The Naughty Tutor (Sorority Sins XXX Book 4)

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The Naughty Tutor (Sorority Sins XXX Book 4) Page 1

by Sadie May

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  The Naughty Tutor

  Sorority Sins XXX

  Sadie May


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4


  Chapter One

  If there is one thing I know about myself, it’s that I’m smart. I’m not bragging. I got to skip freshman and sophomore year of college. I’d already taken those classes in high school. And even though I’ll get an undergrad degree in a year, half the classes I’ll take will be graduate level.

  What I have never been is popular. Or pretty. I had this straight boy body forever. So supersized brain, kiddy body. Yeah, I was popular with the guys. Note the sarcasm.

  Suddenly, my junior year of high school, though most of my classes were on the local college campus, I sprouted tits and an ass. Funny thing is, I didn’t know what to do with them. So I put on sweatpants and baggie shirts and just kept focused on my work.

  But other things changed too. My dark hair got silkier, my skin clearer, and even though I didn’t encourage them at all, some boys started looking at me.

  I even let one guy on the chess team do me in the bathroom. It was awful. Luckily, it only lasted like five seconds.

  But it got me thinking. I bet it isn’t like that with every guy. Some girls talk about it like it’s amazing. And I want to feel that. The more it dominates my thoughts, the more it’s actually starting to get in the way.

  So even though I’ll graduate in a year, I decided to rush a sorority anyway. “There has to be drunk guys at parties and I’m pretty enough to get a drunk guy to do me, right?” I blurt out in front of Missy and Morgan, the two rush chairs at the Kappa house.

  “Fuck yeah, you are, Clarissa.” Missy looks at me like I’m crazy. “Your baggy clothes and lack of a hair style aren’t hiding the fact that you’re gorgeous.”

  “I am not--” I start to respond.

  Morgan curls her lip. “Don’t start that shit. The whole, ‘I’m not pretty’ so people will give you compliments.”

  “I wasn’t. You think I dress like this because I’m super confident?” I raise my eyebrows at her. Here is the thing—she doesn’t intimidate me. I was on the debate team. I know how to argue with bitches.

  But rather than disagree, she gives me a smile. “You want sex, huh?”

  I swallow. “Yes, lots of it, honestly.”

  Morgan looks at Missy. There is a gleam in her eyes I’m not sure I trust. “You need two things, then. One, new clothes. Two, a little experience to give you confidence.” Then Morgan nods to Missy. “Get Carly and bring your phone. The next valedictorian of this school is going to be a Kappa.”

  I don’t know exactly what that means but it has to be a good sign so I follow. In minutes, they have me upstairs in Missy’s room. They are pulling out clothes and Carly starts taking mine off. “Strip, all of it.” She grins. “Even your underwear. You need shit that screams sexy, not grandma.”

  “I can get new underwear later.” I’m wondering if I’ve made a poor choice here. Almost naked, in front of all of them?

  “Do it,” Morgan gives me that smile again and strips off her pleated, oh-so-good-girl skirt. I dutifully take down my grandma underwear. Her panties are super sexy and I’m pretty sure she shaves her pussy. I want guys. I do. But it’s hot.

  “Try on my skirt.” Then she bends down in front of me, her face like an inch from my bush and taps my foot to step into it.

  I do it, but now I’m embarrassed because this is actually turning me on a little. She wiggles it up over my hips and then Missy pulls a little sweater over my head and Carly brushes out my hair. Missy adds some lip gloss.

  As I turn to the mirror, I nearly choke. Is that me? I do look hot. Curvy, pretty, even sexy, and I give them all a grin. “Oh my God,” I gush. There I am, full lips, high cheekbones, sparkling eyes and a nice rack.

  Morgan is still standing in front of me in her teeny thong underwear. She smiles back. “Men and women aren’t that different. Principles of an orgasm are the same.”

  My eyebrows go up because she is unbuttoning her shirt. “Okay,” I answer wondering where this is going, though I’m pretty sure I know.

  Missy pulls out her phone. “We each make a video when we join the house. It proves your loyalty. That you’ll keep our secrets.”

  Carly adds, “And it’s fun.” She brushes back my hair. “I like girls, so I’ll show you how it’s done. You can come to my room anytime for a repeat.” Then her hand is sliding down my back, over my ass and under my skirt. “That is one juicy booty.” She reaches her hand back up my bare leg and gives my ass a squeeze. No one has ever touched me like this and I’ve been dying for it.

  In this moment, I’ll take what I can get. She pushes me over to the bed and I don’t resist. Laying me down, she pulls the skirt up and I feel her fingers brush my folds. I suck in my breath, it feels so good.

  Morgan is next to me. “You can’t just take, you have to give.”

  My eyes go wide, I am not ready for that.

  But her grin is wicked. “Everyone does it, and once you do, you’re in.”

  I should have been afraid of her. After all, she’s ruthless. But I want in and I want practice.

  I give a tiny nod of consent and before I know it, her knees are on either side of my head, her pussy inches from my mouth. But I do what Carly did and I start with my fingers.

  “Yes,” Morgan moans.

  But I can’t listen, because Carly has dropped her mouth to my pussy. Her tongue is lapping at my clit and I spasm, my hips jerking wildly.

  “Do it to me,” Morgan commands, and I do.

  I don’t notice or care that Missy is filming. As I’m licking, I picture the same position, one I had never even imagined before, only with two men. The image makes me so hot, I can feel an orgasm barreling towards me.

  Damn, I can’t wait to meet some guys.

  Funny thing is, I never expected it to be the next day. Missy and I are walking up the drive of the Kappa house, shopping bags in hand. We’ve just come from the mall, where I spent my allowance for the entire semester.

  “It’s a good start.” Missy winks.

  She made me put one of the outfits on before we went to get my hair cut and blown. The Mac counter gave me a little makeover too. I barely recognize myself. I’m not bragging, just making an observation. I look hot.

  Walking through the doors, Morgan is talking to a couple of guys. Their backs are to me but I already know they are total studs. Clean-cut hair, broad muscular shoulders and tapered waists hugged by their jeans.

  My mouth is practically watering and jealousy rises like bile up my throat. Morgan is so gorgeous, of course they are here for her.

  But her next words have me practically tripping over the bags dangling at my sides. “This is the girl you’re looking for. Clarissa is one smart bitch. She’s exactly what you need.”

  Both of the studs turn to look at me and I swear, drool leaks out of my open mouth. They’re twins. I snap my teeth closed, a blush climbing my cheeks. I never blush. “Hi,” I give a little wave and marvel at the completely mundane drivel escaping my lips. Say something smart, dammit.

  “Hey,” one of them gives me a sexy little half smile with his full lips, making the cleft in his chin even more obvious. His brown hair falls over his forehead in that way that makes my h
and itch to push it back. “I’m Mike.”

  “I’m Casey.” My eyes swing to him. His eyes are greener, his cleft less prominent. My scientific mind categorizes all their minute differences.

  “Nice to meet you both.” I’m blushing again, for crying out loud. “What is it that you need a smart bitch for?” I say repeating Morgan’s phrase.

  They both chuckle, soft but masculine and my fucking panties get wet at the sound. Mike speaks first. “We need help with calculous.”

  “It’s the last class we need to graduate.” Casey grimaces.

  I nod. “Sure, I can help with that. When do you want to start?”

  Both of them give me such charming grins that my breath whooshes out of my lungs and my panties are so soaked that juices from my pussy are starting to leak down my thighs.

  “Is today too soon?” Mike steps closer. “We understand if it is but we have this giant test on Thursday and no clue how we are going to pass it.”

  “Sure,” I nod, swallowing hard. “Why don’t you collect notes, textbooks and anything else you need and we can meet in the library?”

  Morgan gives me a cat-like grin. “You can work here. The back living room is quiet and out of the way. It allows for lots of privacy for… studying.”

  Casey turns to Morgan. “Thanks for your help on this one. We really appreciate it.”

  “Anytime,” she gives an exaggerated wink. “I think the three of you will be great together.”

  I gulp, holy shit that sounds hot.

  An hour later, they are back at the sorority and I am going through their textbook. Being twins, they only bought one. A thought flits through my dirty head, what else do they share?

  Taking a breath I push these thoughts aside. I have to concentrate. Not on the math. This shit is easy. But how to explain it so someone else, that is the tough part.

  Mike leans forward. “Do you understand it?” I catch the smell of his cologne. It mixes in with his own natural scent into an intoxicating cocktail that makes me want to strip my clothes like a drunk girl.

  I nod. “Of course.”

  “How?” Casey leans in to look at the page and I catch his scent too. Different cologne, slightly different tones underneath, no less delicious.

  “Maybe we should start by having you guys solve a problem. We’ll start with the easier ones at the beginning of the chapter so that I can see your process and where you’re struggling. Does that sound alright, Casey?” I turn to Mike. “Mike?”

  His eyes round with surprise. “You can tell us apart?”

  “Sure,” I give him a little smile. “There are several subtle differences that are instant tells.”

  Casey’s hand touches my elbow. “No one can tell us apart at first. Except our parents. Some of our teammates still can’t.”

  “Teammates?” I ask, my eyebrows going up. Of course they’re jocks. And somehow it makes them even hotter.

  “Lacrosse,” Mike grins.

  “All state champions,” Casey adds, leaning back in his chair in that cocky, self-assured way. It made me want to jump in his lap and straddle him to see how cocky he really was.

  I give myself a mental shake. “Cool,” I murmur, trying to hide my reaction to this show of masculinity.

  “Probably not that impressive to you,” Mike chucks me on the arm. You know those cute little pretend punches on your arm. Except jock guys have been doing that to me for years. It’s like the sign that they want to be friendly but not too friendly. Tutoring them was probably a big mistake. More man candy dangled in front of me that I can’t have.

  Taking a breath, I shake my head. “It’s very impressive to me. I was tiny and brainy all through high school.” I crinkle my nose. “Athletics was never in the cards for me.” But I don’t want to talk about it anymore. “Why don’t we start with this sample problem. What is the domain of these functions?”

  Making faces, they both leaned forward to begin working. I keep my eyes on their papers, correcting, explaining. I didn’t look in their eyes. Because, they might see the yearning. And the disappointment that yet another time in my life, it would go unfilled.

  At the end of the hour, we’d made it through almost a third of the chapter. “If we work every day, I think you’ll be ready by Thursday.” Closing the book, I go to stand.

  Casey put his hand out, and gently holds my arm to keep me from rising. “Hang on.” My eyes snap up to meet his and he gives me a sexy grin that makes my toes curl in my very fashionable heels. “It’s almost dinner time. Let us take you out as a thank you. This has been so helpful. We can’t thank you enough.”

  Mike’s hand touches my other arm. It isn’t a best friend punch on the arm. It’s a caress. Soft and gentle, his fingers trail down exposed skin in a way that makes me shiver. “And we need to discuss payment.”

  “Payment?” I croak out. Casey’s hand is sliding down my other arm too and it’s addled my brain. I can’t think.

  They both laugh low and lean close. “For the tutoring.” Casey’s voice is close to my ear as he leans in. His soft breath tickles my skin in a way that makes my insides shake.

  “We hear the average rate is fifty an hour.” Mike is leaning in now, too. His voice low. “But if you can think of another way you’d like to be paid…”

  Casey finishes his sentence. “We’re open to suggestions.”

  “What other ways…” my voice trails off because my libido has kicked into overdrive. They can’t mean that? But then again, this was college and last night’s makeover turned into a girl on girl session. But how could I even ask?

  Mike’s fingers have slid all the way down to my hand, and he takes my fingers in his, helping me to my feet. “Let’s discuss it over dinner.”

  Casey stands too, his lips are still close to my ear in a way that makes my insides ache. “Grab a jacket, it’ll get cool tonight.”

  He was right. October could be like that. Warm during the day and chilly at night. With a nod, I head up to my new room to grab the super cute leather jacket that Missy picked out for me. Tossing it back on, my heels click down the hall.

  I take a breath. I look good, right? No use slipping back into my insecure high school self. Straightening my shoulders I reach the top of the stairs and look down to where they are both waiting for me. Their eyes darken as they eyes travel over me and I can barely breathe.

  Don’t fall down the stairs, I repeat over and over as I slowly make my way towards them. It looks like I am being all seductive, but really, I just don’t want to trip.

  The amazing part is, they seem to be enjoying it anyway and their eyes are all over me like an actual touch. I’m heating up and I may have to ditch the jacket after all.

  Mike holds his elbow out to me as I hit the last couple of steps. As I slip my hand through it, tingling sensations pulse in my pussy. Touching him feels so good.

  Then Casey’s hand rests on the small of my back and I almost orgasm in the fucking foyer. They lead me out into the brisk air. I take a breath trying to get my raging body back under control.

  “How about I call and order a pizza?” Mike asks.

  “We can pick it up and grab a bottle of wine too,” Casey adds.

  I swallow. I’m not sure I’ll survive anymore alone time with them. I might end up throwing myself at one of them or both of them. Which likely isn’t cool with brothers. “Sounds great,” I chirp. Was that my voice? It sounded all high pitched and frantic.

  My hand is still on Mike’s arm and Casey still has his arm around me. Morgan comes up the walk as we go down and she gives me her shit-eating grin again. “Cozy,” she purrs without breaking stride, her little skirt swaying with her hips.

  It doesn’t take us long to get the pizza and the wine and Mike and Casey steer me down a side street by the pizza place. Mike opens a gate at the end of the street and starts walking up to the front door of a cute little house. “Is this your place?” I can’t quite keep the concern out of my voice.

  Because I thought we
’d be going to the dorms, or a frat house. But here, we are so alone and suddenly I’m a little nervous.

  Mike stops and reaches for my hand. “Our dad helped us buy it. With the real estate market, it seemed a better move than paying for the dorms.”

  Okay, that’s kind of impressive. An entrepreneurial spirit within super-hot bodies ,but it still makes quake to think of being with them without anybody else around.

  “Is everything all right?” Casey asks as Mike unlocks the door and we all step inside.

  Shit. What do I say now? “Um, yeah. It’s great. I just thought you’d live in the dorms or something.” I take a breath, trying to be honest without sounding like the dweeb I am. “We’re so alone here.”

  Casey sets down the books and the bottle of wine on the entryway table and steps closer to me, his breath fanning my ear again. “Well, that can be a really good thing.”

  Mike is on my other side, he must have set down the pizza because now he’s unzipping my leather coat. His hands skim my shoulders as he takes it off me to display my wraparound dress. “We actually have a proposition for you. But we needed a little privacy.”

  Casey’s hand comes to rest on my stomach and that feeling like I might spontaneously orgasm returns. “We can just pay you for tutoring.” His fingers were creeping up towards my tits. “Or we can do an exchange. Tutoring for tutoring.”

  My head jerks towards him as my mouth drops open. What did I need tutoring in?

  “Morgan told us you were looking for some experience. That you were open to new things.” Mike’s hand came to my back and began sliding towards my ass. Man, I hope he touches it.

  “You could help us with calculous and we could help you get some more experience.” Then his lips touched this spot behind my ear, the one I had no idea was so sensitive. Then his hand reached my tit and his fingers started caressing the bottom of it, making their way to my clothed nipple.

  At the same time, Mike’s hand reached my ass, and his fingers squeeze a handful of it. It pulls at my pussy the littlest bit and my breath catches so that I nearly moan. “Both… both of you?”


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