like this. With such raw lust, such passion. Nor had she ever felt so aroused with any of them.

  “I…I f…” Forgot, she wanted to say, but it would have been a lie. She’d heard his warning, but she’d ignored it. Blatantly ignored it. Because tonight she was playing with fire. Her fury had made her reckless, and the alcohol had made her brave.

  “You make it very hard for a man to behave like a gentleman,” Jay ground out.

  She made no move to cover her nakedness as he took a step into the bathroom, then a few more. Was he really walking into the shower in his tuxedo pants, not caring that water was soaking them? The wet fabric clung to his body, revealing every muscle and every ridge beneath it. Was she dreaming? No, this couldn’t be true. She’d clearly had too much to drink at the party. First several glasses of champagne and then the whiskey after she’d rescued the guy from the pool. Yes, the whiskey had pushed her over the limit.

  She wasn’t really on a boat with a handsome waiter whom she’d just met. She wasn’t really in his shower, because the real Tara was too shy to do something like that. The real Tara had too many inhibitions to act like this. And for sure, the real Tara wouldn’t use a man just to piss off her parents.


  The heavily accented word sank deep into her. A hot breath caressed her lips, before a warm mouth slid over them, pressing softly against them. Large hands touched her naked skin, and suddenly a strong chest pressed against her breasts and the sensitive nipples that had hardened at the sight of Jay.

  “Kiss me, Tara,” he murmured against her parted lips, the sound reverberating in her chest.

  His tongue stroked gently over her lips, waiting, coaxing, while one hand slid down to her behind and cupped it possessively. When he pressed his pelvis against her, she moaned involuntarily. Beneath his now-soaked pants, he was rock hard.

  She slid her arms around him, bringing one hand to his nape, and swiped her tongue against his. A groan burst from him, and he pressed his lips harder to hers, taking possession of her mouth. There was a wildness to the way he kissed her, something untamed, almost uncivilized. Together with his masculine taste and his strong hands, it made her melt into him, made her forget everything for a moment. Why she was here, who she was, who he was.

  Nothing seemed to matter but the searing heat that built between them, the urgency with which he explored her, as if all this could vanish into thin air at any moment. She held onto him for dear life, responding to the powerful thrusts of his tongue and the corresponding undulations of his hips as he ground his pelvis against her belly.

  Warm water kept raining on them, making their bodies slide smoothly against one another, adding to the illusion of being in a dream. When he interrupted the kiss, she found herself craving more, but he simply looked at her with unreadable dark eyes.

  “Tara, how did I get so lucky?”

  Before she could grasp the meaning of his question, he’d already turned the water off, and crouched down in front of her.

  “So lucky,” he murmured, bringing hi
s head to the juncture of her thighs.

  “Oh God,” she whispered to herself, knowing what he was about to do.

  Jay caressed her with gentle fingers, stroking over her bare mound. “So smooth.” He raised his eyes to look up at her. “Beautiful.” Then he brought his lips to her sex and pressed a kiss on it.

  She felt liquid pool between her folds, felt heat build there. She shivered. Then his warm, moist tongue licked over her folds, and a shudder raced through her. She pressed her hands flat against the tile wall behind her, willing her legs not to buckle.

  Jay used his hands to make her spread her legs wider, and she let it happen, drunk on the sensations he unleashed in her. He licked her slowly and gently, exploring her with patience and reverence.

  With every skillful stroke of his tongue and gentle caress of his fingers, her arousal spiraled higher. Oh God, she would come. So soon, so violently. Because this stranger showed her such selfless attention. Treated her with such adoration.

  “Oh Tara, to have a wonderful woman like you…” Jay murmured.

  His words rattled her. Oh God, he had it all wrong! She wasn’t wonderful! She was rotten. Because her motive for being with him wasn’t pure. She’d chosen him solely to get back at her parents. The fact that she found him attractive was immaterial. Because if he wasn’t a penniless waiter, she wouldn’t be having sex with him now.

  Oh crap! She was so screwed up.

  With her last ounce of willpower, she placed her hands on Jay’s shoulders and pushed him back.

  “I’m sorry, I can’t do this.”

  With a surprised look on his face, he gazed up at her. “Did I do something wrong?”

  She shook her head. “It’s not you. It’s me.”

  Jay rose slowly. “I suppose you’re not that into me after all. No worries.” He ran a hand through his hair. “You don’t really know me. And it’s all happening too fast. I shouldn’t have come on so strong.”

  “No, it’s not that. It’s just it wouldn’t be fair to you.”

  His eyebrows snapped together in confusion. “Fair? What are you talking about?”

  She looked away. “I’m only here with you to get back at my parents.”


  Tara cringed. “I’m so sorry. I should leave.”

  He cupped her shoulders. “Please don’t.”

  She looked up at him. “But it wouldn’t be right if I slept with you just because I’m mad at my parents.”

  “Why don’t you tell me what’s going on with you and your parents?” he asked gently. He stroked his knuckles over her cheek. “And I’m not asking you that just to get into your pants.”

  “I’m not wearing any pants,” she deflected.

  “Yeah, and I’m trying very hard to ignore that fact right now. So, please,” Jay added softly. “Tell me, what did your parents do that has you so spooked?”

  She sniffled. “Do you mind if I get dressed first?”

  He pressed a kiss to her forehead, a gesture she found utterly sweet. “I’ll get you a bathrobe.”


  Dressed in jogging pants and a white T-shirt, Jay sat on the large sectional in the main cabin, when Tara entered. She wore his white bathrobe and almost disappeared in it.

  “Come, sit with me.”

  Considering that she’d just prevented him from having sex, he looked surprisingly calm and kind. Any other man might not be as friendly and sweet after being led on by a woman who then backed out at the last minute.

  Jay rose and ushered her to the L-shaped sofa. She took a seat on one side, while he sat down in the opposite corner.

  “Tara, I didn’t mean to come on so strong, but when a woman is as enticing as you, it’s kind of hard for a guy not to react.”

  Tara lifted her eyes to him and forced a smile. “It’s my fault.” She shrugged and looked away again. “And it’s not that I didn’t want to sleep with you.” She still did. “It’s just I didn’t want to do it for the wrong reasons.”

  “And what reasons would that be?” he asked softly.

  “My parents,” she started. “They want to control my life.”

  A gentle smile played around his lips. “And you’ve decided to show them that they can’t, haven’t you?”

  How was it that this stranger knew what was going on inside her? “How—?”

  “You wouldn’t be the first person to rebel against her parents. So what do they want you to do?”

  “Find a suitable rich man, get married, and make babies,” she spat.

  Jay raised an eyebrow. “And you don’t want to get married and make babies?”

  “Certainly not with some boring rich guy who’s going to treat me like his property and parade me around like a trophy! One who won’t let me have a career or my own identity. I’ve seen how it works.”

  “How so?”

  “It happened to Veronica, my sister.” And Tara didn’t want to live the kind of life her sister lived. Pampered, yes. Wanting for nothing, sure. But she wasn’t herself anymore. She was a puppet.

  “Tell me about her.”

  She glanced at Jay and noticed genuine interest in his eyes. “She doesn’t have her own identity. She’s just some add-on to her husband. Everything is Adam-this, and Adam-that. As if she doesn’t have a single thought of her own in her head. I don’t want to be like that. I don’t want to lose myself.”

  Jay smiled at her unexpectedly. “I don’t think you’re the type to lose yourself just because you’re in love with someone.”

  “In love?” She huffed. “That’s not a prerequisite for marriage in the circles my parents frequent. They made that clear earlier tonight: they don’t care if I love the man I marry. As long as I marry somebody rich enough to suit them.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that. But weren’t there plenty of handsome bachelors at the party who would meet your parents’ requirement? I believe the Gilberts’ son had a lot of his friends there, and they all seemed rich and handsome. Can’t be such a hardship.”

  Tara rolled her eyes. “That’s the whole point! I don’t want somebody like that. Sure, they might be nice at the beginning. But in the end they’re all the same. They think because they have money, they’re entitled. And I’m not playing that game. I want to find a man who likes me for myself, not for who my parents are or how marrying me would benefit him. I don’t want some sort of trade. These guys play with other people’s feelings. I want something real.”

  “And you think you can’t find something real with a rich guy?”

  “It’s impossible! You never even get a chance to get to know a guy before parents on either side start interfering, putting pressure on you. What relationship can stand up to that, even if there is some spark?”

  “So you figured you’d pick up a waiter at the party and tell your parents what you think of their plans for you.”

  Tara cringed. “I’m so sorry.” She met his eyes.

  “What was your plan? Just a one-night stand, and then tomorrow you’ll rub their noses in it and tell them how you screwed a part-time waiter? Or were you going to start a relationship with him and parade him around in front of them on a daily basis?”

  She was surprised that she didn’t hear any menace in his voice. Most guys would be annoyed by now.

  “I didn’t really plan things that far. I shouldn’t have dragged you into this. But I was so mad at them. I’ve had it with them, with their constant interference. It drives me so nuts that sometimes I don’t even know anymore what I want. I can’t hear myself think, because they’re always bombarding me with their opinions.” She sighed. “I’m so sorry. I probably had too much to drink, too.”

  She had excuses en masse, but it didn’t change one thing: she was attracted to Jay, and his kisses had awakened something in her. But she couldn’t allow herself to act on her feelings now. She wasn’t thinking clearly, and Jay deserved better. He was a decent guy.

  “I should probably leave now and face the music at home.” She made a m
otion to rise, but Jay anticipated her and bridged the distance between them, sitting down next to her and pulling her onto his lap.

  “Don’t leave.” He brushed his hand through her still damp hair. “You can stay here tonight. I promise I won’t try anything, as much as I enjoyed going down on you.”

  She felt herself blush and avoided his gaze. She’d never felt anything better than Jay’s mouth on her, his tongue licking her sex. “I bet you regret that now. Being used by me…”

  His hand on her chin forced her to meet his eyes. “I don’t regret a single second. I loved touching you, kissing you, licking you. You’re the sweetest thing I’ve ever met. But what you need right now isn’t sex. You just need a friend who listens.”

  Jay drew her closer, and she thought he was going to kiss her, but instead, he brought her head to rest on his shoulder and rubbed her back as if comforting a child.

  “Why are you so nice to me when I’m such a horrible person?”

  “You’re not a horrible person,” he insisted.

  “But I used you!”

  Jay laughed. “Trust me, if this is how you use men, once word gets out, there’ll be a long line of men forming all the way from the Hamptons to New York City, all wanting to be used by you.”

  Tara lifted her head. “You’re not taking this seriously!”

  “I am.” He cupped her cheek. “Tara, you’re a beautiful woman. No healthy man with a pulse would have any objections—”

  She interrupted him by slapping him on the shoulder. “Stop it! If that were the case then you’d be tossing me on the couch now and fucking me. But you’re not, because you don’t want to be used like that.” She tried to get off his lap, but his arms tightened around her torso.

  “The reason I’m not tossing you anywhere is because you don’t know what you’re doing right now. You’re mad at your parents, and you probably had a few too many drinks at the party. Your judgment is impaired, and you’re vulnerable. I’m not going to take advantage of you tonight. And I’m certainly not going to let you out of my sight either until you’ve calmed down. End of discussion.”


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