Jade and Saint

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Jade and Saint Page 1

by Anjela Day

  Copyright © 2018 by Anjela Day

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher, addressed” “Attention: Permissions Coordinator,” at the address below.

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  Anjela Day Presents (Day-ONE Publishing)

  This book contains broken English. Some sexual content and profanity recommended for people over the age of 18


  This book is a re-release. It has added content and updated editing and formatting. please note that this is not a new title nor, a new book only an updated, version.

  Thank you for your continued Support. Please Enjoy Jade &Saint.

  Table of Contents

  Copyright Page

  Jade and Saint (Beautiful Chaos, #3)

  “You're not famous until somebody kills you.” ~Scar face~

  “You're not famous until somebody kills you.” ~Scar face~

  I sat across from a beautiful woman. She seemed confident and smart. Her slender frame sat upright in the reddish brown chair. She was baiting me the way she crossed her long legs. One over the other just enough her thigh were noticeable. A part of me wondered who she was outside of this office. Did she like wine or hard liquor. Did she ever wear her hair down? Or did she always keep it in that tightly wound bun? While she was beautiful her eyes were sad. I could tell there was a story behind her glassy brown eyes. Her eyes were the first thing I noticed. That's not shocking eyes were always the first thing that grabbed my attention about people. They told you everything you needed to know. Her eyes spoke volumes to me. I could tell that she was frightened to be in the same room with me. The way her eyes grew big every time I adjusted myself in the chair. She didn't blink even once. She just watched me in anticipation that I'd speak.

  When I didn't say anything she lifted a pen in her hand and started to jot something down. Her hands moved quickly across the paper. What was she writing? Could she tell why I was here? My mind was running wild. I never got nervous, but the sound of her heart racing was starting to leave me unnerved.

  "I can't help you Sean if you don't let me," She finally spoke. Her eyes were still judging me.

  They stared at me as if she could read my calculated thoughts. The way she watched my every move it was as if she was bracing herself.

  As she should.

  If she only knew what I was thinking she'd run. It wouldn't do her any good.

  Death was inevitable for her.

  "Well, Sean is there anything you wish to say?" She asked.

  What did she want me to say? Your husband is an idiot. He stole from the wrong people and now you have to pay the price. I inhaled deeply just nodding my head as she spoke. Taking to my feet I walked towards the door.

  You're my last patient. She said. Stating a fact I already knew I'd arranged to come after her assistant had already gone. I also made sure to keep my hood on the entire time. I walked behind her and she quickly turned to watch me.

  Those eyes they watched me like a hawk.

  "Sean Why are you here?" She asked in a strained voice. I walked back over to my seat and sat down. I sat with both feet planted firmly on the floor, and just glared back at her.

  "To kill you," I said

  She laughed as if her murder would be funny.

  "You're married to Angelo Stone?" I asked and she fell backward in her seat. I watched the breath seep from her body, and her eyes grew big.

  "Who are you?" She asked me and I didn't reply. I'd said enough. It was time to act. I stood up to walk closer to her. Her head moved from side to side. It appeared she was looking for something. I imagine it was anything to prevent what I was about to do.

  "Please, please don't do this," She cried shaking her head right to left. I grabbed her into my arms to embrace her. I could feel her body shake in my arms. I wished I knew how to ease her. Death wasn't a bad thing." I thought to myself turning her back to me. I cradled her body like she was a baby. as soon, as she was relaxed I lifted my hands to her neck, with no effort I twisted her neck. When I was sure she was dead. I sat her lifeless body back in her chair. Keeping my head down I made my way out of the office. Once I was back in my car I dropped my head.

  It was times like this I wish I felt something. Any type of emotion that would help me forget the sadness in her eyes.

  I waited till I was far enough away from her office when I powered my phone back on.

  Almost instantly it began to ring.

  Dinero I read looking at the caller ID.

  "Damn I'd just finished the job and he already was calling? what the fuck. I said to myself answering the phone.


  "Meet us at the spot in ten," Dinero said blankly. He ended the call almost as fast as it had started.

  He was always direct. it put me in mind of the first time I'd met him. Well them, the infamous Alton brothers of Detroit.

  I walked into the Boss's lounge already annoyed. I knew I'd fucked up, but when my pop's said that Killa Carri wanted to see me I knew shit was about to go down.

  “Boss in the office?” I asked a beautiful woman standing at the bar.

  “Nah he in VIP.” She said pointing over to tables on the second floor closed off with plum purple velvet ropes.

  I nodded my head and waved the barmaid back over. Get me a shot?” I told her pulling out my wallet to pay her.

  “A shot of what?” She asked, and I stared at the tons of bottles on the wall.

  “Surprise me,” I told her, making it very obvious that I was not a drinker. Hell other than an occasional black, and mild I stayed away from all those toxic things.

  “My pops drilled it in my head that my job didn't allow mistakes. Anything that would distort that would only do me a disservice so I steered clear.

  “Thanks,” I said taking the thin glass from the woman handing her a twenty before I downed the drink.

  Inhaling deeply I allowed the shot to make its way through my system. I sure that it wouldn't really affect me, however, knowing it was in my system was refreshing. I slammed the glass on the bar. Finally making my way over where Killa and his crew sat. The Alton brothers ran Detroit's dope game. Hell, it wasn't a major city I knew of that their product didn't touch.

  Sacario, Killa Carri Alton stood as the head of the family. Everyone knew out of his brother's he was the youngest. Still, he was the one that called all of the shots and made moves. Just knowing he had called me personally had me perplexed. Should I be excited or worried? I wondered, doing just as my pop's had taught me looking for at least three ways out of the building.

  Killa kept a small crew. Other than his brothers and a small few others, no one got close to Killa. Mainly because my pops was his security detail. I walked over to the table greeted by my old dude.

  “Gun on you?” He asked and I smirked. He knew I went nowhere without a burner. He held his hand out to take it, causing a shift in my mood.

  “He good, this young nigga?” An older nigga asked. He was laid back with a drink in his hand. Just from his reddish-brown eyes, and mean mug on his face I knew he was one of the Alton's. It was crazy, but had he been two shades darker I would swear he was Ali. They looked that much alike. I'd only met Ali I could imagine they all looked alike. Ali was in the Army with my father. They had both been Rangers. Ali was quick to let anyone know that Snake, my pop's was the reason he was still on this earth. He'd do anything to make sure my pops was in good standings.

  “Killa this is my Son, Sure Shot.” My pops said standing as soon as I walked over to the table. Killa nodded his head. He lifted his glass as if he was toasting me. He then drank the content of the glass.

  “What up little Snake.” He finally said causing a few of the men to look up.

  “What up little Snake,” a couple of the other men joked.“Nah that's the boy Saint!” Ali his older brother said. “Saint?” Killa questioned looking from me to his brother. Hell, I was just as lost as he was. I was sure shot. No need to really explain. I never missed. I didn't ask for the name. My pops gave it to me the first time he put a rifle in my hands.

  “No Sir I'm sure shot.” I finally corrected him. Stepping back holding both hands in front of me so he could get a better look at me.

  “Yo Snake you got two boys? I wanted the one you trained.” Killa said. Ali laughed.

  “That's that boy bro. The one I told you about.” Ali said. Downing a glass of white liquor.

  “Well, bro, I don't think he knows his name,” Killa said laughing.

  “Nah I just named that nigga that,” Ali said in a cocky tone. Everyone looked around, before busting out laughing. I felt as if everyone knew the joke but me.

  “Yo you that boy that never miss? leave niggas dead right?” Ali asked I nodded my head yes.

  “You send them niggas to Jesus rather they ready or not.” He said his voice dead ass serious. I nodded my head in agreement. Cool, cool now you know who the fuck you are, I need to know if you ready to earn yo stripes?” Killa said, and I gave him a cocky smile letting him know I was. He held his hand out inviting me to sit down.

  “Yo Baby girl get us another glass,” Sacario said, as I grabbed a chair, and sat down at a table full of bosses.


  “What up little Snake .” I hear stepping over to the gated VIP table. I nodded my head to acknowledge everyone at the table. Before I slipped in the booth next to Unk. That was what I called Ali from time to time being he had been a huge presence in my life.

  “You handle that? Dinero asked slipping me a small leather bag. It was how I was always paid. It was very seldom that they would ire the money. Cash was always untraceable.

  “Every thing smooth Kid?” Killa finally spoke. He had been sitting back scanning through his phone.“Yep Boss.” I said nodding sick of them asking the same shit.“You wanna eat?” Killa asked Slamming a gun to the table.” I didn't reply. I just grabbed the clip, and started to retract my hand when Dinero grabbed my hand

  “Nah, no Redrum, bring me the package. He said handing me a picture..My face flipped upside down. I' sent you the address here to pick it up, Dinero said, and I just nodded my head up. I slipped the clip and picture in my pocket. Before I got to my car I got the instructions and address.

  Basically a nigga wanted out of the game. Maybe he didn't know when you sale your soul to the devil it's for life. You not out until they say you out. That was the case. Some old school cat thought he could buy his way out the game. Killa Normally didn't have a problem letting niggas be. This nigga had to be on some cocky shit. Especially if they were doing a kidnapping to put nigga back in his place. I laid my seat back, and looked at girl, damn she was unlike any I'd ever seen. Just looking at her made a nigga believe God might be real.

  I had been staying at a little motel out side of Chicago. I was just waiting for the word to carry out my orders. It had only been two days, already I was bored from this job. They lived in a gated community so unless I was invited I had to wait until she was out and about to grab her,

  It seemed the only time she left was to go meet up with her little girl friends. I hadn't caught her alone yet. I was praying today was the day.

  I pulled my phone to hit Killa in a text.“Today?” I asked“ Only if she's alone” he replied. I nodded although he couldn't see it was just a habit.

  I slipped my phone in my pocket, and eased out of my car

  How you doing?” A girl asked grabbing my arm. I'd seen her with the girl I'd been watching. She was alight looking if you liked mutts. You know mixed girls that tried to pass for one race when they were really more so the other.

  She looked like she was mixed with black, and white, but trying to pass for white. Her bone straight dark hair was down her back. Her milk colored skin, was covered in make up, and she had those long ass fake lashes on her face.

  I hated over processed females. However all pussy fucked the same to me.

  “I seen you before?” She said

  “Nah” I replied walking a way trying to get inside of the coffee shop.. She grabbed my hand.

  “Well can I see you again?” She said smiling, as if she was impressing me.

  “Nah I'm good” I said, and she ran her long plastic nails down my chest. She slipped her hand in my pocket. I gripped her hand tightly.

  “It's cool poppa I just wanted yo phone.” She said pulling my phone from her pocket, and flipping it open.

  “She typed a few numbers in and her phone began to ring. She then pressed end, and handed me my phone back.

  “The name is Camilla, but they call me Milla.” She said winking her hand back on my chest.

  “Iis that real?” she asked moving her finger to my waist where my gun was resting.

  Why the fuck would I carry a fake gun?” I thought to myself. Damn this bitch was dumb. I thought nodding Yes.

  “Um maybe you can teach me how to shoot it tonight. She said winking as she walked away.


  After I watched Ole girl get back to her gated community,. I started back t my room when I got a text.

  “Can I see you? Milla” I looked over the text about ten minutes before I replied.

  “You fuckin?” I said I never let hoes think it could be anything more.

  It wasn't because I was mean. I just really didn't feel anything aside from what I had been taught to feel.

  I always been told that I was emotionless. That was fine with me because it made my job that much eaiser.

  “Maybe you got weed?” She replied, and I laughed.

  “I don't smoke.” I told her and that always fucked girls heads up.

  “Damn, you drink?” She asked, I shook my head no, but I was done with the conversation.

  “It's just I like to be faded so I can relax., can you get me right?” She asked replying before I could answer her.

  “Yo text me yo address.” I said“a hour later we were in my hotel, and my dick was so far down her throat I thought she was going to digest it.

  “You sexy as hell she said rolling over after I blew her back out.“Can we fuck again.” She asked. Her pussy was mediocre at best, but I figured why not. I rolled her over, and pulled her body to the edge of the bed. Her heart was racing so fast I could damn near see it through her chest. I slipped a condom on, before I slipped inside. She was already moaning as if She couldn't take it

  “Fuck outta here.” I said to her finishing up, falling to the side of the bed.“Yo dick fat as fuck. She said,

  I nodded my head in agreement.

  “You not from here? She said


  “So where you from?”

  Bitch didn't even know my name and thought I was going to tell her where I was from.

  “ That D mean Detroit?” She asked, and I was ready to pull my gin and thump her her real fast.

  “Do you ever shut the fuck up?” I Finally asked standing from the bed. I grabbed the blunt she had been smoking , and lit I took a pull before I handed it to her.

  The next day I dropped her ass off before the sun had even hit the sky good.

  I cringed at the sight of my closet. It was a train wreck.“I have absolutely nothing to wear!” I said in anger glancing through my closet. How is it possible to have all of these clothes and have nothing to wear?” I said out loud getting frustrated, with myself. I knew I should have bought a new dress. I just didn't want my father to start yelling. He was always complaining how I was spending to much money. “
Jade, Ashanti Lawton your going to shop me in the poorhouse.” He would jokingly say when he would get his credit card statements. Just where is this poor house, and how could you shop anyone there. I always sarcastically replied.

  Why he pretended we couldn't afford to splurge puzzled me. My father was wealthy. He was a self-made millionaire. business man. From the South side of Chicago, he joined the army at seventeen. From their he went to Northwestern, University where he graduated, with a degree in business. That's also where he met my mother. A spoiled little rich girl, not to much unlike myself, my daddy says. I can't help it the shopaholic in me was inherited. They fell in love, and he worked until he could buy a big rig. That was the start of his import export business. Twenty-two years later he owns a fleet, and a few wear houses to store, items. Last I checked people were always going to need to import things. We also lived in 11,000 square foot estate in Glencoe Illinois. So we were not hurting for funds. My father was just annoying that way. I tried not to press the issue being that I was about to put a hurting on his card. I knew my dress and pageant entry would be well over ten thousand dollars. I didn't want to hear one word from him. So I would just wear what I already owned. I just couldn't find anything that said DAMN! I had already pictured what I would look like when I walked into Sparrow night club. I didn't just want to blend in. I needed to be noticed. All eyes on me type shit. I thought pulling one of my mood something dresses out, and looking it over. I placed it to my body, and stared at my reflection. I didn't even realize I was frowning until my eyes finally looked up at the mirror.

  “Everyone was going to be at the little mixer, the pageant company had every year, and I needed them to all know I was the one to beat. Well they could attempt to beat, but I had this in the bag this year. I had finally come into my own this year. I had given up all meat, except bacon. I treated myself with that and a small piece of salmon every other weekend. I also had been in the gym six days a week. My little pancake now had a bit of poke. Yes Carlos my trainer, had whipped my slinky five foot nine one hundred and twelve pound self into a work of art. Oh who knew that one hundred and twenty seven pounds could look this good. I Joked with myself finally finding the perfect dress. It was short, but not trashy. The breast line was a V cut, and it didn't cling to my body. It molded away every curve was shown. Yes, Donna Karen had never done me wrong. I smiled stepping into the dress, not to mess up my hair. I'd pulled my shoulder length kinky curls and blown it out. Well Rianna did, my beautician, that is. She'd worked her magic pulling my hair up neatly. She allowed what looked like spiral curls to over flow the top of a tight twisted roll. I slipped in to a pair of black six inch, Jimmy Choo's. To complete my look my signature diamond four carat diamond studs. I looked great. I thought smiling to myself with a final glance, I grabbed my matching black clutch, and made my way down stairs. “Jade, that you, baby girl?” My father call's out from his office. Shit He must have heard my heels. I think rolling my eyes.


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