Broken Pieces (The Riverdale Series)

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Broken Pieces (The Riverdale Series) Page 8

by Janine Infante Bosco

  Sam shuttered, feeling his breath on her earlobe. He grinned slightly, musing on the fact that no matter how mad she claimed to be, she still was affected by him. He watched her glance at the program she clutched in her lap. She quickly flipped through the pages to find out when Ava would be performing.

  “There are two more teams before she goes on.” She whispered back to him harshly, not taking her eyes off of the stage. He watched her, contemplating his next move. When he went to trail his fingers down her arm, his phone rang. She turned to him abruptly. “Are you kidding me? I told you to put it on silent!”

  His eyes widened at the tone of her voice as he quickly reached for his phone. He silenced the ringing, not even glancing to see who was calling. She met his gaze and then motioned to his phone.

  “You should take it, could be some pressing business, you need to tend to” She spat sarcastically, before turning her head back to the stage.

  Nick sighed or maybe he growled; he couldn’t be sure. He looked down at the phone and saw Luke’s number.

  “Hello?” he whispered into the phone.

  “Where are you?” Luke asked roughly.

  Nick squinted and held his free hand to his other ear, trying to block out the surrounding sounds to hear Luke better. “Where do you think I am? What’s going on?”

  “You have to leave.” Luke said sternly.

  “Leave? She didn’t even go on yet.” Sam turned around and faced him as he spoke.

  “Nick, I need you to leave. Jake isn’t good.” His voice caught and Nick wasn’t sure if the line had gone dead.

  “Luke?” Nick asked, hoping he hadn’t heard him correctly.

  “Please, just come home.” That was all Luke managed before ending the phone call.

  * * * * * *

  Luke shoved his cell phone into his pocket. He blew out a breath and turned the corner, his heart clenched at the sight before him. His father had his arms wrapped around his mother as she cried, listening to the doctor. He couldn’t hear what the doctor was saying, he didn’t need too, by the looks of it, and it wouldn’t have made a difference. Jake was dying, despite his efforts to save his brother, he had still failed. He clenched his fist and lifted it to punch the nearest wall when his eyes fell upon Cara. He dropped his hand and watched her slide down the length of the wall, her body writhing with sobs. She was shaking her head uncontrollably as if she could shake away the doctor’s words.

  When Luke made his way towards his family, he bypassed his parents and kneeled down, gathering Cara in his arms. She wrapped her arms around his neck and sobbed into his shoulder.

  “I can’t let him go.” She said between sobs. He held her tighter, tears slipping from his eyes. He glanced up at his parents, who looked as if they had died a thousand deaths.

  “All we can do now, is make him as comfortable as possible.” The doctor took Deb’s hand in his and looked up at both parents. “And we can pray for a miracle.”

  “Thank you, doctor.” Joe said with his voice barely above a whisper.

  Luke felt Cara shift in his arms, and averted his eyes to the woman falling apart in his arms. She pulled back and started to wipe at her face.

  “I can’t let him see me like this.” She dragged her fingers through her wavy hair, tucking some strands behind her ears. She looked up at Luke and her eyes instantly filled again with tears. “I can’t go in there yet.” Her lower lip quivered as the tears started to fall down her cheeks. She bit down on her lower lip, trying to control her outburst.

  Luke had no idea what to do. He didn’t know how to comfort her. He looked back at his parents who were clinging to one another. His eyes then met the closed door of the room where his brother was. He stared at the wooden door and felt his heart plummet in his chest.

  “Luke?” Cara said softly, causing Luke to tear his gaze from the closed door. His eyes met hers. “Go sit with him. He shouldn’t be alone. I’m going to go wash my face and then I’ll be right in.” She looked down at her hands and twisted the engagement ring around her finger absent-mindedly. She lifted her eyes back to his. “Please?”

  He nodded, not able to find his own voice. Slowly he rose to his full height and held out his hand to her. She took his hand and allowed him to help her to her feet. He gave her hand a slight squeeze before he dropped it. He stood in front of the door, and took a deep breath.

  How do you prepare yourself to say goodbye to your only brother? How do you look at him, knowing you failed him? How do you watch the rise and fall of his chest, and wonder if that will be his last breath? The questions raced through Luke’s mind as he opened the door and stepped inside the room.

  Jake lay helplessly in the bed that centered the dark and dreary room. The mauve walls, he once complained of were darkened from the drawn shades, and Luke couldn’t help but wonder if the darkness of the room was a coincidence or rather a request of Jake’s. He was hooked up to several machines. They were basically pointless at this point, but the noise of the machines working was the only sound in the room. Nothing was going to save him.

  He moved to the edge of his bed, and Jake must’ve sensed his presence. He opened his eyes and looked up at Luke. It hit Luke hard and fast, as the blue eyes of his little brother, searched his for the answers, much like they had their whole lives. Luke didn’t have the answers this time and it killed him. He allowed himself to cry for the first time in his adult life, Luke succumbed to defeat.

  Jake wiggled his fingers, reaching for Luke’s hand. Luke quickly placed his brother’s hand in his and sat on the edge of his bed. He squeezed Jake’s hand lifting his eyes to meet his. “I’m so sorry.” Luke murmured. “I’m so sorry I failed you.” He wiped at his face angrily with his free hand, brushing away his tears.

  Jake lifted his other hand to the oxygen mask that covered his mouth, he tugged it down, so that he could speak. “Don’t you ever say you’re sorry” Jake struggled to get out. “You gave me the greatest gift.”

  Luke shook his head, and then Jake tightened his grip on his hand. “It’s not your fault Luke, I need you to believe me. God’s got a bigger plan for me.” He attempted to smile, and closed his eyes mustering up some strength.

  Luke thought about his words. Maybe it was the truth. Maybe God did have a bigger plan for Jake. It was the only logical explanation as to why Jake’s life was being cut short. It was the only acceptable one. “You’re meant to do great things.”

  “I’ll still break your balls from wherever I end up.” Jake croaked and this time he managed to smile. He opened his eyes and looked at Luke.

  “Sam and Nick are on their way. Mom and Dad…” Luke trailed off trying to find the right words.

  “Are going to bury one of their kids, they’re a fucking mess.” Jake helped Luke find the words. He may not have chosen those exact words, but still they were true. Jake sighed and placed the oxygen mask back for a few moments. When he was able to continue, he pulled down the mask again. “I need one last thing from you, Luke.”

  “Anything you need.” Luke said hoarsely.

  “Mom and Dad, have each other. They have you and they have Sam.” Jake took a deep breath, and for the first time he looked away from Luke. Once he composed himself, he turned back and the two brother’s eyes met. “Cara is part of our family. She would’ve been my wife.”

  Luke looked at him confused, unsure of what he was asking of him. Jake struggled not because he lacked oxygen, but because his emotions were getting the best of him.

  “Please take care of my girl. Make sure she lives the life she is meant to live, don’t let her be alone.” Jake’s eyes pleaded with his big brother. Luke heard the desperation in his voice. Cara was everything to Jake, his world revolved around her, as hers revolved around Jake. Luke dragged his fingers through his hair. He held his brother’s gaze and nodded. “Promise me, I need to hear you say it, Luke.”

  Luke swallowed. “I promise I’ll take care of Cara, you don’t have to worry about her.” A tear slipped down his
cheek as he finished his vow to his little brother.

  Jake smiled slightly and closed his eyes. “I could always count on you.” He lifted the oxygen mask back to his mouth. Jake drifted off to sleep, leaving Luke to sit vigil at his bedside. The only sound in the room was Luke’s tears and the beeping of the machines, signaling that he was still alive.

  * * * * * *

  Nick barely had a chance to park his truck, before Sam jumped out of it. She grabbed Ava out of the back, taking her little hand in hers, she began to run towards the hospital. She never even glanced over her shoulder to see if Nick was behind her, not that he expected her to. She was a mess the entire ride home. Nick did his best to get them back to Riverdale in a timely matter, fearing they wouldn’t make it in time to say their goodbyes to Jake.

  Both he and Sam, had done their best to mask their fear in front of Ava, but the kid had a million questions. Not to mention, that she was upset that she wasn’t able to compete with her dance team. How do you explain to a little girl that her uncle is dying? Nick had no idea, and he wasn’t touching that one with a ten foot pole.

  The three of them rode the elevator to the floor Jake’s room was on, in complete silence. Ava was still dressed in her dance costume, the poor girl looked lost. Nick reached out and tugged her ponytail, gently. She looked up at him and he winked at her, hoping to ease some of her fear. The doors opened and Luke was waiting for them. Ava ran off the elevator and jumped into Luke’s arms. He was taken back at first by the force of his daughter’s embrace, but he quickly recovered, finding solace in Ava. He looked over her shoulder, lifting her in his arms as he stood.

  “What’s going on, Luke?” Sam asked but one look into Luke’s eyes and she knew the answer. She covered her mouth with the palm of her hand, muffling a cry.

  Luke pressed a kiss to the top of Ava’s head, as he caressed her back lovingly. “I’m going to bring Ava to the hospital day care. Leah, was able to get clearance for the day.” He pulled back and looked into his daughter’s eyes. “How’s that sound? You can play with all the kids and show them your cool costume.”

  “Okay Daddy.” She agreed softly, and that earned her another affectionate embrace from her father.

  Luke looked at Nick. “Can you take Sam to Jake’s room? My parents are right outside the room in the family waiting area.”

  Nick nodded. “Of course,” he said, watching as Luke eyed both him and Sam for a moment before turning around and carrying Ava to the day care facilities. Nick placed his palm on the small of Sam’s back. He stared down at her, watching as she stood frozen. “If you’re not ready, we can go for a walk. You can get your thoughts together…”

  She cut him off, turning to face him. “There’s no time to get my thoughts together. It’s now or never.” She said hoarsely as her eyes that full of unshed tears met his. Vulnerability got the best of her, and so she reached for his hand. Their fingers laced together and Nick squeezed her hand gently. “Let’s go.” She whispered.

  Hand in hand, they walked the length of the corridor. When they turned the corner at the far end, they saw Deb and Joe sitting down in the waiting area. Deb’s head was bowed as she prayed for a miracle, while Joe, paced back and forth across the small space. Joe spotted them, and stopped in his tracks. Sam dropped Nick’s hand and walked into her father’s waiting arms. His arms enveloped her and he closed his eyes holding onto his youngest child, as if he would lose her too.

  Deb barely lifted her head, when Nick leaned down and kissed her cheek. She squeezed his hand and patted his cheek as she cried.

  Sam pulled back and looked back and forth between her parents. “Can I go see him?”

  “Go ahead, sweetheart.” Deb said as she released Nick’s hand and took the tissue he handed her. “Cara’s in there, but he’s been asking for you.”

  Nick turned around and took hold of Sam’s wrist. “Do you want me to go with you?”

  She shook her head. “No.” She took a deep breath. “But, thank you.” Nick nodded slightly, and released her wrist.

  * * * * * *

  Cara lifted her head from Jake’s chest when she heard the door open. Sam stood by the door, trying to summon her courage to step further into the room. She wasn’t ready to focus on her brother on his death bed. She averted her eyes to Cara and studied her. Her face was drawn, her eyes were blood shot. She looked as if she hadn’t slept in days, as if, all she had done for those days were cry.

  Sam looked at Jake for the first time. She didn’t know what she was expecting, when she looked at him, but she let out a sigh of relief. She hadn’t really put much thought into what her brother would look like right before he died. She was grateful that he didn’t appear to look as if he was suffering. Aside, from the oxygen mask, he simply looked as if he was just taking a nap. She stepped further into the room, and found herself gnawing on her lower lip. She tried not to cry and coached herself to be brave.

  “He dozes on and off,” Cara said, following Sam’s gaze to the love of her life that lay beside her. She brushed a strand of hair back from his forehead, before leaning down and pressing her lips gently to the very same spot.

  “Is he in pain?” Sam asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

  Cara smiled down at Jake, affection radiating in her eyes, or maybe it was pride. “I don’t think so. He hasn’t complained once.” She bent down and brushed her lips against his ear. “Baby, wake up. Sam’s here.” She caressed his chest.

  “Oh, it’s okay. He probably needs his rest. I’ll just wait until he wakes up.” Sam said softly, as she walked around the other side of Jake’s bed.

  “He’s been asking for you…” Cara said and then felt Jake move beside her.

  “Where’s the little firecracker?” Jake muttered with his eyes still closed.

  Sam smiled, wiping away at a fallen tear. “I’m right here.” She said and moved closer to his bedside, taking his hand in hers.

  Jake laced his fingers with his sister’s and opened his eyes, peering up at her. “It’s about time. Even had to be fashionably late to my death?” He quipped and then he realized that his family didn’t appreciate the humor, least alone Cara. She stiffened at his side.

  “I’ll give you guys, some time alone.” She pressed her lips quickly against Jake’s. “I’ll be right outside.” He nodded and watched her make her way off the bed and out of his room. He let his eyes linger on the closed door for a moment before he turned his gaze back to Sam. He slipped the mask down, pass his chin.

  “I don’t think she’s accepting it.” Jake said, referring to Cara. He licked his lips, his throat was parched. “Can you give me some water?”

  Sam nodded and filled a plastic cup with water from the pitcher that sat on his night table. Jake tried to lift his head by himself, but was clearly having some difficulty doing so. Sam eased his head forward and brought the cup to his lips. He slowly managed a few sips and then signaled to her he was good. She held the half empty cup in her hands as she sat on the edge of his bed, holding onto it in case he wanted some more.

  “Jake…” She looked down at the water, trying to find the words, but the truth was, she knew what to say. She knew it was time to say goodbye, but she just didn’t have it in her to say the words.

  He reached for her hand. “It’s okay.” He whispered. “I heard it’s nice where I’m going, and the view is great!” He patted her hand reassuringly. There he went, typical Jake, trying to make things better for everyone else, when he was the one dying.

  “I’m going to miss you.” She whispered as the tears fell freely down her cheek. “I’m going to miss you so much.”

  He nodded as a comfortable silence fell over them. “Can I ask you for a favor?” He said breaking the silence.

  She lifted her head and stared into his eyes. “Anything,” she said sincerely.

  “Lighten up on Nick.” He said and when she opened her mouth to speak, he shook his head, telling her he wasn’t finished. “I know you’re mad at him for leaving,
but, the reason he left Riverdale, was because of me.”

  Sam sniffled and drew her eyebrows together in confusion. “What do you mean he left because of you?”

  Jake swallowed and then pointed towards the cup of water she held in her hands. She helped him quench his thirst again.

  “I did something stupid, and I called Nick to help me out of the mess I created. Long story short, he came to my rescue. He was arrested that night because of something I did, and when his mother found out that I had been the one that actually committed the crime, she used it against him. She blackmailed him to go to Seattle, and he went to save my ass.” He gasped for breath, and then reached for the oxygen mask. Once he placed it back over his mouth, he turned and awaited her reaction.

  Sam stared at him dumbfounded, all these years, she never knew the real reason why Nick had left her, and broke all his promises to her. She had a million questions, but didn’t want to waste the time she had with her brother on her sordid past with Nick. Jake’s admission was just that, Jake’s admission, there was no reason why Nick couldn’t tell her that himself.

  Jake removed the mask one more time. “I’m not telling you what to do, well, maybe a little bit, but I just want what’s best for you. The two of you are idiots, who love each other. Stop circling around because you never know what could happen.” He pointed to himself. “Take it from me, I’m exhibit A.”

  Sam leaned forward and pressed her lips to his cheek. “I love you, Jake.”

  “I love you too, Samantha.” He whispered.

  Sam closed her eyes and pressed her cheek against his as she wrapped her arms around him, the best she could, due to the confines of the hospital bed. She breathed in his scent, and prayed she’d always remember that moment she held him in her arms and he told her he loved her.

  * * * * * *

  Luke watched Ava through the glass window of the hospital day care center. She sat at a table by herself coloring a picture. How was he going to help his family grieve? How would he explain heaven to his daughter? He shook his head, before leaning his forehead against the cool glass. He didn’t have the answers. He could hear his brother’s voice in his head, pleading with him to take care of Cara. He knew one thing for sure. He’d make sure he abided by his promise to Jake. He felt a hand on his shoulder. Slowly he lifted his head and looked over his shoulder. Leah was behind him, offering him a cup of coffee. He blew out a breath and straightened his posture and turned around. His eyes found hers that were full of sympathy. He took the cup of coffee, she offered and then with his free hand he took her hand.


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