Broken Pieces (The Riverdale Series)

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Broken Pieces (The Riverdale Series) Page 20

by Janine Infante Bosco

  Cara brought her sunglasses down from the tip of her head to shield her eyes. She stared at Ava splashing around in the pool and for some reason she burst out laughing. Sam turned around and looked at her curiously. “Do you know what just popped into my head?” She turned to Sam, but spoke loud enough for all of them to hear her. “The day of Luke’s graduation party.”

  Luke groaned and took another sip of beer, refusing to look at her. Nick chuckled as he smacked the top of the television with all his might, running out of ideas on how to get a picture on the damn thing.

  Joe’s eyes widened as a black and white picture formed on the screen. “You did it! That was genius!” He said as he patted Nick on the back. “You should be a handyman.” He made himself comfortable in front of the television, grinning like a banshee.

  Nick looked at Joe, holding back his laugh. “Enjoy.” He said as he reached into a cooler and pulled out a beer, he twisted off the cap and tipped the bottle towards the ladies. “I remember that day like it was yesterday.” He said as he took the first sip of the beer and then turned to Luke. “You remember that, man?” He asked, trying to include him in the conversation. He had no idea what his friend's problem was, but he had been acting all kinds of strange lately.

  “Yeah, I remember.” Luke said as he sighed.

  “Me and Jake beat your ass in beer pong.” Cara said to his back that faced her.

  Slowly, Luke turned around and looked at her for a moment, wishing she wasn’t wearing her sunglasses so he could see the look in those hauntingly beautiful eyes of hers. Christ, did he really just think that?

  “Come on Cara, you got this!” Jake said as he rubbed his Cara’s shoulders, encouraging her. “Just aim, shoot and score!” Jake cheered and Cara glanced over her shoulder, winking at him, before she stared down her opponent across the folding table, now dubbed as a beer pong pavilion.

  “Jake you’re coaching this poor girl, like she’s in the NBA finals.” Luke laughed.

  “Shut up, Lanza. It’s our collective duty to get you wrecked.” Cara said as she threw the ping pong ball across the table right into a red solo cup filled with beer. She smiled up at him and blew him a kiss. “Drink up.”

  “That’s my girl. You heard her bro. Drink up.” Jake told his brother as he kneaded Cara’s shoulders. He leaned over her shoulder, whispering into her ear. “Good shot.”

  Luke grinned as he gulped the beer until the cup was empty. He pointed to Cara, then to his brother. “Game’s on, kids.”

  A smile claimed Cara’s lips as she remembered the day fondly.

  “Oh god, that was when the pool collapsed.” She pointed to Nick. “And you set up your D.J. equipment inside the ruins.” She laughed

  He smiled at her as he leaned back in the chair. “I improvised.” He stretched his legs in front of him, completely relaxed.

  “I used to think you were so cool, because you were a D.J.” Sam laughed at herself and rolled her eyes.

  “If you want I can go get my equipment out of storage and we can take a stroll down memory lane.” He offered before he covered his grin with his beer bottle. “And then maybe we can fix that problem of yours.” He winked at her and her cheeks flushed.

  “I was hoping we could fix that problem sans the trip down memory lane.” She said, a grin teasing the corners of her mouth.

  For most of the day they casually hung out by the pool, reminiscing and joking around with each other. They shared a delicious meal that Deb had prepared which they ate outside on the patio. There was a comfortable sense of familiarity and even though things may have changed, it was evident that things would be okay despite the loss they all felt. Together they could find a way to overcome and begin again.

  Leah had joined them after her shift at the hospital, and things became a little weird for Cara. No one intended her to feel like the fifth wheel, but she couldn’t help how she felt. The sun was beginning to set, and they had finished dinner quite some time ago. Cara was ready to leave, to go home and drown in the bottle that waited for her. It was hard to put on the façade all day, to watch the boys drink their beers freely. She was itching for something, anything at this point. She just needed to take the edge off. She looked around the patio set. Nick and Sam were arguing that she wasn’t taking care of herself while Leah and Luke listened... Cara figured it was the perfect time to slip inside the house. She pushed back her chair and rose to her feet.

  “I’m going to go see if Joe wants some espresso.” She said and excused herself into the kitchen.

  Sam nudged Nick. “See what you did? You freaked Cara out by saying I look sick.”

  Nick rolled his eyes. “I said you look run down, like you’re not sleeping or eating enough.”

  “Yeah, well, she took it wrong. Now she’s upset.”

  “No, now you’re upset.” Nick countered.

  “Sam, just start taking a vitamin.” Leah offered trying to defuse the situation. She turned around as Luke stood.

  He didn’t glance down at Leah; all he did was keep his eyes on the kitchen door. “I’m going to check on Ava. I’ll be right back.”

  Leah opened her mouth to protest. She meant to grab his arm and hold him down, but she didn’t. She had been struggling with her feelings for weeks but had kept them to herself. She wasn’t stupid. She knew the difference between infatuation and grief. She grabbed Luke’s full beer and began to chug it down quickly.

  Luke crept into the kitchen, quietly, careful not disturb anyone. He watched her as she tilted her head back and forced whatever she had put in her mouth down. She ran the faucet and dipped her head, using it as a water fountain. Once whatever she had swallowed was completely down, she grabbed the orange prescription bottle from the counter top and quickly tried to shove it into her back pocket.

  “What are you doing?” Luke voice boomed as he advanced towards her. He couldn’t describe it, but something in his gut had told him to follow her in here.

  Cara turned around, startled and the bottle slipped out of her trembling hands. She glared at Luke and they both went to grab the bottle. Unfortunately, she wasn’t quick enough and Luke snatched the bottle before she could. He looked at her for a moment before glancing down at the bottle that was prescribed to Jake and not her.

  “These are Jake’s pain meds.” He glanced up from the bottle and waited for her to deny it.

  She didn’t. She reached for the bottle and he quickly pulled his arm back. He watched as her eyes stared daggers at him the green flecks becoming more prominent.

  “Give the pills back to me.” She held out her palm as she spoke through gritted teeth.

  “Are you out of your mind?” Luke asked, outraged, the blood in his veins boiling. “Is this what you’ve been doing? Numbing yourself with your dead boyfriend’s pain medicine?”

  She didn’t hesitate when she drew her hand back and slapped him across his face. She felt the sting in her palm and hoped he felt it twice as much.

  Luke bit the inside of his cheek, refusing to give her any satisfaction. “You’re so fucked.” He said and shook his head. “No wonder you can’t remember a goddamn thing.” He spat.

  Tears stung her eyes as she stared at him. She had never felt such anger in her life. She had never wanted to wrap her fingers around someone’s throat as much as she did right then and there, and not release them until he begged her for mercy.

  “Keep the fucking pills. I hope you choke on them.” She ground out and pushed passed him.

  “Cara!” He turned around and went to reach for her, but she was out of arm's reach. “If you have a problem and you need help…”

  She turned around, holding the kitchen door open with one hand. “If I had a problem and needed help I’d drop dead before I came to you.” She stormed outside, knowing very well he would follow. He would probably out her as a drug addict in front of everyone else while he was at it. She needed to get away from there, and she needed to get away now.

  “Nick I’m taking you up on your p
romise. I have to get out of here.” She said and quickly looked over at Sam.

  “I’m sorry.”

  Sam looked at her, clearly confused. “What’s wrong, Cara?”

  “I just need to go home, please.” She looked at Nick, pleading with him desperately.

  Leah rolled her eyes. “Three… two… one…” She looked towards the door and like clockwork Luke emerged.

  Nick looked at Luke as he rushed towards them and he stood up. He looked at Cara. “Okay, let’s go.”

  “Wait a minute! Would someone please tell me what the hell is going on?” Sam said to no one in particular, anyone would do. She looked at Nick, figuring he was her best option.

  Leah placed the empty beer bottle on the table, slamming it as she stood up. “I’ll tell you what is going on.”

  Cara looked towards her putting up her hand, she said firmly. “No offense Leah, but you have no idea what’s going on.”

  Leah crossed her arms against her chest and looked at Cara crossly. “I have a pretty good idea. You fell apart again, or maybe you didn’t, but Luke thought that you were and needed to be the one to come riding to your rescue.” She looked over at Luke and shook her head. “How long are you going to chase after her for, huh?”

  Nick wrapped his arm around Cara’s. “Okay, so we are going to leave right now.” He looked at Sam. “I’ll talk to you later.” He eyed Luke and then he grabbed his keys from his pocket. “Let’s go.”

  Cara didn’t bother with another glance towards any of them; she could give two shits what Leah was talking about. She just needed to get away from Luke before she throttled him. She followed Nick out of the yard, thankful to be free.

  Luke kept a steady eye on Leah but spoke to Sam. “Sam, can you give us a minute?”

  Sam looked at her brother incredulously. Did he really expect her to leave after what just happened?

  “Sam.” He repeated her name, still not gracing her with a glance.

  She threw up her hands exasperated. “Fine.” She said defeated and stalked off towards the house.

  “You have something you want to say to me, Leah?” Luke asked calmly as he crossed his arms against his chest and waited for her to reply.

  She shook her head. “I think I pretty much summed it up, no?” She cocked her head to the side as she looked at him. “Did I miss something?”

  “Cara is right; you don’t know what you’re talking about.” He said evenly.

  “Keep telling yourself that, but I see everything clear as day.” She pointed towards him. “You’re the one with foggy glasses.”

  “Leah I told you, Jake asked me to look out for her.”

  “You’re obsessed with her!” She yelled back and dropped her head to her hands frustrated. “You don’t even see it.” She looked up at him regret clear in her gaze. “I thought it was grief and that maybe I didn’t understand the closeness all of you shared.” She shook her head. “I was wrong.”

  “Careful Leah, you’re treading dangerously.” Luke said warningly.

  She laughed in his face. “Oh, there is nothing to tread dangerously too. I’m done. I deserve better than standing on the sidelines watching you run around with your tail between your legs over your late brother’s fiancée.” She reached for her purse, slinging it across her shoulder. “You’re the one treading dangerously, Luke. Good Luck with that.” She didn’t even look in his direction before she stormed out of the yard; apparently that was the mantra for the evening.

  Luke watched the gate close behind her and he ran his hands through his hair as he blew out a breath he hadn’t realized he had been holding. He heard the kitchen door open and close and he shut his eyes.

  “Is what she said true?” Sam asked, unable to help herself she had been eavesdropping.

  Luke felt like throwing himself in the pool. He didn’t sign up for the trifecta of women in his life ripping him a new asshole. He turned around and reluctantly faced his sister.

  “Luke, is what Leah said true?” She asked again, firmly.

  “I don’t know, okay.” He shouted, and watched her eyes widen at his confession, or maybe it was the fact that he honestly didn’t know whether he was coming or going for the first time in his life. Either way, the look in his sister’s eyes was too much for him to bear, too much truth for one night. He walked passed her without another word, he stepped into the house, he was done talking.

  Chapter Seventeen

  The ride to drop off Cara was painfully silent. Nick tried to coax her into telling him what happened, but it was as if Cara had just shut down. When they arrived at her apartment she jumped out of the car so quickly, that Nick hadn’t had a chance to even say goodbye, or tell her she could call him if she needed him. He made his way back to his apartment trying to get a hold of Luke, by calling him countless times, none of which he bothered to answer.

  Nick threw his keys on the kitchen counter before rummaging through his fridge for a drink. He popped open the can of soda and took a sip before setting it down on the counter. He let his mind wander for a moment, trying to figure what had been happening to Luke. In all the years they had been friends, Nick had never seen him so unhinged. Even in the worst of scenarios that had come Luke’s way, he always managed to be in control. Now, whatever had been nipping at him, had him completely spiraling out of control.

  A loud knock sounded on his door, shaking his thoughts away. He glanced over at the door, and hoped it was his friend. He opened the door to be pleasantly surprised when he saw Sam standing at the threshold. Nick studied her face and noticed she looked as if she had been crying.

  “Can I come in?” She asked softly.

  He instantly felt like an ass as he stepped aside and she walked into his apartment. He should’ve pulled her into his arms like he wanted to do instead of gawking at her as she stood in front of him.

  “What’s up, are you okay?” He asked, knowing very well she couldn’t be by the look in her eyes. She turned around and those sad blue eyes lit with hope when they found his.

  He closed the door behind him, his eyes never leaving hers. “Did something happen, with Luke? Because I’ve been trying to call him since I dropped Cara off.”

  Sam shook her head. “I don’t know what’s going on with Luke. To be honest, I don’t think he even knows.”

  Nick’s eyebrows furrowed. “I don’t want you to think I’m not happy to see you, but I’m not sure why you’re here.” He paused and then made mock quotation marks with his fingers. “Is this a friendly visit?”

  Sam simply shook her head. Her expression was blank and no matter how much Nick tried, he couldn’t read her. To be fair, he sucked at reading women, particularly the one in question. “Everything is falling apart around me. Jake is gone. My parents have gone from moderately weird to bat shit crazy. Luke who…” She took a deep breath and threw her purse over the back of his couch. “Who always has the answers to everything, is in a world of his own and Cara well, I don’t even know what to say about her. I’m afraid she’s having a mental breakdown.”

  Nick looked down as he ran his fingers through his short hair. Everything she said was on point, there were a lot of changes going on, and they all seemed as if they couldn’t be helped. He lifted his head and noticed she had moved closer to him.

  “I feel like I’m in the center of this tornado that’s spiraling out of control, waiting to suck me in and uproot me from normalcy.” She smiled slightly as she watched his eyebrows draw together as he processed her analogy. “And then there is you.” He lifted one of his eyebrows, questioning where she could be going with this without saying the words. “Somewhere along the way, you’ve become the only constant in my life.” Her eyes filled with tears, her body was an emotional roller coaster and she blamed the fact that her first love had come back into her life when she had no idea she would need him the most.

  “That’s a good thing right?” Nick asked, uncertain of what she was trying to say. He took her hand in his and his thumb caressed her p

  She smiled and a tear escaped, sliding down her cheek. “It’s a great thing. You came back into my life when I needed you the most. I just have one question for you.”

  He reached forward and with his free hand, he wiped away at her tear and nodded, encouraging to ask her question, yet not trusting his voice. Hearing her say she needed him did something to him deep inside.

  “Why did you really leave here?”

  Something told Nick, that he had a lot riding on the answer to her simple question. He bit the inside of his cheek and wondered if Jake would think he would be betraying his confidence if he spoke the truth and then he remembered no one wanted Nick and Sam together more than Jake. He sighed and pulled Sam towards him. He wrapped one arm around her waist as he walked them towards the couch. Together they sat down and she turned slightly to face him, waiting for him to tell her what she had waited seven years to finally learn.

  “I got a phone call one night from Jake. He didn’t sound like himself and he asked me to meet him off of Route 17. He told me that he had come across some parts that Luke and I would need to start up the business.” Nick tried to remember that night so long ago. The details were fuzzy and so he decided he would give her the short and sweet version. “When I got there, I didn’t see your brother at first. I saw a trailer on the side of the road, the trucker that had been driving it was badly beaten, so badly beaten I wasn’t sure he was alive.”

  Sam showed no reaction, she just listened to him tell his side of the story, and she listened intently.

  “Jake stood in the back of the trailer, throwing around automobile parts. He looked so out of control, holding a tire iron in his hand.” Nick swallowed the lump in his throat, remembering vividly that part. The manic image of Jake as he waved around that iron speaking frantically, that had stuck with him, even when everything else faded.

  “Anyway, the trucker, I finally realized was Cara’s father. I figured Jake had thought the time had come to pay the son of a bitch back, for all the times he used Cara as his punching bag.” He looked down at their joined hands and noticed how small her hand looked, in his and how much he liked it. “The cops came and I made Jake run.” He looked up at Sam, and gazed into those eyes, he wanted so badly to lose himself in. Those eyes had the power to bring him to his knees and make him want the things that he never pictured a man like himself, would want. She captivated him in more ways than one. He licked his lips and continued. “I was arrested and charged with assault.”


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