Hot Southern Mess (Hide Your Crazy)

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Hot Southern Mess (Hide Your Crazy) Page 11

by Hardenbrook, T. A.

  I raised my hands above my head and groaned with discontent. I wanted to touch him, run my hands over his tattoos, and sink my teeth into the side of his neck. Being submissive wasn’t exactly my style; I never took well to direction, especially in bed.

  Reid straddled my waist and let his hand trail down my chest, stopping at the center of my bra.

  “Oh Molly Anne, I‘ve wanted to do this since I met you. I can’t tell you how many countless times I’ve thought about taking you. Bending you over a couch, throwing you down on a bed, smashing you into a wall and making you scream you’re mine.”

  The sound of his voice made my insides throb. I needed him. I needed this man inside me.

  Lowering my hands from above my head, I reached out and grabbed his belt, bringing his body closer to mine.

  “What did I say, Molly Anne?”

  A whimper escaped my mouth as I let go of my hold and replaced my arms where he wanted them. Slowly, Reid’s hands trailed up my bare skin to my shoulders, sliding the red satin straps down on my skin.

  “Reid,” I whined, trying my best to contain myself underneath him.

  “Your skin is so soft, makes me want to rub my cock all over it.” Reid’s jaw tightened while he tugged on the straps further, causing my breasts to spill out of their confinements.

  “Just when I thought I had you figured out Molly Anne, you surprise me with these,” He chuckled, reaching out and pulling on the small silver hoops attached to my nipples.

  My back arched as he tugged on the hoops, causing my hands to shoot out and grip his arms, yanking his body down on mine. Our mouths once again got carried away as my fingers dug into his muscular back. Breaking away from our kiss, Reid began to trail his lips down my neck, past my collar bone, and stopped right between my breasts.

  “Do you like it when someone plays with these?” His voice teased me, flicking the tip of his tongue on one of the rings.

  I was about to explode, there was no stopping the amount of satisfaction I hoped to receive. Groaning, I wrapped my fingers into his hair, pushing my breasts closer to his face. His mouth wrapped around one of my nipples, sending spasms to my already throbbing and desperately needing attention pussy.

  “Reid, I need you,” I moaned, letting my head fall back on the bed in sheer lust. Reid’s mouth pulled and sucked on my right breast while his hand caressed and tugged on my left. This feeling was euphoric, but I wanted more. Something hard and forceful between my legs.

  Placing my hands against his chest, I forcefully shoved his hard body off of mine. Giving me an opportunity to sit up and gain leverage.

  “Reid, I want you now. No more teasing, no more demands, I need this,” I growl. I wasn’t into the whole let’s continue to tease Molly act. In one quick motion I was again flat on my back, but this time Reid’s fingers flew to my jeans. His hands worked smoothly, popping the button and sliding them down my legs, pausing for only a brief second to realize I wasn’t wearing any panties.

  “Are you trying to kill me?”

  “Huh?” I muttered, silently praying he would stop dinking around and get it going.

  “You really should wear underwear my dear. I would love to rip them off you.”

  I closed my eyes and let out a daunting sigh, this was taking way too long for my liking. A soft thump hit the floor as he dropped his pants, and the rustle of foil was unmistakable. I knew I was getting wet from the sheer thought of his cock entering my body, there was no doubt about it. I wanted this man.

  “There’s no more sharing, Molly Anne,” Reid’s voice echoed in my ears, shoving my legs apart and thrusting his cock into me. Instantly my body was racked with pleasure as my insides stretched to accommodate the length and width.

  Letting out a gasp as my fingers clenched the bed sheets, bucking my hips into his, making him slide deeper inside my small frame. Reid moaned as I shifted my weight underneath his, spreading my legs wider to make sure every last inch of him was able to fit inside me.

  Reid’s lips found mine once again and I grabbed the sides of his face; sucking, biting, blissfully enjoying the connection we were having. If this is what it felt like every damn time, I wasn’t going to let this man out of my room. Fuck this shit, we were going to live here and stay naked forever.

  “God, Molly Anne, you are so fucking tight,” he moaned, picking up the pace as he continued to enter me, over and over again. I couldn’t help but rock my hips with his, clenching my muscles tighter around his cock, sending shudders down his body.

  “Knock that shit off, otherwise I’m not going to last,” Reid grumbled, catching my bottom lip between his teeth.

  I let out an evil chuckle as my high continued to climax; I was so close to the edge it was insane.

  “Molly……………” Reid mumbled, releasing the hold he had on my lip and pressing his mouth firmly into mine.

  My body knew what was coming next, bracing for that sudden exhilaration of forces that would rocket me into oblivion. My body shook as I let myself go, free falling into a state of bliss. I knew that Reid had taken that leap with me, his body tense and forceful laying on top of me. There were no words to describe what just happened. Sure it was a quick fuck, but there was so much more to it than that. Nothing was ever going to be the same.

  Chapter 14: Excuse me while I go F*#k Myself!

  I can’t say I wasn’t surprised when I opened my eyes the next morning and realized that Reid was no longer in my room. We didn’t even utter a word to each other after the dirty deed was done, just cleaned ourselves up from the rapid hot sex and crawled under the covers, lightly touching the sides of our bodies together. It wasn’t an awkward one night stand kind of silence before we both drifted off to sleep, but one that had been hard to describe. I knew this man was bad for me, yet if moments like last night happened again, I was fucking as sure as a kid on Christmas I was willing to do it again. Now that my body knew what he felt like inside of me, and my lips had a taste of his, there was no staying away. Call my crazy, but I wanted him to ram himself in me. Over, and over, again.

  Realizing I only had about a half hour to throw myself together, before I needed to be downstairs and ready for Stephanie, I reluctantly pried myself from the bed. I groaned as I stood, realizing my body was sore. Deliciously sore and completely worth the painful moments I was going to relish in today. Flicking the light on over the mirror, my eyes grew wide in terror. I was pretty sure it looked like I had been hit by a bus, not once, but twice. My hair was half curly, half straight, and my mascara-eyeliner combo made my face look like a fucking raccoon. There was nothing beautiful about waking up like this. I was a straight hot mess. No wonder Reid snuck out of the room sometime last night; I resembled a damn whack job.

  I hurriedly ran the flat iron over a couple pieces in the front, and scrubbed all the remnants of last night’s makeup job off my face. Slathering some lotion on, I smeared a coat of mascara over my lashes and stuffed my toothbrush into my mouth. What I needed was a full on shower, but nobody had time for that this morning.

  After finishing my basic bathroom routine, I riffled through the small duffle bag I brought up with me and pulled out some clothes. Simple jeans and a grey sweater was the option I was rocking today, along with a black slouchy beanie since only half of my hair got fixed. Tossing on some socks, I slipped on my black boots and stuffed everything else back into my bag. Glancing at the clock, I quickly did a visual check of the room and sprinted to the door. I had exactly four minutes to get down to the lobby before the wrath of Stephanie would rain down over me.

  Sprinting for the elevator, I watched as the doors slowly started to close. “Wait!” I shouted, still running as fast as my uncoordinated legs would take me. An arm shot out and pried open the doors right as I reached the opening.

  “Thanks,” I muttered, taking a deep breath to try and regulate my apparently horribly out of shaping breathing.

  “Good morning, Molly,” Brantley’s voice came from the back wall.

��Oh, yeah hi,” I replied uneasily. I never really thought about our kinda, sorta, date last night since I so elegantly slept with Reid afterward.


  “You could say that,” I muttered. Well wasn’t this just an amazingly horrible uncomfortable moment right now. Never once did Brantley cross my mind as I was getting naked with a man I’ve lusted after for lord knows how long. My mind told me Brantley was the safer bet between the two, but my body had other ideas once again. The elevator beeped, signaling we were on the main floor as I impatiently waited for them to open. It was like an inner war being waged in my body. My brain was all for team Brantley, and my body screamed for Reid to bend me over once again. Nothing like some inner turmoil to make your head spinning like Linda Blair.

  The doors finally opened and I rushed to exit the cramped, stuffy, mind jumbling small box I was trapped in. Apparently my body wasn’t working as fast as my brain, since the toe of my converse caught the door frame of the elevator and I quickly went down faster than a two dollar whore on nickel night.

  “Molly, are you okay?” Brantley gasped, bending down to offer me help.

  “Yeah, I’m a total klutz.” I managed to laugh, flopping around on the floor like a dead fish. Brantley secured my arm and hoisted me to my feet. Everything in me was telling me to give this man a chance. He was perfect, in the sense that I wouldn’t get my heart ripped out, stomped on, and torched like I would with Reid. Hell, I didn’t even know if I was ready for a relationship. Normally I ran the opposite direction from things like that. They never worked out in the end, and it was really more effort to try and make the other person happy while your life slips further down the damn rabbit hole.

  “There you are, Molly; have you seen the guys? I had a wakeup call delivered to their room an hour ago,” Stephanie exclaimed, looking annoyed at the lack of time management the guys showed.

  Shaking my head to try and clear the fog in my mind, I broke the contact with Brantley and offered him a slight smile. I had no clue what I was going to do with myself. The door chimed on the second elevator and seconds later the members of Black Laden came strolling out. I had to stifle a laugh when I caught a glimpse of the guys. Brody, Tysen, and Ryder all had dark sunglasses on, apparently trying to cut down on the amount of sunlight that poisoned their light sensitive eyes. Glancing over at Reid, my heart stopped as I waited to catch his eyes. I knew he wasn’t going to look my way when he strolled right up to Stephanie, muttered some words, and headed for the front door.

  I don’t know why I let last night tear my mind up so much. Obviously, it meant absolutely nothing to that man. Why in the world did I even think it mean anything more than just sex? Wasn’t that just a reality check in my messed up world.

  I refused to let the situation wear me down, but unfortunately I had no control over it. After our little encounter in the hotel room, Reid had said nothing to me. I got the treatment of an ex-girlfriend that you just couldn’t shake; complete third degree burn. He goes about his business and eventually I realized I had to do the same. Sure, seeing him with other groupie sluts after the concerts stung, but, like everything, it would dull over time. That night was two people in need of a sexual release, and that was it. I can’t say it didn’t feel funny being around him all the time, but he never even hinted that it happened, so what was I to do.

  Stephanie had thrown a lot more responsibility on my shoulders these last few weeks, since I proved that I could handle the guys when she wasn’t around. Tonight was my first show that she wouldn’t even attend, and I couldn’t have been more nervous that it would go off without a hitch.

  I made sure the meet and greet room was set up, then quickly dashed over to the guys dressing rooms to make sure the riders were done to perfection. Then, I notified security that things were ready to go, and proceeded to play wrangler for 8 boys heading into the stadium.

  “You look beautiful tonight, Molly,” Brantley exclaimed when he entered the room.

  I flashed him a smile and turned my head to hopefully hide the blush he had brought upon me. He really was perfect, sickening perfect. It’s crazy to image that I didn’t know this man before the tour, as he has really became my best friend while out on the road. Sure, we were getting closer in a physical sense, but he never pushed me any further than I let him. He wasn’t the typical rock star that let any chick with big tits suck his cock after the show. I actually hadn’t seen him with anyone since our first date that night back in Utah. I knew he wanted something more between the two of us, but for right now I was comfortable with what we were doing. Sure, part of me still yearned for that cocky, arrogant asshole, that basically humped and dumped me; but I was slowly starting to feel for the other man that wanted to share the world with me. Any normal girl would jump at the opportunity to be claimed by Brantley; when have I ever been normal.

  “Thanks; have a good meet and greet.” Glancing down at my clipboard, I caught a glimpse of a familiar pair of black boots heading into the room, trailed by a pair of super sparkly skanky heels. My stomached knotted and I hated myself for having to look up.

  “Um, Reid, can your friend wait out in the hallway during the meet and greet?” This skank was the normal variety Mr. Fuck ‘em and leave ‘em had been trolling around the last couple of weeks. It sucked that it still made me cringe, but what was I going to do? Pour acid in my eyes so I didn’t have to visually see the nastiness that plagues my life?

  Suddenly a warm familiar hand was on my hip, and my anger quickly dissolved.

  “Dinner before our flight home?” Brantley whispered in my ear.

  “Of course,” I giggled. I was turning into such a fricken girl. Brantley smiled and returned to his table, as I once again turned to Reid. His eyes had turned dark and brows were scrunched tightly. It wasn’t a complete secret that Brantley and I hung out, considering during any free time we were always with each other.

  “Your friend,” I mentioned again.

  “Yeah, you need to wait outside,” Reid cooed at the woman, who apparently clueless giggled and wiggled her little body to the door.

  Did I really sound like that when I giggled? Someone shoot me.

  “So, what are your plans for the whole 3 days off?” Brantley questioned, pushing the Chinese food around on his plate.

  “Well, I was going to take my baby out, but……………………..”

  “Your car, right?”

  “Well, it used to be my car.” I sighed. My father wouldn’t answer my calls, so I had no clue what he did with my precious vehicle. I almost considered flying down to Georgia and making him tell me, but then it would give them the satisfaction of me being home and I hated to do that. Eventually they would give up on being nasty, or someone would slip about where she was being stored.

  “So I always play at this little coffee shop when I’m home. Want to come with one night? You don’t have to play or anything, just hang out and enjoy the music.”

  “I’d love to come; I kind of miss playing for a crowd.”

  “What, the boys on the bus aren’t a big enough crowd for you?” Brantley joked, bumping my leg under the table.

  I smiled at the man sitting across from me. I did miss playing for a crowd, but totally enjoyed the nights I got to play with the boys on the bus. It was basically two separate worlds. On the bus we just played around with melodies and cover songs. When I was alone, the songs that I kept written in my head got to emerge, letting the inner-me shine.

  “You done?” I asked. Brantley flashed that grin that had started to melt my ice cold heart a little each and every time he did that. I followed Brantley out of the booth as he grabbed my hand. Sure, there wasn’t fireworks every time we touched, but it wasn’t nothing either.


  I simply nodded and stood on my tiptoes to place a kiss to his lips, letting them linger there for a few more seconds. Brantley pulled back and grinned, basically dragging my ass to the door.

  We tried to keep our hands to ourselve
s in the car, but it almost proved impossible once the elevator doors closed. Quickly, I was pulled between his legs and our hands greedily ran over each other’s bodies. His lips smashed into mine, and I opened my mouth for his eager tongue. The ding of the elevator signaled we were on our floor, and I was hoisted into the air, wrapping my legs around Brantley’s waist, never once breaking the contact between our bodies.

  “Room number,” Brantley mumbled, wandering down the hallway.

  “Two-twenty-nine,” I replied, pulling back, licking his lips. Brantley’s hands under my thighs were scorching threw my jeans, making my girly bits squirm in anticipation.


  “Back pocket.”

  Brantley shifted my weight in his arms and his hand reached into my pocket, causing my crotch to press further into his waist. The belt buckle he was wearing sat in the perfect position for full stimulation, rubbing directly on my clit, causing a surge of pleasure to travel through my body.

  “Hurry,” I whined, knowing all damn well what was going to happen once we got into that room.

  “Fucking cocksucking key,” Brantley growled, slamming the key once more into the reader.

  “I want to suck your cock,” I lowered my voice, grinding my hips into his belt.

  “Ah fuck me,” Brantley gushed, finally getting the door open and bursting into the room. My feet hit the floor immediately, and my hands went to work getting that man undressed; ripping his jacket from his body and popping the buttons on his shirt.

  “Slow down, Molly, we have plenty of time now,” Brantley whispered, slowly sliding off my jacket and wrapping his arms around me.

  I didn’t want to take it slow. I wanted it hard, fast, and rough. This wasn’t about making love, it was about sex, damn it, and I wanted it right now.

  “Please, Brantley; I just want to fuck you.”


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