Scars Of The Soul

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Scars Of The Soul Page 12

by J J Cobban

  We both had days of pent up sexual frustration to vent and it was obvious that neither of us were interested in getting rid of it gently.

  Drake dropped me down onto the bed, ripping away any clothing from my bottom half. I gasped as his hands moved back up my legs, spreading my thighs apart. His body fit between them perfectly as he pulled my hair from its messy bun.

  “This isn’t going to be slow, sweet or fucking soft.” He warned, pulling my shirt over my head and kneading my breasts “I’m already too far fucking gone.”

  I nodded desperately as I gripped the towel around his waist and loosened it roughly. Drake chuckled as he lifted himself from me slightly, allowing me to remove the towel. He lowered himself back down, making sure to rub his length along my wet core. My head fell back in euphoria as I rubbed myself against him shamelessly. Drake’s hands travelled up my ribs, brushing the underside of my breast teasingly. I groaned and wriggled underneath him, looking for any sort of friction to relieve the intense pleasure.

  “Fuck.” Drake cursed, pushing back to sit up slightly “I never brought anything.”

  I frowned before I caught his meaning. I cleared my throat and rolled onto my side, reaching into the nightstand where I’d thrown a condom earlier. The professional part of me might not have wanted Drake in bed but my sex-starved libido did. I’d moved the lone condom from my handbag to the dresser earlier when the thought of having Drake inside of me had almost been enough to make me come there and then. At that point, I had decided that if Drake really turned up the charm, we’d end up in bed together eventually. I handed the foil packet to Drake, who was smirking devilishly down at me.

  “Always prepared, huh?”

  “Shut up and take it.” I rolled my eyes at him as he took the condom from me. I pressed my lips together as I watched him sheath himself. The heat was returning tenfold and my body was beginning to vibrate with need. My hand slipped down my stomach as Drake stroked himself a couple of times. His eyes grew heavier as my fingers moved down to my clit. I hissed in relief as my fingers worked my overly sensitive clit into a frenzy.

  “Stop.” Drake demanded, all business now.

  My fingers froze as I looked back up at him. His cock was straining in his hand as he loomed over me. I was fully panting now as he lined himself up with my opening before taking both of my wrists in one of his big hands. He pushed my arms above my head and pinned them there. My heart jumped in excitement as I realised that for the first time in my life I was utterly and completely at somebody else’s mercy. Drake guided himself to my opening once he was sure I was secured in place. I bit my lip as I looked down, watching as he pressed against my wet folds.

  Our eyes met right before he slammed all the way home. A garbled scream tore from my lips as the sensation of fullness tipped me over the edge. Drake hadn’t been kidding when he said there would be no sweet, slow or gentle earlier. He hammered into me like a man possessed as my ankles locked around his back. It was seconds before my orgasm tore through me, ripping another scream from my throat. His lips locked onto mine as his free hand pulled at one of my nipples. My overly sensitive body seemed to light up and before my orgasm had even fully finished I could feel another building rapidly.

  “So fucking tight.” His teeth nipped at my lip as his fingers twisted my nipple, creating just enough to pain to increase the pleasure. Drake’s masterful fingers trailed down my stomach until they reached where our bodies were joined. His thumb found my clit and began applying pressure while he fucked me mercilessly.

  “All mine now.” Drake grunted as he bit down on the sensitive skin where my neck met my shoulder “All. Fucking. Mine.”

  A string of moans and curses left my lips as I felt my core tightening around his thick cock. Drake hissed as he felt my walls tightening around him. He released my hands from their position above my head and gripped my waist instead. My hands locked behind his neck as his hips gained even more speed. The sound of our hips meeting filled the room and sent me barrelling over the edge. My entire body tensed as ecstasy ripped through my body, stealing my breath momentarily. Drake’s speed increased even more before he stilled inside of me, letting out a feral growl as his teeth sank into the crook of my shoulder once more.

  A sheen of sweat covered our bodies as Drake collapsed on top of me, his chest rising and falling rapidly. My hands trailed down his back slowly as I tried to regain control of my own breathing. My heartbeat was all over the place and it was all I could do to smile, never mind speak.

  “That was,” Drake lifted his head to look at me “intense.”

  I nodded, still unable to talk.

  “Fucked you speechless, huh?” he grinned cockily. My own smile increased automatically. Drake’s grin was open and his eyes were happy and almost boyish.

  “Yeah, yeah.” I rolled my eyes “You’re a sex god, happy now? Need me to stroke your ego some more?”

  “My ego? Nah.” He winked, rocking his hips slightly, reminding me that he was still currently inside me. I bit my lip as my eyes fluttered closed. Everything seemed to be heightened now so when Drake rocked inside of me it sent a burst of ecstasy throughout my body.

  “Unless you’re gonna follow through, stop that.” I groaned.

  “If you unlocked your legs, maybe I could get up.” I opened my eyes to see Drake’s teasing eyes twinkling down at me. He was right though; my legs were still clamped around him at the ankles. I untangled my legs and let them fall open. Drake moved from the bed and headed for the bathroom to dispose of the condom. I watched him brazenly as he moved across the room. I pulled myself further up the bed and slid underneath the white bed sheet, waiting for Drake to come back. My thighs were beginning to ache from the brutal fucking but they were overshadowed by my post-orgasm glow.

  I tilted my head as Drake reappeared into the room, sauntering back to the bed with the grace of a jungle cat. I pulled the sheet back to let him in and smirked when his hand instantly went to my thigh, squeezing slightly.

  “How you feeling?” he asked, slipping an arm around my shoulders while his other hand remained on the top of my thigh “Wasn’t too rough, was I?”

  “No such thing.” I winked, surprising myself when I snuggled into his side, resting a hand over his intricate tribal tattoo.

  “Next time you’ll get slow and sweet.” He pressed his lips to my temple as my heart did a strange lurch.

  “Next time, huh?” I tried to keep my face casual “Pretty sure of yourself there, Jackson.”

  Drake let his head fall back as he laughed. Small lines appeared beside his eyes whenever he laughed. I got the feeling he didn’t show his laughter lines off a lot. Without even realising it I had just given myself a new challenge. I was going to make damn sure that those little lines beside his eyes were shown a hell of a lot more.

  “Darlin’,” he drawled, sliding the hand on my thigh inwards until his fingertips brushed my now aching pussy.

  “Now you’ve let me in there once, you’re gonna have a hard time keeping me out.” He laughed quietly. I shook my head at him, thrilled by his idea of wanting more. There was no leaving me in the dark about where we stood. He was open and straight to the point. Just like always. My fingers traced over his abs, moving up his tattoo and tracing the lines there.

  We fell into a comfortable silence as I tried to make sense of everything that had happened tonight. Drake had come to me as promised and he had bared his soul to me. He’d shown me his scars and let me into his painful past. That took a level of trust that a lot of people never managed to achieve. I was truly touched that Drake felt he could trust me enough to share his darkness with me. Although it still killed me to think he tortured himself over what happened with his parents. How any human could treat their child the way Drake’s parents had treated him was damn near impossible to fathom.

  “What’s going on in there?” Drake suddenly asked, tapping my head gently.

  “What?” I tried to brush it off. There was no need to drag his though
ts back there.

  “Your eyes. Something flashed across them and now you look sad,” he explained with a frown.

  I bit my lip and tried to ignore the giddy feeling I got when he mentioned being able to see my change in mood from my eyes. He was starting to see right through me and I didn’t know if I loved that or hated it.

  “Did you see your father after that night?” I rushed out “Did you go back to the house?”

  There was a long silence that seemed to stretch for what felt like minutes before he answered my question.

  “I went back with Jo’s father, Gregor, to speak to my father.” Drake’s voice had gotten low and quiet “Gregor explained that he was more than happy to set me up in the spare room but my father had to agree to let me go. We couldn’t involve family service because there was a chance I would have been taken away from everyone I knew. Gregor tried to make my father see how bad that would be for him. If social took one look at my scarred body and put it together with his drink problem and my mother’s drug habit it wouldn’t look good for him. In truth, I think my father was glad to see me go.”

  My heart ached for him. I was glad he’d managed to get out of that environment but I hurt for the young boy who’d wanted nothing more than someone to love him. Someone to protect him.

  “He told me to get my shit and leave.” I felt Drake shrug “I grabbed some clothes and my school stuff and left. Never looked back. Last I heard from Gregor was that the old idiot had been locked up for assaulting a police officer.”

  “You’re one of the strongest, kindest people I know, Drake.” I turned my head to kiss his chest.

  “Kind?” Drake moved back to look down at me. I mimicked his action and nodded adamantly.

  “Yes. Kind.” I lifted a hand to cup his cheek “You were the one to take Jez into the fold. You listened to her story and you gave her the chance that Gregor and his wife gave you. You’ve kept Rissa and Jo safe all these years. You put everyone ahead of yourself every day and you never even realise you’ve done it. Pretty sure there’s a picture of you underneath the word kind in the dictionary.”

  Drake smirked at that.

  “Damn, I was hoping to be the definition of virile.” He winked. I giggled before settling back down to his chest.

  “You had to pick kind to put me under?” I could hear the smile in his voice as he teased me “Not even Godlike?”

  “Hey,” I swatted his chest “In all honesty, you’re probably underneath Neanderthal.”

  He was quiet as he considered that.

  “That mean I get to fuck you whenever the urge strikes?” his question sounded genuinely serious. I looked up at him and rolled my eyes when I saw him trying to supress his smile.

  “The first time you try and club me over the head I will end you.” I warned, moving off the bed as my phone chimed with a text.

  “That sounded like a yes to me.” Drake grinned from the bed, clasping his hands behind his head. I moved towards the armchair where my phone had been abandoned earlier and opened up the message from Jo.

  Hey! It’s Jez! Can you come up to Jo and Nico’s room? Nothing bad…just…a drunk lead singer who is hell bent on searching for the people hurting D. x

  I frowned at my phone as my fingers flew over my screen typing out a text that asked Jez just who exactly was drunk.

  “You all good over there?” Drake asked.

  “Not sure yet.” I shrugged as I grabbed my leggings from the floor and slipped them on before finding my fluffy slipper boots and pulling them on as well. I found my crop top and was in the process of finding a bra from my bag when my phone chimed again. I got my bra and top on before checking the text.

  It’s Jo. Asher’s sister dropped in by for a visit and she hit it off with Jo. Nico is with the boys and Lacey is AWOL. Send help? Lol x

  “Looks like Jo has cracked open a bottle and is looking for some vigilante justice.” I chuckled.

  Compared to last night, this wasn’t a big deal. Jo was in the hotel and as it worked out, we had the day and night off tomorrow. Since the bands’ kit was already here, we had some time to play with. Which meant dealing with drunken melt downs a little less stressful.

  “Oh fuck.” Drake chuckled as I headed for the door “Eh, you forget something darlin’?”

  I stopped and looked around, confused. When I looked back up I saw Drake grinned and tapping his lips.

  “Your neediness is a little bit of a turn off.” I laughed as I moved towards the bed. Once I was within reaching distance he grabbed my hand and pulled me down on top of him.

  “That so? Bet if I touched that pussy of yours you’d be soaking.” He guessed before his lips claimed mine. I groaned as his tongue barely touched mine before he pulled back. I tried to follow but the rumble vibrating through his chest told me he wasn’t giving me anymore.

  “I’ve changed my mind.” I groused “Your picture is underneath the word tease.”

  Drake winked before grabbing the TV remote and settling back in bed.

  “Get your ass back into this bed and I’ll follow through with every dirty little thing in that pretty head of yours.” He promised, glancing at me from the corner of his eyes.

  “Asshole.” I cursed a little breathlessly as I left the room.

  I took a second outside the door to catch my breath, the way that man commanded my body was insane.

  “Not too late to come back,” a deep voice called from inside the room.

  “Not likely,” I sang back, smiling as I pushed away from the door and made my way towards Jo and Nico’s room. Thankfully, it was just at the end of the corridor which meant I didn’t have to climb any flights of stairs. A thought that appeased my thighs greatly. Unfortunately, it also meant that I was still flushed and a little out of sorts by the time I reach the extremely drunk and highly entertaining Jo.

  I knocked on the door and flinched when it was torn open by a dishevelled looking Jo.

  “Look!” She railed “Ask her! She’ll know! She’s been with him all night!”

  My eyes widened as Jo grabbed my arm and hauled me into the room.

  “Tell them how upset my Drake is over this!”

  A weird surge of jealousy rocketed through me at her reference to Drake. I cleared my throat to ignore it, reminding myself that Jo was like a sister to Drake and already engaged to Nico.

  “Drake is fine.” I tried to console Jo.

  “Oh, I’ll just bet he is.” Another voice giggled from across the room. I narrowed my eyes at the black-haired girl sitting on the edge of the bed. I’d never seen her before but from Jez’s texts I could only assume she was Ash’s sister.

  “Whoa, what did that mean?” Rissa asked from where she sat beside her daughter’s carry cot.

  “I have no idea,” Jez shrugged smiling “although she didn’t like Jo calling Drake hers. See the way her eyes did that flare thing?”

  I looked back to Jo and realised then what an idiot I had been.

  I’d been played.

  “You aren’t fucking drunk at all.” I crossed my arms and glowered at Jo.

  Jo didn’t look the least bit sheepish as she grinned at me before pushing me further into the room.

  “What gave it away?” she teased “Rissa having the baby here or the fact everyone knows I am damn good at holding my liquor?”

  “All of it.” I grumbled, sitting in the chair beside the window “Why the ruse to get me here?”

  “Kasia’s idea.” Jez gestured to the black-haired girl “Once Jo told us about the text asking for clothes for Drake we figured there was a story there.”

  “Why not just ask me? Why trick me into coming over here?” I frowned, looking around them all.

  “Would you have come over?” Rissa laughed.

  Fair point, I thought. I probably would have ignored the text.

  “Exactly,” the new girl, Kasia, stated.

  “So now get comfy and spill. I’ve met Drake a couple of times and I’m dying to know what his kink is.
” She grinned wickedly “For scientific purposes, of course.”

  I watched as the rest of the girls hunkered down, waiting for me to begin. I groaned and let my head fall back against the chair. There was no way I was getting out of here until I filled them in on everything and judging from their expectant stares, they were all intrigued.

  I sighed as I got comfy.

  I wasn’t getting back to Drake for at least another hour and that thought was enough to ruin even the best of days.

  Fuck. My. Life.

  Chapter Twelve


  “That’s so sweet!” Rissa gushed as her eyes teared up. She, I realised, was the group softy. Rissa loved a good romance. Her eyes had welled up when I first mentioned that Drake had shared his past with me. I didn’t go into what he had told me because, well, that was his story to tell, not mine. That didn’t matter though, even given the vague details Rissa had welled up. She just loved the idea of Drake finally opening up to someone.

  “Sweet, adorable, sickening,” Kasia smirked “Now give us the dirty details.”

  Kasia was a dark horse.

  I was hesitant to speak to her at first purely because of the bitchy shield she seemed to wrap around herself. Kasia was not for the faint of hearted, that was for damn sure. Words and phrases flew from her mouth with little to no filter on them. She’d caught us out a couple of times with her inappropriate remarks, making us choke on drinks and snort. My reservations about her had quickly slipped away after seeing her shields drop for a little while. Sarcasm was her go to in much the same way that my business head was mine.

  I couldn’t condemn her for doing something I myself had done on numerous occasions.

  “Gross, no thanks.” Jo grimaced “D is like a brother to me so I’ll pass on finding out his ‘kink’ or whatever.”


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