The Inn at Misty Lake: Book Two in the Misty Lake Series

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The Inn at Misty Lake: Book Two in the Misty Lake Series Page 28

by Margaret Standafer

  Lissa laughed cruelly. “Oh, I don’t think so…not when I explain the consequences.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Well, first off…this little bed and breakfast of yours? I have someone ready to torch the place. All I have to do is give him the word. And if you think I’m kidding, just try me.”

  “You can’t be serious. You’ll never get away with it.”

  “Oh, Susan, how naïve you are. It’s cute, really. I can almost see why Riley thought he might care for you. But, I will get away with it. You see, my connections run deep. Very deep. I know people in places and with power you can only imagine. I didn’t grow up the daughter of a senator and not learn a thing or two.”

  Now Susan was terrified. She still didn’t believe Lissa would get away with it in the long run, but if what she said was true, the damage she could cause would be catastrophic. Susan knew recovering from it could be impossible. Desperately trying to come up with a plan, she worked to keep Lissa talking.

  “My business is important to me, but Riley is more important. You aren’t going to scare me away with your threats.” It was a struggle to keep her voice steady and Susan knew she was failing.

  Lissa blew out a breath. “Threats? No, not threats. Facts. But if that wasn’t enough to have you reconsidering, let me throw this at you. If you try to convince Riley to stay, I’ll start talking. I will tell this whole pathetic little town the real story of how I ended up pregnant with Riley’s child. Believe me, it’s not pretty.”

  Anger replaced fear and Susan’s voice rose. “Now you’re lying. Your word won’t mean anything in this town. People here know and respect Riley.”

  “That may be, but things change. When I explain how Riley tricked me into following him into the woods that night, far away from the party and from anyone who could hear me, and then proceeded to force himself on me, opinions will change.”

  “You can’t be serious! That’s nothing but a lie and you know it.”

  “No, it’s not. Why do you think I was so afraid to tell him about the baby when I found out and then so afraid to come back here for all these years? I was afraid of what he’d do to me. It wasn’t until Ryan started asking about his father and I felt I owed it to my son to let him know his father, that I worked up the nerve to come back.”

  Susan just stared. She didn’t believe a word of it but had to give the woman credit. A rumor, a lie, could be just as damaging as the truth. There would be people who would choose to believe Lissa and Riley’s reputation, likely his business, would suffer. She began to shake with rage and fear and grabbed onto the porch railing to steady herself. She needed to get to a phone without Lissa realizing what she was doing, but didn’t see any way that was going to be possible.

  “So, it looks like you’re starting to believe me. That’s good. It will make things so much easier. Why don’t we head inside right now and you can make a call to Riley? You can tell him you’ve given it a lot of thought and your feelings have changed knowing that he has a son. You can explain to him that you don’t want to see him any more and that you think the best decision for everyone is if he tries to give his son a real family. Trust me, he’s already leaning that way. Hearing it from you will be the last little push he needs to make up his mind.”

  She was crazy, plain and simple. Susan considered trying to make a break for it, trying to get inside the house and lock the door behind her before Lissa could react, but she glanced across the yard at Ryan running and laughing with the dogs and knew she couldn’t risk his safety. With as unstable as Lissa appeared, Susan had no idea how she’d react. Maybe she could call Riley and find a way to let him know something was wrong without Lissa realizing what was happening. Her mind raced with possibilities but she couldn’t seem to piece together a logical plan.

  “Shall we?” Lissa said with a wave towards the door.

  The last thing Susan wanted was to be inside with Lissa. “You can’t leave Ryan out here alone. He’s only yards from the lake on one side and the road on the other. It’s not safe.”

  “I told you to keep your mouth shut regarding my son. I’ll worry about what’s safe and what’s not safe. Now, inside. Or do you need a little encouragement?”

  Susan watched as Lissa reached into her pocket and pulled out a gun. Susan’s heart thudded wildly and every nerve stood on end.

  Lissa waved again toward the door, this time with the gun in her hand, and Susan had no choice but to do as she said.

  “I tracked down Lissa’s sister Jenny and spoke with her. She told me…well, a lot.” Jake watched Riley closely, not liking the look on his face.

  “And?” Riley barked.

  “And, there’s no way Ryan can be your son.”

  Riley fell back in the chair and closed his eyes. He was still for a long time before slowly sitting up and looking Jake in the eye.

  “Tell me what she said.”

  “We had a long conversation and it’s a complicated story, but I’ll start by telling you Ryan is only four years old. Jenny confirmed his birth date and he will be turning five shortly.”

  “Oh, God. So it’s all been a lie? Everything she’s told me? Why?”

  “I don’t know, Riley, but from what Jenny said, Lissa has had a lot of trouble over the past seven years. When she left Misty Lake after that summer, she returned to Colorado and to school, but didn’t last long. I guess she got pretty involved with drugs and ended up dropping out of school and taking off with a group of no-good hooligans—Jenny’s words. She didn’t have much contact with her family until she showed up with a baby a couple of years later. It sounds like she lived with Jenny off and on, sometimes she’d disappear and leave the boy there. I think Jenny has done more to raise him than Lissa has, and she’s worried sick about him…about both of them.”

  “So why the lies? I don’t get it.”

  “Jenny didn’t really know either, but figured it probably has to do with money. Their father has tried to get her to turn her life around, to be the daughter who will stand by his side on the campaign trail, but Lissa hasn’t cooperated. Jenny didn’t come right out and say it, but I got the feeling the father finally had enough and cut Lissa off. When she took Ryan and left California last fall, she was angry and said she was never coming back, that she was going to live with Ryan’s father.”

  “Who is his father?” Riley breathed, slow and deep, trying to ward off the nausea.

  “She told Jenny he lived in Denver but after our talk, I don’t think Jenny believes that any longer. I’m pretty sure she thinks Lissa doesn’t even know who the father is. It sounds like she spent some time in Omaha, um, earning money in a less-than-respectable way.”

  Riley let everything sink in. Ryan may never know who his father is. He rubbed at his eyes and tried to focus. “So, what now? Am I supposed to confront her? I’m afraid she’ll take Ryan and run and then who knows what will happen to him. I don’t think he’d be safe.”

  “Jenny is on her way to Minnesota. She asked me to try to keep them here until she can get here. No one had heard from Lissa in months, they’d just hired a private investigator to try to track her down. It sounds like Jenny’s been very worried. She’s determined to get Lissa to come back to California with her.”

  “Okay. So I’ll wait until her sister gets here, but I will have a chance to talk to Lissa before she leaves. She has some explaining to do.”

  Jake’s cell phone rang. Taking a look and seeing it was Ian, he turned away and answered. Riley didn’t pay any attention. He was lost in his own thoughts. Part of him felt like a fool for believing Lissa, for falling so completely for Ryan. Another part of him felt as if his heart had been ripped out, as if he’d lost his child. Now what? He had been so focused on figuring out how to care for Ryan and how to keep him in his life, he felt directionless.


  Jake’s voice jolted him to attention. Riley immediately noted the intensity, the urgency, and while he didn’t think there could be any
bad news left to hear, was suddenly afraid that there was more coming. He waited and braced himself.

  “I don’t have a lot of time to explain, but I’m worried about Susan.”

  “Susan?” That wasn’t at all what Riley had expected to hear. “Why?”

  “Have you talked to her recently?”

  “No,” Riley answered sounding guilty.

  “Try to call her, make sure everything is okay. Now, Riley,” Jake added when Riley stared blankly.

  “Jake, what’s wrong?” Riley asked as he ran in search of his cell phone. When he found it, he saw two missed calls from Susan and his heart started to race. He frantically dialed her but didn’t get an answer.

  “No answer?” Jake asked.

  “No. Tell me what’s going on,” Riley demanded. He couldn’t take much more.

  “Let’s go, I’ll tell you on the way.”

  Lissa pushed Susan in the door and closed it behind them. “Get your phone and make that call. I’m running out of patience.”

  Susan watched as Lissa carelessly waved the gun. She didn’t seem to know how to handle it and that scared Susan more than anything. Susan was still trying to come up with some way of getting a message to Riley as she looked through her bags, wondering where she had dropped her cell phone. She waited for Lissa’s next demand, but as she watched, Lissa seemed to become distracted and started rummaging through her purse, almost seeming to forget Susan was there.

  Just as Susan was working up the nerve to try to text Riley and Jake, she froze and stared in horror. Lissa dug a small bag out of her purse, and without a thought to Susan just a few feet away, proceeded to carefully pour something onto a small mirror she produced. Susan turned away, unable to watch.

  At that moment, the door opened and Ryan peeked in, the dogs close behind. Susan saw him look to his mother who, with her back turned, hadn’t noticed him, then saw him grin as the dogs pushed past him. She acted fast, her only thought to protect the child. Drugs, a gun, and an unstable woman made a lethal combination. Rushing forward, she scooped Ryan up in her arms and ran out the door.

  Ryan’s eyes were like saucers as he twisted in her grasp trying to figure out what was happening, but Susan kept running. She had almost made it across the yard when she heard Lissa scream. Willing her feet to move faster, Susan lowered her head and charged forward. She considered ducking into Sam’s shop, but guessed the door would be locked and stopping to check would just slow her down. Instead, she headed across the road and into the woods.

  Lissa heard Susan’s footsteps pound on the wood floor. Whirling around, it took her a moment to focus and to realize Susan had Ryan in her arms. Steadying herself as she fought a wave of dizziness, she shouted, “Put my son down, you bitch!” When Susan didn’t slow, she grabbed the gun, slammed the door on the dogs, and started after her.

  “Tell me what the hell is going on with Susan,” Riley barked as Jake backed out of the driveway and began tearing down the street.

  Jake didn’t answer right away as he was on the radio instructing his deputy Marc to head over to Courtney’s apartment and see if Lissa was there. Riley nervously tapped his foot and drummed his fingers on his thigh.

  When Jake ended his call with Marc, he asked, “Did she tell you she’d received some strange, threatening emails?”

  “No. What kind of emails? What kind of threats?” Riley could barely wrap his mind around everything that seemed to be happening all at once.

  “She’s gotten a few over the past few months, another one just recently. She mentioned it to me and I had the department’s tech guy look into them. The earlier emails came from Denver and from Omaha. The most recent one came from the library here in Misty Lake.”

  Riley tried to make sense of what Jake was saying. “I don’t get it. You mean people from around the country are sending her threatening emails? Who? And why?”

  Jake stole a quick glance at his brother as he picked up speed now that they were out of town. “According to Lissa’s sister, she has ties to Denver and Omaha. And now she’s here. I’m almost certain she’s the one who has been emailing Susan.”

  Riley just stared. It didn’t make any sense…nothing made any sense. “Why?”

  “I don’t know for sure, but my guess is she’s after something—most likely you—and she sees Susan as an obstacle. I can’t claim to know what she’s thinking, but it seems like she’s been planning for some time already.”

  “Oh, God. I had two missed calls from Susan earlier today. Do you think she’s in trouble?” Riley yanked his phone from his pocket and struggled to steady his hands enough to dial. When he didn’t get an answer he shouted at Jake, “Hurry!”

  Susan was deep in the woods and finally had to stop to catch her breath. She put Ryan down and leaned over, hands on her knees, and tried to calm her nerves and her racing heart. She knew she didn’t have much time. She patted her empty pocket, her mind knowing she had left her phone on the table, but her heart willing it to be there.

  “Why are we running?”

  Ryan’s voice was shaky and Susan could tell he was fighting tears. She took a deep breath before crouching down in front of him. She needed to choose her words carefully.

  “Ryan, I need you to listen to me. Your mom isn’t feeling well. She’s going to be okay, but for right now, she can’t take care of you.”

  Susan saw his chin begin to tremble and his eyes dart wildly in every direction. She gently placed her hand on his arm.

  “Ryan, I promise everything is going to be okay.” She stopped when she heard Lissa yell again and knew she was in the woods looking for them. “This is going to seem weird, but I want you to hide. Do you think you can do that?”

  The tears started to roll down his cheeks and Susan had to bite her lip to keep her own at bay. Slowly, he nodded.

  “Good.” Susan scanned the area, not sure what she was looking for, but also not knowing what else to do. When she spotted a downed oak tree about twenty yards away, she took Ryan’s hand, and as fast as she dared, headed for the tree.

  “Look, Ryan, there’s a spot for you right here.” Susan pointed and silently thanked God for the storm that must have brought the tree down. There was an indentation in the ground…far too small for her, but just right for a little boy. “Crawl down and see if you can get under the tree,” she encouraged.

  Ryan was obviously scared, not knowing why he needed to hide, but wanting to do what Susan asked of him. Susan’s heart swelled when he got down on his belly and slithered under the giant tree.

  “That’s good, Ryan, really good. I can hardly see you.” Susan breathed a small sigh of relief that the boy had been willing to cooperate, but she knew she had a bigger task in front of her. “I need to go check on the dogs, but I need you to stay right here. You have to be quiet and you can’t come out for anybody but me. Do you understand?” Susan hoped using the dogs would help convince Ryan to follow her instructions.

  “I want to check on the dogs,” Ryan answered shakily.

  “No, not right now. I’m going to go get them and then they can try to find you. It will be like hide and seek.”

  Ryan brightened at the idea. “Okay. But will you hurry?”

  “Oh, honey, I’ll go as fast as I can, I promise. Just make sure you stay here and be super duper quiet. We don’t want anyone to find you except Gusto and Rigi.”

  Susan attempted a smile and hoped she could convince the child. When he nodded his agreement, she gave him a quick kiss and ran before she could change her mind. She knew the only way to ensure his safety was to keep him from Lissa. Terrified, but determined not to let it show, she headed for the sounds of Lissa crashing through the woods.

  “I hope we made the right choice,” Jake said as he took the turn for Sam’s house.

  “She’s got to be there. She hasn’t been spending much time at the inn since…well, she hasn’t been there much lately,” Riley answered, fighting the crippling fear that threatened when he let his thoughts wander
to what could be happening with Susan.

  “There! That’s her car,” Riley shouted as they got close enough to see the driveway. “Oh, God, that’s Lissa’s car,” Riley managed as he opened the door and jumped out before Jake could come to a stop.

  Riley raced to the house, ignoring Jake’s instructions to wait. He threw the door open a moment before Jake caught up with him. Gusto and Rigi didn’t stop to greet him as they shot past and out the door.

  “Dammit, Riley, wait!” Jake shouted as he watched his brother race from one room to another without a thought to his safety.

  “There’s no one here! Where is she, Jake?” Riley was frantic.

  Jake let his years of training take over and attempted to ignore the fact that this involved family. “Let’s go look outside. She can’t be far.”

  The two made their way to the yard and stood for a moment, searching in all directions. There was no sign of Susan. Or Lissa.

  “Check the shop,” Riley shouted as he started running for the woods.

  “Riley! Stop. We’ll go together.”

  After a quick check of the shop, the brothers headed into the trees. It didn’t take long until they heard the yelling.

  Susan stayed back but made sure Lissa saw her. Once Lissa spotted her, she began screaming.

  “What did you do with my son? If you hurt him, I’ll kill you.”

  Susan watched as she raised the gun, but struggled to hold it steady. Susan’s heart thudded so hard it hurt in her chest. She moved slowly, but steadily, away from Ryan’s hiding place praying Lissa would follow and that Ryan would stay put.

  “What did you do with my son?” Lissa screamed even louder.

  “He ran. I think he’s trying to get back to see the dogs,” Susan improvised, desperate to convince Lissa that Ryan was far away.

  Lissa dropped the gun down to her side and turned in the direction of the house, seeming unsure of what to do next. “Get over here,” she said as she raised the gun once again.


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